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Sandy's Story (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 3)

Page 20

by D. F. Jones

  A small smile crept into the corners of Anna’s lips. “Reed made it, honey. He’s going to be all right.”

  A loud cry of relief escaped, and Ruby said, “Thank you, sweet Jesus. Can I see him?”

  Anna draped her arm around Ruby’s shoulder. “Come on. I’ll get you back to him.” She tossed a glance over her shoulder at Jerry and said, “Then you and I are going home. I need some serious loving.”

  Jerry chuckled and said, “I’m all about the love, baby.”

  * * *

  Baldric carried Sandy through the ethereal plane to the hidden room at Campbell Ridge Cave. He placed his hand on the symbol of the sun and went through a portal. They materialized on a beach paradise with no hotels or humans in sight. Baldric set her down. Crystal blue waves of an endless sea lapped up onto shore, breaking at his and Sandy’s feet feeling like warm bathwater.

  Sandy stood on the beach and lifted her face to the sun. Then she looked left and right at the palm trees lining the pristine beach for miles. “Where are we?”

  Baldric stripped into a pair of turquoise blue swim trunks that hit right above his knee. His golden chest shimmered in the sun. He looked at Sandy and waved his hand, so she wore a red and white striped bikini. “Let’s go swimming and then I’ll explain.” He dove headfirst into the water, and she followed him.

  They swam out to the second sand bar and sat down on the exposed beach. The water healed his wounds from the fight and hers.

  Sandy looked at the injury on her arm disappear and then looked at him. “Are these healing waters? And where are we?”

  “Yes, the water is from heaven. When a soul goes to heaven, it experiences a transformation. After a period of adjustment, a soul must make accounts for their life actions and choices, both good and bad, before the Prince. The soul takes a training course for assessment and atonement is offered for any wrong doing. After the course is complete, the soul is allowed to create its own version of heaven. The soul may take the ethereal form or a physical form. It is up to the individual. And if you think something, it happens. For example, if I think I want a piña colada, then voila.” Baldric held a piña colada and handed it to Sandy. “Angels have the same opportunity. This is my place. How do you like it?”

  Sandy took a sip of her drink and said, “Not bad. Are we alone? Have you ever brought anyone here?”

  Baldric chuckled and shook his head. “Yes, we’re alone, and you’re the only person who’s seen my place. You’re my partner, my wife, and I wanted you to see it. Sandy, will you forgive me? I failed you when you needed me. I couldn’t take you the night you begged me. My superiors wouldn’t allow me. Did he hurt you?”

  Sandy took another sip and handed Baldric the cocktail. “I was mad at you. I was mad at myself. There’s nothing to forgive. I took the book and placed myself in a dangerous situation, and it nearly cost me my life. What happened to Caiojezeal? And what’ll happen to Luc and his people? Are the other wards okay, the prisoners and my friends?”

  Baldric gently placed her hand into his hand. “The demon angels who fought us at Arrington Estates reside in the Eternal Darkness. The human guards are currently making accounts for their life choices and actions before the Prince. Luc is with The Creator, and I’m not privy to that conversation. Caiojezeal is in the reconditioning program with Michael. The AAF recovered the prisoners, and they’re with their families. Your friends…” He blinked and took a deep breath.

  Baldric continued. “Reed’s in surgery. He’ll recover. Anna, Jerry, and Ruby are all right.” He paused again, looked out at the ocean, and turned back to her. With sadness, he said, “I hate to tell you, but Lee passed away a few minutes ago. She was one of the best examples of humanity I ever met, and I’m so sorry, honey.”

  Sandy dropped her face into her hands and cried. “Lee died?”

  He draped an arm around Sandy’s shoulders and drew her next to him. “No one dies. They move on. Lee is with her mother and father. She is at peace.”

  Sandy sobbed, and her shoulders shook. “Oh my God, Ruby and Harry and George. Oh, little Joe will never know his beautiful Mama Bear. She died for me, Baldric. Why do I consistently cause pain in the lives of people I love?”

  “Humans are born into the world, and humans pass on. Lee served The Creator well, and a celebration is going on in heaven in her honor. The one thing I know with certainty is The Creator will never fail you. He will always bring you through the storms of suffering. When you love greatly, you grieve greatly. Angels aren’t immune to suffering. I suffer, too.”

  Sandy searched Baldric’s eyes. “You’re not telling me something. What is it?”

  “I have to give you up. After today, I’ll no longer be your guardian, and I must do penance to The Creator for breaking the rules.”

  Sandy placed her hands over her ears and screamed, “No, no, no. I don’t want to live if I can’t be with you.”

  Baldric removed her hands from her ears and drew her into his lap. “I placed you in grave danger by pairing with you. I almost didn’t make it before Luc did the unthinkable. When I entered his chamber, Luc was oblivious that I was in his presence. He was going to take you and make you bear him a son and then he was going to kill you. I can’t place you in danger any longer. A guardian will be assigned, and you won’t remember me at all.”

  “No, Baldric, no. You can’t take my memories. I won’t allow it. You’re the only one for me. The Spirit of Man paired us for eternity. Please don’t leave me again.” He winced in pain from her words. She dove into the water and swam back to shore. He swam behind her. Baldric ran after her, turned her around, and crushed her with a kiss.

  A rush of heat spread throughout his body as Baldric held her in his arms. His lips on hers, moving alternately between rough and smooth. She kissed him back and then jumped up, locking her legs around his waist. “I love you, Baldric. I love you.” He made a bed materialize behind them as the palm trees swayed back and forth in the warm, balmy breeze.

  Baldric moaned as he pulled and sucked on her sweet lips. He lightly traced his tongue around the smoothness of her teeth. Then he plunged inside her mouth circling his tongue with hers. Sandy sighed, and his heart soared.

  As Baldric made love to her, golden sparkles released in the air and fell onto her lovely skin. His fingers brushed out her long tresses to fall over her shoulders. Baldric stared into her eyes and then memorized every line of her face. Their paring cords linked and held no secrets, connecting them on a higher plane of consciousness. He let out a growl that echoed in the air. His cry was one of love, passion, and loss.

  Baldric held Sandy in his arms, loving her and kissing her. Their time was running out. He had to plead his case, ask for forgiveness, and take whatever punishment was deemed appropriate to keep his wife safe. Baldric made a deal with The Creator to return after the battle. He would atone for the broken rules, so he had added one more to the list by taking Sandy to his paradise.

  Sandy looked up into his eyes and said, “Remember, you told me not to give up on you. I’m not. I’m going to fight for us. I’m going to petition the Spirit of Man for help. I’ll pray so much they’ll want to send you back just to shut me up. I’ll not give up what we have. Do you hear me?”

  He chuckled and rubbed his cheek next to hers. “I love it when you’re feisty. But I have to make atonement for breaking the rules. So, you’ll behave while I’m gone? Promise not to get into any trouble?”

  Sandy cut her eyes left and then right. “I never try to get in trouble. It just seems that trouble finds me. I know I need to check on my friends and my parents. But I don’t want to let you out of my sight. And you must make me a promise.” She propped her elbows on his chest and laid her chin on the palms of her hands.

  “Anything. I will promise you anything.” He brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes and tucked it behind her ear.

  “Excellent. You cannot take my memories. Absolutely no memory cleansing. Deal?”

  Baldric took a deep bre
ath and exhaled. “I thought it would be easier on you if you didn’t remember me. What if I can’t get back for decades? I don’t want you to be alone.”

  Sandy stretched her body out over his and held onto his biceps, then laid her face in the crook of his neck. “You will always be with me. In my heart and my soul as I will be in yours. You made me whole, warrior. I don’t need anything else.”

  He growled low and whispered, “Make love to me again, wife.”

  * * *

  Later in the evening, Sandy and Baldric ported back to her parents’ home to pick up her car. Sandy squeezed his hand and said, “I haven’t been here since Cole kidnapped me. Go inside with me, please.”

  Baldric held her hand as they walked up the front steps and he opened the door. “Let me go in first. I don’t think we have any worries. But I’d rather be safe than sorry.” He walked inside and then came back for her. “The coast is clear.”

  Sandy stepped inside the house. Someone had come in and cleaned the place up.

  Sally yelled from the kitchen, “Who is it?”

  Sandy grinned at Baldric and said, “It’s me, Mom.”

  Her mother ran in from the kitchen with tears in her eyes. “You’re home. Oh, thank God. You’re home.” She wrapped her arms around Sandy. “I love you so much, baby.” Sally released her and looked at Baldric, then hugged him. “Thank you for bringing her back to us.” She yelled out, “Hugh, honey, come downstairs. Sandy’s home.”

  Hugh ran down the steps and into the den. He picked Sandy up and twirled her around. “You’re a sight for sore eyes, little girl.” He sat her down and extended his hand to Baldric, who picked Hugh up and hugged him.

  Sandy said, “Be careful.”

  Baldric’s eyes widened. “Sorry, got caught up in the moment.”

  Hugh laughed and said, “No apologies needed. So what happened?”

  Sandy looked at the ground and tears formed in the corners of her eyes. “Mom and Dad, I have to go to the hospital. Reed was hurt trying to rescue me.” Then she sobbed. “And Lee was killed.”

  Sally released a cry and held Sandy in her arms. “Oh, honey, I’m at a loss for words. Hugh, we need to check on Harry and see if he needs anything.”

  “Mom, it just happened today. Let’s give Harry some time and we’ll go together. I have to go to the condo and get some clothes. I’ll call when I have news.”

  Sally reached for her hand. “I went to your condo. You have some clothes upstairs.”

  Sandy’s voice filled with emotion, and she replied in broken words, “Okay, I’ll walk Baldric out. He has to go to a meeting.”

  Baldric bowed before Sandy’s parents. “I will try to return as soon as possible. Take care of my girl while I’m gone?”

  Hugh nodded and said, “Baldric, you’ve saved my girl twice. I look forward to seeing you again soon.”

  Sandy and Baldric walked out on the front porch. The afternoon sun warmed her skin as she squeezed his hand. She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. “I love you, Baldric. I love you so much, and I’ll be here waiting for you.”

  Baldric leaned down and held her face in his hands. “The AAF has sent warriors to watch over you while I’m away. The research team figured out the properties of the gelean wire, and demon angels will never threaten your life again. I love you more than my life.” He kissed her and dematerialized.

  Sandy slumped against the porch door. Her heart sank as she wiped tears out of her eyes. She had to stay strong. Ruby needed her, and Baldric would come back to her—someday.

  Chapter 17

  These Dreams

  Sandy quickly showered and changed into her jeans and a sweater. She slipped on a pair of loafers and went downstairs. Her purse and keys lay on the table in the foyer. She stuck her head in the den and said, “Mom and Dad, I’ll be back later. I love you guys.”

  “Be careful,” her parents said at the same time, then looked at each other and smiled.

  “I will.” Sandy went out the door and walked down the steps to her Corvette.

  She cranked up the engine and turned on the radio to WKDF Rock before she pulled out of the driveway. Listening to music occupied her mind as she drove to the hospital. Her friends had sacrificed much to save her. The prophesied battle came to fruition. Sandy never wanted to waste another precious minute of her life on things that didn’t matter. It didn’t matter what kind of clothes you wore, the car you drove, or the place where you lived. It was the people she loved the most who mattered.

  Had it only been days since her news story about Cole had aired? It seemed like an eternity. Life changed in a split second. Sandy pulled into the parking lot and stopped her car. She took a few deep breaths as she walked toward the entrance of the hospital. When the automatic doors of the ER opened, Sandy experienced a sense of déjà vu. She stepped over to the nurse’s station and inquired about Reed Jackson.

  The nurse looked up from her computer screen and said, “Are you, family?”

  Sandy nodded. “Yes.” Ruby and Reed were part of her family.

  The nurse replied, “Mr. Jackson has been moved to the fourth floor, Room 422. Take a right at the hall, and you’ll find the elevators on the right.”

  “Thanks.” Sandy walked down to the next hall, took the next right, and then hit the button on the elevator. She rode to the fourth floor and stepped out. Glancing at the sign on the wall, Sandy took another right to Room 422. Sandy began to tremble as she knocked on Reed’s door. The door opened, and Ruby burst into tears. Sandy enveloped her in her arms. They both cried until a nurse came over and quietly requested them to go inside Reed’s room.

  Reed slept in the bed with an IV. Thankfully, no other monitors were hooked up.

  Sandy swallowed hard, and her voice cracked. “Ruby, I’m sorry about Mama Bear. I should’ve left Cole alone. It’s all my fault.”

  Ruby wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “Don’t. It wasn’t your fault. If anyone is to blame, it’s Luc.”

  Ruby took another deep breath, and there was a hitch in her voice. “You put Cole behind bars. The battle ended Luc’s foothold in Nashville, and Mom knew the risks. We all did. Sandy, as bad as it hurts, you should’ve seen my mama fight. Even in battle, she was graceful but lethal. The fight was unlike anything I’ve ever seen even in the movies.” Ruby swiveled in the chair and leaned in closer to Sandy.

  In a quiet voice, Ruby said, “We fought with the warrior angels. We fought as soldiers. Erinelle pegged the demon angels correctly. They worked together, and I got caught in a surprise attack. They immobilized me. Reed and Mama came back to help me. It was a trap. The demon angels ran them through with their blades. Erinelle swooped in and took Mama to Daddy.”

  Ruby shook her head and said, “Anna, man, she saved Reed’s life. Her healing power stopped Reed’s internal bleeding. She and Jerry saved my husband.”

  Reed’s eyes opened, and he said, “Sandy, don’t let her fool you. Ruby fought like a madwoman. You should’ve seen her blow out the skulls of the demon angels with those blue energy spheres.” Ruby and Sandy moved to either side of Reed’s bed.

  Ruby brushed the hair off his forehead and bent over to kiss him. “How are you feeling?”

  Reed frowned and said, “I’m sorry Mama died, honey. I wished I could’ve seen those bastards before they tricked us.” He winced and placed his hand just under his chest.

  Ruby gently put her hand over his and said, “Does it hurt bad?”

  “Only when I move.” He snickered and winced again.

  Sandy held the rail of the bed and looked at Ruby. “Have you talked to your dad?”

  With sadness, Ruby replied, “Yes, I plan to go over in a little while. I just couldn’t leave Reed.”

  Reed squeezed her hand and said, “Honey, I’m going to be all right. Go to your father.” He turned to Sandy and asked, “Will you take her? I’m going to click on the tube and see if I can find a basketball game to watch.”

  “Of course, I will.”<
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  Ruby’s shoulders slumped, and she sagged down into the chair next to the bed. “Part of me dreads going into the house without Mom. I still can’t believe she’s gone. George and Rose are staying until I arrive. Jerry and Anna stopped by to check on Daddy, too.”

  Sandy walked around the bed and held out her hand to Ruby. “Come on, sister. We’ll do it together.”

  Ruby nodded and stood. She looked around the room and shook her head. “I forgot we came here from the battle. The weirdest thing I remember is we had on these golden, armored angel suits, and when Jerry pulled onto the highway, our street clothes materialized. Isn’t that weird?”

  A slow smile came to Reed’s lips, and he said, “You looked fierce and awfully sexy in that angel suit. Hey, come give us a kiss and I’ll be here when you get back.”

  Ruby leaned over the bed and kissed Reed on the mouth, then caressed the side of his face with the palm of her hand. She took another deep breath and turned to Sandy. “Let’s ride, Clyde.”

  Sandy and Ruby walked down the hall to the elevators.

  Ruby looked at Sandy and said, “Oh, Sandy, I’ve been blubbering and didn’t even ask how you were. What happened the day after we talked on the phone?”

  Sandy began to tell Ruby on the elevator about the terror she’d experienced at the hands of Cole and Luc. Once they got inside the car, Sandy paused and stared out the windshield. “I’m still afraid Luc will come back for me. Baldric said the AAF assigned several warrior angels to guard me, but I’m still afraid without him.”

  She turned toward Ruby and said, “Baldric and I had Luc. We were killing The Dragon, and the Spirit of Man stopped us. I wanted Luc to explode into ash like Sazae, his demon wife. I don’t understand why we couldn’t finish him off. During my captivity, I saw a glimpse of something in Luc, a potential of something still good, for a brief moment. Then he’d go all crazy on me. Do you think that’s why The Creator saved him? The potential of what Luc could be instead of the malevolent being he is?”


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