Book Read Free

Night Shadows

Page 20

by Billiejo Priestley

  Aileen and Cayson find the week passing by quicker than any other as they concentrate on the wedding. Cayson hasn’t heard anything about Camille or if she has been seen since she went to the Monventla, which he assumes means no-one has heard anything. It’s morning now, and he’s sitting on the bed he usually shares with Aileen; her side pristine against his ruffled, slept-in sheets. He looks around the room, taking a deep breath as he meets his own gaze in the mirror, hair parted and combed neatly to match the spotless suit that hangs on the back of the door. The door opens as Gwenael walks in, smiling.

  “You sure you want to do this?” He laughs slightly looking at Cayson. “There’s still time to run.”

  “I’m not running away, Gwenael, I’m marrying her no matter how crazy everyone thinks it is.” The door opens and Azalea walks in, lilac flowers threaded through her braided hair to match the colour of her dress. Cayson looks at her, confused. “What’s up? You look pretty, by the way.”

  “Thanks,” she grins. “Aileen says can you answer her calls please, you said you won’t meet her to talk because it’s bad luck to see each other before the wedding or whatever so at least call her back. She needs to tell you something.”

  Cayson laughs, shaking his head. “Tell her to tell me when I see her; she isn’t here breaking down the door which means it can’t be life and death.” They had an agreement; Azalea nods and laughs.

  “I tried! See you at the altar.” She blows him a kiss and laughs as she walks out of the room, Cayson looking towards Gwenael.

  “You want me to make sure she gets back okay?”

  Cayson nods. “If there is a chance Camille has been turned then yes. She’ll want revenge and she’ll get that by trying to hurt Azalea; and no witches know because we can’t tell them anything other than that we saw her go into that place.”

  Gwenael nods, getting up he leaves to follow Azalea home. Cayson spends the next hour getting ready alone, soon after the door opens.

  “Wedding day! Are you sure you want to marry a witch?” Cayson’s head snaps up to look towards Cedric.

  “Mate, he is really against people calling Aileen a witch.” Gwenael walks around him laughing, tapping Cayson’s shoulder. “It’s just a name, she is a witch. Come on, don’t start a war with your own kind, at least wait until after the food.” He sits down, picking up a drink.

  “How’s the new pack treating you, Cedric?” Cayson smiles, feeling himself relax slightly.

  “Great, and I prefer the weather over there too. It’s perfect for when I’m in either form. A lot has changed since I left though.” Cayson nods to him. Cedric moved- well, ran, after his partner was killed during an attack on the werewolves. Unfortunately, Rina had been one of the first werewolves on the scene and alone. She hadn’t stood a chance.

  “That’s good to hear, Cedric. Well, I guess we should get moving, the cars are here.” Cayson stands up as Azriel laughs.

  “No need to sound so morbid, Cayson, you’re only getting married.”

  Cayson turns to Azriel. “Not morbid, I just can’t get my mind off Camille and what the hell’s going to happen next.” Moving he walks out and gets in the car, the others following and sitting down, the silence in the car unnerving.

  “Look, Cayson, all you can do is wait and try not to worry. Who knows, maybe being around Monventla will scare her into realising her mistakes?” Gwenael looks at him; “don’t let what she’s up to ruin your wedding Cayson for now just forget it.”

  Cayson nods as the car pulls to a halt. They climb out of the car one by one and go into the church, Gwenael staying next to him as they wait together by the stone altar that stands at the front of the church. The doors open and soft piano notes drift from the speakers, beams of sunlight lighting the aisle as Azalea begins walking towards him with a huge smile. Cayson rolls his eyes. She looks happier than he does right now. She stifles a laugh and throws her arms around him when she reaches him, Cayson cuddling her back as he smiles and lets her go so she can stand to the side, her bouquet clasped in both hands. Cayson turns to looks forward, his heart racing. Azalea is here, which means Aileen is next, and if he listens closely he can hear the sound of her footsteps underneath the music.

  “Want me to slow it down?” Azalea whispers. “I can if you need me to.”

  “No, I’d rather not have my arms broken on my wedding day,” he winks. “Anyway, it’s not fast enough for me to shift. Don’t worry, kid.” She nods, pouting slightly at his comment. Turning he glances behind him, unable to resist any longer, and his smile grows as Aileen reaches him. It’s been two days of not seeing her. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer. “I missed you,” he murmurs, too quietly for anyone but Aileen to hear; and his eyes scan her body with an approving grin. “You look amazing.”

  “How about now, Cayson? She was trying to warn you,” whispers Azalea. Cayson glances to Azalea, confused, then back to Aileen, where he realises what he was hearing. It wasn’t footsteps under the music but a tiny fluttering heartbeat alongside Aileen’s own, coming from her body. His eyes grow wide.

  “I think this situation has silenced him for a change,” comes Gwenael’s voice from behind him, laughing gruffly.

  “I tried, you told me traditions need to stick; it isn’t exactly life or death. But it is a life, Cayson. Do you need some time out to process this?” Aileen looks at him, Cayson’s eyes on her again. His head shakes slightly.

  “I’m fine.”

  Aileen laughs at his voice. “If you’re sure.”

  Nodding he faces forward, the ceremony beginning. Cayson finds himself constantly glancing to her. He had agreed to a child within a year, but he never thought it would be this quick. He finds himself unable to take his eyes off of Aileen, and as the ceremony ends, his arms wrap around her as he kisses her passionately, commemorating their vows. He pulls her gently into a hug, his mouth moving to her ear.

  “Did you know?”

  Aileen laughs slightly. “Yes, I noticed the day you left, but you’re stubborn and stuck to your traditions, Cayson you refused to even speak to me unless it was life or death. I wanted to tell you because I knew standing here you would know. Everyone else knew already, just not you.” He glances around himself, seeing everyone walking out of the church in a babble of chatter. “Yes, even Gwenael, when he came to collect some of the things you needed he noticed. I wanted you to be the first to know but when everyone around you can sense the pregnancy or hear the beating heart, it’s kind of hard to keep it a secret.” Cayson nods, pulling her closer as he kisses her again.

  “Well, we’ll talk after the wedding. It’s my issue, Aileen, I refused to answer so don’t worry.” Laughing he kisses her. Everyone had managed to keep it hidden; the wolves obviously had no issue considering he hadn’t shifted once and kept his mind unlinked. Walking out themselves they get into the car to go to the venue. On the way, he looks at Aileen.

  “You’re freaking out, aren’t you?” She laughs slightly, watching him.

  Cayson nods. “Yes, I know I agreed, I just didn’t expect it to be this quick. I am happy, Aileen, of course I am, just shocked.” Kissing her he smiles, how can he not be happy? Aileen is now officially his, they already have Azalea and now there’s a baby on the way. He’s going to have a family, a real one.

  The car stops and they walk in, Aileen finding herself surrounded by the witches who had just shown up for the wedding, explaining everything over and over and refusing to let anyone see knowing how quickly it will drain her energy. Cayson finds himself surrounded by werewolves, doing the exact same as Aileen. The wedding seems to have turned into a place to pass on the news.

  Cayson walks towards Aileen and the few witches she is stood with, grasping her hand in his as he pulls her gently to look at him. “I think I should get this first dance, we should at least get a few minutes to ourselves, wife.” Laughing he leads her away from the witches, his arms wrapping around her as their song starts and they dance.

  “Our own weddi
ng and we seem to be stuck apart.” Aileen looks at him, she wanted today to be about them and sure it is, but not together.

  “Let’s tell them to leave it for the rest of the wedding? Anyone else can wait until tomorrow.” He pulls her closer as he kisses her, Aileen moaning softly as she smiles.

  “Thank you, Cayson.” Aileen looks up at him.

  “What for?” He looks at her confused.

  Aileen shrugs her shoulders. “Everything. If you didn’t get involved I’d no doubt still be searching for Dan, not knowing who I am and feeling lost. I feel like I’ve not just found who I am, but my real family, and a future I actually want.”

  Cayson kisses her again, his gaze still fixed on her when he opens his eyes. “I couldn’t walk away, and even now I still see the doubt on some faces that I’m going to cause the downfall, but I see far more people realising that I’m not. Us being together isn’t what causes the downfall, it’s what saves it.” He looks down and grins, which turns into soft laughter. “So, a baby.”

  “Yeah, we thought Azalea was attached to us but just wait.” Aileen laughs as he nods, glancing around until his eyes land on Azalea. “She gave up, she messaged Camille. Camille replied saying she was sorry but that right now she can’t be in Azalea’s life, and Azalea’s accepted she won’t ever get a real mum like she wants.” Aileen’s head falls slightly.

  “She has us two; we may not be her parents or even old enough to be but she’s amazing, and no matter what happens, Aileen, even if we were to end things between us I would never leave her.” He kisses her, Aileen smiling as he pulls her closer.

  “Can we sneak away? Just for a bit. By the time the wedding’s over I’ll be too tired to even say goodnight, let alone… other things.” Aileen grins up at him.

  Cayson laughs, nuzzling her neck. “Sure, I doubt anyone will notice if we go missing for a bit.” He walks out of the room with his arm around Aileen, the pair making their way to the hotel’s bridal suite. The door closes behind them as Aileen pulls him to her and they kiss deeply, Cayson’s hands stroking along the back of her dress as his fingers begin unfastening the delicate buttons. The dress falls to the floor when he undoes the final little loop, pooling at her feet in a puddle of white silk. Meanwhile Aileen’s hands work at removing Cayson’s clothes.

  “Why?” Aileen says, looking at him.

  “Why what?” He laughs confused, “why is a random word to just say by itself right now.”

  Aileen nods, rolling her eyes. “That night when you nearly shifted- why have you avoided ever getting to that stage again? I feel it, Cayson, you holding it back when you’re getting closer to the limit. That night was amazing.”

  “Aileen, that night was a mistake. I could have killed you; I could have shifted and hurt you. I just about managed to keep myself restrained, but one small thing would have pushed me and I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself.” He can’t risk it; as soon as he feels himself getting closer to the limit he holds back and forces his emotions to calm right back down, usually by ending it quickly and walking away.

  “Do you trust me?” Aileen looks at him. “Do you love me and trust me, Cayson?”

  Cayson rolls his eyes. “You know the answer to both of those questions is yes.” Aileen smiles, pulling him against her as they kiss.

  “Then don’t run away this time. I can tell when you can’t handle it; if I notice you getting too close I can calm you, please stop hiding. You know that even if I can’t calm you I can freeze your body pretty quickly so you don’t shift while you’re near me. Please, Cayson, do this for me.” She looks up to him, eyes wide and hopeful. Cayson’s eyes glance to her, his eyes scanning across her body seeing the snow-white lingerie, his head nodding. He will try, he can’t guarantee he won’t but he can try. Aileen kisses him, Cayson moving to pin her against the wall as his hands grasp her skin, pulling her closer.

  Aileen moans, her hands feeling across his body, her mind trying to remember to keep linked to him. Her moans get louder as Cayson kisses along her neck, slowly kissing down her body until he is kneeling in front of her. He looks up and smirks before sliding his hands into her underwear, letting the lace drop to the carpet. He presses his mouth softly against her sex, tonguing gently as her hands tangle into his hair. His mouth kissing down as his tongue begins to tease her, slipping inside. Aileen’s moans get louder as his tongue moves quicker, the wetness from within her dripping free onto his tongue as she orgasms.

  She feels him smile against her stomach as he kisses back up her body, their lips meeting as at the same time Cayson grasps her hips, sliding his cock into her sex. Aileen’s head falls forward onto his shoulder as his hips begin moving, his hands holding her tighter and against the wall. Cayson kisses along her neck, leaving a neat trail of tiny bite-marks and bruises. His own groans grow as he feels himself losing control, his nails digging in harder as he keeps going, his mouth opening as he bites down hard on Aileen’s neck, her screams louder as she orgasms once more.

  Cayson finds himself slipping away hearing her pleasure, spinning her to face the wall as his hands move around her body and grasp her breasts. His hips start moving again instantly as his cock pushes back into her sex, his nails digging into her skin as his mouth presses against her neck before biting down, Cayson shaking his head feeling the pleasure pushing him to the limit.

  Aileen moves, her body trying to turn to face Cayson, his hands lifting her as she turns and her legs wrap around him. Aileen’s hands move to hold his head as kisses her, his eyes closing as she tries calming him down slightly; while she knows he is far away from the stage of shifting, the fear and worry are radiating from within him.

  Cayson feels himself calming slightly as his hands hold Aileen against him and his hips continue moving, Aileen’s moans once again turning to screams as she orgasms for the third time, Cayson finding himself releasing as he drowns under the sound of her pleasure. His hands carry her to the bed, laying her down softly on the sheets as he kisses her.

  “Let’s forget all of them.” Kissing her he pulls her closer.

  “We can’t, we can continue this later Cayson, a couple more hours and we will back here and we can continue.”

  Cayson looks at her confused. “You said you would be too worn out to even say night.” He looks at her confused as he tries calming himself.

  “I lied, I just really wanted sex.” Laughing she moves and gets redressed, trying her best to repair the damage done to her once-pristine hair and make-up. Cayson’s eyes stay closed, but he feels her moving to him.

  “Let me help, just let me calm you a bit more so you’re not worried you’ll go back there and end up shifting.” Aileen smiles at him.

  “Sure.” He smiles at her and she moves to kneel above him as best she can in her dress. Cayson looks at her as her expression becomes confused, his body completely still, unmoving.

  “A-ilee-n,” Cayson says, his words broken; why has she frozen him? “W-what… are you… doing?”

  “I’m not doing anything Cayson, I can’t see, Cayson, I can’t!” He hears the panic in her voice as she goes to move, his eyes slipping closed, hearing her scream as everything goes silent.

  Aileen moves slowly, trying to find her way around, why can’t see? She feels hands grasping her arms and pinning them behind her back, a scream escaping her mouth as she feels the spells swarm inside her, her mouth opening to try and save herself only to feel something be stuffed inside it. Aileen’s body moves in an effort to fight but she’s unable to.

  Cayson was right; she needs something to be able to fight back. Without her sight or words or her hands she is useless. She cries out, feeling the panic rising inside her as she feels her body carried out. Her mind goes straight to Cayson; he didn’t move, why didn’t he move?

  Aileen finds herself being moved, her body thrown onto a bed. She feels her hands being untied and the item moved from her mouth. Sitting she tries to calm herself, she can’t scream or do much of anything else, and she has no ide
a of who it is or where she is, so any hope of getting free is futile. She feels the darkness lift as her eyes adjust to the light, her eyes widening.

  “Don’t even try it. You’re bound to this room; no witch can cast spells in here.” Aileen looks at Camille shocked as she holds up the grimoire Aileen’s been dedicating so much time to. “It took me what, a few seconds to link myself to the book? As soon as I did that I knew where it was and how to get it. I’ll leave you with these two lovely vampires now; you have a lot to discuss.” Turning she walks out, Aileen staring at Dan and the other guy, their loud laughter booming around the room.

  “Oh, well, that’s even better,” the unknown one says; a disgusting smirk across his face as he looks down at her belly. “You can have whatever fun you want with her, Dan, but there’s no killing her. It will be more fun watching Cayson’s downfall as he has no choice but to kill yet another one of his unborn children. She’s getting turned.” Aileen screams, darting towards the door, Dan’s hand reaching out and grabbing her neck to stop her.

  “The Monventla shouldn’t fear you, and yet, they do. Every time a pack agrees to work with a coven, more and more Monventla hide away through fear. We’re ending it. I did plan to kill you, after Dan had some fun; but let’s be honest, it will be more fun watching how your furry little boyfriend – sorry, husband – reacts when he realises he’s done it again. Mmm, I can’t wait to see how quickly the war starts this time, because the witches won’t ignore that, not again.” Turning, he walks out, leaving her with Dan. Her body moves back and she stands, trying her utmost to perform a spell but finding herself restricted.

  “You can’t do magic, neither can you escape. This room locks in full witches and withholds their magic. You can thank your mind for that; Camille would never have known the spell without that book.” Aileen’s body trembles.

  “What do you want, Dan? If you’re going to kill me just do it!” Screaming she backs away from him, watching as he sits down.


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