Book Read Free

Night Shadows

Page 27

by Billiejo Priestley

  “I agree. I’ll make breakfast, you need to eat,” says Cayson, who’s already on his way to the kitchen. He stops just short of the door and turns around. “Actually I’ll go out and grab things we need. Don’t order the stuff online, let me go shopping and get as much as I can. Zander you’re okay with her yes?” He can’t just wait and hope everything comes in time, especially since Zander had basically said it could happen any moment now.

  “Sure, she won’t move off that sofa for any reason. Not while I’m here, at least.” Aileen laughs at Zander’s words, but nods in agreement.

  “I’ll be fine, Cayson, you go and get what you can. This was my fault; if I didn’t try and hide my stomach we would have known sooner how quickly the babies were growing, and we could have been more prepared.” Cayson nods, kissing her briefly before he leaves.

  Aileen watches as Cayson walks out, Zander smiling at her. “He got over his issues of you becoming a vamp, then?” He laughs at his own words.

  “Don’t, vamp just sounds so wrong! God, what’s going on Zander? Everything has changed,” she sighs, rubbing her face with her hands.

  “Well, that is what happens when you get pregnant.” He laughs as he puts his feet up.

  “I meant everything, Zander. A few months ago I was just me; remember I wasn’t even called Aileen? I was Olivia, just Olivia, a girl who was on a hunt to find her missing partner. Then I get told that I’m actually a witch from one of the most famous bloodlines and that my parents murdered my whole family. Not only that, but it turns out I’m the chosen one and I have to save everyone, and then I somehow get turned into a vampire in the process and now I’m somehow a werewolf as well and I won’t just bring the worlds together but I’ve got to lead them too! I just want to be Olivia again.” Her head falls, as her rant finishes.

  “It’ll take time Aileen; it’s a lot for you to get used to. You’re alive, you‘re going to have twins, you’re married, Aileen. Everything will even out eventually.” He smiles at her. “I’ll cook seeing as Cayson’s gone; you really should eat.” He walks to the kitchen, Aileen glancing around herself. She will get used to it all eventually. She wouldn’t change anything, not really. Just maybe slow it down a little? She feels her head shaking as she considers it. Her hand settles on her stomach; she needs more time to accept this is happening and that she’s about to have twins. For all any of them know she could have just hours left before she goes in labour.

  She considers it, waking up tomorrow and there being two babies here, a slight laugh escaping her mouth as she does. Maybe this is all just a crazy dream? She laughed at Cayson at the start, joking about leprechauns being real as well when he mentioned vampires.

  “Thinking hard there.” She turns and looks at Zander as he holds out the plate of food. “Penny for your thoughts?”

  “I was just thinking, had I not gone searching for Dan, then what? Would I know who I really am? Would I be in our old house, sat with my sister and having no idea this world existed?”

  “No, Dan was part of Serliciaus’s plan all along, Aileen. Why did you go searching? Really think back to those months, why were you so fixated on searching for Dan; on going back there over and over again even when Cayson warned you?” He looks at Aileen waiting. She considers it while she eats. Why had she? She feels like it was to find Dan, to figure out where he went and what had really happened. But it wasn’t, not really. Part of her went there because she felt drawn to the spot. After the first few times, it hadn’t been the place but Cayson’s presence which made her want to go back time after time.

  “Because I was drawn to it,” she admits. “The first day, I was just walking home and I glanced towards the graves, and something drew me in. I walked through and told myself it was to try and find Dan, or what happened. I could sense Cayson, and for some reason that made me go back again and again. When I promised to stay away from there, I just found another spot I was drawn to in the hopes that I would see him.” She looks at Zander as he nods, smiling.

  “Serliciaus was the one pulling you in, Aileen, well not them exactly but Cayson. You two were always meant to be together and that’s the real reason you felt so drawn to it. So no matter what – even if Dan hadn’t gone missing – you would have found yourself in there and no doubt sitting right here with me now too.”

  “Doubtful, I loved Dan. I wouldn’t have done that.”

  “Really? If this was a plan from Serliciaus, did you really love him, Aileen? Everything was set, there was a reason you were with Dan, a reason he was the one who went missing. There was a reason he bought that house and moved you into it. Dan was the one who pulled you into the vampire world, Aileen; it was part of the plan. Can you honestly say you loved him? Really?” Zander glances to her; of course she thought she loved him. Had she had though, she wouldn’t have just moved on like she did with Cayson, it would have taken her a much longer time to find someone and fall in love again; to stop feeling the love for Dan.

  Aileen looks at him, considering it before she nods. “I guess not. I guess I loved the fact he didn’t tell my mum and sister everything, that he kind of broke me free from them.” Zander simply nods, not saying anything else, the rest of the day passing by in silence as they consider their own thoughts. Aileen muses over everything they’ve spoken about. She has a purpose in life; it may be a crazy purpose but it’s still a purpose. Before all of this she had nothing; her friends weren’t actually her friends and she’d never felt close to her family. Her so-called friends, and even her boss, would tell her sister and mum everything. Her head shakes, it feels weird knowing she is about to have children and they don’t even know.

  Her mind wonders to Yasmine. Was she destined to be the one? Was she meant to be Aileen, and something had just gone wrong in the process? Was she the one destined to love Cayson, have his child and bring the worlds together? She thinks about what she’d be doing now had Gwenael not told Cayson she was safe. Would she be alone without any help? Would Cayson have eventually killed her? She can’t imagine a life without Cayson, and yet she can’t understand why it has to be her when Yasmine was the same in every way. Sure, Yasmine had known she was a witch from the start, she had fallen in love with Cayson and hated that the witches turned on her for it. She wanted revenge on them for it. Was that it, though? She feels her head shaking, what if Yasmine was meant to be the one, but she was so full of hate and sadness from the witches hating her for loving Cayson that it made her turn into one of them and Serliciaus had to come up with a second option?

  “What’s up Aileen?” Zander glances to her worried, seeing tears in her eyes.

  “I’m just thinking about Yasmine. What if I’m the second one, Zander? What if she was meant to be the one to do all this, and it just went wrong? Thinking it, now it makes me think and realise, what if Cayson can never love me fully because he was meant to be with her?”

  “Damn Aileen, not a chance. Yasmine wasn’t as powerful as you. She was pregnant with a baby, but the baby didn’t change when she changed. When she changed she didn’t change in the ways you did. She became a vampire, one that craved blood, with some magic still but nowhere near as much as you. She wasn’t meant to be. I wasn’t there but from the stories they were both young, okay Cayson was technically older but he’d never had a girlfriend, Aileen. Yasmine was the first one; yes it was love but not like this Aileen, believe me.” He smiles at her, trying to reassure her. The door opens, Cayson walking in with Gwenael and bags upon bags of stuff. Gwenael looks at Aileen, his eyes widening.

  “Yes, I’m fat and pregnant,” she smiles at him as he chuckles.

  “Not fat, you haven’t put weight on anywhere Aileen, but you tend to get bigger when you’re pregnant. And with twins, too, Cayson told me! I guess a double congrats is in order. I’m here to help,” he explains, as she looks to Cayson confused.

  “The nursery needs sorting; he’s going to help and then it’ll be done by tomorrow. He’s helping us set everything up as well. Zander will watch over
you Aileen; while I’d rather be sat with you just in case, things need sorting now, not later.” He can’t risk her going into labour then having the babies and nothing being ready. Kissing her softly he walks upstairs with Gwenael, Zander looking at her.

  “Talk to Cayson about how you feel when Gwenael has gone, okay? I messaged Azalea, told her to stay away for a bit. Well, today and tonight anyway, so no doubt she’ll be here first thing tomorrow morning.” He laughs. She wasn’t happy about the idea of giving them some space.

  “Thanks Zander, for everything. With me, but with Cayson and Azalea as well.”

  “She is amazing; she seems to thrive with you and Cayson. That’s a good thing; she needs that to learn to use magic. But let’s just get the babies here first, yeah? And then we can sort everything out. What did Cayson see earlier, by the way? He seemed really freaked out when he answered the door.”

  “Apparently he saw me in charge of everyone, like, the witches, the werewolves and the vampires. Apparently he saw me shift and become a werewolf. I don’t want to even consider it, Zander. I was still getting used to being a witch when I became a vampire, and now I’m getting used to being a witch and a vampire at the same time. I’m not ready to get used to being a werewolf as well! It makes me wonder if this is wrong. Sure there are signs that I’m the one to save everything but part of me feels like I’m actually the downfall and destruction of everything and it just hasn’t happened yet.” Surely if this was the plan she would have accepted it, realised everything herself instead of others having to tell her?

  “It will take time, Aileen. You won’t be the downfall, look at how you’ve changed everything already.” He looks at her, considering getting Cayson.

  “This war in my mind just won’t end, Zander. I’m only human; that’s honestly how I feel. How can I save anyone?”

  “Aileen, stop putting up a wall, I can sense it. Don’t block everyone out. It’s too easy for witches to do that, and we miss out everything. You’re worried, maybe now that you’re finally accepting this is happening you’re freaking out.” He smiles at her, taking out his phone and typing a quick message out for Cayson. “Think about it Aileen, you’ve already saved us, and you saved yourself. You saved Azalea, too.” Zander looks at her as Cayson walks down the stairs, his skin slightly red from effort.

  “Help Gwenael for me, I need a break.”

  Zander nods and walks off, Cayson sitting next to Aileen. He can feel the magic radiating from within her.

  “You need to calm down, Aileen; whatever’s going on in your mind is pushing you and your energy. I can feel it.” He looks at her, taking her hand and clasping it between both of his.

  “It’s a war Cayson; every time I think about something my mind is screaming ‘what if’. What if this wasn’t meant to be; what if I do something that destroys us all? What if Yasmine was meant to be this person to save everything Cayson, then what?” She looks at him, his head shaking.

  “Yasmine was amazing, and yes, I loved her, Aileen, but not like I love you. If you really think that Serliciaus’s plan was with Yasmine first, you’re wrong. I knew her for years; we dated behind everyone’s back. At no point did I have visions like I did with you. There was nothing. I won’t lie, I loved her, but not like this. You were always the plan: think, Aileen, if Yasmine was the plan, why didn’t her parents do what yours did? Yasmine wasn’t the only Depraysie left at that point; the whole family was still around.” He looks at her and squeezes her hand tighter, trying to reassure her.

  “I’m human, Cayson. Sure you may not see me as that but my mind is, my mind has still not gotten used to the fact I’m a witch, let alone everything else. Hell, I’m having witch-werewolf-vampire babies Cayson, what the hell is going on with that?” She shakes her head, feeling the panic rising in her chest.

  Cayson nods trying to help her calm down, her magic radiating more strongly than before. “Aileen, please. You’re losing it. You’re losing it so much your magic is spilling free, I can feel it, Aileen, and that isn’t a good thing. Try and calm down, please.” He looks at her worried, she’ll destroy them all if she doesn’t listen to him and calm herself.

  “Sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. I just know everything feels wrong, Cayson and I’m waiting for that one mistake I make that kills everyone, and then what, Cayson? I won’t stay alive if I cause damage, I won’t.” Her head falls forward, Cayson’s arms wrapping around her and rocking her slightly.

  “Things will be fine. Right now only a few of us know, Aileen. Forget the magic, forget Serliciaus and the plan. Forget everything and be human. I mean it, Aileen, even if it means calling you Olivia to help you relax and feel normal. Forget everything else because right now nothing is going to be done. We’re going to have our babies and take a month or two away from everything, just you and I and our little girls, and Azalea too if she wants. Then we’ll look at the way forward.” He pulls her closer, dropping kisses in her hair as he feels her falling asleep against him. She’d been so worked up about everything that she’d actually tired herself out. He carries her to bed, turning to walk out and bumping into Zander who’s looking at him worriedly.

  “She’s fine,” Cayson says. “I think she finally accepted she is pregnant with twins, due any second now, and that she’s a witch, werewolf and vampire. I have told her there’s nothing happening. She can forget everything from those worlds and just be human for a bit.” Zander nods at his words as they walk out and through to the room that is soon to be the nursery.

  “I guess I’ll get some sleep on the sofa, that way I won’t be tired if she goes into labour. Keep checking on her, Cayson.” Zander walks off, Gwenael looking at Cayson confused.

  “She is fine, freaking out now that everything is becoming a reality, that’s all. She’s pregnant so it made everything worse; her body is changing so much.” Gwenael simply nods as they stand decorating the room, an hour passing by quickly as they talk quietly about everything. A piercing scream makes them turn around, Cayson’s paintbrush falling to the floor as he runs through to the bedroom.

  “What’s happened?” Zander leaps up the stairs two at a time, stopping behind them, his eyes widening. “She’s asleep Cayson, whatever’s in her mind is locked in there. Her magic is becoming free and causing everything to move. You need to wake her.” Cayson looks at Zander and then to Aileen, everything in the room getting thrown around. He has to stop this. He walks into the room and the light flickers before exploding, Cayson rushing to Aileen and trying in vain to shake her awake. Another scream escapes her mouth as more things fly around and smash against the walls.

  “She won’t wake up, Zander, is there not a spell you can do?” He looks at him waiting, Zanders head shaking, watching as her body begins to thrash around as she screams more. Cayson tries again to wake her up but she remains unconscious. “Zander please, anything, wake her up, calm her; just do something before she hurts herself or the babies.” Aileen continues screaming, her body jolting as she as does, the room still in total chaos. Zander rushes towards them, his eyes focused on Aileen.

  “She’s in labour, Cayson; I don’t get how the hell she’s still asleep; she should have woken up in pain!” He moves, trying to wake her up as she continues to scream, his body being thrown across the room.

  “Zander, what the hell is happening?” Cayson looks at him worried as Gwenael pulls him back up to his feet.

  “It feels like the babies’ magic is leaking out like hers is. If we can get her awake, that’s all that matters, but I need more power and I am not at home so I can’t just tap into the ancestors.” He can’t hold and take it from Aileen as well.

  “Use me then, seriously.” Cayson looks at him.

  “It won’t be enough Cayson, with you I can break through her magic but then I need more to make the spell work to wake her.”

  “Then draw energy from us both. Because right now the neighbours will be wondering what the hell is going on and calling the police.” Gwenael walks ove
r, Zander nodding and holding onto them both, his words quiet as he keeps trying to break through. Aileen’s screams get louder and louder, until suddenly everything stops. The objects fall to the floor, and shattering as her body stills and becomes quiet. Cayson watches as her eyes open. She turns and looks at them confused, then turns her gaze to the room.

  “I forgot, so just done a spell to soundproof the house as well, so no one will hear her screaming.” Zander looks at them, he hadn’t remembered to do it.

  “What happened? Why is everything all over the place?” Aileen furrows her brow before screaming again. Zander nods; he knew she was in labour. She just needed to wake up. Cayson looks towards Zander concerned as Aileen calms down. “What’s happened?” She looks at them again, her hand on her stomach. She knew it would hurt, but this is awful.

  “You were asleep when you went into labour. Apparently it somehow pushed you to stay asleep but the pain was making your magic leak and it got a bit crazy. You’re awake now, no one got hurt really, but I need to check you over, Aileen.” She looks at Zander and nods, her eyes glancing around. He’d said really, no-one got hurt really.

  “What did you mean, ‘no one got hurt really’?” She looks at him worried.

  “As I said, your magic was spilling out. I think you knew you were in pain and because you were asleep your mind let everything go. Stay still, Aileen I need to do this before the next contraction.” Aileen nods slightly, her forehead covered in sweat.

  “You still didn’t tell me what happened, Zander.” She looks at him feeling the panic rise as the pain starts up again. Cayson shakes his head.

  “Nothing bad, you just kind of threw Zander across the room. He woke you up though, calm down, Aileen, it’s fine now.” Cayson’s hand grips hers; they hadn’t considered how the pain would affect her magic.

  “Right, it won’t be long. Cayson, can you grab the things out of the bag downstairs? Towels and blankets, as well. I put a spell on the house so no one will hear her screaming.” Zander walks towards Gwenael. “You can leave.” He looks at him waiting, Gwenael nodding and walking out with Cayson.


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