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More Than Famous (Famous #2)

Page 35

by Kahlen Aymes

  Brook's eyebrows raised and she bit the corner of her lower lip. "Oh, yeah. Sure I did, but they weren't the dance partner I really wanted." She nudged into me and her free hand slid around the back of my waist to drop to my ass. When her hand closed around one of the cheeks and squeezed, her eyes flashed flirtatiously.

  My face split into a smile and Brook laughed out loud. "You're playing with fire, little girl."

  "Is that right?" she asked as she licked her lips, glancing up at me through hooded eyes. She was so bloody sexy, I couldn’t stand it. It was all I could do not to pull her into my arms and kiss her full on the mouth for the entire bar to see. "Well, that's good, cause’ I like things hot."

  "Mmmmm.” I know you do." I grabbed her hand, turned and pulled her back into the throng of people behind us.

  "Excuse me. Pardon us," I said to the women standing behind me as I worked my way through twenty or so people to take Brook into the backstage area behind the curtain behind the band. We received inquisitive glances as we pushed our way through them, but I was beyond caring. "Excuse us, thank you."

  "Cade... are you sure this is such a good idea?" Brook asked.

  I wanted space and a lull in the din of the music. I wanted her against my body and my mouth on hers. Now.

  Daniel's band began playing a softer song as I pushed her up against one of the walls behind a curtain and pressed my body into hers. Her breath left her chest and rushed warmly over the skin on my neck. Her eyes fell to my mouth. I bent, and licked her upper lip with my tongue as my hand rested on the wall beside her head. I leaned in toward her so I could ghost her mouth with mine.

  "Yes... I think it's an excellent idea," I whispered against her mouth, before parting her lips and sliding my tongue into the warm depth of her delicious mouth. She moaned into me as her mouth worked with mine, and her tongue moved inside my mouth.

  Oh God. She tasted so good, and it must have been, what? Hours, since I'd kissed her like this?

  Her hands slid around my waist and under my sweatshirt and shirt. My skin was damp with perspiration but I wasn't sure if it was due to the heat of the bar or the desire that was washing over me. Her cool little hands curled into my skin, the nails making me shiver despite the heat.

  I cupped her cheek gently, and then the back of her head as our kisses deepened and became more urgent. I loved the feel of her response. She pressed into me as her breath came in faster gasps matching my own. I felt my dick thicken and swell against her softness. It felt so good; almost to the point of pain.

  Somewhere in the back of my mind, I heard people milling around, but it didn't really register. I was so caught up in the moment, her kisses so exquisite I was lost completely to everything else but Brook. I pulled her hips closer to mine and she moaned. Minute after minute passed as we made out under the curtain, and I never wanted to stop kissing her.

  "Cade… uhhhh... you don't play fair. I was trying so hard to be good," she said against my mouth before sucking my lower lip into her mouth then pulling her mouth from mine.

  I pressed my forehead to hers and took a deep breath. "Trust me, love, you're very, very good. So good, it's bloody insane," I said suggestively. "I don't want to play fair."

  "Yeah, I want as well, and I don't care how you play, as long as you play." She giggled softly, and brought her hand up to my jaw and then her thumb moved over my lower lip. I kissed it and sucked it into my mouth as her eyes met mine and I could see the desire smoldering in the blue depths. "You're so beautiful."

  "Hmmph!” The corners of my mouth twitched in the start of a sardonic smile. "That baby we're gonna have in ten years is going to be amazing, yes? Because I think you're the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on."

  Brook gasped at my words. Truly, I couldn't wait for that day.

  I brushed the hair back from her face and kissed her softly one more time before I moved back from her. It wasn't easy to control the desire I felt surging in my veins. Her eyes were molten fire as she looked at me and I didn't want to tear my gaze away, but I realized we should get back to watching the concert. We were playing with fire.

  Someone would see us if we weren't careful; and there was still the worry that, at least as far as the world knew, she'd only split with David a week ago.

  My fingers threaded through hers as I turned to go back to our perch nearer the stage when I noticed a waitress was looking at us with interest.


  "Crap," Brook said in a rush as she noticed her presence too. "We're screwed."

  "No. Wait." I pulled her with me toward the girl.

  "Hi. Can I talk to you for a minute?"

  "Do you need something from the bar?" she asked hesitantly.

  "Yes, in a moment. Do you know who we are?"

  "Sure. Everyone does," she said nervously.

  "Yes, well, you know we're in town shooting our next movie, right?"

  "Uh huh."

  "Are you a fan of the series?"

  "Um, not really. I don't know much about it other than the chatter I hear around town. Everyone is always trying to get a look at you both, but that's all."

  I smiled and ran a hand through my hair. I was going to invite her to the set to watch us work in order to get her to keep quiet about the kiss she'd obviously witnessed, but if she wasn't a fan, that wouldn’t help. Brook's hand squeezed mine as she shifted back and forth beside me.

  "We will need a vodka cranberry and a Heineken when you have a moment, and um, we'd really appreciate it if you could keep quiet about, um..."

  "No problem. I didn't take any pictures. Don't worry, it's cool."

  "Yeah, thanks," Brook inserted, "See, we were uh… rehearsing this big scene. A very important scene." She chewed her lower lip, knowing full well the waitress knew what was really going on. She started laughing playfully and the waitress nodded knowingly and winked.

  "Uh, right. I'll be back with those drinks." She smiled wryly as she walked away.

  "We're rehearsing a scene? Is that what we were doing?" I teased.

  "What? She knew I was being a smart ass," Brook protested but she was still smiling. “Obviously we wouldn’t rehearse here.”

  When the waitress brought the drinks, I put three one hundred dollar notes on her tray. "Keep it, and thanks," I said, and her eyes got wide.

  "You don't need to do that," she objected.

  "No, it's my pleasure. We don't get this kind of help often, and I really appreciate it. Privacy is a scarce commodity to us these days." I smiled and the waitress nodded.

  "Thank you," she said as she moved off.

  "Jesus. Dazzle her much? Poor thing didn't stand a chance."

  I leaned into Brook and smirked at her. "If I didn't know better, you sound jealous, love."

  "Hmmph! In your dreams, Carlisle," she scoffed as she took a sip from her drink.

  "Good. I hate jealous women!" I said playfully and took a drink of my beer.

  Her eyes burned me alive as she bit her lower lip and shook her head ever so slightly. As much as I'd wanted to take her out tonight, I found myself longing to be alone with her between the sheets.

  "Mmmm.” Brook acknowledged. “Well, what kind do you like?"

  My mouth opened and I smiled as the air rushed out... "Um, the beautiful, strong and sexy type with a sarcastic wit. Blonde with deep blue eyes, perfect little body and, uh, she has to love me unconditionally."

  "Oh, is that all? Had any luck with that?" she asked with mock sarcasm.

  "Yeah. I think I’m the luckiest wanker on Earth," I said softly as my hand ran up her back under her hair to caress her neck. She shivered and it did strange things to my insides that I could affect her that way with the slightest touch.

  "Well, I'm even luckier, because my list is even longer than yours."

  Pleasure shot through me at her words. "Do tell," I urged.

  This would be good. I licked my lips and leaned down to hear her above the music. She looked up at me through half closed lids and cocked h
er head to one side.

  "Well... very introspective, thoughtful and responsive. He's sensitive, not afraid to show his feelings, he knows me better than anyone in the world. Um, he's incredibly good looking with dark blue eyes that can look greenish when he's confused or worried. He has the most beautiful, strong features and amazing sex hair that I love to pull and tug on when he makes love to me. I love the way it gets him all worked up."

  I raised my eyebrows at her. Did she know that?

  She nodded as if she'd heard the question in my mind. "He's tender, very passionate, and talented. He has the most gorgeous mouth and the things he can do with it? Wow. He can bring me to my knees. He makes love to me with his words, his beautiful voice so full of velvet and sex; just the sound of it can make my panties damp."

  My heart was thumping in my chest and my dick was completely paining me again. Her eyes and words were serious as she continued.

  "And he has a huge di.."

  I put my fingers to her mouth. "Okay, I get the picture..." I couldn't stop smiling even if I'd wanted to, the fact that she loved me that much left me breathless and completely aroused. "Let's not give these people the same picture, hmmm?"

  A throaty laugh burst from her and I loved it.

  "Oh, well...," she said dryly, raising her brows at me as she crossed her arms in front of her, "I'd bet money of them already have that same picture taped up on their bedroom walls, on their computer screens, and in their dreams. In fact, I'm sure of it."

  "Irrelevant, anyway. I'm sure he only has eyes for you," I said as I drew little circles on her back with the fingers of one hand. "Doesn't this mystery man need to be in love with you or is that of no consequence?"

  She chewed on her lower lip as her face sobered and her eyes met mine, "I know he is. I feel him all around me. He's in my heart, on my skin, in my mind, inside my body. Even when he's not with me, I feel him as if he were standing right next to me."

  I curled my arm around her waist and drew her closer to me.

  "I feel you too. So much, Brook." My throat thickened as I spoke, "Please remember that when I'm gone."

  She swallowed hard and her eyes glassed over momentarily, as she gave me a little nod. “You mean, don’t forget to remember you?”

  My heart dropped. One thought; one split second, and we went from laughing, to sadness.

  "Yes. Exactly. Want to get out of here? I'm suddenly feeling the urge to rehearse a whole lot more," I said as my hand moved up and down her back.

  "Won't Daniel be disappointed if you leave now?"

  "I did promise we'd get together for a little while after he's finished, but right now I don't care. I just want to be alone with you, love."

  "We can be, but I don't want you to blow off your friends because of me. Let's just hang for a while. I don't have to be onset until late afternoon tomorrow."

  I nodded reluctantly. I almost felt guilty on this film. She had a lot more retakes with Noah because they were both new actors. Retakes marked the end of production in Vancouver. One more reminder that this was winding down, and so soon, I'd be leaving my beautiful girl for New York.

  My hand lifted to the back of Brook's head and my hand wrapped around her hair. She read my mind once again, and her arm tightened around my waist. She rested her head on my chest for a brief second as she blinked back the tears.

  Oh, baby. I'm going to miss you so damn much.

  IT WAS STILL dark and utterly quiet as my hands searched for Cade next to me in the big bed. But only his scent lingered in the empty space. The sheets were cool which meant he'd been gone for a while. I pushed into a sitting position and ran my hands through my hair as my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

  I was in Cade's suite, in his bed; but where was he? The bedroom door was closed but there was a small beam of light streaming in beneath it. The light was faint, but I decided to follow it and I searched for something to cover my nakedness. Cade's grey T-shirt lay discarded on the floor and I picked it up, bringing it to my nose to inhale his scent. A mixture of cologne, salt and distinctly Cade flooded around me as I pulled it over my head and shoved my arms in the sleeves. My ears picked up some soft strains of his guitar coming from the other room.

  We’d stayed until the end of the concert and invited the band back to Cade’s hotel room. Daniel and his girlfriend, Sarah, were the last to leave in the early morning hours, and afterward, Cade picked me up and carried me to the bedroom without a word. His lovemaking was clinging and desperate, and the passionate way his hands held me, and his deep kisses echoed some unspoken pain. Unspoken; but not unknown.

  We still had a month together and while I was trying so hard not to think about it, and to concentrate on finishing Don’t Forget to Remember Me and our upcoming trip to Italy, the two and a half months we’d be apart was already hanging over us like a hurricane threatening to drown us. If we weren't careful, it could ruin what remaining time we had left to be together. I’d become so used to his presence; how would I get through it?

  My fingers rolled up the sleeves on Cade's T-shirt as I reminded myself that the month remaining also included a five day separation right before Italy when Pinnacle would send Cade off to Cannes to pimp his upcoming film, Only Us.

  Joy. I could hardly wait.

  I opened the bedroom door and followed the music and soft light into the sitting room of the suite. Cade moved one of the upholstered chairs over to the sliding glass doors off the balcony so he could look out over the city lights as he strummed and plucked his guitar. Only the light over the bar cast him in shadows, his features unreadable as he faced the windows.

  He wore flannel pajama bottoms and a white T-shirt; his feet were bare. His hair was a sexy mess and his jaw clenched and worked as a bevy of emotions crossed his features. He didn't hear me approach as I walked up behind him softly and went to my knees. He was slightly startled when my arms slid around his neck and my chin settled on his shoulder. I turned my face into the side of his neck and kissed it softly four or five times.

  "I love you," I whispered against his skin. "I love you, Cade."

  He'd stopped playing and one hand came up to cover mine on his chest. He lifted it to his mouth and brushed his warm lips across my knuckles. "I know. I love you, too," he said softly, obviously still lost in his thoughts.

  "Are you okay? Do you want to talk?" My heart constricted and I closed my eyes.

  He shrugged.

  "What are you playing?"

  His thumb moved back and forth on my hand that he still held to his lips. He spoke and the hot breath rushed over my skin. "You know me. I choose songs that echo my emotions in the moment."

  I trembled as the heaviness of his words settled on me. Obviously, he was feeling our impending separation as heavily as I was. "Do you want to share with me? I'd love to hear it."

  He sighed, "I'm just feeling..."

  I turned my face into his neck again. "I know," I breathed into his ear, "me too."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Don't be. This is real. Your feelings are why I love you. Don’t try to hide them."

  Cade sighed deeply and kissed my hand again. "Why are you so amazing? I still don't know where you came from.” The sound of his breath rushing out of his lungs accompanied its warmth on my skin. “Humph.”

  I moved around to the front of his chair and settled down on the floor beside him, leaning up against his leg. My hand slid into the opening at the bottom of one leg in his pajamas as I rubbed his calf. "Play it for me?"

  "It might make you cry..."

  "So? If that happens it only means I understand what you're trying to say... as always, okay?" I felt my throat tighten even before he started to play. "You know I love listening to you."

  "Yes," he said as his fingers began to strum the guitar, "I'm so thankful for you, Brook. You're like a balm to my soul."

  I squeezed my eyes shut as I recognized the introduction strains of I Could Not Ask For More. It was perfect. His voice was soft and soulful as he began to
sing. I could hear my emotions flooding through the notes and his voice.

  Tears already stung at the back of my eyes as I moved so I could look up into Cade’s face while he sang to me. He was so sad and beautiful. My heart ached, breaking in my chest, at the pain that echoed through his voice. His eyes were liquid and his throat muscles worked as he sang, the song made more beautiful because he was the one singing it. My arms hugged my knees in front of me and I rested my chin on my hands to stop it from trembling. It took all the strength I could muster not to burst into tears as I listened to the lyrics until he finished.

  He set down the guitar and I immediately scrambled up onto his lap, curling into him like a little child. My hands slid around his neck at the same time Cade’s strong arms closed around me and held me tight. He turned his face into my shoulder as we both held each other tight and tried not to cry.

  "That was so beautiful." I could hardly get the words out.

  "Brook, leaving you—“ He paused and I slammed my eyes shut. “It just hurts so bloody much."

  "I know, I feel like I'm dying. But if we didn't love each other so much, it wouldn't hurt like this. So I'll take it, Cade, okay? I'll take all the pain that comes with loving you like this. It means so much."

  "You're everything. All I want in the world is to be with you. I don’t want to go."

  I looked up and brought my hand to his face before placing a soft kiss on his trembling mouth.

  "Let's try to be happy these last weeks. I can't bare to waste one second being sad." Even as I said the words, I knew it would be impossible not to think about it, but I would concentrate on making him happy and putting a smile on his face as long as I could. I was filled with love and resolve as my mind and heart mirrored the words of the song he’d just sung.

  It's impossible to love me more than I love you, Cade. If you loved me only half as much... I couldn't ask for more.

  Please join Cade & Brooklyn

  when their story continues in…

  Late Fall 2015

  About the Author


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