Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)

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Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3) Page 6

by D. F. Jones

  Hammer slung the body of Councilman Stevens onto the back of the boat. He wrapped Stevens in burlap purchased from a local feed mill store and secured Stevens with a rope. Cement blocks dropped off the sides of the Bayliner bumper rails just below the surface of the water. Walt had obtained the bags earlier in the day.

  The engine silently purred as Hammer backed out of the slip and drove past the dock restaurant before slamming the boat full throttle past the no wake zone. The crescent moon and cloudy skies gave him the perfect cover. He drove down the channel until he reached the deepest part of the lake.

  Hammer placed the boat in neutral and threw out the anchor. He lifted the body and tossed it over into the water. The body bobbed back and forth in the waves until he secured the cement blocks to the body and then he released the blocks into the lake. In a matter of minutes, the councilman disappeared into the murky black water.

  Hammer turned his ball cap around backward and jumped behind the wheel. He drove the boat to a different dock several miles downriver. Hammer pulled into a vacant slip, turned off the ignition, and secured the boat. He hopped out onto the boardwalk and strolled to the waiting black BMW at the top of the hill.

  Hammer’s eyes widened as he pried Sandy’s fingers off his forearm. “Let go of me, you crazy bitch.”

  Sandy released his arm and stepped away from him. She’d add her latest vision of Councilman Stevens’ demise to a growing crime list from Cole Steele’s goons.

  Minutes later, Sandy stood in front of Steele Enterprises while Eddie, her camera operator, videotaped her story. “Federal and state investigators issued search warrants today for Steele Enterprises and Cole Steele’s home in Arrington on the disappearance of Councilman Stevens and the murder of Nick London.

  “Both Stevens and London had documentation listing times and dates of meetings with Mr. Steele, and shortly after, Mr. London was found shot in the chest on Music Row while an ongoing investigation continues into the disappearance of Councilman Stevens.

  “District Attorney Matthew Dillard has requested additional help from the TBI to investigate General Court Sessions Judge Rogers, Chief Dyer, and business associates Chip Hammond, Carson Jones, and Walt Reese. Records indicate the named individuals are listed as partners in the newly formed Steele Construction. The company’s recent acquisitions of the downtown properties are the site for the proposed Steele Hotel.

  “Please keep in mind, the federal investigators become involved only when public corruption is suspected. Everyone noted in this story is presumed innocent until proven guilty. I’m Sandra Cothran, Channel 3 News.” Sandy dropped the mic and asked Eddie, “How was that?”

  Eddie turned off the light and smiled. “Looks like another AP for Ms. Cothran. Let’s book it back to the station and get this baby live for the evening news.”

  “I like the way you think, Ace.”

  * * *

  On any given day, the chaos of a newsroom would drive a sane person mad. There was a constant battle against time to shoot, edit, and get approval for a story to go on air. Sandy and Eddie worked feverishly to edit her piece in the control room before handing it over to the news director, Art Hayes.

  Sandy watched the ten o’clock news from inside the control room with Eddie as News 3 weather girl Dawn Frost wrapped today’s forecast. Camera A switched to the anchor, Adam Wesley. “Bringing you a breaking investigation, here’s Sandy Cothran.”

  Sandy held her breath as her story aired, and when it was over, she didn’t feel relief. Baldric materialized beside her as she walked downstairs to her cubicle. “The story was excellent. Why the sad face?”

  She tilted her head and answered, “I have a target on my back. They’ll come after me.”

  “And we’ll kick their asses. Let’s celebrate. You’ve worked months on this story. Whatever happens with Cole and his thugs, it’s with the authorities. You did your best, and that’s all anyone can do.” Baldric was like the sun in the middle of a rain storm.

  Sandy lifted the corners of her lips. “I’m glad you think so. I have a few loose ends to tie up, and we’ll stop by the store for champagne. I know how you love the bubbles.”

  Baldric’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Aw, you remembered.” His smile widened, and he got little crinkles around his dreamy eyes. Sandy could get lost in Baldric’s eyes forever.

  The truth hit her square in the chest. She was falling in love with Baldric, and she didn’t want to fall in love with anyone. It wasn’t just the physical attraction, which was freaking hot. She enjoyed his company. Baldric made her laugh. He made her feel loved, and he made her feel safe.

  Before Sandy searched her feelings any further, Art rounded the corner. “You did it, kid. You knocked ’em dead tonight. The guys upstairs say our ratings are shooting through the roof. Can you work late? I need you to help me man the calls. Good.” Before she could reply, Art strode rapidly in the other direction. What was another couple of hours?

  Baldric made himself comfortable on the top of her credenza. “I’m starving. You think the station will call out for sandwiches?”

  “I believe they have food in the break room. Just pop in and get one. It’s not like anyone is going to see you.” She chuckled.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought, too. I’ll be right back” Poof, Baldric vanished. Her guardian could eat more than anyone she knew.

  Sandy glanced at her Rolex watch. Man, time flew by as she talked with callers over the last couple of hours. She was the last to leave the station again, except for the night watchman, Buddy. Sandy pushed the chair away from her desk in her gray and maroon cubicle. Sandy was ready for a bottle of Dom and a hot bath. Art had rewarded her with a few days off, and she didn’t have to report back to work until the middle of next week.

  The telephone rang. Don’t answer, don’t freaking answer, oh, for crying out loud. Sandy grabbed the receiver and said, “Channel 3 News, this is Sandy Cothran.”

  Breathing, heavy breathing. Good lord, not another one of those calls. Right as she began to hang up, the man said, “You’re dead, bitch.” Dial tone.

  Well, if that wasn’t the icing on the frigging cake. There was something familiar in the voice that made the hair on her arms rise. Shit, shit, shit, Cole Steele. He meant to kill her. “Baldric, are you here?”

  An invisible hand caressed her cheek, and he whispered in her ear. “Always, Daireann.”

  Sandy exhaled a deep breath. Baldric would keep her safe.

  * * *

  Over the last decade, Sandy’s clairvoyance had increased to the point she was afraid to shake hands with people. She stopped by the twenty-four-hour grocery for a few items before heading home from work, the internal thoughts of others crowding her mind. The man in the bread aisle: I left the coffee pot on, I know I left the coffee pot on. The woman in produce: How am I going to tell my family I have a brain tumor? Oh God, I’m going to die, I don’t want to die. The teenage boy barely brushed Sandy’s arm when she saw flashes of him having sex with a much older woman: Man, my mom’s friend is really hot, wonder if she’ll let me do it to her again. As if Sandy were reaching inside their souls and what she found sometimes offered her mind-boggling revelations.

  Sandy shook the thoughts from her mind as she walked into the liquor store next to the grocery. She splurged on a bottle of Dom Pérignon. Back in the car, she heard Baldric chuckle.

  Baldric’s eyes were bright with excitement. “Oh, I love the bubbly stuff. It makes my nose tingle.” Sandy shook her head. Baldric was a bad-ass warrior, but he also had a tender side. It was just another reason why she loved him. She sighed.

  Sandy pulled onto Lafayette Street and drove to her condo on Second Avenue. “I kinda like the bubbles, too. I’m going to draw a hot bath, light some candles, and get drunk.” She glanced over and teased him. “Wanna join me?” Part of her wished he would.

  Baldric chuckled again and said, “You’re completely oversexed, woman.”

  Sandy laughed and turned into h
er parking garage. “I did grow up in the ’70s. Sex, drugs, and rock ’n’ roll, babe. If it makes you feel any better, there’s been very few moments of real happiness during my sexual escapades. Now, with you, that could be an entirely different story.”

  Baldric rolled his eyes, reached over, and placed his hand on her thigh. “Little girl, whatever this thing is that’s happening between us—it’s just not possible.”

  Sandy pulled into her parking space and turned off the ignition. She leaned against the steering wheel and turned to face him. “Nothing’s impossible, and that’s from years of watching Lesley Anne Warren play Cinderella.” She grabbed her groceries and the booze and left him sitting in the car.

  Sandy swiftly walked along Second Avenue as snowflakes swirled in the air and the gusty wind chilled her to the bone. People were singing and laughing in the streets. Wednesday nights were always jumping on Second and Broadway. Music blared from several bars, and a group of college girls or wannabe Madonnas passed her. Sandy shook her head. She missed the carefree days of college. Life seemed simple then. Sandy would be twenty-nine on March fifth. God, she hated getting old but despised the alternative.

  After Sandy’s attack in December, the condo’s super installed a security system. She punched in her passcode. Baldric appeared as the doors opened, and he made her safer than any security system. Sandy glanced around the foyer. The place was empty except for the large angel. Scoping the place out, Baldric readied himself for battle with the enormous sword in his right hand. The blade could be either a laser of light or blade of steel with a simple flick of his wrist.

  The elevator opened and the couple who lived on the second floor stepped out. Sandy never remembered their names, but they knew her name, thanks to the power of television.

  The woman always acted like they were friends or something. With chirpiness, the woman said, “Oh, hi, Sandy, are you going out tonight?”

  Sandy shook her bottle of Dom in front of the couple. “Nah, I’m partying at home. Y’all have fun.”

  The man smiled and winked. “You’re more than welcome to join us. The more, the merrier.”

  Sandy glanced at the woman, who smiled and shook her head like one of those bobblehead dolls. The man’s visions flashed across Sandy’s mind, and she saw herself with his wife in a threesome. Sandy inwardly cringed and wanted to punch her neighbor’s lights out, the pervert. Instead, Sandy politely said, “Thank you for the invitation, but I’m going to party with the cast of Dynasty tonight.” She recorded her favorite TV shows on her VCR because she rarely made it home to watch them during their regular time period. Sandy pressed the third-floor button and the elevator doors shut.

  Baldric burst out laughing. “The man can’t help himself. I assure you he’s harmless. I read his soul. He’s confused about his life, and you’re his unattainable dream.”

  “You bet your sweet ass, honey. But you’re not the only one who read his mind. Gross. Here, help me with these grocery bags. My arms feel like they’re going to break in two.” Baldric’s sword mysteriously vanished as he grabbed the bags.

  Inside her condo, Sandy threw her purse on the table next to the door and unzipped her boots, pulled them off, and wiggled her toes. She sighed in relief. Sandy loved her cosmopolitan condo. All white and black décor with a splash of red in her local art collection and a few decorative pillows. Sandy had recessed and track lighting with dimmers installed and reached over to turn on the lights. She went into the kitchen and began to put away the groceries in the fridge and pantry.

  Sandy went into the den after she had stored the groceries. She fired up Whitney Houston on her state of the art sound system and hit the dimmer switch on low. She watched as Baldric opened her best friend for the night with a loud pop! Sandy quickly grabbed the Dom from Baldric’s hand and drank the bubbles rushing from the bottle.

  Baldric reached up to the top kitchen cabinet for a couple of crystal flutes. He took the bottle from Sandy and poured champagne into their glasses. He took a long drink before placing the champagne bottle in the stainless steel ice bucket.

  Sandy went through her spacious warehouse condo lighting vanilla and jasmine scented candles then made her way into the bedroom. She placed her glass on top of the black armoire before taking off her clothes. Opening the double doors, Sandy glanced at her nude reflection in the mirror. She yelled, “I’m going to jump in the tub. If you get bored, you can come in. I promise to behave. Or watch TV. I won’t be long.”

  Baldric’s brows rose as he looked at her over the rim of his glass. “I think I better wait out here. I’m going to play the VCR and check out MacGyver.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  Soaking in the tub soothed Sandy’s aching muscles and released the tension in her shoulders. The last couple of days had drained her physically, mentally, and emotionally. The murder, Luc’s Testament, Cole’s threat, and the realization she was falling in love with a being from an entirely different realm made her drain her glass. She shouted, “Baldric, hey Baldric, my glass is empty. Can you hear me?”

  Baldric walked into the bathroom looking too fine. He had to be at least six foot six, and Sandy estimated his weight at two hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle, or what she thought was muscle. He was solid nonetheless. Baldric had long wavy blond hair cascading over his shoulders like spun silk, and she stared into the depths of his iridescent eyes.

  Baldric topped off her glass with champagne. His eyes seemed to smolder, and she noticed his nostrils flare. His decadent scent of cocoa and vanilla filled the air. Sandy took a sip and said, “You’re doing the sparkling thingy again. What is that?”

  Baldric sat on the edge of the tub and trailed his fingers along the top of the bubbles. “Angels release varying types of energies under certain circumstances. I can’t control it. It’s like a wolf who marks his territory.”

  Sandy’s stomach flipped. She took another sip, stared into his eyes and her gaze dropped to his full sensual lips. He wet them with the tip of his tongue. Sandy submerged her head under the water and came up seconds later and spewed water onto his face. She laughed and said, “You’re flirting with me.”

  Baldric splashed water toward her. “I am not.” He chuckled.

  “Oh, you are totally flirting with me. Unless you want to follow through with it, I suggest you move on into the den, Big B.” He pushed her head under the water before leaving the room. Sandy came up coughing. “Paybacks are a bitch.”

  Sandy slipped into a pair of midnight black silk pajamas and went into the den. She jumped into Baldric’s lap. “Dynasty time. I love their clothes. Who do you like better? Krystle or Alexis?”

  Baldric draped his arm around her shoulders. “Total Alexis fan. She’s as feisty as you are.”

  “Good answer.”

  Baldric reached to the side table, grabbed his champagne, and raised his glass. “To the most beautiful girl in the world, my Daireann.” Sandy reached over and picked up her glass and touched his. As she took a sip, their eyes locked in an embrace. Damn, Baldric was pretty. She chuckled and thought, Yeah, pretty damn hot!

  Sandy ran her fingers through his silky hair and stared at his face, his hair, and his skin. Baldric’s image could’ve been painted on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. She hugged him tightly and buried her face in his neck. “Don’t give me compliments because it’s not like you’re going to kiss me or anything remotely in that fashion. I have a confession to make. I have to tell you on the off chance I get hit by a bus or something. At least you’ll know if I can’t find you on the other side.”

  Baldric brushed her cheek gently with his fingers. “Why are you crying? Oh, Daireann, please tell me what I’ve done wrong.”

  “You know me better than any of my friends. You know my secrets about Mr. Ben. You know me, not who I pretend to be. I’m falling in love with you. I didn’t think I would ever fall in love with anyone. But I love you.” Sandy had never said those words to anyone and held her breath for his response.

p; Baldric wrapped his big arms around her. “I’ve made so many mistakes, and I’ve broken many rules when it comes to you. I’ve existed for over two millennia, and I’ve had my share of relationships, but you’re different.” He placed his hand over his heart. “My feelings for you endanger both of us, especially you. I’m not objective anymore. Luc and his demon angels will use it against us if given the chance. I don’t mean to cause you additional pain or confusion. I can’t, I won’t jeopardize your safety any further.”

  Sandy pushed him away from her and walked to the window. Her view of the Cumberland River was spectacular. She tried to focus on the boats, but the little girl in her cried. He didn’t want her as she wanted him. She wanted to shout at him but wouldn’t humiliate herself again.

  Baldric walked up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. He leaned down close to her face, the warmth of his breath kissing her cheek, and the heat of desire rushed between her legs. Her head fell against his solid chest, and she closed her eyes. Neither of them spoke as her heart shattered.

  Sandy turned and looked up into his eyes. “It’s okay. Don’t sweat it. I’m exhausted, and I’m going to bed. Goodnight.” She left him standing next to the window. She couldn’t bear to look back at him again.

  * * *

  Baldric watched as Sandy left the room. He’d broken her heart. The worst part of the whole situation—he loved her like no other. They were star-crossed. She was human and he, an angel. Their union would never be sanctioned. Their pairing would set up a precedent that Michael, Gabriel or The Creator didn’t want because humans and angels weren’t allowed to mate.

  It was times like these that Baldric wondered about destiny. Why had he been assigned to her? If The Creator was all knowing, why would He do this to them? He knelt on the floor and looked out at the moon and the stars. He spoke to The Creator. “Forgive me, Lord, I am weak. I’m not worthy to be her protector. Would you ever consider her as my mate, my pairing partner? I could place a million years between Daireann and me and never get over her. You’ve ruined me. I’m not able to protect her without putting us both in jeopardy. My unyielding love for her has made me weak.”


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