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Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)

Page 9

by D. F. Jones

  Sandy kissed his neck, reached up, and tugged on his sweet, full lips. “Well, let’s just cross that bridge when we get to it. I’m chosen. I’m not a regular human and the Spirit of Man married us. She’s on our side.”

  Baldric brushed the hair away from her shoulders. “I love you no matter what happens today. I love you. No one can take that from us.”

  Sandy’s voice quivered. “You’re scaring me. Do you think they’ll separate us?”

  “We’re paired for eternity. I’ll find a way to you if they take my guardianship. I’ve served the AAF faithfully for two thousand years; surely my service and loyalty will mean something. You must have faith and be strong while I’m away. Michael or Gabriel will send messengers to watch over you until I get an answer. The warrior angels will watch over you. Don’t give up on me.”

  Sandy wrapped her arms around him. She put on a brave face for him because he wanted her strong. “I’ll never give up on us. I’ll wait for you. Just keep in mind, I’m human and humans die every day. If something happens to me, you must promise to find me in the Everafter.”

  “You’re not dying anytime soon. You have a part of me from last night. The tiny sparkles, they’re a part of my DNA, and now they’re a part of yours. I could find you if worlds and years separate us, Daireann. Michael has summoned me. I have to go.” Baldric kissed and hugged her, and then he was gone.

  * * *

  Caiojezeal watched from the bedroom window the tearful exchange between Sandy and Baldric. He knew the warrior was attached to the female, but to pair with her for eternity? What a dumbass. She was beautiful, no doubt. But the earth had millions of beautiful women. Why be tied to one when there were so many to sample?

  It was no skin off his ass. Caiojezeal had a job to do and ported to Lucifer’s estate in Arrington. Luc’s property stretched miles in the underground caverns. Caiojezeal found Luc lounging with his latest ingénue near the warm pools of Idema. Lucifer never mated with humans. He only slept with purebred angels or descendants of purebreds out of heaven.

  Caiojezeal bowed on one knee. “Sire, Baldric has paired with his human ward. He’s been summoned by Michael.”

  Luc jumped up from the blue suede chaise and knocked the female demon to the ground. “You’re joking. Caiojezeal, you better not be shitting me, or you can say goodbye to earth and hello darkness.”

  Caiojezeal stayed on bended knee. “Sire, you asked me to report to you when Baldric left the human. I watched the Spirit of Man pair the two in a human church. He mated the female last night, and the AAF summoned Baldric this morning.”

  Luc clapped his hands and Taste of Honey’s “Boogie Oogie Oogie” bounced off the cave walls. A disco mirror ball and strobe lights materialized out of thin air. Luc danced and sang. He pulled the demon female from behind the couch and twirled her around. “This is the best news I’ve had since the Spanish Flu outbreak. Get Cole and the others upstairs. I have to get my groove on, and I’ll join you later. You’re dismissed.” Luc grabbed the female and ripped off her clothes. Caiojezeal dematerialized upstairs.

  * * *

  Luc strolled up the stairs after bathing in the pools with the sweet little ass of Sazae. He wore his black leather pants and white silk shirt. Sometimes it was just good to be him. Luc burst through the double doors to the great room. Several chief demons, including Caiojezeal along with Cole and his people, were laughing about Councilman Stevens’ disappearance. He was fish bait at the bottom of Percy Priest Lake.

  Luc pointed to Cole and said, “Get Sandy Cothran and get my book. If you fuck this up, Cole, I swear you’ll face an eternity of hell. You catch my drift, homeboy?”

  Reclining in the leather chair next to the fireplace, Cole wore a black wool blazer, a tan turtleneck, and a pair of jeans with black cowboy boots. “Ms. Cothran called my office and requested a meeting today. I’d say that’s fate, wouldn’t you? I was just waiting to tell you before we take off downtown. Oh, and dig this, she’s bringing the book. Can you believe it? Do you still want her or just the book?”

  Luc paced back and forth across the room. He wondered if the AAF was setting a trap. It would be just like them to use the human female to get to him. Baldric wouldn’t have contact with earth until his meeting with The Creator was over. Time was of the essence. “Caiojezeal, take a team of seasoned warrior demon angels and go with Cole to get my book. Make sure it isn’t a trap. I want my book back first and foremost, and just for shits and giggles bring me the girl. Baldric’s going to get a little payback.”

  Cole shoved his hands into his pockets. “So, if I get your book back, can I have the girl? She’s cost me a ton of money, and I still may go to jail. I think she deserves a little payback, too.”

  Lucifer flew in front of Cole and smacked him hard across the face. “The theft took place because of your stupidity. Ms. Cothran is mine.”

  Cole rubbed his jaw and said, “Yeah, whatever, man. Let’s go, guys. Time’s a wasting.”

  * * *

  Cole walked out of the living area through the kitchen and into the garage. He’d overheard Caiojezeal talking to one of the demon angel guards stationed at the front door. Sandy was still at her parents’ house. It was time to pay his nemesis a visit.

  Arrington Estate was centrally located between Nashville and Everglade. Cole grabbed the keys for the black Suburban with tinted windows. Hammer jumped in the front seat while Carson and Walt got in the back. Cole sat behind the wheel and cranked the engine, pressed the remote button, and the garage door opened. He backed out and drove down the driveway. Turning onto Cox Road, Cole said, “Change of plans. Ms. Cothran didn’t call me. We’re heading to Everglade.”

  Hammer leaned his forearm on the console and said, “You do have balls of steel.” He laughed loudly, and the boys joined in at the play on Cole’s name.

  Caiojezeal materialized between Carson and Walt, nearly making Cole run off the road. Caiojezeal said, “You’re heading in the wrong direction. Are you deliberately trying to provoke Luc?”

  Cole glanced at Caiojezeal through the rearview mirror. “I believe your orders were to go with me to get the girl and the book, and that’s what we’re doing. Like you told your buddy at the door, Sandy’s in Everglade at her parents’ house, alone. I need you and your team to go ahead and intercept the messengers and warriors the AAF will send to watch Ms. Cothran while Baldric is away. Give me fifteen minutes. I’m taking the back roads. Then let me do my job. I’ll get the book and the girl.”

  * * *

  Caiojezeal and his team ported to the outlying property lines of Sandy’s parents. After calculating there were five AAF warriors present, three on the exterior and two on the interior of the house, he said, “Take the two on the roof first, then the one at the front door. Be careful, in case my projections are wrong. Let’s do this as quietly and stealthily as possible. After capturing the warriors, we’ll meet in the barn to secure them.”

  He turned to his team and said, “I want the AAF to know we’re a force to be reckoned with. I’ll get the warrior watching Sandy.” With a motion of Caiojezeal’s hand, the demon angel team descended on the AAF warriors. The AAF managed to send two of their demon angels to the Eternal Blackness, but the demon angels eventually took possession of the house and property. Caiojezeal captured Sandy’s warrior angel off guard and managed to subdue him before he alerted the AAF command center. Caiojezeal’s team tied the AAF warriors with gelean wire, developed by Luc to diffuse the AAF powers and block any transmittal of messages to the AAF headquarters.

  * * *

  Sandy crawled back under the covers and placed the pillow Baldric slept on over her face and inhaled, then sighed. His scent lingered on the pillowcase. She closed her eyes and allowed the cords of light to take her back to her wedding at St. Timothy’s. She replayed her incredibly intoxicating honeymoon. Her husband knew her so well, and he’d pushed her every button in exactly the right places. Sandy prayed for sanction of their union.

  The teleph
one rang. Rolling over onto her stomach and grinning like the cat who ate the canary, she reached over and grabbed the pink princess phone off the nightstand. “This is Sandy Cothran.”

  Ruby yelled into the phone, “Sandy, thank God. Get out of your house. Don’t take a shower, just leave.”

  Sandy flipped over and sat on the side of the bed. “What’s happened?”

  Frantically, Ruby replied, “It’s not what’s happened but what’s going to happen. The Dragon Dream is real. Luc is sending his men to you. I dreamed it, and it’s as real as me talking to you now. Hang up and leave!”

  “I’m outta here.” She slammed the phone down and rapidly searched for her clothing. “Geez, Louise.” Baldric had ripped her shirt and bra last night. She picked up her jeans and ran into her parents’ bedroom. She grabbed her dad’s red V-neck sweater out of his closet and pulled it over her head. She went back into her bedroom and dropped to her knees, looking for her boots. Sandy went flat onto her stomach and pulled them from under the bed slats along with her socks.

  Downstairs, she scoped the room for her purse and keys and hit the door running when she came face-to-face with Cole. Sandy used the elementary school fire drill—stop, drop, and roll—to try to get away from her attackers. Her adrenaline was running a mile a minute. Her arms and legs were propelling kicks and jabs before being restrained. Lightning flashes from her chords of light filled Sandy’s mind with her assailant’s memories that made her stomach roll and lurch. Blood ran into her eyes and mouth. Her award-winning reporter skills had finally done her in.

  Cole Steele was going to kill her. That was when someone hit her head from behind with a loud crack, and it was lights out. Right before she faded to black, an image of Baldric’s handsome face appeared in her mind, and Sandy screamed, “Baldric!”

  Sandy had no idea how long she’d been knocked out. She woke up in the middle of her parents’ den hog-tied to one of the kitchen chairs.

  Cole Steele looked down at her with a satisfied smile. “Looky, looky, looky—we have a cookie. You’re not getting out of those ropes, love. So quit trying.”

  Sandy frowned and pressed her lips together. Damn, she was in a tight spot as she tried to relax and concentrate on her best course of action. She systematically outlined everything in her mind like she was writing out a formula back in Professor Knox’s class in college and with about the same results. Cole and his thugs surrounded Sandy. She was S.O.L.

  Cole leaned down in front of her and placed his hands on either side of the chair. “Now, since I have your attention, you get one shot at this, sweetheart. Where’s Luc’s book?”

  Sandy hated that she was a tomboy because her reflex reaction worked faster than her brain. She spat in Cole’s face, and he backhanded her so hard she saw stars. He grabbed her hair, and it felt like he was pulling it out by the roots. Tears formed in her eyes, but her stubbornness persisted. “Luc’s book is the only thing keeping me alive. Go to hell, asshole!”

  Ka-pow! Cole’s fist smashed Sandy’s nose and blood spewed like water. The white-hot pain nearly made her faint. Cole shouted at Walt, “Get her a towel.” He turned back to Sandy and wiped the blood from her nose with his sleeve. “You like it rough. Well, so do I.” He punched her in the gut, and she threw up on him. Today just kept getting better and better.

  Walt pressed a cold towel to Sandy’s nose, and she cried out in excruciating pain. Cole must’ve obliterated her septum. Cole pushed Walt out of the way. “You’re going to tell me where Luc’s book is, or I’ll send Hammer to pick up your friends, Ruby and Anna. I know your friends and your family. I’ll bring them together, and I’ll beat them to death with my hands while you watch, bitch. You fucking tried to ruin everything I worked decades to build. You have a choice: tell me where the book is, or I’ll send Hammer. Your call. You have ten seconds. Count ’em, Carson.”

  Carson began counting backward from ten when a luminous light entered the room. Sandy’s heart leapt and then she realized the angel in front of her wasn’t Baldric. The fierce-looking angel had shoulder-length, dark brown hair and brilliant blue eyes. He threw Cole against the wall like he was a ragdoll. “You fucking idiot. What have you done to her?”

  Cole yelled, “She’s mine, Caiojezeal. Mine.”

  Caiojezeal leaned down in front of Sandy and placed his hand over her nose. The radiant light from his hand burned her skin, but a minute later the pain was gone. He said, “You must tell me where you’ve hidden Luc’s Testament. Cole won’t harm you further, but if you don’t tell me, I’m afraid Luc will be more persuasive than Cole.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she shook her head back and forth. “Baldric didn’t send you?”

  Sandy thought she’d seen compassion in the angel’s eyes before she mentioned Baldric’s name. Caiojezeal held her chin firmly and stated, “I’m a demon angel, servant of Lucifer and commander of his army in the south.” He clasped her forearm, and she sensed Caiojezeal reading her thoughts. Damn it. She was screwed.

  Two demon angels appeared on his right and left flanks. Caiojezeal released Sandy and said, “Clean her up and ready her for travel. We need her presentable at City Bank and Trust. Luc’s Testament is in her lockbox.” He strode over to Cole and slammed him against the wall. “You touch her again, and I’ll see to it Luc terminates your mission today. Luc has commanded her into his presence, and I will ensure we proceed posthaste.”

  The female demon angel untied the ropes and threw Sandy over her shoulders. She flew upstairs and placed Sandy in the shower. “Ready yourself, human.”

  Sandy said, “Turn around while I undress.”

  The demon angel laughed and said, “Not a chance. Do it or I will.”

  Sandy undressed and threw the bloodied clothes on the floor. She quickly showered and dried off with a towel. The bruises on her face were gone but not on her ribs and arms. Whatever Caiojezeal did, the pain had disappeared. The similarities between the angels and demons were astounding, except this demon had dull and soulless eyes.

  Sandy straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. “I don’t have any clothes to wear. And what did you do with the warriors sent to watch over me?”

  The sinister giggle from the lithe demon made her blood chill. “Let’s just say they’re all tied up at the moment. We’ve brought you clothes from your condo. They’re in your old room.”

  Sandy walked through the house without a stitch of clothing. She refused to allow the demon or Cole to belittle her. She’d always been proud of her physical form, with or without clothes. A Jones of New York black suit with a lavender blouse lay on the bed with her undergarments and black pumps. She dressed with care until the female demon stood behind her and Sandy felt the warmth of her breath on her neck. Sandy turned and said, “Back off, bitch. I’m ready. Let’s get this over with.”

  The demon angel laughed again and said, “Your journey is just beginning, buttercup.”

  Chapter 8

  Evil Ways

  Sandy rode in the back seat beside Caiojezeal in Cole’s Suburban. She didn’t know what transpired between the demon angel, Caiojezeal, and Cole while she was getting ready. Sandy sensed they were now working on the same page. Luc’s Testament was the only thing keeping her alive. She closed her eyes and traveled on the cords of light to the book. She turned page after page of incantations and memorized them quickly. Using Luc’s magic spells was her only way of escape even though the spells could turn her soul dark, but Sandy had to take a chance.

  Over the last couple of days, Sandy had practiced the fencing skills Baldric taught her at home and in her mind. If she could materialize her sword, then it might buy her enough time to escape with the book and her life. On the off chance calling on her sword didn’t work, Sandy memorized the spell of disappearance which would give her the ability to port her physical form from one place to another on the ethereal plane.

  Sandy was already Luc’s prisoner, so she didn’t think she had anything to lose. Ruby would summon the wa
rds and guardians when she didn’t arrive at Everglade Store. They would come for her. The guardians would tell Baldric, and he would save her.

  The chitchat among her captors was minimal, to say the least. They didn’t give away any information she could use at a later date and time. Sandy had a photographic memory along with her clairvoyance. Caiojezeal seemed to possess the same skill set.

  Caiojezeal walked inside the bank with Sandy, the bank staff oblivious to the supernatural warfare going on around them. Sandy’s heart pounded so loud she could barely hear herself think when she entered the private room for lockbox customers.

  Caiojezeal grabbed her hand and spun her around. His handsome face distorted with anger. “Dear God, woman, you do have a death wish. Do not attempt to cast a spell or any other. I’m thousands of years old and have conquered many humans with much more experience than you. I do commend your effort.” He grabbed her shoulders and said, “I bind you, Sandra Daireann, from using witchcraft. I bind you from astral travel on the ethereal plane.”

  Sandy shook forcefully out of his grasp and, just for spite, kicked him in the shin.

  Caiojezeal eye’s brightened again with a flickering light, which Sandy interpreted as compassion or curiosity. He chuckled and said, “So, I see why Baldric likes you. You’re quite a handful, aren’t you, Ms. Cothran? Now open the damn box.”

  Sandy placed the key inside the lock, but before she opened the drawer, she said, “You’re not like the other demon who escorted me to take a shower. You seem different.”

  Caiojezeal threw his head back and laughed so hard he held onto his sides. “Well, then you’re seeing a side of me I haven’t seen since being cast out of heaven. I was once a member of the AAF until Luc recruited me. Luc is an amazing and charismatic angel but very dangerous. Make no mistake. I’m dangerous, too. Quit stalling and give me the book.”


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