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Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)

Page 13

by D. F. Jones

  Ruby pulled a chair in front of Baldric and sat down. She proceeded to tell him the plans the Campbell Ridge wards and the guardians had developed to rescue Sandy. George agreed to go undercover, and Nelson Doune decided to allow access to his farm so the wards and guardians could enter Luc’s compound. Nelson’s boys stripped some breakers from the panel before the estate called an electrician. The guardians intercepted the call and redirected it to George’s company, Champion Electric.

  George scheduled a morning appointment to access the damage and scope the interior of the compound. Celina would use her faze to infiltrate the humans for a head count and try to get a sense for the number of demon angels on the premises.

  Ruby said, “Baldric, we need you to remain calm and use your marking to pinpoint the cavern’s entrance and find where they’re holding Sandy. You’ll compromise my brother’s life if you do something stupid. Erinelle and the other guardians are developing a military strategy for the battle. Then you can unleash your anger on the demons and Luc. But first, you have to assure me you will remain calm. Will you allow me to ask Erinelle for your release? Are you ready to plan and execute Sandy’s rescue?”

  Baldric closed his eyes and nodded. “Yes. I’ll need help standing because this damn chair has zapped me too many times. Calming chair? They need to call it the limp noodle chair.”

  Ruby went to him and touched the side of his face. “My friend is very blessed to have you as her husband. I’m happy for both of you.”

  His head dropped, and tears fell onto his lap. “I’m not worthy. I failed her as a spouse. I didn’t protect her.”

  Ruby stomped her foot. “I will not have that kind of negative crap coming out of your mouth. Sandy had Luc’s book. She knew he would come for her. She just didn’t expect it so soon. They were watching her every move. Cole and an elite group of demon angels struck as soon as you left the ethereal plane, and they overwhelmed the warriors that were in place for her protection. Stop the bullshit and let’s get my friend home. I mean, I need to plan her a wedding shower.”

  Baldric’s lips turned upward ever so slightly. “I’m ready. Get Erinelle.” He’d battled Luc many times and prayed for a miracle. Baldric didn’t know how they would penetrate Luc’s compound without significant injuries and possibly casualties.

  * * *

  The guardians of Campbell Ridge along with several divisions of the AAF trained in the barn and out in the back lot. The double doors at the front and back of the barn, and every side door was open to allow the breezy, warm air to circulate.

  Ruby pulled her mom off to the side, next to the stall where Baldric had been in the calming chair. “Mom, I need to go to the hospital and tell Hugh and Sally about Sandy. What should I tell them?”

  Lee began to straighten the bridles, reins, and bits along with the other tack that had fallen to the ground during Baldric’s struggle. “You have to tell them the truth. I spoke with Erinelle before the meeting this afternoon. She agrees. Baldric is their son-in-law and needs to go with you. Reed’s practicing with the warriors in the barn lot, so take Daddy’s truck. Your Jeep is blocked in.”

  “Where’s Baldric?”

  Lee laughed and said, “Eating me out of house and home.”

  “Gotcha. Oh, what about her boss? She’s off for a few more days. Should I call him?”

  Scratching an eyebrow, Lee said, “What a mess. Let’s wait a day or so before calling her boss. The fewer people that know about Sandy’s kidnapping, the better. The angels will have an enormous cleanup regardless. I don’t see another recourse but to fight for Sandy. Ruby, please be careful. Little Joe needs his mommy.”

  Ruby kissed her cheek. “I’ll do my best, Mom.” She left out the side door and ran up the hill in the backyard to the kitchen door. The kitchen looked like a war zone. Baldric and Harry had devoured several pepperoni pizzas and two apple pies. Little Joe was in his playpen sound asleep.

  Ruby opened the fridge and pulled out a pitcher of sweet tea. After she had poured a glass, she sat on one of the bar stools because the table looked disgusting. “Baldric, when you’re finished eating, we need to take a drive to the hospital. It’s time you officially met your in-laws.”

  Harry choked and coughed before taking a drink of tea. “I forgot Hugh is still in the hospital. What are you going to tell them?”

  Baldric tore off a paper towel and wiped his mouth. “The truth. They deserve it. Hey, Harry, I hate to leave the mess and run.”

  Harry scooped up another spoon of pie. “Go on. Joe has another hour of sleep. Besides, that’s why I bought a dishwasher. Might as well use it. I called in more pizza from Rose. She’s bringing them with a case of Cokes in a bit. I figured it would be the easiest way to feed everyone. Give Sally and Hugh our love.”

  Ruby grabbed the truck keys off the hook next to the back door. “My Jeep is blocked in, so Mom said to use yours.” Harry nodded with a mouth full of pie and waved Ruby out the door.

  On the drive to the hospital, neither Ruby nor Baldric said anything until Main Street. He looked at Ruby, and she glanced at him. In a quiet voice, she said, “I dread telling them. I don’t know what to say.”

  Baldric stared out the window. “It needs to come from me. I’ll tell them.”

  “This isn’t your fault.” Ruby turned into the hospital parking lot and found a spot close to the entrance.

  “It is my fault. I should’ve done my job. But I’ll never regret marrying her.” Baldric’s armor mysteriously changed into human clothes.

  It was the first time Ruby had ever seen Baldric in street clothes. He wore blue jeans with a navy crewneck sweater and a pair of Timberlands. Ruby teased, “Sandy would flip out seeing you in jeans. Has she ever seen you in clothes? Oh, you know, something besides your armor gear.”

  Baldric’s green eyes seemed dull, and he replied, “No. I rarely wear street clothes. I’m going to deliver a major shock to her parents, so I just thought it might be easier looking a little more human.”

  Baldric walked in his physical form toward the entrance. Ruby noticed his typical swagger was gone, replaced by a slower gait. Her heart ached for Sandy and Baldric. They took the elevator to the second floor. Every female, civilian and hospital staff alike, stopped and stared openly at the hunk walking by them. He was oblivious to his effect on the women.

  Stepping out of the elevator, Ruby and Baldric walked several doors down and stopped at Hugh’s room. Ruby knocked softly and said, “Is it okay to come in?”

  Sally replied, “It’s okay, Ruby.” Hugh was sitting up in a reclining chair, and Sally lay on the bed thumbing through a Town & Country magazine.

  Hugh wore a pair of blue-and-green plaid pajamas with black slippers. “Hey, girlie. I’m glad you came to see us. We’ve been trying to call Sandy. Have you heard from her?”

  Ruby shut the door and pulled the blinds. “Hugh, Sally, this is Baldric. He is, well, he is…”

  Baldric interrupted and said, “I’m Sandy’s husband.” Hugh’s eyes went wide with surprise, and Sally’s hand went to her mouth. With respect, Baldric said, “Please hear me out before you ask questions.”

  Baldric started from the beginning, at Sandy’s birth, and did a chronological account of his relationship with their daughter. He explained Sandy’s divine calling and power. Her parents were struck silent and appeared to be in shock.

  In a flash of white light, Baldric appeared in his armor, and his beautiful, shimmering wings expanded. “The evening of your car accident, Sandy and I were married at St. Timothy’s by the Spirit of Man. It’s forbidden for a human and angel to get married. But Sandy and I belong together. I was summoned to appear before my commander and archangel, Michael, and The Creator. No outside communication is available during closed-door meetings. The Creator delivered news to me about Sandy’s abduction.”

  Baldric paused and went on one knee before Hugh and looked up into his eyes. “Sandy was kidnapped by Cole Steele, who works for Lucifer. Sandy possessed Luc’s Tes
tament, a very powerful book containing the souls of the damned and incantations, along with personal entries of Luc’s existence on earth. He wanted the book back, and he’s using Sandy to get me. Our pairing left him an opening to take her without me for protection. The angels sent to relieve me were overpowered by the demon angels. Some of our angels are still recovering in The Treatment Center from the injuries sustained during the attack. I vow to you, her father and mother, I will get Sandy back.”

  Ruby nearly rubbed the skin off the pads of her fingers from nerves. Hugh looked at her and said, “Is this true?”

  Ruby stepped over and placed her hand on Baldric’s shoulder. “Yes, sir. I know it must seem like something out a fairy tale or movie, but I tell you the truth. There’s supernatural warfare going on around us every single minute of every day. You all are members of St. Timothy’s. The stories, the Bible classes, it’s real, not something abstract you read in the Bible and then go about your everyday business.”

  Hugh reached over and gently placed his hand on top of Baldric’s head. “It was you. You’re the one who whispered to me about Ben Salinger hurting Sandy.”

  Baldric nodded and folded his arms over his knee. “Yes, sir. That’s the day I started breaking the rules. Every human has free will. Ben’s free will inflicted abuse on Sandy. I wasn’t supposed to interfere, but I did.”

  Hugh broke down and cried. Sally jumped off of the bed and placed her arms around his shoulders. “It’s going to be okay. Baldric will bring her back to us. He’ll save Sandy.” She turned to Baldric and asked, “You will save her?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I will. I vow to you both I’ll not stop until I get Sandy back.”

  Ruby watched Baldric with Sandy’s parents. She prayed silently to The Creator to give them strength. She had a bad feeling. A memory from a dream long ago flashed across her mind. People were injured and screaming. Was the coming battle the same as her dream? Would she lose people she loved? Destruction and darkness were coming for them all, but they would fight for the light.

  Chapter 11


  Lucifer entered Sandy’s chamber through his adjoining door. He walked over to her bed and looked down at the human female. The light of heaven shone on her face, and he became jealous and homesick. He sat on the bed and brushed the hair away from her face.

  She rubbed her eyes, stretched, and yawned. “CJ?”

  Luc frowned and raised a brow. She had to be referring to Caiojezeal. “No, it isn’t CJ. I was just checking to see if you were comfortable.”

  She sat up on the bed and pulled the covers to her chin. “You shouldn’t be in my bedroom. It’s not proper.”

  Luc chuckled and said, “Who are you?”

  “I’m Dee. It’s what CJ called me. I can’t remember who I am or where I am. But the room is beautiful, and I love the mountains.”

  Luc looked around the dark chamber with only a few pieces of furniture and a stone fireplace. No windows and certainly no mountains were in the caverns. Caiojezeal had outdone himself with the memory cleansing and had given Dee a pleasant image to ease her mind. Whatever. “What have you and CJ been doing while I’ve been away?”

  “He took me for a walk in the caverns to the blue pools. It was super fun.”

  Luc didn’t know if he liked the juvenile Dee, but he decided to play along. “Would you like to swim in the pool?”

  With excitement, she replied, “Would I ever. I have a closet full of clothes. I bet there’s a swimming suit in there.”

  “Hmmm, a whole closet of clothes, you say? Why don’t you look for a suit and I’ll wait for you.”

  Dee jumped from the bed and ran into the closet from the bathroom. She emerged later wearing a white halter top swimsuit, making Luc adjust his jeans. She said, “This is the only suit I found. I don’t feel old, but when I looked into the mirror, I had boobs, big ones.”

  Luc threw his head back and laughed. “You certainly do.” There was something about this human he couldn’t wrap his head around. Usually, all humans revolted him. This human had a feisty spirit, and she made him laugh. Sandy would be furious when she figured out about the memory cleanse. He couldn’t wait. Luc reached for her hand, and she took it. He chuckled to himself. Luc liked Sandy all hot and bothered. Not like some giddy schoolgirl.

  Luc and Dee walked through the caverns, and she looked up at him with a curious expression on her face. “It must’ve cost a fortune to run electricity down here, but the different colored lights reflecting off the stalactites are phenomenal.”

  He leaned next to her ear and said, “What if I told you it was magic lighting the caverns? Would you believe me?”

  “Aw, you’re trying to pull my leg.” She giggled and followed the natural stone steps down to the pool. He watched her as she descended to dip her toes in the water. “The water is warm. Is it deep enough to jump in?”

  Luc waved his hand and said, “Jump away.”

  Dee submerged herself into the clear blue water. Luc watched as she rose to the top and broke the water’s surface. “Wow, it’s very deep. I couldn’t touch the bottom.” She swam over to the edge and placed her chin on top of her hands. “Aren’t you getting in?”

  Luc began to undress, and Dee screamed, “Aren’t you going to get your suit?”

  “No, darling, I prefer to skinny dip.” Luc dropped his jeans, and Dee turned her head. He entered the pool and swam to her and turned her to face him. The blood rushed into Dee’s cheeks.

  Dee playfully splashed water on him. “Keep your distance, mister.”

  Luc shook his head in disbelief. He looked up to the cave’s ceiling and then said, “I can’t take another minute of this bullshit. The school-aged kid routine doesn’t do a thing for me.” He snapped his fingers and said, “Daireann, wake up.”

  * * *

  Sandy nervously glanced about the cave’s chamber. She slowly backed against the stone wall of the pool. She gritted her teeth and shouted, “How in the hell did you get me into the pool and who put this swimming suit on me?”

  Luc chuckled and treaded water, inching closer to Sandy. “Now that’s more like it. Caiojezeal must have a thing for little girls. I told him to give you a memory wipe, not make you a kid. I’ll talk to him. Music, cocktails?” Soft jazz bounced off the walls, and a frozen margarita materialized in Sandy’s hand.

  Sandy pushed herself up on the stone ledge to climb out of the pool. But Luc flipped her around to face him using his powers, not his hands. “I’m not through playing with you in the pool.”

  A lithe female demon angel sauntered into the pool room. Her bronze skin shimmered in the reflective light. Her short black hair was slicked back behind her pointy ears. Her Bambi eyes were a deep azure. She reached down and took the drink Sandy had discarded. Something about the female reminded Sandy of a magical fairy in the storybooks. She ran her fingers through Sandy’s hair with care. “What’s she doing here? I didn’t think you were into humans.”

  On the opposite side of the pool from Sandy, Luc sat on the stone ledge, kicking his feet back and forth in the water. “I’ve never been into humans. But there’s something about this female that intrigues me. Are you jealous, Sazae?”

  Sazae stripped off her clothes and dove into the pool. She swam over to Luc and ran her hand between his legs. “No, I don’t have to be jealous. The human female hates you.”

  “Hate is such a lovely word.” Luc turned to Sandy and asked, “Please, tell me you hate me, and we’ll be moving in the right direction, love.”

  Sandy’s lips thinned over her teeth, and she clenched her jaw. “I despise you.”

  Luc clapped his hands. “Oh, happy day.” He grabbed Sazae and crushed her with a kiss. “Sandy, watch. I want you to see what you’re missing. But, most important of all, I want to smell your arousal when I take Sazae.” He jumped into the pool and entered the female demon angel, and Saze arched her back in response while emitting moans of pleasure. He shouted to Sandy, “I said look, human.”
r />   Sandy went wild with fear when Luc made Sazae appear in Sandy’s image. Luc crooned, “See yourself as I enjoy the ride.” He grabbed Sazae, who looked like Sandy, by the head of her hair and pushed her under the water.

  Sandy retched onto the stone floor.

  He laughed and said, “Do you taste me in your mouth?”

  Caiojezeal entered the pool room and saw Sandy giving Luc underwater oral and frowned. He glanced across the pool, and another Sandy was throwing up on the stone floor. Caiojezeal swiftly reached down and lifted the real Sandy into his arms. He glared at Luc and hissed, “You are one sick bastard.”

  “Yeah, well, what’s new? Into kiddies, CJ? What’s up turning my Sandy into a little girl? Just leave her with the memory of me in the pool. I want the image burned into her brain. Erase everything else.”

  Sazae emerged from the water. Luc had returned her appearance. “What’s wrong with her?”

  Caiojezeal gritted his teeth and replied, “Ask your husband.” Sandy glared at Luc before burrowing her face into Caiojezeal’s neck.

  Luc threw a stream of greenish, glowing fire swirling around Sandy and Caiojezeal that bounced off the walls of the cavern as they walked away. Laughing, Luc yelled out, “You can run, Sandy, but you can’t hide.” Luc laughed again and yelled, “Hey, great idea, let’s play hide and seek later.”

  Caiojezeal held Sandy in his arms as she shivered. “It’s okay. He was playing mind games with you. You must stay strong, or you’ll not last here. He didn’t touch you. He just made the illusion seem real. Look at me. Come on, look at me.”

  Sandy lifted her head and cried, “Where’s Baldric? Why hasn’t he come for me? He’s supposed to protect me. That vile thing in the pool. I hate Luc. Help me, Caiojezeal. Please help me escape.”


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