Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)

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Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3) Page 5

by D. F. Jones

The barn had been set up into quadrants. Luwenia took Jerry to the back right of the barn to practice archery. Anna went with Raphael to the back left where he rolled several daggers out on a table and pointed to Harry’s old scarecrow nailed to the wall of the barn. He and Anna would be in charge of the triage but needed to train in case they needed to defend themselves. Ruby and Seneca went to the front right of the barn to practice throwing what looked like blue golf balls into peg holes along the wall.

  Lee and Reed along with Erinelle and Simon set up sparring partners.

  Sandy tilted her head to Baldric and said, “What are you going to teach me?”

  A smile crept into the corners of his mouth as he pulled out his sword. “She’s a beauty, isn’t she? I selected one just for you.” He sheathed his sword and brought her to their training area. Baldric revealed an extraordinary, almost feminine sword and fitted her hand around the hilt. He whispered in her ear, and a shiver ran up her spine. “Feels good in your hand, doesn’t it? Now watch me.” Baldric took out his sword and made slow circle eights with his wrist. “Just try to get a feel for the blade. Slow and easy.”

  Sandy mimicked Baldric’s movements, and she felt better about herself with the sword in her hand.

  With a rich, velvety smooth voice, Baldric said, “Fully extend your arm before taking any movements.” He demonstrated the proper form. “Now look at my feet. The on-guard and the retreat on-guard.” Baldric moved fluidly back and forth along a forty-foot-long pathway. “I want you to practice these simple exercises here and in your condo.”

  Sandy imitated his movements. “This feels a little like dancing.”

  Baldric chuckled and said, “Yeah, it does. There’s a rhythm, a tempo, and timing when you enter a bout.”

  Sandy stopped and pointed her blade to the ground. “I pray I don’t have to fight anytime soon.”

  Baldric placed his hands on her shoulders and gazed into her eyes. “The Creator will bestow and enhance your new skill within days, not weeks. You’ll practice after work and in your dreams. The movements, exercises, and techniques will become second nature.”

  Sandy lifted her chin and said, “I believe you. The angels in this room and my best friends fill and recharge my soul. I’ll work hard, I promise, but I have to be honest: Erinelle scares me a little.”

  Baldric threw his head back and laughed. “She scares all of us. Erinelle is fearsome, loyal, and will fight unto her last breath for the wards of Campbell Ridge.”

  Two hours later, Sandy labored to breathe as she held onto her knees. Sweat streamed down her face and back, and her legs and arms were weak as a kitten.

  Erinelle whistled and roared, “Time. Desist practice and come to me.”

  Everyone in the room, angels, and wards alike, gathered in a circle from the floor to the ceiling of the barn. Erinelle’s beautiful shimmering wings jutted upward to the heavens. Erinelle spread her arms wide and sang the sweetest song. “Come to me, my little sparrows. Come to me unto this day. Fill my heart and soul with your song. Fill my heart and soul with your joy. We sing together in our flight to serve He who created us—He who fills my heart and soul with His love.” She bowed her head, and everyone bowed their heads. The barn glowed with an incandescent light.

  The love of light filled each being—mortal and immortal—in the room with a vibration of energy that shook Sandy to her core. Erinelle’s words seared her soul and revealed an understanding she wasn’t alone. The angels and the wards of Campbell Ridge stood together for the good of humanity.

  After the session had ended, most of the visiting and some of the guardian angels vanished into the air. Sandy glanced over at Baldric as they strolled to the side door of the barn and went out into the chilly wind of winter. “If Luc knows we have the book, why hasn’t he come for it?”

  Baldric draped his right arm around her shoulders. The heat of his massive body warmed her in the frigid air. He leaned next to her ear and said, “Open your eyes, Daireann. Open your mind. Allow the veil of the supernatural to reveal itself to you. Look around, and tell me what you see.”

  At first glance, Sandy saw the weather vane on the roof of the barn. Then a mysterious cloud lifted and revealed warrior angels standing guard. She turned and found warrior angels stationed around the house, the barn, and along the property lines of Everglade Farms. Sandy angled her face toward Baldric and said, “Angels are everywhere?” She paused and looked around the property again, and she understood. “Angels are everywhere.”

  Baldric exhaled a deep breath, kissed the top of her head, and hugged her tightly. “Exactly.”

  Chapter 4

  I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On

  Word reached Luc while he was in the midst of creating conflict among rival tribes that would result in thousands of deaths in Asia. He became furious when Caiojezeal appeared before him with the news. Someone stole his Testament, and someone was going to pay.

  Luc strolled through a picturesque village with children running through the streets and women covered from head to toe with only their eyes exposed to the world. In a few years, the village would be a war zone with tall walls of barbed wire, and every few feet a soldier would be toting a machine gun. “Damn it. How in the hell did my book get stolen? Oh, wait, of course. Cole checked out the book several weeks ago. I should’ve known the human was too inept to protect it. Who stole the book from him and where is it now?”

  Caiojezeal walked into a nearby tea house. “Nick London of Henry’s Tailor Shop in Nashville lifted the book. I went there to search myself and ran into Baldric. He has the book.”

  Luc kicked a chair away from the table and sat down to talk with Caiojezeal. The waiter took one look at Luc and returned swiftly with two teas and snacks. Luc placed his hand on the man’s forearm. The man began praying incessantly. Luc growled, “Leave us in peace.” The old man exited into the kitchen, walking backward while he continued to pray loudly.

  Luc shook his head in disbelief. “Humans and their prayers. The funny part about prayer and religion is all the humans on the planet think their religion is right, and everyone else’s is wrong. Unless The Creator has changed philosophy, there’s only one faith and it’s all directed to Him.” Luc took a bite of his cake and drank his tea while he contemplated what to do about Baldric.

  Luc’s Testament held incredible power, and he controlled his followers with its accounts. “Baldric has my book, huh? Well, it looks like I’ll be paying his ward a little visit, but not before I meet with Cole. Stay close to Baldric. I want to know his every move. I need his ward alone. We get his ward, and we get Baldric and my book. It’s a win-win for me.”

  “You may count on me, sire.” Caiojezeal bowed his head toward Luc before taking a sip of his tea.

  Luc reached over to place his hand on Caiojezeal’s left shoulder. “I have to stop by Egypt before returning to the States. Place a couple of your warriors with Cole and his guards. He has a short fuse, and I won’t allow another one of his mistakes to jeopardize my work.” Luc manipulated both time and space within earth’s realm. He often used astral travel, and today he ported to Egypt before returning to his estate in Middle Tennessee where his servant, Cole, resided.

  Luc had designed Arrington Estate as a reflection of a home he once owned in the French countryside. Luc’s stately manor offered a kind of rustic charm with curved arches, stonework, and a steep hip roof. He loved the symmetry of the estate as well as the underground tunnels leading to his domain. The interior reflected more of a mountain lodge retreat. The living area housed a large stone fireplace surrounded by rich, dark wood paneling, thick Aubusson carpets, and luxurious leather couches.

  Cole sat on the sofa drinking a cocktail while he had an argument with Hammer, his senior assassin. “You weren’t supposed to shoot him, idiot. Now how will we find the book? Carson and Walt worked with their police informant with the police. They didn’t find it.”

  Luc materialized behind Cole. He placed his hands on Cole’s shoulders and the ro
om became intensely quiet. Hatred and anger exuded from Luc as his fingers dug into Cole’s flesh while he spoke in a gentle manner. “Do you want to know who has my book?”

  Luc released Cole and walked to the fireplace. He spanned his fingers out over the flames and engulfed the tips. After a minute, Luc blew the flames out and stepped back over to Cole. Luc wrapped his steaming fingers around Cole’s neck, burning Cole’s skin, while tears formed in the corners of Cole’s eyes. Cole opened his mouth to speak, but Luc shook his head back and forth.

  The interior walls shook as Luc shouted, “Baldric, the warrior angel from the AAF, has my book, and I want it back. You’ll see I get my book back, or you’ll be taking a trip down memory lane. To, ah, let’s see, 1929, as you sat in your bedroom after killing your wife. Yes, that’s where we’ll travel if I don’t get my book back soon.”

  Luc stepped away from Cole and glared at Hammer, Carson Jones, and Walt Reese. “All of you face a fate worse than death if I don’t get my book soon. Do I make myself clear?”

  The men stammered their apologies and reassurances. Luc waved his hand in the air to silence them. “Why are you standing around with your thumbs up your ass? Leave now, and find my book!” The four men rushed from the room. Luc watched from the wall of windows as they flew down the snow-covered sidewalk, slipping and sliding along the way. They jumped into the black Ford Explorer and sped away into the night.

  Luc glanced up to the shimmering stars dotted across the black velvet sky. As soon as Caiojezeal gave Luc word Baldric had left earth’s realm, Luc would take Sandra Daireann. Capturing her would be the best way to recover his book of souls and incantations. It took Luc centuries to create his version of the Bible, and he would be damned if Baldric kept it. He thought of Baldric. Baldric and Luc had been friends once before he’d been cast out of heaven.

  * * *

  After the worship cycle, Luc made plans with Baldric and Michael to spar in the courtyard. Luc, a warrior angel, had been relegated to leading one-third of heaven’s angels in daily praise of The Creator. He didn’t want to lose his edge, so he frequently met with the two best warriors in all the known universe to train.

  The Creator made the courtyard for a variety of reasons, such as sparring, theater, and festivals. At the end of every work rotation, angels gathered to socialize along the walls and immaculate lawn with its ancient trees.

  Baldric entered the arena with a scowl on his face. Luc had watched him grow into an elite warrior angel. Angels never aged past the date of maturity. Luc teased him on occasion but had never seen Baldric angry.

  Baldric withdrew his sword and held it in his right hand. He went into a battle stance. “You’ll pay for what you did to Barbellina. Her parents promised a pairing between us, and you took her innocence.” The young angel glared at Luc.

  “A female is why you’re so worked up? Come on. Baldric, son, there are many untouched angels to choose from for a mate, and Barbellina came to me, not the other way around. Back down or I’ll have to teach you a lesson.” Luc withdrew his sword and presented himself in the on-guard position, extending his right arm toward Baldric.

  Michael stood between the angels and threw up his hands. “Drop the swords. If you’re to fight, do it with fists. I’ll not allow injuries to either of you that’ll require treatment.” Michael turned to Baldric and said, “Did you talk to Barbellina? Did she tell you Lucifer took her innocence or are you assuming that’s what happened?”

  Baldric glanced at Michael as blood rushed to his cheeks with anger. “I didn’t have to ask her. Every angel in heaven including the outbound angels knows Lucifer snares the females in a trance and leads them like lambs to the slaughter. Lucifer has no honor.”

  Lucifer threw down his sword and charged Baldric. He lifted the young warrior off the ground and body-slammed him against the stone wall. Baldric ducked and weaved out of Lucifer’s grasp. He punched Luc hard in the left kidney, making Lucifer’s knees hit the ground. Baldric hit Lucifer with quick jabs, each finding a spot on Luc’s body. Baldric pinned Luc to the field. The crowd of male angels let out a roar of applause and whistles.

  A smile curved the corners of Baldric’s lips. “The next time you take a maid be sure to ask if she’s promised first. It may save your ass getting whipped in front of the legion.” He released Luc and dusted off his hands.

  Luc jumped off the ground, grabbed Baldric by the arm, and flipped him around to face him. “I will lay with any female I choose, especially if she’s promised to you. If you can’t keep your woman, don’t blame me. She’s evidently looking for something you don’t have.” The male angels watched the scene unfold. The crowd began to laugh at Baldric, and several angels made snide remarks. Baldric stormed away, and Lucifer raised his arms to the crowd. “Females love me, what can I say?”

  * * *

  Luc began to chuckle. “Oh, Baldric, it’s finally time for a little payback. Hmmm, if memory serves, Sandra is quite beautiful and promiscuous, too. Oh, I’m going to have some fun.”

  Luc opened the door to the caverns under the estate. The mysterious underworld belonged to Luc, and he would enjoy introducing Sandra to its unique properties.

  * * *

  Sandy took Lee up on her offer to spend the night. After Baldric’s intensive fencing workout, her legs and arms felt like jelly. Unfortunately, sleep didn’t last long, and a few hours later, Sandy delved into Luc’s Testament along with her master copy of the Ditch Lane Diaries. Her journal documented dates and times of crimes related to business takeovers and suspected corruptions in local government leading to the disappearance of Councilman Stevens. Sandy also discovered Cole’s partners were listed within Luc’s Testament.

  A dated entry into Luc’s Testament on November 10, 1929, was about Cole. Notes in the side column stated Mr. Steele had shot his spouse and placed the gun to his head when Luc arrived on the scene. Sandy put her hand on the page and closed her eyes to see what transpired between the two.

  Luc appeared before Cole. At first, Cole thought the angel was a hallucination brought on by a state of shock, but then Luc said,”You have no need to put a bullet in your brain. You were rich, and no doubt your wife has seen better days. What if I said you could be truly wealthy beyond your wildest dreams? Would you shoot yourself or would you come and work for me?”

  Cole laid the gun on the nightstand next to his bed where his wife’s body oozed the last of her life force onto the mattress. Without giving it a second thought, Cole said, “How rich are we talking?”

  Luc laughed and slapped Cole on the back. “Filthy, stinking rich. It comes with a price. Are you interested?”

  Over the last twelve days, Cole had watched billions of dollars disappear in the stock market crash. Cole made the decision to kill Maggie first and then himself because his creditors weren’t friendly people. Death seemed the preferable answer to torture. He couldn’t bear what the sharks would do to Maggie. Rape and prostitution were on the top of their list. So he shot her in the head without warning as she slept.

  Cole glanced over his shoulder at his dead blond bombshell with great gams. Maggie had come on to him nearly five years ago because he lived in a Manhattan penthouse suite overlooking the Hudson and had money to burn. Maggie hadn’t loved him, but when she made love to him, she’d been worth every penny. Cole asked, “What’s the price, Big Cheese?”

  Luc walked over and peered out the window. His wings spanned the width of the room as he turned back around. He held a thick brown leather book in his hands. Luc said, “I require your soul. You’ll remain immortal and serve me personally while I train you. In a few decades, after I deem you can handle the dough, I’ll set you up. I’m looking for a human soldier to run my Southeast Division in Nashville. You will agree to do anything and everything I ask with no arguments. Agreed?”

  Cole placed his hands on his thighs. He looked up into Luc’s eyes and raised a brow. “Who are you again?”

  “Atta boy, ask those questions now while you stil
l have the chance. I’m Lucifer. Earth is my domain. The way I see it, I have your soul either way. You’ve committed a mortal sin, and you were at the point of eating a bullet. I can use your body, and you will enjoy the fruits of my labor. Do we have a deal?”

  Cole nodded and said, “Well, when you put it that way, cash or check?”

  Luc laid the mysterious book with a quill and inkwell on Cole’s nightstand. He punctured Cole’s forefinger and squeezed Cole’s blood into the inkwell. “Sign and date, please. I’ll fill in the particulars.”

  Sandy released the book and shook her head.

  There was a soft knock, and the door opened. Lee stuck her head inside. “I saw the light when I got up to pee. Okay for me to come in?”

  Sandy leaned against the headboard and waved Lee inside. “I’m getting into some deep shit.” She quickly relayed her vision to Lee. “Cole’s associates have signed the book. The downtown area is a coverup for a larger conspiracy. Luc’s using the area as one of his home bases, and Cole’s using it to line his pockets. Several judges, a couple of legislators, and the chief are working with Cole to keep Luc’s cover. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

  Sandy crossed her legs and said, “I have enough information from my journal to tie Nick’s murder and the disappearance of Councilman Stevens to Cole. I’m going to drop off what I have to the D.A. to investigate further. I’ll use Luc’s Testament as one of my sources using my reporter’s privilege to keep it confidential. The story should air tonight.”

  “I understand your need to air the story. I even agree with it, but you’ll be placing a price on your head. You know what I’m saying?” Lee squeezed Sandy’s hand.

  “Airing the story is my best protection.”

  * * *

  Sandy walked into Steele Enterprises to request an official comment before her story aired tonight. Hammer met her at the elevator door. Her ankle turned, and she reached out and grabbed Chip’s forearm to prevent her falling headfirst into the door. Another astounding revelation swept through her mind with detailed moving images.


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