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Smash into You

Page 18

by Sherry Soule

  Staring into his brown eyes, I found something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Taking a deep breath, I slowly exhaled and put my head on his chest. I breathed in his scent, a mixture I recognized as Downy softener and L’Occitane sandalwood soap. I could get used to this.

  “What?” I whispered.

  “Promise that you won’t let the Zeta Betas change you.”

  I glanced up at him. “I promise.”

  “Good. Because it would be a shame if that happened.”

  I put my head on his chest again. “You sound pretty sure about that.”

  “About as sure as I am that making love to you is going to be mind-blowing. That is, if you really let go and be who you are, and stop pretending you’re a wannabe sorority bitch.”

  Hold the mayo. He had imagined us making love, not just sex, but love? A warm quiver danced over my skin.

  I mentally shook my head free of those lustful musings. “Hey! That’s not me and you know it.”

  “Prove it. We still on for the party?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I think I need a night without any Zeta Betas lurking around.” A yawn escaped my lips. “I’d better get some sleep. Thanks for hanging out with me tonight.”

  “Anytime, Serena.”

  Cole helped me from the truck, but didn’t walk me back to the dorm or try to kiss me goodnight. Why would he? We were just…

  What were we? Only friends? Or ones who secretly hooked up?

  I went back inside Stevenson and up the stairs. Laughter and conversation leaked from the lounge where the other girls were still watching movies.

  With my eyes closed, I shut the door of my room and leaned against the wood. Breathing out a sigh, I opened my eyes and my body went cold.

  On my bed sat a brightly colored wrapped box.

  For some reason, the gift seemed menacing. Gooseflesh traveled up and down my arms. A card on the package had my name.

  From the Zeta Betas?

  With trembling hands, I leaned down and lifted the ominous-looking box, keeping it at arm’s length as if it were a ticking time bomb. I set it on my desk, then stepped back.

  Staring at the box, I crossed one arm over my chest and rested the other one on it, propping my fist against my chin and mouth. A cold shiver made a slow crawl up my spine. I did not want to open it. I should just throw it out the window. But curiosity got the best of me.

  Dropping my arms, I snatched up the box and ripped off the paper. Prying open the lid, I could feel the blood draining from my face. My legs weakened, and I reached out and caught hold of the edge of the desk to steady myself.

  Breathe in, breathe out.

  Tiny hairs rose along the back of my neck as I stared at it. Tucked inside sat the bloody heart of a small animal. The note taped to the lid read: DROP OUT OF RECRUITMENT.


  Despite how completely polar opposite our personalities were, I somehow talked—more like dragged—Vanessa with me to the Alpha Tau Omega party around nine o’clock. I’d texted Cole earlier to say that I would meet him there and appointed Vanessa as my wing-woman.

  I’d taken special care with my appearance, wanting to look casual but hot. Even if Cole and I were just friends—who happened to kiss—I still wanted to look good. I must’ve tried on five different outfits and I spent extra time applying my makeup. After styling my hair into a low fishtail braid to the side, I’d pulled on a faded denim mini-skirt, then slipped on a sheer top with a flirty keyhole cutout in back. Beside me, Vanessa was rockin’ a geek chic look in a black Doctor Who T-shirt with frayed jeans and sparkly flats. And she’d let me style her hair into a sexy, messy bun. Once we were glammed up, we’d left Stevenson in a whirl of hairspray and giggles.

  Vanessa and I had walked to the party and as we passed the grand Zeta Beta mansion, I had the urge to block them from my life so I could actually start to enjoy it.

  A girl screamed from inside the house, then released a loud peal of laughter. My chest clenched. After hearing the shriek, my mind flashed back to the package containing the animal heart, and how I’d snuck down to the garbage to throw it away. This last threat definitely meant that I had a creepy sorority hater/stalker. Just to be safe, I should have informed the RA, warned the other girls in my dorm, changed the locks, and kept a baseball bat handy. Instead, I stupidly blew it off as just another strange hazing prank.

  I’d had enough of the Zeta Betas. Maybe they were the ones who’d given me that warped gift. It didn’t matter if it was an attempt from them or one of the PNMs to get me to de-pledge, I would not let them get to me.

  But tonight I wasn’t going to focus on that. I gave those dark thoughts a hard mental shove back into the closet and locked the door. I needed some normalcy. The party would be fun and all things awesome. No thoughts of animal hearts or threats would be allowed. I would pretend to be a happy, well-adjusted college student, partying with her friends.

  I grabbed Vanessa’s arm and yanked her forward.

  “Hey! Where’s the fire?” she snapped. “You’re gonna pull my arm outta the socket.”

  “Sorry. Just in a hurry to get to the party,” I said, releasing my death grip on her wrist.

  I doubted anyone from ZB saw us rush down the sidewalk. The ATO fraternity was the last house on the street, a three-story home with warm light spilling out the windows. Music poured from the open front door and three people mingled on the porch while a guy was hurling in the bushes.

  “You ready to do this?” I asked.

  “Yup.” Vanessa pushed up her glasses. “Remember, don’t accept a drink from anyone we don’t know, and don’t go off alone with any strange guys.”

  I nodded once. “I took precautions. I’m wearing my Acme chastity belt with dual heat sensor locks.”

  She raised a brow and stared at me. “Really?”

  I laughed. “Vanessa, chill. This is a party, not a reality TV show for the Bad-Boys Network.”

  We stepped inside the house, where the party was raging. Evidently, a large majority of the student body didn’t give a crap what the Zeta Betas’s thought. People were grinding to a bass heavy hip-hop song in the living room that had been stripped of furniture for just that purpose. A roped-off barrier blocked the staircase and a couple sat talking on the last step. Beyond the archway, I spied the crowded kitchen and through the sliding glass doors, several people played beer pong in the backyard. Three ATO brothers and Luke stood around a keg decorated with twinkling white lights.

  People were talking and laughing while a DJ in the corner played random music ranging from top-forty to country hits. The Zeta Betas were nowhere in sight. Raven was right. They snubbed any parties with the Alpha Tau Omega.

  I linked my arm through Vanessa’s and maneuvered past a twosome engaged in a lip-lock against the wall. No sign of Cole.

  “Ah, fresh meat,” a guy slurred and leaned awkwardly close, almost spilling a red plastic cup of beer on my boots.

  “She’s spoken for, Jim,” another frat brother explained. “Don’t mess with Cole’s girlfriends.”

  Girlfriends—as in plural? My heart sank. Vanessa and I exchanged a look. Entertaining thoughts of hooking up with Cole might be a huge mistake. My hormones were in charge and making my decisions. Not too smart. Especially after I continually told him and myself that I only wanted to be friends.

  Still, I found myself searching through the churning sea of people until I found him. My gaze landed on a busty redhead hanging on Cole’s arm. He repeatedly detached her roaming hands from his chest and arms. Even with him backpedaling to keep her lusty paws off him, a spark of ugly green fire burned my insides. I moved closer to them. Cole’s back was to us and the redhead couldn’t see me past his broad shoulders.

  Cole held her at arm’s length and muttered, “Roxy, it’s over. You said so yourself that we were just a hook up—your words—not mine. I’m sorry, but I’ve met someone else.”

  “But, baby,” Roxy whined, running her fingers along his bicep. “
I need you.”

  Her outfit was light yellow and soft blue, which were Psi Theta colors. Maybe I should add her to my list of suspects. If she liked Cole and saw me as a threat, she’d try to warn me off, but that didn’t explain why she’d want me to de-pledge.

  “No one can take care of you like me…” On tiptoes, Roxy kissed his ear.

  The green-eyed monster inside my chest growled. Pursing my lips into a flat, hard line, I tried to ignore the way my body flushed hot, as if ready to go all Incredible Hulk on her ass.

  “Are you going to talk to him?” Vanessa asked.

  I stood against the wall with my heart pounding. No need to create a scene. I jerked my chin at them. “If he wasn’t so obviously occupied with Ms. Grabby-Hands-Redhead.”

  Yet I had come for exactly three reasons. One, because Cole had personally invited me. Two, Raven had practically dared me to go. And three, I had nothing better to do with my Saturday night other than a stack of homework the size of a Mack Truck. Only the first reason really mattered.

  Another snarl from the green monster struck when Roxy rubbed up against Cole with more curves than I’d ever hope to have. Ever since the day that Cole had kissed me, I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  “Why don’t you just interrupt those two?” Vanessa said. “Cole did invite you.”

  “True,” I said.

  “C’mon.” Vanessa tugged on my arm. “Do not let that skank take your man.”

  “What? I don’t even really like the guy. He’s just a friend.”

  She scoffed. “Yeah, right. It’s beyond obvious that you two got major chemistry.”

  And here I thought I was hiding it pretty well…

  “Is it?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Now go talk to him!” Vanessa ordered, giving me a little shove from behind.

  I stumbled forward, then stopped. Cole had one hip resting against the counter near the sink and a red cup in one hand. Roxy seized the cup and took a big gulp. If he drank it after her, there was no way I would kiss him until he’d brushed his teeth and gargled with mouthwash.

  Cole released a heavy sigh and said firmly, “I’m not interested, Roxy. Sorry. Not now or ever again. Please don’t make me repeat myself.”

  Breathe in. Breathe out.

  With a false smile, I tapped him on the shoulder. “Hello, Cole.”

  Cole fully turned, putting his back to Roxy, and grinned at me. “Serena.” My name on his lips caused my breath to hitch. “You look amazing. I thought you’d never get here.”

  “In need of rescuing?” I asked, giving Roxy the stink eye over his shoulder.

  Cole leaned down and pressed his lips against my ear. “Nice of your usual entourage to let you come tonight.”

  “My what-the what?”

  “The Zeta Beta sisters,” he said. “I thought you wouldn’t show because of their no socializing with ATOs rule.”

  “It’s actually a no dating policy,” I said, lifting my chin. “Which means I’m not breaking any rules.” I gestured at my roommate with one hand. “This is my friend Vanessa.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he said. “I’m Colton Prescott at your service.”

  Vanessa smiled. “Yeah, I kinda figured that. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Cole raised an eyebrow and glanced at me. “Well, don’t believe any of it,” he said, then asked Vanessa, “Do you mind if I steal your friend away for a while?”

  Vanessa shrugged. “Go right ahead. I’m gonna get a beer and do some research.”

  His forehead crinkled, and I quickly explained, “She’s writing a paper on Greek life.”

  “Ah, I see.” He wrapped his hand around mine. “Let’s dance.”

  “Okay, but I’m not much of a dancer.”

  “No worries,” he said, tugging me through the crowd. “I’ll lead.”

  He backed up toward the living room, just as the DJ put on a bass-thumping jam, and I could basically sense the jealousy radiating off the other females.

  Cole’s intense gaze seared into me, as if leaving a brand. My heart throbbed in every pore. Without a word, he placed his hands on my hips, and drew my body closer to his. Where I was soft, Cole’s body was hard and lean. I battled the urge to rub up against him like a cat in heat. Instead, I ran my hands over his arms and felt the muscles tense under his tight shirt. When he pulled my body tighter against his, things came to mind that were anything but staying in the friend zone. We moved together, grinding against each other like we were the only two people in the room. As we swayed to the beat, my breaths came faster. Every inch of me ached to touch his bare skin. Arms and hands were not enough.

  One song drained into the next, and Cole kept a firm grip on my body while we danced. When a slower song began, I closed my eyes and rested my head against his shoulder. His scent engulfed me, like a tantalizing dessert that I wanted to sink my teeth into. My hands snaked up and around his neck. His palms ran down my arms, then over my hips, finally returning to my back. When his warm lips brushed against my neck, I pulled away.

  He brought his cheek to mine, his stubble scratched my skin, and hot breath brushed my ear. “Do you want to go somewhere more private, Miss DuPont?” he asked, his soft tone melting my insides.

  My head shouted, No! No! No! But my skin craved his touch and responded with a hell yes.

  Cole caught me around the waist and pulled me closer to him. “Do I make you nervous?”

  Licking my lips, I shook my head.

  He pulled back slightly. “Like I said, you’re not a very good liar, Serena.”

  I couldn’t swallow back the question on my lips. “Why did you invite me tonight?”

  “Because you’re gorgeous, smart, and mysterious. And of course the obvious reason.”

  I titled my head to gaze up at him. “Which is?”

  Cole lifted one corner of his mouth, bringing out that small dimple. “Because I like you. Really like you.”

  My resolve crashed and burned to dust.

  He tugged me away from the party and down a dark hallway, then into an empty room. He shut the door and locked it. He pushed me up against the wall of what appeared to be a study room and placed both hands on my shoulders. Cole leaned in close and stared into my eyes, before his gaze lowered to my glossy lips. My breath hitched in my throat. A desire to kiss him consumed me, overwhelming everything else around us. Even my stubbornness to not get involved with him melted away in that instant.

  “It’s okay. No one saw us come in here,” he whispered.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, pulling away, but his grip only tightened. “Cole, we shouldn’t do this.”

  “Kiss me,” Cole said hoarsely.

  My head and heart were at war with each other, but it was my body that made up my mind for me.

  Cole’s eyes drifted shut as his lips gravitated toward mine. The first brush was hesitant, as though he were testing my assertion. Then his mouth closed over mine gently, yet with a demanding intensity, and I crumpled against his body. His lips felt soft and firm. The kiss was earthshattering, heart-stopping, and panty-melting. When his lips touched mine, they stole every ounce of control I had left. In that impassioned moment, I was entirely his alone. A moan escaped him when our tongues entwined and a thrill of nerves flooded through me. With his mouth covering mine, it felt like my entire universe exploded into stardust. My skin sizzled. One of his hands slid down to roughly grip my hip, and the other wound around behind my neck. I ran my hands over his flawless chest and six-pack stomach. I gripped his shirt, pressing my body closer to his. We kissed and caressed each other until I finally jerked myself away from him.

  Cole didn’t say anything for a few seconds, but he held me close and rested his forehead against mine. Dammit to hell. I was falling for him like my heart was a mob informant and he was the East River.

  “I wanted to ask you something…” he whispered. “Can we have our date tomorrow?”

  Four girls walked past the closed door, their loud voices seeping thr
ough the wood.

  “Where?” I asked in a shaky voice.

  “It’s a surprise,” he said. “Will you still go or are you worried about what the Zeta Beta will think?”

  He was all pooling brown puppy-dog eyes and perpetual heat on a slow simmer. How could I change my mind now?

  “Nope. I made a promise. Text me tomorrow.”

  Cole wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. His eyes locked hungrily on mine. “You won’t regret it.”

  My thoughts raced back to the night we first kissed in the back of his truck, and how my body had betrayed me with its yearning for Cole’s touch. How could I resist the gravity-like pull I had when it came to him?

  “I already do.” I smiled to soften my words. “Can I take my sketch pad? I still want to do your portrait.”

  “Whatever you wish, Ms. DuPont.”

  As though my head finally was up-to-speed with my more visceral responses, I let myself relax, fully invested in this moment with Cole and melted into his rigid planes. I leaned up to brush my lips against his and our tongues did a slow, erotic dance. The heat of his kisses made me feel like wax melting under the hot flames of desire. Cole’s hands roamed over my body, one hand traveled up my neck and tangled behind the loosely woven braid. His other hand floated down my side, his soft fingertips dancing along the thin fabric of my blouse, searing electrical currents into my skin.

  When he yanked me even closer, I arched, curving into his body. Shudders exploded throughout my body from the sensations and flooded me with want, heat, yearning. My hands roamed beneath his shirt and I brushed the warm skin with my palms, his muscles contracting beneath my touch.

  I could deny it all I wanted to Cole, but the chemistry between us was like a combustible force. I couldn’t seem to touch enough of him. Then his lips trailed along my neck, nipping at the sensitive skin from my ear to shoulder. A fire licked through my nerve endings at Cole’s masterful touch. My hands wrapped around his waist. Rubbing small circles just above his belt, I felt the elastic edge of his underwear. I froze for a beat, before I moved my hand away. This was going way too fast.


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