Book Read Free

Smash into You

Page 20

by Sherry Soule

  “Like what?”

  “Are you a closet prude? What kind of artist doesn’t do nudes? I mean, do you paint little black boxes over the naughty bits? Or what?”

  “You’re so random!” I laughed. ‘And you’re going to pay for that comment.”

  Cole smirked. “I hope so.”

  Instead of fighting it, I surrendered. I toed off my boots, took off my hoodie and T-shirt, and then unzipped my jeans. Clad in only my lacey bra and panties, I felt somewhat shy as I inched my way to the water’s edge.

  Cole pushed damp hair out of his face with one hand and his gaze roamed over my body in a leisurely stroll. “You are so lovely, Serena. You take my breath away…”

  Smiling, I jumped into the lake, and the cool water felt amazing against my skin. Cole swam closer to me and I immediately draped my arms around his neck and my legs about his waist.

  He kissed my forehead tenderly. An intense look, one that made me completely senseless, gleamed in his brown stare. “A while ago, I wished upon a shooting star that one day I’d find someone to love…and now holding you in my arms makes me realize that wishes really do come true,” he whispered as if admitting an embarrassing secret.

  I pulled back and stared at him. “You barely know me, Cole. I could be complete psycho!”

  He smiled. “But I know you’re not. And whenever I’m with you it just feels so right.”

  His lips found mine and the intensity of his deep kisses were searing. His hands cupped my butt to hold me in place while we made out in the water. His tongue tangled with mine slowly, his kisses seemed experienced and perfect, with just the right amount of aggression to make my body heat up everywhere. My breasts smashed up against his chest and I sensed the beating of his heart. The sizzling chemistry between us was zinging through my body. When he lowered his hand to the string of my panties, I stiffened and pulled away. Sighing, he rested his forehead to mine with his eyes closed. I kept my arms wrapped around his neck, but untangled my legs.

  Cole pulled me in tighter, keeping us floating together in the shimmering blue water. “You know I’m not going to push you to do anything you’re not ready for, right?” His voice sounded soft, tentative, and soothing.

  “I know...”

  Cole brought his palm up to tenderly cup my cheek. “You can trust me, Serena. I won’t hurt you.”

  I turned away. “That’s what guys always say before they break your heart.”

  He gripped my chin and lifted my face. Our lips gently brushed. Then I disentangled from his arms, needing to put some distance between myself and his heated kisses. We were going too fast and I knew I’d have fresh scars by the end of this.

  “Hey,” he said gently. “Are you okay?”

  “Uh-huh.” I nodded, moving my chin from his grasp. “Thanks for bringing me here today, it was fun.” I stared at the waves, lapping at our bodies. “It’s getting late. I should get back.”

  Cole kissed my forehead. “Then let me escort you home. But, Serena?”


  “Sooner or later, you’ll have to admit that you like me.”


  I had been hoping that Cole would actually show up on time for class, wanting to see me as much as I wanted to see him since that dance at the frat party and that day we spent by the lake. The last thing I expected on Monday was for him to be leaning on the wall, chatting with Amber, one of the Zeta Beta PNMs.

  Odd. I thought he hated the ZBs, even the pledges.

  Cole’s demeanor was stiff, from the tight black T-shirt to the fist tucked into the back pocket of his designer jeans. A red pen rested atop one ear, the other end of it hiding in his dark, messy hair. He hitched his backpack higher on his shoulder, jerking defiant bangs out of his smoldering gaze.

  I hurried past them and hunkered down in my seat beside Vanessa with my sunglasses on. Result? I couldn’t even get his attention as I passed by.

  Cole entered and took his usual seat in the back. Jade, Claire, and Brooklyn were already seated and ignoring me. Amber stuck her head in the doorway and gave the ZB trio a thumbs up. Claire nodded with a quick glance in my direction, then opened her textbook. I wanted to march up the steps and ask what was going on, but I had a feeling that approaching them like that simply wasn’t done in the Greek pledging world.

  The one time I stole a look in Cole’s direction, he appeared to be taking notes, with a focused expression on his face. He seemed distracted by something. Cole held the pen in his hand so tightly his digits turned white.

  While the professor lectured, I gazed out the window at the crisp fall leaves that skittered across the lawn. Cole and I had gone from passionate kisses to the cold shoulder. Was it me? Or had something else happened since I’d last seen him?

  Refocusing my attention on the professor’s lecture and rebelling against the overwhelming urge to glance over my shoulder again was agonizing. When class ended, Cole shoved his stuff into his backpack, and walked out of the room without a backward glance. My stomach panged.

  “What’s up with Cole?” Vanesa whispered, getting out of her seat.

  “I don’t know.” I whipped out my phone and sent him a text. No response.

  I spent the morning trying to study while sunning in the quad with Vanessa. I wanted to buckle down. I really did. Focus on my coursework. But most of my time on the quad was actually spent scanning the terrain for a glimpse of Cole and alternating between wanting to snub him back and finding out what was wrong. I texted him again and waited. Still no reply. All I could think about was those steamy kisses. The way he had touched my face with his fingertips, the firmness of his lips, and the desire sweltering in his stare as he gazed into my eyes…

  The heart wanted what it wanted. And it definitely wanted Cole Prescott. Still, turning a major player into a leading man wouldn’t be easy.

  “You’re thinking about Cole, aren’t you?” Vanessa asked.

  I lowered my gaze to the textbook. “No. I was just...trying to pick an essay topic.”

  “Yeah, right. You’ve got a major thing for that guy.”

  “I do not,” I said flatly.

  “Yes, you do!” she teased. “Every time someone walks by, your head pops up and you keep staring into space.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Puh-lease.”

  “Such denial!” She laughed.

  I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate. Honestly. But ten seconds later, I was back to fantasizing about Cole. I definitely had it bad. Part of me was salivating at the thought of kissing him again. We studied for another hour until Vanessa had to meet up with her environmental club.

  After my afternoon classes ended, I stomped to the cafeteria. Vanessa was studying in the library with a friend and I had no interest in sitting with Raven. Today, I would approach the Zeta Beta table and show no fear. If they thought they’d broken me after making me break up with Brooklyn’s boyfriend they were dead wrong. When I slipped into a chair with my food, without an invite, I glanced about the table, daring anyone to tell me to leave.

  Claire peered over her book and gave me a feeble smile. “Hello, Serena.”

  “Hi!” Brooklyn said, appearing genuinely pleased to see me.

  “Hey, guys,” I replied.

  I glanced at Jade. She ignored my presence as if nothing out of the ordinary had ever occurred between us. I gave myself a mental shake and fidgeted in my seat. I’d never met anyone with such an easy flip switch on their emotions. Walls up, walls down.

  My phone was buzzing in my bag. I managed to pull it out and check the screen. Five texts from Cole. He had terrible timing.

  Cole: Where are you???

  Cole: We need to talk.

  Cole: Call me now.

  Cole: Why are you ignoring me?

  Cole: I need to see you. Urgent.

  Oh, so now he wanted to talk. Well, he’d have to wait his turn. With a sigh, I shoved the cellphone back into my bag without responding.

  “How’s everything going?” Brook
lyn asked.

  “Good. Everything’s great.” I took a spoonful of my yogurt.

  “Ethan texted me, like, two hours ago and said he wanted to meet up,” Brooklyn said, pouting. “Then I texted him back, ‘Cool. Meet me in the caf’ with a smiley face, and nothing. Just his reply bubble sitting there. It’s been like that for thirty minutes. So friggin’ annoying.”

  Claire lowered her book. “Are you seriously into Ethan now?”

  Brooklyn sighed. “I’m done dating frat guys for now.” Then she turned to me and asked, “Which general mathematics are you taking?”

  I stuck my spoon into my yogurt and left it there. “Linear Algebra. It seems frustrating so far. I’ve always hated math.”

  Jade suddenly leaned forward with a sly grin quirking her red lips. “Did you do anything interesting over the weekend, Serena?”

  Oh, god. My throat went completely dry. Had the Zeta Betas somehow found out about the ATO frat party and that I had been fraternizing with the enemy? Was that why Cole had ignored me? What had Amber said to him before class?

  This was going to be so, so bad. Best to play dumb.

  “Not really,” I said lightly.

  “Yeah, right. I heard you and Colton Prescott were dancing and getting all freaky at an ATO party,” Jade said, staring at me with narrowed eyes and a self-satisfied smirk. She must spend hours in front of the mirror perfecting her bitch face.

  My mouth opened slightly, but no response came out. Somebody should check my back for a ‘kick me’ sign. I pretended to become very interested in my yogurt.

  “Cole?” Brooklyn said, raising one perfect eyebrow. “Like that’s a good idea.”

  So judgy. Like your secret Alpha Tau Omega boy was such a smart decision.

  “Sorry to rain on your existential parade, but if you weren’t a legacy, we would’ve dropped you already, Serena,” Claire said. “The other Zeta Betas voted to keep you as a pledge…for now.”

  “And this school is super boring if you’re not Greek,” Brooklyn added.

  Lucky for me, being a legacy also served as a get-out-of-jail-free card. My cellphone buzzed again. I didn’t dare check it or reply to Cole’s text messages while being bitched out by the ZBs.

  “Being legacy does give you a slight advantage,” Jade said. “But it doesn’t guarantee anything. Remember, you have yet to prove to us that you’re extraordinary. And who you date makes a huge bearing on whom we select as a final candidate.”

  As if on cue, Cole burst through the double doors and marched toward the table. Everyone stared at him in silence. Claire glowered. Brooklyn’s eyes bulged, and Jade sat back, drumming her sparkly ruby fingernails on the table. The other Zeta Betas only gaped like Venus flytraps, beautiful but annoying.

  “You’re not welcome here, ATO,” Jade said evenly.

  Claire’s eyes burned a hole into Cole’s chest. His head turned and caught her stare and they exchanged awkward glances before he turned away.

  Cole stopped behind my chair. “I need to talk to you. Alone. Now.”

  “Everything all right?” I asked.

  “I’m fine,” he said, taking my hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Obviously, one of us totally missed the memo about keeping our non-relationship on the down low.

  “Okay,” I said, then glanced at the others. “I’ll be right back.”


  Cole pulled me out of there so fast I barely had a chance to blurt a goodbye. He shoved through the cafeteria doors, and I stumbled after him.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Why were you ignoring me earlier?”

  “Why didn’t you answer my texts?”

  “I didn’t see them until I was at lunch,” I said.

  Cole’s nostrils flared slightly. “You mean when you were with the Zeta Betas.”

  “Why are you so upset? Why did you ignore me earlier?” I repeated.

  “I’m sorry about that. One of the ZBs told me to stay the hell away from you, or you wouldn’t get a bid. I know how much you want one and to go to Paris, so I tried to stay away this morning—”

  “So marching up and dragging me away like a caveman wasn’t your subtle way of getting their attention?”

  “Screw them—those trollops don’t tell me who I can be friends with!”

  My brows furrowed. “I-I don’t understand…”

  “Claire Davenport sent that Zeta Beta chick to warn me that I’d screw up your chances if we started dating—”

  “That’s why I told you we could only be friends!” My stomach lurched because I wasn’t sure that we could go back to just being friends after those mind-blowing kisses. But maybe it was for the best. “I like you, Cole, but I don’t want a boyfriend.”

  Cole gripped my upper arms and his voice lowered. “Why do you keep lying to me and yourself? Serena, you and I are magnetic. The chemistry between us is undeniable.”

  “We have to fight it,” I said, freeing myself from his hold.

  “Bullshit!” He stormed to the closest tree, and slammed his fist into the bark.

  “Cole!” I said. “Calm down.”

  He didn’t even seem to hear me. He pulled back and smashed his fist into the tree trunk again.

  “Stop it!” I grabbed his arm. “Why are you so pissed off?”

  My heart was pounding. This guy had gotten under my skin.

  Cole blew out a breath and dropped down on a stone bench. Clouds raced across the sky and a cool breeze sent chills down my back.

  “Because I like you!” He stuffed his damaged hand under his arm. “But…I don’t want to be the guy who ruins your dreams.”

  “It’s okay. It’s not like I’ve never witnessed a meltdown before. Just take a deep breath.”

  He inhaled and exhaled, his shoulders rising and falling with each ragged breath. Clearly, he was holding back his anger. My heart went out to him. This whole situation sucked.

  “Dammit,” Cole muttered under his breath.

  I put my hand on his back, but he flinched away. Did he want me to go? Should I go? I didn’t want to leave him alone.

  “Sometimes I freakin’ hate those guys,” Cole said.

  “Who?” I asked.

  “Them.” He gestured with his battered hand toward the cafeteria. “Freakin’ Jade and the evil Zeta Betas.”

  What was I supposed to say to that? I glanced at his hand. His knuckles were swollen and red. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine.” His breathing slowed and he leaned his elbow on the arm of the bench. “I’m sorry. I just get so pissed off sometimes.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  He stared at me intently. “Do you?”

  “Yeah. Except I normally take it out on my stuffed bear.”

  Cole tilted his head, flexing his sore hand. “What do you have to be angry about?”

  “A lot of things. You tell me your sad story and I’ll tell you mine,” I said.

  Cole stared at the cafeteria wall. “Okay…I can’t remember the last time I even felt like I could trust someone.” His tone came out low and husky. “My father’s a raging alcoholic and the only time he attempts to be sober is when he’s shooting a new movie. At my high school graduation, he ended up passing out and falling out of his chair,” he said, his chin slightly quivering. “Another time my father came home so drunk that he crashed his Mercedes into the garage. Once I even had to go pick him up from some seedy hotel and pay off a hooker…” He tugged at the collar of his shirt and turned his face away.

  My chest tightened. “That’s rough. I can’t even imagine what you went through.”

  “It just makes me sick.” Cole faced me again and took a deep breath, blowing it out. “If the press ever found out, it would ruin his career.” He sighed and stared past me. “Your turn.”

  I tensed up all over. I had never told a soul about what happened last spring or why I’d been locked up in a psych ward for two months. Not one person besides my family. Not one word. But the
way he was gazing at me, almost made me want to confess. Instead, I told him about my sorority hater.

  “Um, well, I started getting these weird notes, more like threats, left in my dorm room,” I said. “Do you think it’s a Zeta Beta hazing tactic? Scare the crap out of a PNM during recruitment? Like see how she reacts under pressure?”

  Cole shrugged. “I wouldn’t put it past them. What kind of threats?”

  “It’s nothing.” I dismissed it with a wave of my hand. “Never mind. I’ll deal with it.”

  A long awkward silence fell between us. We were both lost in our own thoughts for a moment. The sky was like a beautiful painting, with all different shades of blue. The chittering squirrels on campus were like furry scavengers gathering leftover food to save in their tree strongholds. Two ran past our legs and under the bench.

  He squeezed my fingers and glanced at my face. “Have I told you how glad I am that we met?”

  “No,” I replied, a real smile forming on my lips.

  “You still going to pledge Zeta Beta?” he suddenly asked with a frown.

  Cole had become like my best friend. Sharing personal information and secrets made me realize that I did want something more with him besides friendship one day. And no matter what happened, I hoped we’d remain close friends, but I needed to set boundaries.

  “Yes, and I’ll try to get them to change their stupid dating rules if I get a bid. And if not, you’ll have always my undying loyalty and friendship.”

  “Don’t forget you’re a senator’s daughter, and how great would it look for Zeta Beta to get you to join them? Maybe it’s time to turn the tables. Make them realize how lucky they’d be to have you within their ranks.”

  Wow. I hadn’t thought of that. Damn straight. I was a valuable commodity!

  My smile faded and my stomach twisted slightly. “But what about—”

  “Recruitment? Be a rebel and pretend you’re going to pledge a different sorority and see how fast the friggin’ Zeta Betas change their mind.”

  “You’re right. I can’t let them know that they’ve gotten to me.”

  But if it didn’t work, I could kiss my Paris trip goodbye. Was Cole worth risking my future?


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