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Forever and Never

Page 28

by Ella Fields

  Half asleep sex was amazing, as any sex we had was, but I wanted her wide-awake and rough. I wanted her bent over and greedy for me. And that was hard to find time for with two kids.

  The next hour was torture as I helped play pin the tail on the unicorn and filled all the party bags that’d been forgotten in the kitchen.

  Finally, when the last kid had left, and Petra had Lily and Art inside with all the presents, I rushed over to the tables where Daphne was cleaning up.

  She squeaked when I grabbed her hand but didn’t complain when I hauled her to the stables and slammed the doors shut, engulfing us in glorious silence.

  Enough light streamed in through the cracks of the wood as we tore our clothes off, our mouths desperate yet hardly touching while we grappled for where to grope first.

  Lifting her to the bales, I spread her thighs, my desperate cock brushing against the hay.

  “I’d be a little worried about what’s got you so turned on right now if I weren’t so turned on myself.” Her smile shook, her eyes flashing with excitement as I ravished her breasts with my teeth and tongue, my fingers already between her wet folds. “God, yes.”

  “You,” I said when her head flopped back against the wall. “Watching this.” I dug my hands beneath her to grip her ass cheeks. “Strut around in those jeans, and I suddenly can’t remember what fucking day it is, let alone why we can’t fuck until we’re blind.”

  “I knew it was the jeans.”

  “Did you now?” I kissed down her stomach, stopping at her C-section scar to lick it, and she shivered.

  She hadn’t been in labor longer than four hours before she had a huge bleed and needed to be wheeled into surgery. I’d been petrified, scared out of my mind, and felt like the biggest shithead for the way she’d had to hold my damn hand in reassurance as they’d sliced her stomach open behind the sheet.

  “I finally fit in them again, and I know,” she stopped, moaning when I ducked lower and nipped her mound, “I know every time I do, you end up fucking me from behind.”

  “So fucking sure of yourself, Cotton.”

  Her voice was breathy glee. “Care to prove me wrong?”

  Taking three leisurely swipes at her cunt, I smirked up at her, delighting in the way her chest heaved and her eyes begged.

  She laughed as I pulled her down and bent that ass up, then aligned myself. Her cry and the sound of my hand smacking her flesh unsettled the horses. I didn’t care. I drove forward in one hurried thrust. “Not at all.”

  All the way in, I stopped, my head falling back as I counted to five and tried to keep myself in check. Every time. Every fucking time with her felt like the first and last time.

  Her hips wriggled, her hands clenching at the hay bale in front of her, needing me to move.

  And move I did. Harsh, hard, and unrelentingly targeted strokes that hit her everywhere she needed me to. They caused her back to arch, sweat gleaming over the curve and dip of her spine as she began to fall apart within minutes.

  And thank fuck for that. I followed with a shouted curse that would’ve been embarrassing if it weren’t for the rapture swimming hot through my blood stream.

  With my cum filling her, our hearts and minds dizzy with euphoria, I gathered her to me, hating that it removed me from her body but wanting her mouth. “You still kill me.”

  She laughed, breathless and melting, leaning back against my slick chest. “For as long as you’ll let me.”

  I dived for her lips, taking and tugging, whispering, “Forever.”

  Turning out of my arms, she dragged her fingers between her thighs. “And fucking ever.”

  I’d had Cad fix the forever and never tattoo on my arm, but only with enough thorn laden roses to mask the N.

  Oxygen abandoned me when she brought two fingers, gleaming with my cum, to her lips and sucked.

  “Cotton,” I said, a warning that rumbled over my tongue.

  Her brows rose, and she grinned, her teeth scraping over her fingers as she removed them.

  Peering down at her marked thighs, I groaned. “You know what that means, don’t you?”

  “I think I need refilling.” Her eyes dipped to my reawakening cock, and she lifted a shoulder. “Only if you’re up for it.”

  I was on her before my next heartbeat.

  They say forever waits for nobody, but I didn’t necessarily agree. If we could separate what was meant to happen from what could still happen, then forever would never be lost. It was merely altered.

  After all, forever was just another word. An unstable, ever-changing word.

  Only one thing could weather any storm and transcend time.


  I’d do it all again. I’d try over and over again. Always. As long as it meant I’d end up here.

  Because scars did fade, and in their wake, beauty unfurled and blossomed. Trust formed anew, growing stronger alongside a love that refused to ever perish.

  Lowering to the ground, our laughter fading into heated exhales, I settled between her legs, her lips settled over mine, and I joined my hands with hers.

  Above our heads, our wedding rings clinked in greeting, glinting in the slanted rays of muted sunlight as I came home once more.

  The End

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  Did you know Dash and Peggy’s story is available?

  Dashiell Thane wasn’t a nice guy.

  He was an abrasive, demanding, conniving, intolerable brat.

  Yet somehow, we’d been best friends our whole lives.

  Until our senior year when I finally decided to dip my toes into the dating pool.

  All it took was one kiss for jealousy, lies, and betrayal to sweep in and propel us heart first into dizzying, hostile depths.

  You’re not supposed to kiss your best friend.

  You’re definitely not supposed to kiss your best friend while you’re dating someone else.

  And the absolute worst thing you could do is fall for your best friend.

  Unless, of course, you want to ruin everything.

  Click here to grab a copy

  Bloodstained Beauty

  Frayed Silk




  Suddenly Forbidden

  Bittersweet Always

  Pretty Venom

  Ella Fields is a mother and wife who lives in Australia.

  While her kids are in school, you might find her talking about her characters to her cat, Bert, and dog, Grub.

  She’s a notorious chocolate and notebook hoarder who enjoys creating hard-won happily ever afters.

  My husband. My children. Forever.

  Michelle. From two hour phone calls to two second bluntly typed messages, thank you for getting me. For not only understanding my eccentric ways, but for loving them anyway.

  Your soul is by far the warmest I’ve ever encountered.

  Lucia. Soul mate. I fucking love you. NDA’s for life. Lifers for eternity.

  Marley. Thank you for the laughs. The trust. The conversation. You’re real and vibrant and that’s magic. I’ll adore you always.

  Allie. The day you read my books and entered my life is foggy to my shit memory, but I’m grateful for it all the same. For your humor, your empathy, and your continuous support of me and my crazy stories. Can’t wait to squish you again!

  Kate. You save me time and time again. Thank you for making me feel less crazy, and for loving this book.

  Shanora and Giana. I love you both endlessly.

  Vivian. Your love and support for not only me and my books but for the written word keeps a fire burning within my heart. As I’m sure it does for many of my peers. Never stop being you. So passionately you.
br />   Lauren and Sarah. Such talent. Thank you for the ever-stunning graphics.

  Jenny. You and your otherworldly, expert eyes. These stories aren’t stories without them. Thank you for always making room for me, for the care you take, but most of all, thank you for the friendship.

  Allison. You’re a godsend, and I appreciate not only the extra eyes on my work, but the love you show it, too. Thank you.

  Annette. Your soul shines bright even over the internet. I’m so thankful you choose to shine it on me.

  To my loves in my Tea Room. Thank you for always coming through. Whether it be a post, comment, or like, your excitement and support is something I consistently cherish and find myself immensely grateful for.

  To my street team. You guys are rockstars. Thank you just doesn’t cut it. Flove you all!

  Stacey Blake. You are the epitome of lovely and professional. Your enthusiasm for what you do, what you create with pages upon pages of words, is astounding.

  Sarah Hansen. Another cover, another piece of art I’m tempted to frame. You create perfection. Thanks for putting up with me.

  To the first timers, thank you for taking a chance! Nine books in and I still get giddy when someone new stumbles upon me.

  To the readers and bloggers who return. I could hug and kiss and squish you. It doesn’t just mean the world to me. It is the very reason I’m able to open my computer, time and time again. The reason I’m able to face down mountains of doubt in order to bring you something new. Thank you doesn’t come close to the gratitude I harbor for each one of you.




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