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Hollywood Love: Book 6: A sexy celebrity romance (Hollywood Billionaires)

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by Jillian Dodd

  Dallas shakes his head. “I’ll deal with the legal aspects of the charges. What’s more important is how we deal with the press. I’m pretty sure the whole world has seen the photos.”

  “But I think we’ve all been at this long enough to know one thing,” Keatyn says.

  “That no publicity is bad publicity,” Vanessa finishes.

  “What do you mean? There’s no way this can be turned around,” Jennifer says, facing the laptop toward everyone and allowing them to see the video of her twirling, mostly naked, around the stripper pole, only to fall flat on her face.

  “It can be if we act fast,” Vanessa disagrees, holding the mock-up of a Daddy’s Angel ad. “And this is how we’re going to do it.”

  “I don’t get it,” Jennifer says, echoing my own thoughts.

  “You don’t really have to get it,” Dallas states. “You just have to do exactly what we say. And, if you don’t, you and Knox will both be out of a contract.”

  Knox, who is shoving food in his mouth, doesn’t seem all that fazed by this. But he and Keatyn are used to being in the tabloids.

  I’m not.

  “Jennifer,” Keatyn says. “Hair and makeup are on their way. We’re going to shoot this ad today, with you in it. I’m sure you don’t feel great, but you’re gonna have to suck it up. Tomorrow, we’re going to leak a couple of those photos to the press, with the rumor of an announcement to come.”

  “What announcement?” Jennifer asks.

  “We’re throwing a party this weekend,” Vanessa replies. “And your attendance is mandatory.”

  “Um, not this weekend,” Keatyn says. “Tomorrow night. Riley will be busy this weekend.”

  The way Keatyn says it, makes me cringe. What is she going to make me do this weekend? Is she firing me? Will I be packing up my office this weekend?

  What would I do without this place?

  It’s my life. My love. My dream.

  Hard to believe one stupid night in Vegas could ruin everything.

  Vegas needs to change their slogan, because what happens in Vegas clearly does not stay there.

  How did my life get so out of control?

  I have a vision of Ariela kissing her husband and know exactly why.

  She’s the one who I dreamed of sharing this with. It’s a strange twist of fate to think she could also be the one who destroys it.

  “Dawson,” Vanessa says. “We’ll need your help getting this all set up. Plan on working nonstop with me.”

  Damn, if a smirk doesn’t cross my brother’s face.

  “So I hope you’re all up for another big party,” Vanessa says.

  “I can't do that again,” Knox begs. “I’m too old. I don't recover well.”

  Keatyn ignores his pleas. “So, the party is where we will officially announce the Daddy’s Angel project. The photo shoot we do today will become teasers for the series, simply branded with a tag line and the series name. Knox, you will be included in the shoot for these teasers as will Jake Worth, who we’ve signed on to play Jackson. Riley, you’ll be in on this too.”

  When she says my name, I perk up. “You want me in the photos?”

  “Yes, you have to be part of the cast now. You’re going to play Bobby, the church’s photographer, who would like to exploit Angel’s body on his secret porn site. It’s a cameo role.”

  Knox wipes his mouth with a napkin, stands up, and pulls Keatyn into a hug. “Sugar, I taught you well.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I ask. “I don’t understand how a party will help.”

  “The party will be a Purity Party,” Vanessa states. “Everyone in attendance will be required to dress in white. All the decor will be white. Drinks will be white. But Knox, Jake, and Riley will be dressed in black. Jennifer in a hot red dress.”

  “And once you throw the Purity Party,” Knox says, “it will make Vegas look like it was the hellcat party and nothing more than a publicity stunt.”

  “Exactly,” Keatyn and Vanessa say, grinning.

  And I have to hand it to them. “That’s fucking brilliant,” I mutter.

  “If you can actually pull this off,” Jennifer says to Vanessa, “I'm firing my PR firm and hiring you. I mean, if you'd have me as a client.”

  Vanessa walks over and gives Jennifer a hug in an almost motherly way, which surprises me. I’ve never seen her act that way before.

  “Alright,” Keatyn says, clapping her hands together. “Jennifer and Knox, Tyler will escort you to the photo shoot now. Dawson, do whatever Vanessa needs help with. And, Riley, I need you come to my office with me and Dallas.”

  Everyone does as they’re told.

  I’m afraid to move.

  The fact that she wouldn’t say whatever it is in front of everyone means it’s bad. I hope the cameo in Daddy’s Angel pays well. It may be my only job soon.

  I sit down on Keatyn’s couch.

  She plops down next to me. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine,” I lie.

  “No, you’re not, Riley. Last night was a disaster. We’re so freaking lucky we have this project or I don’t know how we’d get out of this mess. We need to pray this works, and we need to convince more than just the public. The board of directors wants me to fire you.”

  “We’ve just had our best quarter ever. Our best year ever,” I counter.

  “Even Grandpa is on my ass. He suggested sending you to rehab. After your behavior at the vineyard combined with this, he is afraid our friendship is going be the company’s downfall.”

  “Is it?” I ask, trying not to cry.

  Yes, big, tough Riley feels like he could cry. I don’t want to let Keatyn down. Captive Films started with the three of us: Dallas, Keatyn, and me. We’ve been best friends since Eastbrooke.

  There’s nothing better than working with the people you love.

  And I let them both down.


  “I’m sorry,” I say, hanging my head.

  Keatyn puts her hand on my leg. “Riley, there’s something I need you to do with me.”

  “With us,” Dallas adds.


  “We're going to Eastbrooke’s homecoming this weekend.”

  “But I thought you had to work and couldn't go this year?”

  “I begged the director to do some rescheduling.”

  “And if I can’t?” I ask tentatively.

  “If you don't go, nothing will happen,” Dallas says.

  “I’m not firing you, Riley. We couldn’t do this without you,” Keatyn adds. “What you should ask is what will happen if you go.”

  “What will happen if I go?”

  She leans closer to me, tears filling her eyes. “If you do it, if you’ll go back with us and get the closure you need, at the next board meeting, I’ll be announcing that I’m stepping down and promoting you to CEO and Chairman of the Board.”

  I blink my eyes, not believing what I just heard.

  “What?” I ask, overcome with emotion.

  “I’ve been thinking about it for a while, Riley. You deserve it.”

  I reach over and pull her into a tight hug.

  She still believes in me and I’m so grateful.

  “Are you crying?” Dallas asks.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I say, wiping away a tear.

  “Pussy,” he teases then laughs. “You were really afraid she was going to fire you, weren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I was.” I’m still hugging Keatyn tightly.

  She whispers in my ear. “You’re Riley Johnson. The boy who wanted to protect me even though you didn’t know I needed protecting. I don’t care what happens. We’re what makes this company successful. The three of us.”

  “Shit,” Dallas drawls and joins our hug. “Now you’re gonna make me cry.”

  Asher Vineyards — Sonoma County


  Based on what happened in Vegas, I’m certain Riley saw Collin kiss me. And since he’s not returning my calls, I’m goi
ng to prove to him in another way how much I still love him.

  As I look around the vineyard, I know how I’m going to do it.

  By making Keatyn’s wedding perfection.

  So much of my future here in California feels like it’s riding on this wedding.

  If it’s perfect, maybe people here will want to hire me. If it’s perfect, maybe Keatyn won’t kick me out of her life when she hears that I kissed Collin. Maybe if it’s perfect, it will make Riley happy simply because Keatyn will be happy.

  They’ve been best friends for so long. When Riley and I first started dating, I was jealous of how close they were.

  And I’m jealous of how close they all still are. Dallas, Keatyn, Riley, Aiden, Maggie, and Logan are all still best friends.

  I missed out on so much.

  If I can pull off the perfect wedding, it will show them all how sorry I am that I walked away from our friendships.

  And I need the distraction of planning the wedding to keep me off the internet.

  Every time I checked, I found a new photo of Riley’s night in Vegas.

  The last one was a mug shot with an article that mentioned his arrest.

  After that, I shut my laptop, got ready, and headed here.

  Maggie greets me at the business office. “Have you seen all the crazy news about Riley, Knox, and Jennifer?”

  “Yeah,” I say sadly.

  “What’s the real story?”

  “I don’t know for sure. Vanessa left for Captive’s offices really early and I haven’t heard from her since.”

  “Aiden said it’s quite the publicity nightmare, but that Keatyn already has a plan to turn it around. She and Knox are brilliant when it comes to manipulating the press.”

  “Riley and I were supposed to go on a date last night,” I admit. “When he got there, I think he saw Collin kiss me.”

  “Oh my. Is that why Riley went to Vegas?”

  “I think so. Vanessa has video surveillance, so I got to see the look on Riley’s face when he left—” I hang my head.

  “What?” Maggie says.

  “It reminded me of graduation day. When I told him I wasn’t coming to California with him. We had an amazing night together and we were planning to go to Eastbrooke’s homecoming this weekend . . .”

  “I think you should still go. Without him. It’s sad. We always go, but Keatyn had to work, so Aiden booked us a Moon Wish fundraiser.”

  “So why do you think I should go alone?”

  “It might be nice to be there by yourself. I mean, obviously, there will be a lot of people, but none of your close high school friends. I just think it might help you get some closure.”

  “That’s why Riley wanted us to go back.”

  Maggie’s cell rings, so she answers and tells them to send someone up.

  “The event rep is here. Just think about it.”

  “I will, Maggie. Thanks.”

  “You know, once word gets out that you’ve planned Keatyn’s wedding, you will have more jobs than you’ll know what to do with. I’m not sure what you want to do, but we’re looking to hire an event coordinator.”

  “I thought you already had one?”

  “We do. Here onsite. This is a different role. We do fundraising events all over the world and have been contracting planners in each location. We’d like to have someone in-house to be in charge of all those events.”

  “So it would be for Moon Wish?”

  “Yes. Meaning you could live anywhere in the world you wanted and still do the job.”

  “Wow. That would be amazing. Why don’t you do it?”

  “I’m doing it right now and it’s too much with everything that goes on here. Not only are we a working vineyard, we have a restaurant, a wine tasting room, and a store. And we host about ten events a week.” She gives me a hug. “I’ll get out of your hair and let you get to work. Text me if you need anything or if you hear from Riley.”

  “I will,” I say, grabbing my phone and holding it up.

  The second she leaves the room, I check to see if I have a message from Riley.

  I don’t.

  Captive Films — Santa Monica


  After Keatyn dismisses us, I march down to Dawson’s office. He’s slowly following behind me.

  Once inside his office, he slides closer. “That kiss in the board room was hot.”

  “You smell like Vegas; a mixture of alcohol, stale cigars, and puke. You need a shower.”

  He gives me a naughty grin, puts his nose next to my neck and sniffs me. “You smell too. I think you need to shower with me.”

  “I smell like expensive perfume. And, in case you didn’t notice, we’re in the middle of a crisis, Dawson. I don’t have time for a shower. I have to be back in the boardroom shortly.”

  He runs his hand up the back of my neck and into my hair. “Fine,” he says. “I’ll shower. You watch.”

  “I’m not going to stay here and watch you shower,” I say, as I sit myself on an ottoman that happens to have a perfect view of the all glass shower. “We have way too much to do.”

  He starts stripping off his clothes and I forget all about work.

  He smirks at me, knowing I can’t take my eyes off his gorgeous body. When he slowly walks past me, naked, just to put his dirty clothes in the laundry bag, I know he’s messing with me.

  “I am, however, going to stay here and give you updates while you shower. That will be a good use of our time.”

  He gives me a nod, steps into the shower, then turns on the water and leans back, letting the water rush over his face.

  I try to focus on my phone, which keeps vibrating with emails. “They’ve secured a location for the—” Dawson squeezes soap into his hand and lathers it all over himself, his hand sliding down washboard abs and then further down between his legs. I bite my lip. “—Purity Party. Guess where it’s going to be at?”


  “An old church that is now an event space.”

  “That fits the theme,” he says, turning to face me and giving me a full view of—everything. “Who thought of that?”

  “Tyler, actually. He went to a party there last year.”

  “He seems like he runs the place,” Dawson laughs.

  “He pretty much does. Even though his official title is executive assistant, everyone here knows the pecking order is Keatyn, Riley, Dallas, and then Tyler.”

  “He’s interviewing assistants for me,” he says, his arm muscles flexing as he lathers up his hair. When he leans back to rinse out the shampoo, his hips jut forward, giving me a clear view of his dick.

  I lower my head and close my eyes. I need to focus on work or I’m going to be stripping off my clothes and joining him.

  The sound of the shower being turned off makes me look up.

  Dawson is drying off.

  I touch my suit pocket, knowing I’ve been waiting for the right moment all morning.

  He steps out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.

  I stand up and quickly close the gap between us, my lips meeting his forcefully. He sets me on the bathroom counter, pushes up my skirt, and pulls off my underwear as I slip my hand under the towel and stroke him.

  He’s completely hard and ready.

  I reach into my pocket and pull out a condom. “Put this on,” I say into his lips. “So it won’t be messy.”

  I can feel his grin against my lips before he shoves his tongue deeper into my mouth, practically devouring me. I hear paper tear and then he’s inside me.

  Filling the need that has been burning since I studied the photos and realized he didn’t sleep with anyone.

  I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, hanging on tightly as I thrust against him with equal force.

  My orgasm is sudden and practically explosive. I pull him in tighter and call out his name while he continues to slam me against the counter until he comes. His ability to make me feel nearly animalistic stil
l delights and shocks me.

  And as hot as it is, all the emotions I feel for him are still there, quite possibly burning brighter than before.

  Because, now, I know I can trust him.

  Captive Films — Santa Monica


  “It’s nearly six,” I tell Vanessa, who is still tapping away on her computer. “We’ve been working non-stop. It’s time for a break.” I move behind her and start massaging her neck.

  “Oh, wow. That feels amazing,” she purrs. “So, let's talk about Vegas.”

  “Haven't we talked about it enough already?” I say with a chuckle.

  “Not about you specifically,” she says.

  “Well me, specifically, loves that you brought a condom. Did you plan on attacking me in my office?”

  “Maybe I thought about it. But that’s not what I mean.”

  “I know the night was a bit of a cluster, but it was fun. I haven't let loose like that in—well, a long time. I think the last time I was drunk was the night we got pregnant with Harlow. Because when you have children, you have to be responsible. Like what if I was drinking and one of the kids needed to go to the hospital?”

  “You call an ambulance?” she says flatly. I can’t tell if she’s kidding or making fun of me.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I do. I'm just teasing you a little. I love that your children are so important to you. But back to Vegas.”

  “Vanessa, why don't you just tell me what you want to know. It would be a lot easier than me trying to guess.”

  She smiles but I see the pain in her eyes.

  “Actually, I think I know. You want to know why I didn't sleep with anyone.”

  “We don't have any kind of an agreement about that. You could have,” she says, but it’s what she isn’t saying that gets to me. I know her ex cheated on her, but I get the feeling it was more than that. I remember her saying she wore red lipstick to feel confident. Whatever he did to her, rocked her to the core, and that’s something I understand.

  I pull her into my arms. “I'm smart enough not to fuck up a good thing.”

  “Is that what we are? A good thing?” she replies bitchily.


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