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Page 17

by Jaimie Roberts

  Finally, he walks up to the head of the bed and unzips his jeans. I notice he’s breathing heavily, and so too am I, but for a completely different reason. He’s turned on, and the evidence of that is clear when he takes out his cock and near enough shoves it towards my face.

  “Suck it, and suck it good.”

  “Are you an idiot? I already told you I would bite it. Are you a masochist or something?”

  He smiles and then starts laughing. That laughter brings cold shivers up my spine. He tries sticking his cock in my mouth, but I clamp my lips down shut and violently move my head from side to side.

  Within an instant, he has his fingers clamped down on my nose and I have no option but to open my mouth to breathe, but instead of air coming out, Joe’s cock goes in. He pushes in so deep and so fast that I gag and start choking.

  Joe pulls out laughing. “Not so gobby now, are you, cunt?”

  I wince at that word, and I feel myself falter a little. Tears start pooling in my eyes, mostly due to him shoving something unexpected into my mouth, but also because I’m tired. I’m sick and tired of this shit.

  “Aww, are you crying?”

  I inhale a sharp breath and, with it, the anger comes. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  He takes his trousers off and climbs on top of me. I start to struggle, thinking he’s going to do the worst, but also remembering what his father said.

  “Your father said—”

  “I know what my fucking father said,” he replies in annoyance. He unhooks the ties of my negligee. “He said I couldn’t lift your negligee up to fuck you, but he didn’t say I couldn’t pull it down.” His evil smirk returns as I start to flex my hips to get him off of me. He’s straddling me now, laughing like the evil monster that he is. Why I had never seen this part of him before I don’t know.

  He yanks hard until both my breasts are exposed to him. He looks down at them and starts fondling each one. I can see the want in his eyes, and it makes me feel sick. One by one, he takes each nipple into his mouth, suckling on them and moaning as he goes, but then he bites one of them hard, and I scream out.

  Placing a hand on my mouth, he silences me. “Shh,” he says, placing a finger to his lip. “You’ll get to enjoy the pain at some point. All the whores do.”

  “There’s no way any woman on earth would get enjoyment out of being held against her will and forced upon like this.”

  “All you sluts love it,” he says, licking my nipple again. He then gets up and pushes himself up closer to me. I wonder what the hell he’s doing until I see him positioning his cock on my chest. He starts to pleasure himself until a little precum forms at the tip. He rubs it in my chest together with some of his spit. I start to gag and look away, but all this does is make Joe laugh.

  “You have perfect tits. I’ll give you that, little one.”

  “Fuck you,” I say, gritting my teeth.

  “Oh, I would love to, but for now, I’ll have to make do with a tit wank.” With my chest wet from his spit and juices, he cups my breasts around his cock and starts pumping himself in and out. “Fuck. That feels even better than I thought it would. Look at me pumping my cock through your tits, Evelyn. Look.”

  I don’t look. I do everything I can to turn my head away and close my eyes. I don’t want to see the vile things he’s doing to my body. I don’t want to have any participation in this at all. I want my mind to leave my body, float above this bed, and leave my body behind.

  Unfortunately, I can’t shut off my hearing. I can’t shut off the fact that he’s grabbing my breasts and holding them together so forcefully that it hurts. I want it to be over, and the sooner, the better.

  “You want this cock, don’t you, little one? You want me inside your pussy, don’t you? Say you want me inside that golden fucking pussy of yours.”

  I can feel the bile creeping up in my throat as he picks up his pace. The smell of his cock invades my nostrils, making them flare.

  “Fuck, you’re going to make me come.”

  He makes a loud groaning sound, and I feel when his come hits my neck and chest. I start to gag until I have no other choice but to turn my head and vomit over the side of the bed.

  I hear laughter. “Oh dear. Look at the mess you’ve made.” I lean my head back on the pillow and close my eyes. “My dad won’t be happy when he sees all this mess. Maybe I should help to clean some up, shall I?” He starts rubbing his cum in all over my chest and breast area, making sure all of it is coated in. Once done, he inspects his work. “See, that’s better.”

  Thankfully, he gets off me and places his now limp dick back in his jeans. He zips himself up and leans into my ear. I turn my face away from him, but not before I see him smile.

  “Next time I get to you, you’ll have no time to think about vomiting because you’ll be too busy concentrating on my cock buried deep inside that delicious-looking cunt of yours. I already had a little feel while you were sleeping.” He gets back up then and starts walking to the door. “I would stay longer, but quite frankly, you stink of vomit and come, so I’ll think I’ll pass. I’m sorry if that disappoints you.”

  I want to scream at him and tell him to fuck off, but I know he’s expecting that, so I deliberately remain quiet. Inside, I’m dying from the violation. For some reason, Joe doing this to me is ten times worse than all the rapes I received from Drake. I don’t know why that is. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I’ve known Drake for what feels like all my life. He’s familiar to me, and therefore I know his personality traits—all of them.

  But, as the door closes, I can’t help let the frightened lamb inside of me out. I thought punishments from Drake were bad enough, but this … this is exponentially worse. My eyes moisten, and despite the fact someone might be watching me through a camera, I quietly let those tears fall. I thought I had no hope in the world and no future with Drake, but I would take a lifetime of that in exchange for getting me out of here.

  As I close my eyes, I think about the conversation I had in the car with Dotty. She was the one who said that situations in life can always be worse than the one you’re in, but right now, I can’t think of what could be worse than this. I’ve been kidnapped, and no doubt being prepped for men who want to do vile things to me. There’s also no doubt that they’ll be worse things than what Joe just did to me on this bed.

  I have no idea of time. I know it’s dark, and I know it must be the early hours of the morning. I want to stay awake just in case someone comes into the room, but as the minutes pass, my eyes can’t help lulling themselves shut for sleep. I want to fight, but right now, all the fight has been taken out of me. The smell of Joe fades, or it could be that I’ve just gotten so used to the smell that I don’t smell him anymore. Whatever it is, I welcome it.

  As I slink into unconsciousness, I can’t help but cling onto a hope I thought I would never ever cling to. For years, I’ve wanted to run away from Drake Salvatore. For years, I have hated, lusted, and loved that man with a passion so fierce that it burned me from the inside out. I loathed his possessiveness and the power he held over me for so long that all I could think about was an escape. He told me countless times he was there to save me and to protect me like a man who loves a woman should.

  So, I drift off to sleep with words I never thought I would utter in my lifetime playing on my lips. So softly, I say them like a prayer to a higher being.

  “Come save me, Drake.”

  He is my only prayer.

  He is my only hope.

  Come save me, Drake. Please.

  Present Day

  I don’t know what time it is that I’m awoken with voices in my room. Initially, in my sleepy haze, I think I’m at Drake’s, and for a fleeting moment, I groan at the thought.

  But then, I remember. I remember the day before—fleeing from Drake and being taken against my will. I remember how much I enjoyed the normality of a car ride with Dotty and all the nice people I met on the way after. I remember being
in my hotel room, and then, lastly, I remember what Joe did to me in it.

  I’m about to reluctantly open my eyes when I feel cold water being thrown over my head. My eyes fling open, and I gasp for air. The water is freezing.

  I hear laughter. “Wakey-wakey, Drakey’s girl. It’s time to get up, clean this fucking shit up, and get ready for later. You’ve been sleeping all fucking day.”

  Joe is standing above me smirking. Another guy, who looks like just as much of a douche as Joe, is laughing. “Wakey-wakey, Drakey’s girl. That’s funny.”

  Joe smirks, but doesn’t acknowledge douche number two. “Did you have a nice sleep, little one? Did our little adventure last night tire you? You’ll be needing more stamina for what’s in store for you.” Douche number two laughs again as Joe leans over to release me from my restraints. “You’re going to love what’s coming next for you. Especially your bath. Fuck, I often have them myself they’re so good.”

  I frown at him, wondering what the hell he’s on about. It’s only when he forces me to my feet and drags me out into this narrow hallway and through another door that I see. It’s a massive room that is at once a bathroom and a bedroom. In the middle is a full bath with three naked women standing and waiting for me with sponges. I start to walk back, but Joe pushes me forward.

  “I can’t believe she wants to back out of this.” He starts laughing and so does douche number two. “You can wait outside,” he orders him.

  I see the reluctance on his face, but he follows Joe’s orders and backs out of the door. And then I’m left in this strange bathroom with just Joe and the three naked girls. I try to look at them to see if I can detect any sign that they don’t want to be here as much as I don’t, but they all look wooden. It’s like they’re robots. There’s no emotion from them whatsoever. They’re all beautiful, but they’re all like statues. They all have perfect, flawless skin. One is blonde, one’s brunette, and one has the blackest, silkiest hair that I’ve ever seen. They all look well taken care of and healthy, but I suspect they’ve been deliberately made that way. Just the way I’m now being made. The thought both scares and depresses me.

  I’m pushed forward by Joe, and the one with the black hair starts to pull my negligee off my head. I don’t move, prompting Joe to stick my arms up in the air. Once the negligee is off me, Joe moves closer to my back and reaches forward to touch the other girl’s breast. She doesn’t move. She doesn’t even flinch. “This little one here is not like you ladies. She’s got spunk and fight in her. I’m sure together we can help crack her.” I turn my head to him, not knowing what he’s talking about, but all I’m met with is his evil grin. “Time for your bath,” he says, guiding me towards it.

  “Get in and stand up,” Joe orders.

  I do as I’m asked as, quite frankly, I want nothing more than to be washed—especially after what Joe did to me last night. One by one, the girls dip the sponges in the water and rub soap into them before washing me. They’re so gentle and soothing that I almost close my eyes. As the warm water hits me, I immediately feel the cold aftermath, and it makes my nipples pucker.

  “Mmm. So sexy. Do you see those, ladies? All natural and ready for sucking.” Joe stands in front of me and watches intently as the ladies wash under my arms and over my breasts before going down between my legs and in between my thighs. I can see how much this is turning him on. If it wasn’t for the heated stare in his eyes there to let me know, it would definitely be the straining erection in his jeans giving me a clue.

  “Sit down,” he orders me.

  I do as he says, and the blonde woman gently pushes my head back. They don’t say anything, and they’re not forceful. It’s like they’re used to this—like they’ve done this a thousand times already.

  At a leisurely pace, the blonde girl washes my hair and works it into a lather as she rinses it off. Then, the brunette comes with a toothbrush and starts brushing my teeth.

  This is so weird. I can brush my own teeth, but I somehow knew this wasn’t what Joe was expecting. He wants them to do all the work. In fact, I can tell he’s getting great pleasure in seeing them pampering me like a china doll.

  Soon after, the girl with the black hair comes over with a bowl and I spit the toothpaste in. I hear Joe clap his hand, and it makes me jump. “Right. Now, on to the fun and games. I’m really going to enjoy this.” I frown at him and he notices. “Oh, don’t worry, little one. You’re going to really enjoy this. In fact, I’m going to have so much fun making you enjoy it.” My eyes widen in fear. What does he have planned for me?

  In no time, the girl with the blonde hair has a towel and grabs my hand to let me out. She dries me off while the brunette gets to work towel drying my hair. Once finished, Joe motions me towards the bed. “Get on it,” he instructs. I shake my head. “Get on it, or I’ll make you.” I stand still, refusing to let him win. He sighs, shaking his head, and grabs me from behind. I start struggling, but soon he has my hands locked behind me as he pushes me towards the bed. He shoves me down so hard that I have no time to react to the fact that he’s now turning me over and putting me in more restraints. The bed is huge, and I notice I’m lying on silky red sheets. Any other time, this would have been a wonderful bed to sleep in, but I know that’s not what’s going to happen now.

  Once my hands are tied, Joe pulls out some restraints from the foot of the bed. He pulls me down farther towards the bed until the restraints at the top start to strain. He then pulls one leg and straps me in at the ankle before moving on to the other. The girls just stand there, watching from the sidelines with still no emotion on their faces.

  Once satisfied, Joe steps back and takes a look at what he’s done. He shakes his head with a smile. “So fucking sexy.”

  Bit by bit, he starts to undress until he’s completely naked. He clicks his finger to the black-haired girl, and straight away, she marches towards him and gets down on her knees. She immediately takes him into her mouth and starts sucking him. Joe hisses, grabbing her head and pushing her deeper. “Such obedient little sluts.” He moans. “Fuck, her mouth feels good.” He pulls her off him by the hair and clicks his fingers to the other two and points to me. They march forward and climb on the bed. I’m wondering what the hell is going on until it’s plainly obvious when they lean forward and start stroking my skin. Goose bumps rise until my nipples pucker again. Then, they lean forward and start suckling. I close my eyes, not wanting this, but at the same fucked up time, they’re so gentle that I can’t help but react to it. Heat prickles my skin and starts heading to an area that it shouldn’t.

  “That’s the sexiest sight I have ever seen.” Joe walks over to his jeans and pulls out a condom. Once he has it on, he motions to the girl with the black hair. “This girl here,” he says, looking at me, “is the best cock-sucker around. I’ve also been told she’s the best pussy eater too.”

  When I realise what he means by this, my eyes start to widen. “Yes,” he says with a smile. “Little Laney here is going to make you come, aren’t you, Laney?” He moves over to her and pushes her hair away from her neck. He starts kissing and biting it until he pushes her forward. “Get to work, Laney. I want to see that bitch come hard. That should wipe the smirk off her face.”

  I start pulling on my restraints, but it’s no use. In no time at all, Laney is between my legs licking and sucking on my clit. I have it from all sides. The two other girls are still sucking on my nipples and coupled with the fact that Laney is licking my clit, I can’t help but feel it all. My face heats and, with it, so does my body. I want to moan with the pleasure so badly, but I also don’t want to give Joe the satisfaction.

  “I know you’re fighting it, little one, but there’s no use. Laney will make you come, and you’ll have no other choice but to let out how good it fucking feels.”

  Joe stands behind Laney and leans forward to cup her breasts. He positions himself behind her, and I know the moment he’s placed himself inside of her as Laney stills for a moment.

Fuck!” he bellows, slowly pulling himself out and back in. “She feels so fucking good, doesn’t she, little one? Doesn’t she make you want to scream?”

  I feel the warmth and tenderness of all their tongues on my nipples and clit, and it sends me into overdrive. I don’t want to feel the pleasure, but I know it’s building. It’s building whether I want it to or not. When Laney flicks her tongue in slow motion over and over my clit, I can’t help the moan that escapes my lips.

  “That’s it, little one. Enjoy it. Fuck, her pussy feels good. I want to see you come before I do,” he pants.

  I close my eyes trying to stop the sensations from invading my senses, but once I do close them, the feeling is heightened. I can here moans, I can here suckling, and I can hear the sound of Joe moving back and forth inside Laney. I want it to sicken me. I want it to make me feel anything other than this rushing heat of pleasure about to burst its banks. I have never been attracted to women, so I would never even think to do this. Yet, here I am, sprawled on a bed with three women pleasuring me. I don’t want to be turned on by what they’re doing. I want to be as disgusted as what they’re most probably feeling for being forced to pleasure me. I look for the disgust in me. I look for anything, so that I don’t feel this heat burning its way inside of me.

  “I can see she’s licking you good, Evelyn. You should see what I see. It would make you come in seconds. I know you’re trying to fight it,” he grunts. “But you can’t avoid the inevitable. Come for my little Laney. Come.”

  I keep my eyes closed, but all I can do is feel. I can feel the warm, wet tongues gliding and sucking on both nipples at the same time. I can equally feel the warm, wet tongue of Laney licking her way up and down my pussy. I want to fight it, but they’re making it feel too good.

  With an orgasm building, my legs start to strain against the restraints. Laney can tell as her tongue starts to dart faster and faster over my clit. “That’s it, little one. Let it come. Let it fucking burst.”


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