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More Than Famous (Famous #2)

Page 29

by Kahlen Aymes

  "Don’t worry, Noah. I feel very comfortable with you." I slugged his shoulder.

  "Yeah, I know we're friends, Brook, but we have to be deeper than friends for some of the scenes, and I need to get in the zone. I'm sort of worried you won't let it happen, because of...," he suddenly stopped and looked out the window, like he was embarrassed.

  "Because of?" I asked hesitantly. I wracked my brain to recall a scene where Mike Turner and Julia Abbott were more than friends and came up blank.

  "Well, I've known that you and Cade had a thing going, and I assume he's not going to like you getting close with me or anyone, for that matter."

  "He knows it's for the job.” My brow furrowed. “If that sort of thing is necessary,” I pointed out. “Cade and I will both have other films where we'll have to do close or romantic scenes with others, and well, yeah, it's uncomfortable, but we'll deal." I put my hand on his shoulder, "What are you worried about?"

  "I care about both of you guys and I knew there was something strained between you when we first got to set. I didn't want to ask what was up, but it occurred to me that it might be because the last two movies have so much more interactions between you and I, that he is upset."

  I sighed and shook my head. "Nah, that wasn't about you or the movie. We've got it all worked out now. Don't worry. It's all good." I leaned in and nudged him with my shoulder.

  "Well, I noticed that you were so happy in Tokyo when we got there and then on the flight home you were so closed off. Did something happen there?"

  Noah noticed my hesitation and so continued... "If you don't want to tell me, I'll understand."

  We were just getting to the set, but I turned toward him and shook my head. He was right; we did need to be closer to film these scenes and so I decided it was okay to let him into some of my personal stuff.

  "Um, it didn't happen there, but we had a fight about it during that trip. It was about something Wendy did last January. She led me to believe..."

  Noah's warm brown eyes widened, "Ah. Cade didn't mess with her, did he? She's fun to hang out with, but I never know what’s real and what isn’t with her."

  Exactly. Wendy was a consummate actress in real life as well as on film. "No, but for three months I thought he had and we weren't communicating. It was really difficult, but we're even closer now because of it."

  "Well, don't go giving her any credit. I saw the gossip about her supposedly staying with him the night that David was in town, and was sort of confused by all of that. I mean, if you and Cade are together, then why has David been around?"

  "Pinnacle orchestrated it. They want the illusion that I'm still with David because they’re worried it will ruin box office pull if the truth gets out. Also, for another film Cade has on the docket. About Wendy spending the night with Cade—he wasn't with her that night. He was with me.” I ran my hand through the long strands of my hair and managed a grin. “It’s all this elaborate illusion.”

  We climbed out of the Navigator and walked toward the make-up trailer. The sun was just starting to turn the sky subtle shades of orange and red as it rose on the horizon. My blackberry vibrated in my pocket. I had a text from Cade. My heart swelled in my chest and I smiled.

  "Cade?" Noah asked.

  "Yep," I answered as I opened the message.

  "Okay, see you later, then."

  I nodded as I read the message.

  Lonely in this bed without you, love. I'll be thinking about you today.

  Should I come to the set later?

  Since I'd committed to spending the evening with Noah, I’d need a chance to talk to Cade during the day. I sent a text right back.

  You better. Or I’ll punish you.

  Thirty seconds later it vibrated again.

  Mmmmm, that sounds kind of delicious. Maybe I WANT to be punished?

  I laughed and started typing as I sat down in the make-up chair.

  I'll always give you anything you want.

  "Brook, you have to keep your head up please," Sally, the make-up artist said. "Can't David talk to you later?"

  I blushed and inwardly groaned. The bullshit lie was firmly in place for the crew, too.


  I pulled my head up and looked in the mirror as she worked. When the vibrating of my phone alerted me to Cade's response, I was itching to look at it. I had to wait ten minutes until she finished styling my hair and Mickey, her assistant, came in to finish my make-up. He was only a little older than me, well put together and very stylish, with a great sense of humor. I looked forward to seeing him again.

  "Sally is so blind. David? Pffft! Yeah, right. So, Brook, do you have something to tell me today, doll? You're looking awfully tired this morning. Get a lot of exercise last night, did you?"

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Mickey was hilarious. "It's not what you think. It's all work, work, work. Well, and a concert at the Metropole."

  He shook his head as his eyes met mine in the mirror and his brows went up in consternation. "Girl, you are wasting an opportunity of a lifetime if you aren't pouncing on that luscious piece of man candy! And, it’s obvious he adores you. If you don't do something about that soon I'm gonna have to seduce him myself." Being openly gay, he'd tried his hand at flirting with Cade on occasion, which made Cade bristle.

  Mickey had me laughing and I decided to spill. Cade's intentions with Pinnacle would mean everyone would know soon, as Mickey already suspected, so fuck it.

  I waved my phone in the air. "Speak of the devil. I need to return his message. Will you give me a few minutes?"

  "Sure girlfriend. We bitches have to stick together," Mickey said flamboyantly with a snap of his fingers.

  I chuckled as I pulled out my phone; opening Cade's latest text.

  Tonight? What time will you be done?

  I hope early, but promised Noah I would rehearse with him.

  Maybe around 10?

  Mickey began stuffing napkins around my collar so he wouldn't get my costume splattered while he worked on me.

  After I sent my response, Mickey interjected again.

  "Is he even more glorious naked? Oh my God! You have to tell me! I swear I have wild fantasies about that boy! He makes my little heart flutter and my, well… you know… grow! "

  "Oh, Mickey!” I laughed. “You know I can't kiss and tell." I smiled and bit my lip as I looked at Cade's latest message.

  Seriously 10? Can't you shelve him until tomorrow?

  Be nice. I already promised. I'll try to get a nap so I'll be rested for after. You up for that?

  "Listen, you lucky bitch, are you gonna let me work, or what?" Mickey complained as another one came in. "You've obviously got him all worked up. I'm so jealous!!"

  Baby... I'm always UP for you, and I'm starving.

  "Okay, Mickey. Last one." I raised my eyebrows at him and grinned.

  "Well, who am I to stand in the way of true lust? At least someone's getting to sample that luscious ass. Good thing I love you, honey, or I'd have to scratch your eyes out," Mickey laughed. "Are you at least getting him down here so I can ogle his beautiful ass?"

  I laughed out loud and nodded, pressing send on the phone.

  Mmmm... me, too. SO hungry. See you on set?

  "Nope. I'm getting him down here so I can ogle his beautiful ass... but feel free to join in. I'm okay with sharing the view... just not the package." We were both giggling as he went to work on my face.

  Mickey gasped at me, "Bitch."

  I fell into a fit of giggles.

  IT WAS LUNCH and there was still no sign of Cade, so I took out my phone to call his mother about his birthday. There was a message from Wendy waiting on the screen.

  Going back to L.A. today (at Cade's request) to give you guys some space. Hoping this will show I really do want to be friends again. Call me sometime. ~Wendy

  At Cade's request? I wondered what prompted that and why he hadn’t mentioned it.

  She must’ve finally realized he and I were the real dea
l. Still, I had some resentment that I needed to work through, but maybe in time I could forgive her and try to get some of our former friendship back. Cade and I had talked about it, so I knew he wasn't as willing to forgive her so easily. I hadn't seen much of his temper, but when I had, most of the time Wendy was involved.

  After we'd been back in Vancouver, she'd started texting and calling him almost daily and that fact made me question her motives. Cade was right; we couldn't trust her. The only way to make sure she wouldn't interfere was to tell each other absolutely everything she said or did, no matter how insignificant. Communication was key. I'd learned that lesson the hard way.

  I dialed Lillian in London and waited for her to answer. After a few rings, the call went to voice mail.

  "Hi Lillian, it's Brook. I wanted to surprise Cade for his birthday and wondered if you and Carter could get away and come to Vancouver? Layla and Oliver are invited as well if they can make it. My treat. Please call me back so we can talk a little. I want everything to be perfect. I can't wait to talk to you. Love you."

  I hung up the phone and a velvet voice spoke behind me.

  "Want to tell me who it is you're in love with that isn't me?"


  I turned around quickly to find Cade only three feet away and I was wondering how much of that conversation he'd over heard.

  I laughed nervously and his brows went up.

  "Oh, um... that was just my mother. I haven't talked to her all week so I called... she didn't answer."

  His lips pursed and I knew the wheels were cranking in his head.

  "I guess you didn't hear the whole message or you wouldn't have that dumbass look on your face." I laughed and shoved him with my shoulder as I started walking back toward the set.

  He laughed softly at my side.

  "Besides, I know someone who, if not exactly in love with you, sure has a huge boner for you, you lucky, lucky boy!" I giggled and increased my pace.

  He followed me and caught my arm. "What the fuck are you talking about, Brook?" The corners of his mouth lifted in an adorable grin and I drank in his features as the touch of his hand on my arm burned through my coat.

  "Can't tell. I'm sworn to secrecy for life." But I nodded toward the make-up trailer so he'd know I was talking about Mickey.

  "Bloody hell. Not that again. It isn't bad enough to have all the screaming girls, I have to put up with blokes as well?" We were both laughing hysterically. "Fuck me."

  "Don't say that too loud, or they'll be forming a line to your left."

  "Mmmm...” he teased. “Will you be at the front of the queue?"

  I nodded and licked my top lip. Playing sexy games with him like this was fun.

  Cade's eyes darkened and he reached a hand toward me but then dropped it as I shook my head almost imperceptibly. We both knew we had to wait until after the meeting with Pinnacle to be completely open on set. His face dropped a little so I continued to tease him.

  "It must be hell to be so sexy that everyone wants you. Poor you. Mickey wants you in a bad way. He said he loves ogling your beautiful ass..." I raised my eyebrows a couple of times to put an exclamation point on it.

  "I see. Have this conversation this morning, did you?"

  I nodded and bit my lip coyly, "Yes, during our text fest."

  "And? What did you say?" His eyes were sparkling, and he wanted to hear that I had laid my claim.

  "Well, I told him he could look all he wanted, but I owned that beautiful ass... of course. What else would you expect me to do?"

  "Ah, that's my girl. I'm dying to plant a huge kiss on that gorgeous mouth."

  "Yeah, don't I wish?"

  My phone rang and it was Lillian so I couldn't answer it. Damn. Cade was going to wonder why, but just then Mark came to get me and I'd never been happier to see him.

  Saved by the production assistant.

  "Brook, Martin asked me to find you. They're ready to start. Do you need anything right now?"

  His face was flushed and he looked at me expectantly.

  "No, thank you, Mark. I'll be right there. Cade and I just need a couple more minutes, okay?"

  "Uh, yeah." His disappointment was obvious that he wouldn't get to walk me back to set, but he turned away and I turned back to Cade. He was gorgeous and my eyes looked at him adoringly.

  "Much as I’d like to stay here and ogle you myself, honey, I've gotta go. We should only have this one scene left, but I don't know how many takes it will be."

  "Looks like we both have little boys trailing after us," he nodded toward Mark's retreating figure. "You mentioned a nap. Will you get time?" He grinned at me and I knew what he was thinking.

  "Well, that depends on this certain man I adore. Is he going to let me sleep?" I asked sheepishly.

  "Of course. I'm meeting Ethan and Dawson at the gym this afternoon, just for that reason. It's so much easier to resist you when I'm not in the same room." He smiled wide as he watched me. He sobered before he continued. "I wish you hadn't agreed to play with Noah all night."

  I rolled my eyes. "You're terrible. I have to sometimes; for the development of the characters. You know that. Are you seriously jealous? I know you like Noah."

  "Yeah, he's a nice kid and I'm not jealous of him, but of the time, yeah, and..." He stopped and took my hand lightly in his.

  "And, what?"

  "It's just that rehearsing in your room all night was our thing, so I guess it bugs me a bit."

  I felt my features soften and I wanted desperately to wrap my arms around him.

  Yes, it was our thing; so many nights during filming, almost every night.

  "I know. I think about that a lot, too. Do you want me to come to your room when I'm finished? If I invite Noah to dinner, maybe I'll be done sooner."

  "Yeah, the sooner the better. I'll hang with the guys for dinner, then."

  "Brook!" Martin was calling me.

  "I love you," I said softly. Cade walked the rest of the way back with me, Noah was already waiting as places were called, and Mickey was there to retouch my make-up with a big-ass smile on his face.

  "You delivered, girlfriend. I could just kiss you."

  "Well, as you said, we bitches have to stick together," I said dryly.

  "I swear if I could, I'd grow a vagina just for him," Mickey said breathlessly. "I've never wanted to be a sister so much in my entire fucking life! Why does he have to be straight, anyway?"

  I burst out laughing and Cade glanced my way, his face flushed. He knew that we were talking about him and it made him visibly uncomfortable. He ran his hand through his hair and looked away.

  "Jesus, Mickey. I'm going to ruin all of my make-up!" I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face.

  "I'M TIRED, NOAH. We've rehearsed this enough, don't you think?" We'd worked on the photography scene for the past hour and besides, I was sensing that he was getting a little too into it.

  "Um, do you think we've got it down?" He sat down slowly on my bed.

  "Uh, yeah. We've got the lines nailed and I really have to get over to Cade's. I've barely seen him all day."

  Noah was watching me put on my shoes and grab my jacket but he didn't make a move toward the door.

  I slid my arms into the jacket and stood in front of him. "Noah?"

  "I can see why Cade fell for you, Brook. You're so great. I really enjoy working with you. It's effortless."

  "Noah, yeah, you're great to work with too." I felt my stomach clench; I knew where this was headed.

  "It's more than that. It feels—"

  "Look, please don't go there." I shook my head after I cut him off. "I think you're a terrific guy, a good friend, but that's all it is. Don't fall into the fantasy of the script. It's not real." I crossed my arms in front of me.

  "I know it isn't real and I respect Cade a lot, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm feeling..."

  I cut him off, "You feel hormones at getting close to a woman. It's normal, but that's it. Got it?"

  He stood up and put a hand to his head as his face flushed, he was horribly embarrassed.

  "I'm sorry, Brook, but isn't that how it started with Cade? I mean..."

  I was at the door; I opened it and waited for Noah to precede me out.

  "No, Noah. It was different with Cade. I mean, yeah, we spent a ton of time together working on the script, but we had an instant connection. I can't really explain it. It just happened."

  He nodded and looked at the floor as we left the room.

  "We have those scenes with Cade coming up; will he want to rehearse all three of us? I think we should. I promise I'll be completely professional."

  I ran a nervous hand through my hair as we walked into the hall. "Um, I'll ask him." I averted my eyes because I just couldn't look him in the face. The last thing I wanted was this type of complication. Hopefully, Noah would see it was just the result of working so closely together. I didn't want something like this to interfere in our friendship.

  “I hope you won't tell Cade about this. I don't really… Well, I don't want my stupidity to interfere with the movie. He'll be upset, won't he?"

  "I don't keep secrets from him, Noah. We have so much against us that we've promised to tell each other everything, but um, I don't think he'll be upset. I think he'll understand."

  Noah looked uneasy and I could see his brow drop over his eyes. He reached out and touched my arm. "How are you getting over there? I'm taking a cab, should I have it pull around in the garage to get you?"

  "That's sweet, but Peter is waiting for me in the garage. We can't have someone not on the payroll doing it. Do you want to ride with me?"


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