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Easy Come (Plaything Book 1)

Page 9

by Tess Oliver

  Trey dropped down next to me and pulled me into his arms to spoon. I stroked his magnificent forearms as they tightened around me. I had one phrase running through my head—anything after sex with this man was going to just be peanut butter sandwiches.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The work week had stretched on impossibly long. Georgie and I had both worked hard to fit some alone time into our schedules, but I had been looking forward to a weekend with her at my house. We even both agreed to unplug from the internet and our phones for at least half of that time.

  Georgie had promised to head over as soon as she was done with revisions on her story for the magazine. She was also drafting her resignation letter. She knew Contemporary Life was no longer the magazine she'd signed on for.

  The intercom beeped and I pushed the button to open the gates. I waited for her on the porch. It had only been eight days since Chase walked Georgie into my office, but I felt as if I'd known her forever. In a way, I had. She had been the woman in my imagination, the one who was my soul mate on earth. I knew she was out there and that one day I'd find her. And I had. If there was one woman worth giving up my playboy bachelor days for, it was Georgie.

  She parked her car. I walked down the steps to meet her. She hadn't heard me walk up and backed into me as she was pulling a duffle bag out of the backseat. "Oh! Sorry, I'm late. I had to give Tiger's feeding, ear scratching and neck rubbing instructions to my neighbor."

  "Ear scratching and neck rubbing require instructions?" I asked.

  Her cheeks were pink as she straightened from the car. She pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear and handed me her duffle. "You've obviously never owned a cat. There is a very thin line between an ear scratch that will earn you a purr and one that will earn you a nasty scratch on your arm. It takes a great deal of knowledge and expertise to get it right."

  I lifted the bag up and down. It was heavy.

  She shrugged. "My phone must have given me a hundred weather scenarios for the weekend, so I wasn't sure what clothes I would need."

  I pulled her into my arms. "I'm going with none. My plans for the weekend do not include clothes. In fact, clothes will just slow us down." I took hold of her hand. "Come on. I've got a surprise."

  "I'm a big fan of surprises. Is it covered in chocolate?"

  "No, but I could think of a few things I would like to cover in chocolate."

  I ushered her through the front door.

  "You are super duper horny, aren't you?" she asked.

  I laughed as I led her down the hallway to my bedroom. "If super duper means I spent the morning thinking about how many places in the house I intend to fuck you, then yes. You could say I'm super duper horny." I pointed to the new piece of furniture I'd added to the room just for her.

  She blinked at it through her glasses. "It looks like a giant wedge of cheese that has been covered in plush velvet." She tilted her head to the side. "Are those restraints hanging off the sides?"

  "Yes. They were optional, but I thought you might like them. As I recall, you were intrigued with the chair on the Plaything Two. I decided to get you something just for fun. Unless you're not interested."

  "In fun? Oh, I'm interested, buddy. But I think I need a drink first."

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Trey and I sat on the couch and snacked on cheese and crackers and sipped Pina coladas. We always found something to talk about, whether it was about work or our friends or our future dreams. At the ripe old age of twenty-eight, he had pretty much achieved his, at least everything but a family. I'd decided to leave my job at the magazine. It was no longer a good match for me. I had already sent my resume out to several highly respected newspapers, and I'd already had two call backs. I felt sure my career would be back on track soon. Which would go nicely with the rather fairytale like relationship I'd managed to end up in. I guess I could thank the wretched Meredith Vee for that slice of happiness, and I was deliriously happy.

  Trey seemed to sense it. He pushed his foot against mine to stir me from my thoughts. "What's that starry eyed look about?"

  I made a soft, dreamy sound that went with the starry eyes. "I was just thinking that I've never had everything in my life go right at the same time. It's kind of nice for a change."

  "So, this feels right for you?"

  I hadn't expected the question and wondered if I'd said too much. I looked at him.

  "Y-e-s?" I said slowly, with a question in my tone.

  He relaxed back. "Thank god, because I'm thinking about you night and day, and I'd feel pretty damn stupid if you weren't feeling right about this."

  I turned to him on the couch. "You think about me night and day?"

  "I sure do. I think about you with your big glasses, plucking away on your computer, that terrific brain of yours writing all manner of important things. I read through some of your articles, by the way. Great stuff."

  "Thank you. I am proud of my work. Even this last piece. It might be a little different than my usual, but I think it turned out well."

  "I'm dying to read it."

  "Soon." I kicked off my shoes and ran my foot along his. "So, when you're thinking about me night and day, you're thinking about me working at the computer?"

  "Naturally, you are stark naked while you're at the computer." He stood up and offered me his hand. "Which I think would be a perfect wardrobe choice for the next four hours."

  "Four hours?" I placed my hand in his and he led me down the hallway.

  "At least. It'll all be research for your article."

  "Uh, as I mentioned, the article is finished."

  He turned to me. His hazel eyes had that thrilling predatory look that I was growing extra fond of. That look meant I was about to be lost in a dizzying spell of multiple orgasms, and after several days of sitting at the computer, I was looking extra forward to it.

  He pressed me up against the wall. "Then maybe you should start a new one." His mouth covered mine and his fingers fumbled with the hem of my shirt. He parted his mouth from mine long enough to pull the shirt off. He set about taking off my shorts. In seconds, I was standing in his hallway, sandwiched between his hard body and the wall, wearing just my bra and panties.

  "Fuck, it's been too long." He grabbed my hand and popped open his door with his foot as he led me into the bedroom. I sensed that he was mad with wanting me, which only made me that much hotter.

  "You up for it?" he asked, inclining his head toward the plush covered wedge.

  I stared confidently up at him and pushed my panties down. "Hell yes, I'm up for it." I hadn't had one case of hiccoughs since we'd started dating, and I credited Trey with that. He'd improved my confidence and made me realize I needed to take charge of every aspect of my life.

  I gave my naked ass an extra wiggle as I sashayed toward the wedge. A small cushioned ledge ran below the tall side of the wedge. I knelt down on it and then leaned my body over the wedge, relaxing my upper torso along the decline. My ass was up high in the air. Without much foreplay other than the suggestive talk and a kiss, my pussy was already wet and anxious with tingling sensations.

  "Well, sir, am I doing this right?"

  I heard Trey's pants drop on the floor behind me. "Fuck." It was his only reply.

  He circled around to the front of the wedge. I lifted my head to peer up at him. From my vantage point his erection looked enormous, imposing. Trey crouched down in front of the wedge and took hold of one hand at a time, securing my wrists in the soft leather handcuffs on each side of it. With Trey, the experiments allowed me to test my limits and stretch my imagination. I had definitely found a part of myself I never knew existed. I liked a bit of kink. Not too much, not much more than handcuffs and the occasional spank, but I had truly found my sexual self. Something I would have never found without Trey's help.

  "Comfortable, my sweet little captive?" Trey's deep voice alone was almost enough to bring me to orgasm.

ery." My voice was leaving me as my mind began drifting toward what was about to happen.

  "One more thing."

  Before I could open my eyes to see what was happening, Trey had covered them with a satin blindfold. "This is new." There was a slight waver in my voice, but it wasn't from nerves. It was from anticipation.

  Trey had this preternatural ability to move with hardly making a sound. Although, I was sure I caught a low, far off groan that I knew had not come from my own mouth. The sound had come from behind me. I was in a ridiculously vulnerable position, my naked bottom thrust in the air, while my hands were secured on the sides of the wedge. And I couldn't see what was happening.

  I gasped as his hands, covered in warm, scented oil smoothed over my back. Immediately, my entire body relaxed, and I melted at the feel of his touch. I felt the heat of his body as he leaned over me and pushed aside my hair to kiss the back of my neck. He always knew exactly how to place his mouth where it would be appreciated the most. His warm breath on my neck sent a shiver down my spine, and it ended in my pussy. As high up as my ass was, I found myself jutting it higher, begging for attention.

  Trey's oiled hands moved down my back and circled my ass, taking extra time along the crack. His finger dipped into the tight puckered hole. I startled and tightened away from the intrusion. But that didn't stop him. His hands smoothed over my hips and underneath to my pussy where he deftly found my clit. The slick oil on his fingers mixed with the warm heat that had already pooled there, creating the most luxurious pool of moisture. His one hand continued to stroke my clit, bringing me easily to the height of arousal and creating a pulsating urgency in my pussy.

  I could do nothing. He was in control, and he was one hell of a pilot.

  I heard some rustling behind me and sucked in a sharp breath in anticipation of him putting on a condom. But his hands returned to my ass. He dragged a soft rubbery tip of something down the crack and pushed it inside the puckered hole.

  "Trey," I gasped.

  "It's a plug, just a training tool for some anal fun, if it interests you. Just try this for now. If you don't like it, we won't use it again." He leaned up over me and kissed the side of my neck, which immediately relaxed me.

  "Remember, we're still finding out everything you like. And I know there's one thing you like best of all."

  He slid through the slippery moisture coating my pussy and pushed inside of me. I could feel the pressure of the butt plug as Trey filled my pussy. The angle of the wedge made it possible for him to go deeper.

  My arms remained splayed to my sides as my body hugged the velvety wedge beneath me. All the while, Trey stroked my clit and pumped into me. The intensely erotic and submissive position coupled with every intimate part of me being stimulated or filled brought me quickly to a deep, surging orgasm. I cried out, no longer able to keep control of my emotions. My body was wracked with spasms of ecstasy.

  "That's it, baby. That's what I need," Trey growled against my ear. My pussy still throbbed as Trey began pushing harder into me. I felt him place his hands on the top of the wedge, next to my hips. He lifted his body off of me as he thrust his cock into me. Each blow sent a shattering wave of pleasure through me.

  A deep, guttural growl rained down over me as Trey buried himself to the hilt and came. As his ragged breathing returned to normal, he stayed firmly inside of me, waiting until every sensation faded away.

  He lifted off the blindfold and unfastened the restraints. Then he lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bed. He lowered me onto the blanket.

  I reached back and pulled out the plug. The top was decorated with a shiny red heart. "Why do I get the feeling that I was just doing some product testing?"

  Trey laughed and climbed onto the bed next to me. "Maybe a little, but I figured since you came up with the theme, it was your time for some input."

  "The theme? You mean bottoms up?"

  "Yep, the team is working on it." He took the plug from my fingers and placed it on the nightstand. "Plus, I thought you wouldn't mind stretching out the repertoire a little."

  I circled my arm around his neck. "Oh, I'm all about stretching the repertoire. Especially when you're a part of it."

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The Sunday morning sun blazed through the front windows as I filled the coffee pot. I heard the bedroom door. A few seconds later Georgie walked into the kitchen with my shirt pulled over her naked body. Suddenly, the blazing sun was dulled by the bright light that always seemed to dance around her. Or maybe only I saw that light.

  Georgie's eyes dropped to the underwear I had pulled on after my shower. "I wholeheartedly support the idea of the boxer brief." She plucked a cup off the shelf above her.

  "The coffee will take a few more minutes."

  She smiled and tilted her head, still admiring the briefs. "I think a few minutes is all we'll need." Her fingers grabbed the end of the shirt she was wearing, and she inched the hem up to show me that she was still naked underneath. She returned her attention to the snug briefs, making sure her shirt lift had achieved the desired effect. It had.

  "You know, you didn't even have to lift the hem," I said. "I was working up an erection strictly on the thought of your nipples rubbing against the inside of my shirt."

  Georgie laughed. "Is that right?" She walked up to me and cupped my bulge in her hand. Her fingers caressed my balls through the fabric. Even that light touch made me crazy with wanting her. As she kissed my chest, her hands slipped under the waistband of my briefs and she took hold of my cock. She ran her hand up and down my shaft and danced her tongue around the hollow at the base of my throat.

  Slowly, she dragged her mouth along my chest and down to my stomach. She dropped to her knees and yanked my underwear down to my ankles. I rested my hands on the counter behind me, to keep steady as her luscious mouth sucked on the tip of my cock. Her free hand cupped my balls, as she skillfully ran her lips and tongue along my erection. Her hand pumped me closer and closer to coming. I reached forward and tangled my hands in her hair, holding her head against me as she took my cock in deeper.

  "Fuck, baby, your mouth feels so good." I sucked in a breath and held it as she flicked her tongue around the fleshy tip again and then stopped to lick the salty liquid off her lip. "God, Georgie watching your lips cover me like that—" I groaned. "I'm going to come, Georgie."

  She kept her mouth firmly over me as my seed spilled. She finished by wiping my cum from the side of her mouth with her pinky.

  I pulled her to her feet. "You've been holding out on me, beautiful. I knew those lips were magical but holy shit." I pulled her against me and kissed her.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I waved to Olivia on my way past her desk and headed down the hallway to Trey's office. Chase poked his head out of his door as I walked past. He looked at the papers I held in my hand. "Is that the article?"

  "It sure is. The magazine hits the market tomorrow. I thought I'd give Trey an advanced copy."

  "So, the Vee liked it?"

  "She did. In fact, she offered me a raise if I stayed on, but I told her I wasn't interested."

  "Good for you." Chase disappeared back into his office.

  I knocked on Trey's door.

  "Come in."

  I poked my head inside to make sure he wasn't in a meeting or on the phone. He was sitting at his desk with those damn shirtsleeves rolled up.

  "Look at you, sitting there all provocatively with bare forearms."

  Trey smiled. "Yep, I've been behind the desk just like this all day, not doing any work, just waiting for you to walk in and catch me with my shirtsleeves rolled up."

  I fanned my face with the article, pretending to cool the hot flush, but in reality, it didn't take much more than a tilted smile or a glance at his forearms to stir the heat. Not only had Trey helped me find my sexual self, he'd turned me into an uninhibited mad woman. I was thinking of sex day and night. It seemed the two of
us couldn't be alone in a room together for longer than ten minutes before we were pulling off each other's clothes. Even now, I wondered just how strong his scientifically designed desk chair was.

  I dropped the article on his desk. He picked it up and read the title and the subtitle.

  "No More Peanut Butter Sandwiches. How a Notorious Playboy Stole My Heart." He peered up at me with an amused sparkle in his eyes. Damn, I loved those eyes. "I see you took a different angle."

  "My sexual awakening is sprinkled throughout, but I focused a lot on the reason behind that awakening. You're the star attraction."

  He dropped his gaze to the papers in his hand and didn't respond. My stomach suddenly felt as if it was filled with stones. I should have asked him if I could write about our relationship. What an idiot I was. Holy shit, what if the whole thing was one-sided, namely my side?

  "I should have asked, Trey. I'm sorry."

  He pushed up from his chair and walked around the desk. I kept stumbling over my excuse, feeling as embarrassed as I felt heartbroken. How the heck did I think I could have snared the heart of someone like Trey?

  He walked past me with sharp deliberate steps.

  "I jumped to conclusions," I blurted and wondered if I should just make a run for it and leave with a spoonful of my pride intact. My heart was already shredded, but I deserved it for being so silly.

  Trey pressed the button on the blinds. They rolled down to cover his office window.

  "Trey?" I asked, hating the waver in my voice. "Say something."

  He locked the door. "Slip your panties off, Georgie. I've got twenty minutes before my next meeting."

  I blinked at him as he walked back to me with the same determination. He stopped in front of me.


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