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Alison Brownstone: An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure (The Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone Book 9)

Page 11

by Michael Anderle

  Peyton looked at James and Shay. “So, I’ve been trying to poke around, but carefully, so no one gets suspicious and comes knocking on your door.”

  James nodded. “I wonder if I should have Heather start looking, too.”

  “I’ve got this.” The hacker frowned at James.

  Shay rolled her eyes. “Put your dick back in your pants, Peyton. Anyone and anything that can help is on the table. This is about making sure the government doesn’t take Alison away, not your male ego.”

  Peyton grimaced. “Sorry.”

  “No problem.” James grunted. “Probably wouldn’t help much anyway since she’s trying to get ready to move. Turn up anything?”

  “Nothing super-suspicious. All the court documents and records I can find seem normal. The only thing that is weird is how they knew about a lot of the stuff people are complaining about now before. It’s in their files.” Peyton shrugged. “The School of Necessary Magic sent documents to the government in Virginia and California when she first enrolled that discussed her being half-Oriceran, so it’s not like they just realized it. It’s been a matter of public record for a while if you knew what to look for.”

  James grunted. He hadn’t thought a lot about the state complaining about that aspect of things. He’d assumed the minute he sent her to a government magic school that she’d lost her privacy, but as Peyton suggested, he’d also assumed that if there were going to be any trouble, it would have been then.

  The bounty hunter glanced at Shay before looking back at Peyton. “Why the fuck do they suddenly care then?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine. I might have to poke deeper into some of the state systems. Really dig deep.”

  Shay shook her head. “Don’t know if that’s a great idea.” She held up a hand to cut him off before he could start to bitch. “Look, we fuck anything up, it’s gonna give them ammunition. So, do what you need to, but tread really fucking lightly. Until and unless we have proof of some criminal asshole being involved in all this, we can’t go kicking in doors like we might on a normal job. For now, just have to keep a low profile and do what the fucking lawyer tells us to.”

  James nodded. He didn’t like the idea of sitting around doing nothing, but it was like Shay said. His normal skills just didn’t serve him well in an adoption battle with the state of California. Blowing up the courthouse or slaughtering the government lawyers would earn him a ticket to an ultra-max, not Alison.

  “Oof!” Alison yelled from across the room.

  James’ head snapped that way. She’d fallen from the wall. His stomach tightened.

  Damn it.

  Peyton scrubbed a hand over his face. “Having a blind girl climb a wall…” He sighed. “Just saying.”

  Alison stood and rolled her eyes. “Could have died there. Okay, attempt number two.” She leapt onto the climbing wall. “Time for my revenge, wall.”

  A mix of pride and terror swirled in James.

  Shay smiled at him. “Congratulations.”

  “For what?”

  “You’re proving you can change a little and not be overprotective. I figured you’d freak and rush over there to help her the second she started to struggle.”

  “Started to struggle?” James stared at her, confused. “She just fell.”

  “Yeah. It’s not like she suddenly fell off. Didn’t you see that her feet were in the wrong position before that?”

  The bounty hunter shook his head and shrugged. “I figured it’s your place and you care, so you were watching her.”

  Shay bit her lip, her face reddening. “You were relying on me?”

  “Yeah, why the fuck wouldn’t I? You love her, too. That’s not some big fucking mystery.”

  The tomb raider stared down at the floor, her face turning scarlet.

  Peyton grinned and opened his mouth, but shut it when James gave him a death glare. This wasn’t a time for him to poke at his boss.

  Might not always know what the fuck is going on, but don’t want anyone going at Shay for giving a shit about Alison.

  The hacker cleared his throat. “I have to…uh…go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” He spun on his heel and hurried around the corner, paler than before.

  Shay looked up. “You’re pretty smart for a walking brick sometimes.” She looked into James’ eyes, a soft smile on her face. “A damned sexy brick, but still.”

  James chuckled. “I have my moments.”

  The tomb raider stepped toward him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “You’re a good man, James Brownstone. Don’t ever forget that. Just because the government is being a dick doesn’t mean shit.”

  She bit her lip again, her gaze roving his body. She ran her hands along his thick biceps.

  “Geeze,” Alison yelled from the other side of the room. “Get a room, you two.”

  Shay jerked away from James and shot a glare toward the climbing wall. “I’m going to have to kill you.”

  Alison waved from the wall. “You won’t. You love me too much.” She continued up the wall.

  James cleared his throat. “Just both of you remember about the Mud King challenge.”

  Shay snorted. “Whatever. The Mud Queens will put an end to that title.”

  James stepped into the armory at the Brownstone Building. Trey, Shorty, Max, and Lachlan stood in front of the equipment racks and shelves. They were strapping on their tactical harnesses, vests, and gear.

  Shorty slipped a pistol into a holster. “Brownstone Building sounds like boring shit.”

  Trey nodded toward Alison and James, and the other bounty hunter grimaced.

  The teen snickered.

  “Got a better suggestion?” James rumbled.

  Shorty squared his shoulders and lifted his head. “Yeah, I do. We get trained by a Marine. Why don’t we think more like them?”


  Shorty grinned. “I think we should call this place ‘Camp Brownstone.’”

  The other men present, even Trey, nodded their agreement. A few “Hell yeahs” came out.

  James shrugged. He didn’t really give a shit, but the men seemed into it. “Camp Brownstone it is.”

  Trey walked over to him. “What’s up, big man? We were about to hit a bounty. Not a big deal, just a level two. Probably could take him by myself, but we’re trying to reinforce the team thing.”

  “Yeah, I know. That’s why I came.” James nodded toward Alison. “And brought her.”

  “Not following you.” Trey frowned.

  James turned to Alison. “Go get your gear on. No gun, though.”

  Trey blinked. “You want her to come along?”

  James nodded. “She’s not gonna be a bounty hunter, but she asked me the other night, and it’s good experience. I’m coming too to keep an eye on her, but I’m gonna hang back and just let you guys do your thing.”

  Trey laughed. “Mr. Brownstone himself, his magical daughter, and four guys for a level two. Talk about overkill. The guy’s not even that tough, just embezzlement. There’s an easy pick-up we can grab too, a level one. Another petty criminal.”

  Alison had made her way to where her vest was hanging, drawn by the small enchantment James had arranged to make her vest and tactical harness visible to her.

  James frowned at a sudden realization. Anyone who could detect magic would be able to pick her out, even if she were hiding.

  Shit. Did I fuck up?

  He pushed the thought from his head. Alison wasn’t going to be a bounty hunter, and her coming along was just about her experiencing a little more of the world and getting to see the kind of work he did up close.

  Trey was right. A full crew plus James would be more than enough to capture any bounties and still protect Alison.

  The bounty hunter surveyed his men. It wasn’t all that long ago that they were directionless gangbangers, but now every single one, even Lachlan, was an experienced bounty hunter. Disciplined. Good under pressure.

  James allowed himself a smil
e. Royce and Trey had done the hard work of shaping the gang members into bounty hunters, but that didn’t mean the bounty hunter wouldn’t let himself take a little pride in the men.

  “Let’s go, Team Brownstone,” James rumbled. “We have some ass to kick.”

  Trey adjusted his tie. The thinner vest could be worn comfortably under his suit, even if it gave him a bulky, almost Isaiah-like frame, but there were some sacrifices a man had to be prepared to suffer for proper style.

  Ain’t gonna ever look like a fucking lame-ass bitch on the job.

  He knocked on the door and waited with a smile. Alison and James were in James’ F-350, watching from across the road. The rest of the team had driven to the scene in Trey’s F-350.

  Should make every one of those motherfuckers buy a classic truck. Another Brownstone Agency signature. People will learn to fear the fucking Ford.

  A sweaty man in glasses opened the door. “C-can I help you?”

  Trey offered him a polite smile. With the anxious bounties, sometimes a little Smooth Trey could go a long way.

  “Good afternoon, sir. You’re Cameron Booth, correct?”

  The man quickly nodded. “What about it? Who are you?”

  The bounty hunter sighed. “You seem like a nice guy, Cameron, which is why it’s unfortunate that some bad, bad men are on their way for you right now.”

  “B-bad men?” Cameron’s knees started shaking.

  “Yeah. You see, I’m Trey Garfield. I work with the Brownstone Agency.”

  He waited for that to sink in.

  “A-as in James Brownstone?”

  “Yep. The big man himself. Scourge of Harriken. Granite Ghost. Etcetera, etcetera.” Trey waved. “Anyway, the point is, at the Brownstone Agency, we pride ourselves on professionalism. When a man surrenders to us, there doesn’t need to be a bunch of violence and unnecessary pain.” He clucked his tongue. “But some sons of bitches…Well, they call themselves bounty hunters, but they really aren’t much more than thugs, you know what I’m saying?” He shrugged.

  Cameron spun around. Trey grabbed for his gun, but he stopped a second later. The bounty wasn’t running or going for a weapon. He’d turned around and placed his wrists together behind his back.

  The man was shaking even more than before. “Please, Mr. Garfield. I can’t take pain. I’ll admit it. I’m a wimp. I wish I’d never gotten involved in selling that dust. Just…arrest me before someone nasty comes.”

  Trey chuckled and fished out his handcuffs. He slapped them on Cameron. “Just to be clear, Mr. Booth, I’m not arresting you. I’m not a cop, I’m a bounty hunter. I’m gonna take you with me to a police station for processing. You keep being polite like this, we aren’t gonna have a problem.” He turned the man and pushed him forward. “Thank you for your cooperation.”

  “T-thanks, Mr. Garfield, for not hurting me.”

  “Just gonna take you to that truck over there.” Trey forced down a laugh. This had been his easiest bounty in a long time.

  Alison rolled down her window across the street and started clapping.

  Trey offered her a little bow.

  Cameron’s eyes widened, and he gasped. “T-that’s h-him. Brownstone!”

  “Oh, don’t get your panties in a twist, Booth. I’ve already got you. You don’t have to worry about what it feels like to get taken down by James Brownstone.”

  Trey glanced over his shoulder, his heart pounding. He wasn’t all that worried about the bounty, but he didn’t like the fact that Alison was out of the truck this time. She’d told him how excited she’d been when he opened the door, but she wanted to be “where the action was” on the next bounty.

  Maybe I shouldn’t care if her dad doesn’t. Fuck, maybe she’s as tough as the big man. Being able to run an obstacle course ain’t the same thing as being powerful. She’s got magic and shit, after all. Maybe he told her not to blow us up with her fireballs and shit.

  Trey shook his head and took a deep, cleansing breath. James was there. If it came down to it, he’d make sure Alison was okay.

  The four bounty hunters, trailed by James and Alison, moved down the street leading to the townhome that was serving as a safehouse. Their informants had told them the bounty was staying there for at least another day.

  Trey nodded toward the house. “Just a reminder of the plan, boys. Shorty’s gonna throw open the door, and I flashbang. Then we go in there and secure everyone. Lachlan and Max, you check the back. Should be easy. This guy ain’t personally tough, just stole a lot of money and got away.”

  The door to the townhouse opened when they were still a good thirty yards out.

  Lachlan frowned and pointed. “Who the hell is that? That’s not our guy.”

  Trey glanced over his shoulder at James. His boss gave him a nod and stopped. He held up an arm to stop Alison. The girl frowned but said nothing.

  Trey and the other three men advanced toward the townhouse. As they moved closer, they realized their new friend was a Light Elf in a black suit who was standing there with his arms crossed, smirking.

  The elf uncrossed his arms. “Can I help you, gentlemen?”

  Trey looked him up and down. “Nice suit. Armani?”

  “Yes, and thanks.” The elf sighed. “I’m guessing that you’re here about the bounty.” He sucked in a breath. “I’ll tell you what I told the last few guys. It’s better to turn around right now. Not going to try to kill you, but accidents happen, and I hate killing guys in suits. I love human fashion, you see.”

  Lachlan, Shorty, and Max had their weapons out in the blink of an eye. Trey, still in the lead, kept his hands down. There was still a chance to de-escalate the situation.

  Trey shook his head. “We ain’t got no beef with you, man.”

  The elf shrugged. “Oh, but the problem is the gentleman inside. I have a certain financial relationship with him, which means I’m obliged to make sure he doesn’t go anywhere until he’s paid me certain monies he owes me.”

  A few melodic notes escaped the elf’s mouth, and a shimmering field appeared in front of him.

  Trey removed his gun and sighed. “Fucking magic. Always obnoxious.”

  “Trust me. You can’t win against me, not with your weapons.”

  Alison snorted. “I’ll handle this.”

  “What the…” Trey glanced behind him. Alison was no longer behind James but was instead walking toward the elf.

  He looked at James again, and his boss offered another slight nod.

  The girl moved to Trey’s side and crossed her arms. “I can see your fear, you know. Nice bluff.”

  The elf’s lip curled up in a sneer. “Is that supposed to impress, little…” He frowned and looked the teen up and down. “Who are you? Your magic is…”

  “Just someone Laena has an extreme interest in.” Alison held up her hand, and a purple flame erupted above her palm. “You just need to ask yourself two questions. First, is it worth it to earn the wrath of the Drow to protect some human embezzler? Second, can you spend that money if you’re dead?”

  “You’re claiming you’re a Drow? Impossible. No Drow would work with petty humans like this.”

  Alison fluffed the back of her hair with her hand. “Are you so sure?”

  The elf stared her down for a long moment before he broke and ran the opposite way, his shield moving with him.

  Shorty, Lachlan, and Max rushed forward but stopped at Trey’s raised arm.

  “He ain’t the bounty.” Trey nodded toward the townhouse. “The bounty’s in there. Just go get the asshole. He thought he had a big elf to help him. Now he ain’t got nothing.”

  The three ran into the townhouse, the door still open.

  Trey glanced at Alison. “I don’t know half of what you were talking about, but are you telling me that you’ve got some sort of badass Oriceran reputation that scares people from there just as bad as your dad’s reputation scares people from Earth?”

  Alison laughed and shrugged. “I just happen to be r
elated to a few people, is all.”

  The bounty hunter chuckled and shook his head. “You Brownstones.”


  Shay crossed her arms and frowned as she surveyed the viscous brown sludge filling the competition pit at Camp Brownstone. Her mouth curled in a disgusted sneer.

  James snorted. “Why are you acting so surprised? It’s not like you’ve never seen this thing before.”

  “I don’t know. I guess it was just a lot funnier when I thought about your guys being in it, instead of me.”

  Alison laughed.

  James grunted. “You get dirty all the time on your job.”

  Shay rolled her eyes. “Yes, and I get paid a lot of money for that. Whatever. You owe me for this, and you better not complain later when I’m coated in mud.”

  James chuckled as he strode forward and nodded at Royce, who was standing in front of the gathered men with his arms crossed.

  “Listen up,” Royce shouted. “You already had a little mud pit fun between two teams the other day after your bounties, but now it’s time for something different.” He pointed at James, and then at Alison and Shay. “Like I told you, this time it’s going to be all of you versus the Brownstone Family. James, Shay, and Alison.”

  Shay rolled her eyes. “Hey! I’m not a Brownstone.”

  Alison smiled. “Yet.”


  Royce waited for the girls to finish before turning back to the gathered men. “Any questions or concerns? Ask now. Not stopping things because you were too dumb to ask ahead of time. Part of the battle is preparing for it.”

  Lachlan frowned. “Rules all the same?”

  The staff sergeant shook his head. “Good question. No, even with the larger team, James is more than enough to handle all of you, and now we’re adding his girlfriend and his magical kid. You wouldn’t stand a chance, so we’re going to do this differently in the slim hope that you can defeat him.”

  The men all exchanged glances and murmurs. A few looked desperate, but many others were excited.

  Royce pointed to several boxes stacked near the door to the building. “Several of you asked me about those earlier, and I told you to wait, that you’d know when it was time.” He grinned. “It’s now the damned time. The boxes contain special electronic harnesses. They have panels on them. They’re conductive and pressure-sensitive, and they work even with a lot of mud on them. Touch all three within a second, and the man or woman wearing it gets a big shock, more than enough to take the average man down. Then it’s easier to push him or her past the line.”


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