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Smash into You

Page 15

by Sherry Soule

  He stopped walking and I paused beside him. “Paris? What do you have to do?”

  I shrugged. “It’s no big deal. Actually, my dad let me decide, but I got the feeling that joining a sorority would win me the most points, so that’s one reason why I’m trying to get into Zeta Beta. Going to Europe to study art has been a dream of mine since I was a kid.”

  “I’m the same way with animal rescue. When you’re passionate about something—you feel it here.” He took my hand and placed it flat on his chest over his heart.

  My skin quivered from head-to-toe with a blast of heat. The pulsation of his heartbeat felt slow and sensual almost like the gliding of a brush across a canvas. I slid my hand from beneath his, crossing my arms over my stomach and trying to calm the butterflies that had launched into a frenzy.

  “When I paint, it’s like a release of my emotions.” I sighed and stared off into the distance. “All the pain, hope, fear, excitement or whatever is blocked up inside of me just flows into my painting...” My voice fell away and I chewed my bottom lip. “Sorry, I tend to ramble when I’m talking anything art related.”

  It felt nice to chat about normal things. Stuff that didn’t include nasty STD rumors or emails offering sex to professors for grades.

  “Don’t be, I like when you open up to me.” Cole’s eyebrows raised a fraction. “You know, if we’re going to keep bumping into each other like this, I feel like I should know more about you. You’re like a mystery I want to solve. That’s why I invited you to dinner the other night before you ran out on me like Cinderella fleeing the ball.”

  “I didn’t run out,” I argued.

  “Well, you left at a sprint, but alas, no shoe was left behind…”

  “Ah, I get it.” I nodded. “The detective in you won’t be satisfied until you break my cover?”

  Cole’s eyebrows raised a fraction. “Tell me the real reason you transferred to Beaumont. The truth.”

  He was already like an FBI agent, trying to ferret out all of my secrets.

  Oh, god. My scalp prickled. What had been my lame excuse last time? I really needed to keep track of all the lies I’d told. This was all getting out of hand.

  “The truth?”

  “Yes,” he said. “The truth. You do know what that is, don’t you?”

  Sure, but it wasn’t something I wanted to share with a hot guy that I barely knew. And I seriously didn’t want to lie again but…what other choice did I have? It wasn’t like I could admit to him that I hadn’t spend her summer sunning on the beach, but instead, I’d been secured in a padded cell.

  “I really shouldn’t be discussing it…” I paused dramatically, and glanced around as if checking to make sure we were alone. Then I faced him and lowered my voice. “My family is in the Witness Protection Program and we don’t want any members of La Cosa Nostra finding us. I learned that my father had been secretly working undercover for the DEA. When his testimony convicted a notorious drug dealer, the whole family had to relocate.”

  My mouth was just spewing out the lies again. What was the matter with me? Why was I so afraid to tell anyone the truth? Still…there was nothing wrong with telling a little white lie every now and then. And what sane person would admit that they’d been locked up in the nuthouse?

  Cole stared at me. “No shit? I had no idea.”

  I turned away, unable to meet his eyes. “You understand, right? How this information should be kept between us? I mean, lives could be at stake.”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, yeah. I get it.”

  We paused near the steps of the library. On the grass sat four students cramming for an exam. I twirled the plastic ring on my finger. Cole glanced down at the jewelry, his smile widening and instantly warming my belly.

  “I see you’re still wearing my token of affection,” he said. “Did it bring you any luck?”

  “Not really. Maybe I need to rub it and make three wishes.”

  “And what would a pretty girl like you wish for? You’ve already got beauty and brains.” He cocked his head and tapped a finger on his chin. “But there is one thing you don’t have…”

  “Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

  Cole leaned closer as if sharing a secret. “A gentlemen to escort you to the ATO party later this month.”

  I stared at my feet, mostly so I could avoid making eye contact with him. I was seriously crushing on Cole. But I had to stop—


  My head slowly lifted and my eyes met his. “Are you asking me out on another date? After I clearly said we could not date.”

  “That would be a yes.” His eyes were intense and assessing as they bore into mine. “I told you that I don’t like to take no for an answer.”

  “You’re very persistent, Mr. Prescott.”

  Cole shrugged. “I usually get what I want, Miss DuPont.”

  He took my hand and kissed it. The red-hot sparks flying between us exploded. My pulse jumped when his grip tightened on my fingers. His touch was electrifying, launching a delicious shock up my arm and over my skin. All kinds of lusty, naughty sensations erupted inside me. Totally crazy, but I suddenly found it hard to breathe or concentrate. Especially when a rapid-fire series of images flashed through my mind, showcasing his body and mine pressed together. Naked. Limbs entwined. Mouths fused in a heat of passion…

  His voice snapped me out of my stupor. I needed to stop those kinds of sexy thoughts, because I was pretty sure I could go on for days about him.

  “Would you like to go with me?” Cole released my hand.

  My head was screaming, Serena! Turn back! Heartbreak ahead.

  But did my stupid heart listen? Nooo.

  “Don’t make me beg,” he teased.

  I’d told myself repeatedly to stay away from Cole, but then I totally ignored my own advice. I had my future planned out, focus on school, join Zeta Beta, and go to Paris for the summer. There was no room for Cole in my strategy and I liked it that way, yet he kept showing up in my life. Since I couldn’t keep ignoring the fact that I was already developing feelings for him, I would just be friends with Cole instead of trying to avoid him.

  “You know I can’t go on a real date with you,” I said. “But I could go as friends.”

  “Whew.” He pretended to wipe sweat off his forehead. “For a minute there, I thought I was going to have to hump your leg like Lucky.”

  I laughed. “Is that your usual M.O.? How you get girls to go on dates with you?”

  He bobbed his head. “Well, it’s a fifty-fifty gamble. Some girls dig the whole leg-humping thing and others just kick me in the face.”

  “I have to say, if you humped my leg, I would’ve been inclined to kick the shit outta you, too.”

  Cole chuckled, and sweet merciful crap, it was a deep, rich, playful kind of laugh that turned my insides into girl mush.

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” He crossed his arms over his chest, which did amazing things to his biceps. The boy was ripped. “I hate it when hot chicks beat me up. Ruins my tough guy rep.”

  I laughed softly. “And I don’t want to be known as the woman that kicked your ass.”

  Cole leaned in, all up in my personal space, his mouth inches from mine, and his forearms flexed. I swear, I thought my panties caught fire.

  “It’s a date then, Serena? You and me, and some cheap beer and loud music?”

  “Not a date. But minus any dogs, right?”

  “Except for the ones at the party, yeah.”

  A faint smile touched my lips. I’d never had a crush like this before. Although I wasn’t even sure if what I was feeling toward Cole met the requirements as a mere crush. If it could cause a thrilling mixture of emotions to boil up inside me and make my knees weak, then I guess I was definitely harboring a big gushy crush on Cole Prescott.

  He saluted me. “I’m off to study. Enjoy your library time.”

  “You know you can do that at the library too, right?”

  Cole wi
nked. “Not with hot chicks like you around to distract me.”

  I stood there while he sauntered off through the quad and toward the frat houses. I sucked in a soft breath. Guess Brooklyn wasn’t the only girl on campus hanging with an off-limits Alpha Tau Omega.


  For over a week, I was the Zeta Beta sisters’ designated driver. More like their bitch. I picked them up from bars, parties, or a boyfriend’s frat house and drove them home at all hours of the night. I had a hard time sleeping. It sucked and I had to borrow Vanessa’s green Geo Metro to do it and refill the car with gas each time. At least I hadn’t endured any more horrible hazing rituals.

  Still, I worried that Brooklyn would advise the Zeta Betas to drop me as a potential after catching her leaving the ATO House. Or if someone would find out about that bogus email sent to Professor Grossman requesting a bump in my grade in exchange for sex before I had a chance to prove that I hadn’t send it.

  But when I checked my sent emails, the message was there glaring back at me. Someone had gotten to my laptop and sent that email. The big mystery remained on the who and why.

  Every time I spotted Brooklyn, she was either with Jade or Claire or other Zeta Beta sisters. There never seemed to be a right time to get her alone to exploit my blackmail threat, so the week dragged on.

  I couldn’t help glancing over at the Zeta Beta table as Raven, Vanessa, and I emerged from the lunch line one cloudy afternoon. Without the sun spilling through the windows, the cafeteria seemed gloomy and damp. But to me, the Zeta Beta sisters were the sunniest spot in the room located directly under the stained glass dome. Shafts of colored light streamed down from the Heavens as if declaring them the anointed ones. The glorious Zeta Betas had the biggest grants and best scholarships. Even the professors seemed afraid to give them anything south of a B minus.

  The three of us took seats at an empty table.

  “Have you picked a subject for your art history essay yet?” Raven asked me.

  I blinked. “Huh? What?”

  “The art history essay?” Raven snapped her fingers. “Earth to Zeta Beta stalker. You know, staring at them like that isn’t going to get you a new nickname.”

  “Very funny.” I grimaced. “No idea on the essay.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. Our whole room is covered with art books,” Vanessa said, taking a sip of her bottled water.

  “I just don’t want to do someone everyone’s picked before,” I said, lifting one shoulder. “I’m going for originality.”

  “News flash! In the real world we call that procrastination.” Raven snorted piglike, then shook her head. “Professor McGrath has been teaching here for over ten years. You are not going to find someone who she’s never studied before.”

  Vanessa laughed. “I am so glad I am majoring in library science.”

  “And how’s that whole Nerds-Are-Us thing working out for you?” Raven asked Vanessa in her usual snarky way.

  My fingers gripped the edge of the table. I was going to throat-punch her. Every time I started to like Raven, she said something that annoyed the crap out of me.

  “Back off, Raven,” I warned, and Vanessa gave me a grateful smile.

  I glanced over at the Zeta Beta table again, and as if sensing my lingering gaze, Jade turned and caught me staring. I bit my lip and tried not to let the desperation show in my face. Why didn’t I just wear a T-shirt that said: Zeta Beta wannabe?

  Jade pushed back her chair, making a loud scraping noise. She made her way toward our table. My heart pulsed in my throat.

  Vanessa’s eyes grew wide. “Is Jade Goodwin walking over here?”

  My hands dropped into my lap. “I don’t know.”

  Jade stopped beside me and pointed at my tray of food. “Follow me. I need a word.”

  She turned around and sauntered back to the ZB table, as if expecting me trail behind her like a loyal subject. She sat next to Brooklyn, who narrowed her eyes at me. Claire lowered her book and frowned. At the far end of the table, Makayla pressed her lips together and Sofia just stared.

  I didn’t move. Raven and Vanessa traded baffled looks. This all felt very high school drama-like.

  “Um, Serena!” Vanessa shook my arm.

  “I think Jade wants you to sit with them,” Raven said through gritted teeth.

  I rose stiffly, lifted my messenger bag, and picked up my tray. “I’ll go see what she wants.” But I wasn’t too thrilled about it.

  As I slid past Kellan and Makayla, I kept expecting someone to order me to get them food or maybe their dry cleaning. But when no one did, I sat beside Brooklyn, who smiled at me. Claire returned to her book, and Makayla and Sofia ignored my arrival.

  “Hi, Serena,” Brooklyn said, her cheeks pink. “How are you?”

  “Great,” I replied.

  “There’s actually something we need you to do for us,” Jade said.

  My heart thumped and I was overcome by a rush of heat. Of course. She only brought me over here to execute some new task.

  “Like what?” I asked slowly.

  “We need you to break up with Brooklyn’s Alpha Tau Omega boyfriend for her.”

  Brooklyn went pasty and narrowed her eyes at me. Makayla and Sofia’s heads snapped around in our direction with huge eyes. Claire didn’t acknowledge any of us.

  My stomach dropped. “I didn’t tell anyone,” I blurted.

  Jade wickedly grinned. “You knew she was hooking up with a nasty ATO?” she asked, glancing from me to Brooklyn. “That’s interesting.”

  “Jade,” Brooklyn said. “I am not—”

  “Don’t worry. Stalky didn’t rat you out,” Jade replied with a wave of her hand. “Your ATO boy has a Facebook page and likes to update his status daily. And he’s not too clever with the pseudonyms. Kellan stumbled across it and emailed it to the Zeta Beta sisters this morning. We know he’s talking about you, Brooklyn.”

  Brooklyn’s bottom lip trembled, but she didn’t cry.

  “An ATO, Brooklyn?” Claire said. “Didn’t you realize we’d find out eventually?”

  Brooklyn swallowed hard and shook her hair back, adopting a nonchalant demeanor. Leaning her elbow on the table, she picked up a carrot stick from her plate. “Whatever. We were just screwing around,” she said. “It’s not like it’s serious or anything.”

  She wasn’t a very good liar, like me. Maybe I could offer her a few lessons on the art of deception.

  “What a relief. Because everyone in our sorority knows it’s unacceptable for a Zeta Beta sister to date someone in Alpha Tau Omega,” Jade said.

  I so wanted to tell Jade to suck it. It was such an odd rule. But I was determined to get a bid from the Zeta Betas.

  Jade flashed her eyes at me. “And since a ZB can’t be seen romantically socializing with an ATO, then she can’t publically dump one either. And that is where Stalky comes in.”

  I plastered on a ‘who me?’ look of innocence.

  “This should be interesting,” Sofia said.

  I agreed. But since Zeta Beta was my ticket to Paris, friends, and social status, I’d stay and find out what was about to go down.

  “I want you tell him that she can’t date an ATO,” Jade said, staring holes into my head. “Tell him that Brooklyn no longer wants anything to do with a loser like him. She’s used him and now she doesn’t need him anymore. Tell that ATO he’s the dirt under her Pradas, and that she’s too good for him.”

  My mouth dried. No one moved. Taking a swig of my soda, I glanced at Brooklyn. She was blinking rapidly, as if trying hard not to cry. Was she tearing up because she got caught or did she actually have real feelings for the guy?

  Being shitty to me was one thing. I’d signed up for it. But that poor guy didn’t deserve to be humiliated like this.

  I swallowed hard, struggling not to choke on my drink. “I’m not saying that. She can dump her own boyfriend.”

  “If you want a bid from us, then suck it up,” Jade said. “You do want to join Zeta
Beta, don’t you?”

  “Yes…” I said.

  Jade sighed. “We’re a top-tier sorority, Stalky, so if you’re serious about pledging, I suggest you get your ass moving.”

  Now that’s some diabolical evil right there. Through awesome, backstabbing trickery, Jade had won this round.

  “Right now?” I asked.

  “Nooo. Next Friday,” Claire said sarcastically. “Of course, now.”

  Breathe in, breathe out.

  I still didn’t move or twitch a muscle. Why was Brooklyn letting them do this? Why didn’t she tell these snobby bitches off? Or fight for him? Then I started freaking out that they’d find out about Cole and me. Then what? Goodbye sorority bid.

  I wanted to join Zeta Beta. I wanted to make life-long friends. I wanted to study art in Europe. What I didn’t want was to go breakup with Brooklyn’s ATO boy. But it didn’t look like I had a choice. Maybe this was karma. Payback for all my own stupid romantic choices or all the lies I’d told since coming to Beaumont.

  I sighed. “What’s his name?”

  “It’s Luke,” Brooklyn replied softly, her fingers pulling at the sleeves of her shirt as she looked away.

  Scooting back my chair, I stood, my insides squirming. “I’ll go let Luke down easy.”

  Stiffly, I walked to the Alpha Tau Omega table. Luke sat surrounded by mostly jocks and guys as buff as Kellan. The Zeta Betas watched me approach Luke. Muscles taut as rubber bands, I stood awkwardly behind his seat. All the guys glanced up, except Luke. He kept typing away on his laptop as if purposely snubbing me. From the crimson splotches on his face, he must’ve known that his Facebook status had been outed.

  It sounded selfish in my head, but the only good thing to come out of this awkward situation was that now my STD rumor would vanish in the face of Brooklyn’s romantic entanglement.

  A stocky dude winked at me and patted his lap. “We don’t have any more chairs, but you can plop your sweet ass right here, darlin’.”


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