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Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)

Page 18

by D. F. Jones

  Reed held her in his arms again and kissed the top of her head. “Let’s rock, baby.”

  They held hands walking down the stairs, past her dad’s den, down the hall, and through the great room into the kitchen. Inside the kitchen, the guardians of Campbell Ridge stood battle ready in full armor, packing a multitude of weapons.

  Ruby noticed the love in the air between her parents, and Jerry and Anna. She could only assume everyone took the opportunity to get a little extra loving before they went into battle.

  Harry hugged Lee so tight and kissed her like no one was watching. He released her and said, “I’ll hold down the fort. Come back to me, Tootie.” Harry and Lee had called each other Tootie for years as a sign of affection. Ruby fought hard not to cry. She couldn’t eat or drink anything because she didn’t think she’d keep it down.

  Seneca stepped over to Ruby and held her arms. “You’re ready, and I’ll be with you. Just remember, when the battle starts, never look back. Go for the kill. I’ll give you armor and weapons at Nelson Doune Farms.” Seneca kissed her forehead and said, “I love you.” He dematerialized.

  Ruby glanced at Baldric. She understood why they called him Baldric the Warrior. He looked like a slayer of dragons. He would get Sandy back. Baldric said, “Before I leave, I want to say I owe each of you a debt of gratitude I’ll never be able to pay back.” He bowed and dematerialized.

  One by one the guardians left on the ethereal plane to Nelson Doune Farms. Jerry and Anna, Ruby and Reed, Harry and Lee stood together in a circle. Without being told, they grabbed hands and bowed their heads as they recited the King James version of Psalm 23:

  The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake

  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

  Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

  Chapter 15


  Traveling on the astral plane from LA, Lucifer entered the northern border of Arrington Estates shortly after four a.m. Walking past the two aluminum outbuildings, he sensed a change in the air. It prickled his built-in what-the-fuck sensor. Something just didn’t feel quite right. Luc looked at both buildings storing farm equipment along with a varying array of weapons for the human guards in his employ.

  Luc strode from the outbuildings to the large barn and went through the main double doors down the center alley. Stalls held his prize-winning Tennessee Walkers. The main barn also had a tack room and grooming area. Luc stepped over to his black beauty, rubbed his nose, and materialized a carrot in his hand. “Good boy. You’re a magnificent beast.” He flew up to the massive loft holding hay bales and straw. Nothing was out of place or seemed out of order.

  Luc shook his head as he left the barn and ported across the back lot to his garden. He’d drawn the design from his memory of the Rose Garden in heaven and hired the best landscape developer in the South. It was one of the few areas which gave him contentment. Luc took the side entrance through the state-of-the-art kitchen with black appliances and opened the microwave. Estevo left him a plate of spicy lime chicken with a side of Spanish rice and corn on the cob. The personal chef worked miracles with herbs, sauces, and peppers. Luc had a sophisticated palate that loved spicy food and the hotter, the better, but he wasn’t hungry for food.

  Walking down the hall, he stuck his head in the living room. Carson had fallen asleep on the couch in front of the fire. A demon angel stood by the front entrance door. Luc nodded and proceeded to the TV room and waved his hand, opening the false wall panel.

  The underground cavern was Luc’s playground for various pursuits. He’d been unable to keep the encounter with Sandy out of his mind. Determined to bed her, Luc jogged down the manmade steps of the first floor to the second underground landing with a suite of rooms designed by him with spectacular formations and colorful lighting enhanced by his powers.

  Caiojezeal stood in front of Sandy’s room with his back against the wooden door. Luc tilted his head and inhaled. The demon angel cared for the human female. “I don’t need you anymore. Take a load off, go down to the club and hook up with one of the new demon females. Some very tasty tail.”

  Caiojezeal stepped away from the door. “I don’t want to go to the club. I prefer to stand my post.”

  Luc narrowed his eyes at the demon and said, “Just so we’re clear. I came back to bed the female. Are we going to have a problem?”

  “Does the female want to bed you? Or do you plan to rape her?”

  Luc backhanded him across the face. “Are you defying me?”

  Caiojezeal rubbed his jaw and said, “I’ve served you without question from the very beginning. I’ve traveled this earth over since its existence carrying out your bidding even when I disagreed with some of your methods because I believed in you. There are humans I despise, but I’ve seen firsthand their compassion and love, their kindness and generosity. I understand why The Creator loves them and wonder why we continue to fight this war.”

  Luc took a deep breath and said, “Come into my room. Let’s talk.” The white, marbled walls against the black stone of the cave created a fantastical grotto complete with stalagmites and stalactites. He had a king-size onyx bed with diamond embellishments of stars and angels. Elaborate tapestries hung on the walls along with gilded mirrors. His bedroom reflected romanticism to entice the female demon angels who begat him children.

  “Sit down. I’m going to have a drink. What about you?” On the far left side of the room, hot springs ran under an arch in the rock ceiling. Next to the steaming waters, Luc opened a door with a pull down latch and revealed a crystal bar with colorful prisms. “Beer or cocktail?”

  Caiojezeal replied, “Beer.”

  “Sounds good to me.” He grabbed two out of the cooler and stepped over to the two chairs next to the end of the bed. He handed off the beer to CJ and sat down and popped the top of the can.

  “Los Angeles is thriving. Our numbers have tripled in less than a year. It rivals New York with the glam. Ah, here’s to vanity and greed.” He raised his beer and Caiojezeal did the same. “Tell me why the sudden change of heart when everything we’ve worked so hard to accomplish is unfolding before our eyes. At this rate, the humans will destroy themselves with little effort on our part. We just have to sit back and watch.”

  Caiojezeal sat down and sipped his brew. With a turn of his head, he said, “I like Sandy. Please don’t sleep with her.”

  Luc chuckled and said, “I knew it. I knew you fell for her. Sandy is different, isn’t she? I’m sorry, old boy, but I can’t make that promise. I intend to make her mine as soon as you leave. Get over it or get out. Those are your choices, my man.”

  “Will you give her a choice?”

  With a sideways grin, Luc replied, “Yeah, she can make love to me, or I can fuck her. She’s going to bear me a son. A hybrid, half demon angel, and half human. He’ll go to the best schools and meet the right people until he’s placed in authority over this planet.”

  “What happens to Sandy after you’ve used her?”

  Luc turned up his beer and belched. “I’m going to kill her. I need her body, not her mind.”

  Caiojezeal stood and threw the beer can against the wall. “I can’t let you do it. You have the book. You made your point to Baldric. I’m taking her home.” He turned and in three strides was at the adjoining door to Sandy’s room.

  Luc flew into the air and lunged for Caiojezeal as he entered Sandy’s room. They tumbled to the floor and rolled into Sandy’s bed. “I don’t want to fight you, son. Repent and I
’ll let you live.” Luc straddled Caiojezeal and held him down by his shoulders.

  Caiojezeal screamed, “Run, Sandy. For the love of God, run!”

  Sandy bounced out of bed wearing a pale yellow nightgown. Luc snarled and said, “Stay where you are, human.”

  Sandy ran over and kicked Luc in the face, giving Caiojezeal the momentum to throw Luc off. Caiojezeal punched him in the gut. Sandy glanced between Luc and Caiojezeal. Her door was blocked, so she ran into Luc’s bedroom.

  Luc roared and flung Caiojezeal against the wall. He turned toward Sandy and yelled, “Sandra Daireann, do not move.” Luc immobilized her as Caiojezeal jumped on his back.

  Caiojezeal screamed into Luc’s ear, “I don’t want to fight you, but you’ve given me no choice. You’re out of control. Your actions are going to make it impossible to reconcile with Father.”

  Luc stomped on Caiojezeal’s left foot and elbowed him in the ribs. A wheezing sound escaped from Caiojezeal. Luc reached over his right shoulder and grabbed Caiojezeal by the head, then flipped him over onto the floor. Before Caiojezeal could regroup, Luc pounced on him and locked Caiojezeal’s arms behind his back. Caiojezeal jerked back and forth to get away, but Luc threw a punch into his jaw, making Caiojezeal’s head snap right. Luc lost control and beat Caiojezeal until he lay bleeding and unconscious on the floor.

  Breathing heavy, Luc’s lips tightened in a curl as he walked back into his bedroom. Still as a statue but wide awake, Sandy glared at him. The bitch wasn’t afraid even in her quiescent state. He paced slowly around Sandy, watching her chest move up and down in a steady rhythm.

  Luc leaned next to her ear and whispered, “I need you to do something for me.” He ran his hands gently up and down her arms. He stared into her eyes and placed Sandy in a trance. “Nod your head if you can hear me?” She nodded. “I want you to walk over and get into my bed. I’m going to make love to you. I command you.” He stepped away and placed his forefinger and thumb on his lips. Sandy did as he commanded. “Good girl.”

  * * *

  Reed stared out the Suburban’s backseat window. Jerry volunteered to drive to Nelson Doune Farms. Anna sat upfront with Jerry while Ruby and Lee joined him in the backseat. Reed’s mind raced as his adrenaline pumped. College was the last time he’d been in a real fight and not against demon angels and paid assassins. And not with his wife and mother-in-law.

  Reed thought back to the first time he’d laid eyes on Ruby Jane at Everglade General Store. He and Brent had stopped by to check out George’s little sister. Reed fell hard and fast for the red-haired spitfire. They’d married six months later, and it seemed like a lifetime ago.

  In the beginning, Ruby’s dreams seemed cool, but lately, more often than not she’d wake screaming or crying. Ruby blamed herself for not being able to see Sandy in The Dragon Dream.

  They’d argued about Ruby’s training with the AAF for the special ops mission. Harry intervened to get Reed in the AAF’s front door. Ruby’s stubbornness and loyalty wouldn’t allow her to sit idly by while her friends fought the devil. That in itself seemed unreal at times. The spiritual war consumed them every minute of every day. Reed didn’t dwell on it but accepted it as fact. After seeing how the wards were saving humans lives, he wanted to join the team.

  Reed worked out on a regular basis to keep in shape, but it was nothing compared to the workouts with Simon, the little boy angel who wasn’t a little boy at all. Reed was ready to fight to get Sandy back. He wasn’t willing to lose anyone in the process. But he knew no amount of training prepared you for the real battle or its consequences.

  Ruby squeezed his hand and leaned her head on his shoulder. Reed inhaled her sweet scent. He wanted to keep her safe. He prayed for strength.

  Lee glanced at him and said, “It’s okay to be scared before a battle. It’s called self-preservation.”

  Jerry chuckled as he gripped the steering wheel. “So that’s why I feel like I’m going to shit myself?”

  Everyone laughed. Reed knew laughter released fear. He’d heard his uncle describe Vietnam, and he’d said soldiers during war cracked jokes all the time.

  Ruby said, “The skin on my head is as tight as a tick. It feels like it’s going to split open.”

  Anna turned around and said, “It’s your nerves. My fingers are tingling with energy, and my stomach is in knots. I get like this before a major surgery. The guardians wouldn’t put us in this position if they didn’t think we could do the job.”

  The velvet night sky began to turn a shade lighter as they pulled into Nelson Doune Farms gatehouse. Reed remained quiet and focused on keeping his mind clear.

  Zeke stepped out of the gatehouse door and walked over to the Suburban as Jerry rolled down his window. Zeke said, “Hey, kid, the boss said y’all were heading to the hunting cabin, but my gut says something’s up. I smell it in the air. If you need me, I’ll jump in the Jeep and follow you back there.”

  Jerry leaned his arm on the windowsill. “Zeke, you’re a good man, but are you a praying man?”

  Zeke twirled the end of his handlebar mustache and replied, “I don’t hit the church doors often, but I know how to hit the floor. I’ll pray until I see you again.”

  As Jerry pulled down the long pebble driveway over the stone bridge, they passed rolling hills and black split rail fences. The old brick plantation-style house sat on a hill overlooking a small lake. Jerry took a right, bypassing the main house driveway, and turned toward the horse barn. Around the back of the barn, a metal gate was open, and the back trail became rougher, bouncing them in the seats.

  The hunting cabin was at the back of Nelson’s property. Last spring, Jerry took Reed to the cabin to get hammered, right after Anna found out about his engagement to Rachel. Ruby and Sandy had flown to Pensacola to spend the weekend with Anna. The cabin nestled in the thick woods was the closest access point to the Arrington Estate property from the map the guardian angels revealed.

  Pulling to a stop, Jerry said, “Nobody’s here.”

  Lee leaned forward and said, “They’re waiting until we get out of the truck. Let’s go.”

  They exited the Suburban, and the angel faze lifted. The sight before Reed took his breath away. It was like something out of the Old Testament. The Legion before the wards was of biblical proportions. At the front line were the guardians of Campbell Ridge, but behind them, it looked like there were thousands of warrior angels dressed in armor with weapons strapped to different parts of their bodies.

  Jerry muttered, “Holy moly, now that’s something you don’t see every day.”

  The guardians parted, and Michael walked through the crowd of angels. The angel wore illuminating golden armor with a dark crimson sash across his breastplate. He bowed before the wards and said, “Wards of Campbell Ridge, the Angel Armed Forces is at your service. Your guardians will escort you inside the cabin to change into your military uniforms. The suits will protect you from injuries sustained at the hands of the human guards and will help to repel injuries from the demon angels. When your guardians have you prepared for the battle, we’ll meet here. Since Erinelle has chosen to fight this day, I will execute the official orders of engagement. Our spies were unable to determine how many demon angels are in the caverns, so I decided to come prepared for a major battle. Keep in mind, the humans driving along the roads and neighbors with properties adjacent to Arrington Estates are protected with warrior angels and faze. They will not see or hear anything. Now hurry, dawn approaches.”

  Inside the cabin, the guardians set up an area for Jerry and Reed and another one for Ruby, Lee, and Anna. Reed pulled on the golden uniform, a bodysuit that fit like a second skin. Then he slipped on a pair of golden military boots. Simon quickly secured straps and two belts holding an array of supernatural weapons as well as Reed’s sword sheath at his right hip.

  Simon smacked him across the face, and Reed glared at him. “Just wanted to get your attention. You make me proud today, human.”

  Reed nodded, too
k a deep breath, and waited at the front door for Ruby while Jerry waited for Anna, his energy field cranked on high as he flexed his fingers. When the women exited their side of the cabin, Reed’s eyes went wide. Ruby in the skin-tight golden suit with her flaming red hair had the fierce look of a fighter. Her jaw set and her shoulders straightened, she was resplendent. Reed went to her and grabbed her hand.

  The wards of Campbell Ridge were solemn as they walked alongside their guardians to the front line. Baldric glowed from head to toe, and his nostrils flared, reminding Reed of a bull ready to charge.

  The night before, Erinelle went over the battle strategy again. Luwenia would take Jerry and a division of archers through the woods of Nelson Doune Farms and set their positions to take out the human guards on the main house roof and grounds. They would meet Baldric’s charging army as they entered the estate to take out any obstacle to retrieve the prisoners. Based on Caiojezeal’s description, they’d open the false wall panel in the TV room and enter the cave.

  The SEU mission was to retrieve the captive wards held in the caverns below Sandy’s floor.

  The first tactic was to overtake the outbuildings and barns. Once accomplished, and at the sound of the charge, Baldric would lead the surprise attack with Erinelle and two dozen battle-hardened warrior angels, while Luwenia’s division wiped out the human guards.

  Baldric’s group would cut through the front line of the demon angels’ defense through Luc’s gardens and into the main house. Michael would use the barn’s vantage point to calculate how many divisions to send once the demon angel floodgates opened. After Baldric’s initial wave, the demon angels would begin to materialize in seconds on the battlefield. Simon would lead the second division of warrior angels along with Reed and Lee, and Seneca would lead the third line with Ruby.


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