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Ryan (Members From Money Book 16)

Page 13

by Katie Dowe

  “The couple have requested to say their own vows.” The minister said with a smile. Ryan handed his son to Bradley and Aaliyah handed their daughter to Leesa.

  “I tried to come up with the right words and was lost for a moment. I even asked Mark to help me out,” he looked at his friend for a moment and then back at his wife. “He said I was on my own by the way,” he waited until the laughter stopped. “He was right. I did not need help because I had the words right here,” he pressed his hand against where his heart thudded. “Aaliyah my love you came into my life at the right moment and stripped me of the bitterness I was feeling. You are the fire that lit the coldness inside me and I am humbled by the great capacity you have for loving me and our children. I have never met anyone like you and I doubt I ever will. I love you and before our friends and family I want to tell you that as long as we both shall live I will always love and cherish you. No matter how far I am away from you my presence will be felt and you will never have to question how I feel.”

  She took his hand in hers and brought it to her lips. “I don’t know where I begin and where you leave off my love,” she said huskily, her throat aching with unshed tears. “You are my everything and with you and our children I feel complete. I love you, Ryan, and I always will. Whatever happens I will always be blessed by the love we share, my husband and my heart.”

  “The rings, please.” The minister said turning to the little boy who shook his head and held onto the pouch.

  “Give it to Daddy, Cam,” Ryan told him and he handed it over immediately. He placed the rings onto her finger and she did the same for him.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife again. You may kiss your bride.”

  For the rest of the couples in the room, it was an emotional moment and they turned to look at each other as Ryan took his wife into his arms.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you for the second time: Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sullivan!”


  The ballroom was decorated in the shades of blues and greens that the wives were wearing and there was a large white orb glittering in the middle of the room. The bride and groom were seated on a raised dais while the others sat at the different tables below them. They were being entertained by international artiste Diana Rowe and the local talents at Costa Land. Ryan took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “How are you?”

  “Incredibly happy,” she told him as she looked in his dark blue eyes. “What you said–”

  “I meant every word.” He turned her hand over and kissed the soft skin of her palm causing her to shiver. “I love you baby.”

  “Ryan,” she moaned as he continued to use his tongue on her skin.

  “I want you,” to her shock he went beneath the table and released his penis. He brought her hand down and she clasped the warm flesh, her hand moving up and down the erect shaft. “Correction - I am going to die if I don’t have you.”

  “We cannot leave–” her breasts were aching and her insides were on fire!

  “Yes, we have to,” he took her hand off him and pushed his penis back in with difficulty as he pulled his zipper back up. He got to his feet. “I really appreciate you sharing this moment with us, but I am afraid you will have to excuse us. My wife and I need to get a head start on our honeymoon.” There was a startled moment of silence and then roars of laughter and catcalls!

  “Go right ahead!” Prince Alexander called out in amusement as he captured his princess hand. “We understand.”


  His hands trembled as he took off her clothes. She had taken the time to heal and he had given it to her so apart from kissing and heavy petting they had not gone all the way. Now they could. She was still breastfeeding their month old daughter and her breasts were heavy with the milk in them. She stepped out of the dress and her shoes and he went about taking off her garters and stockings and then the white teddy. He undressed quickly and got in bed next to her. He ran his hands over her and cupped her breasts before bending his head to take a nipple inside his mouth. She arched her body and tunneled her fingers through his hair. He moved to the next one and climbed over her, his penis nestling at her opening. Aaliyah reached between them and put him inside her. She sighed as he entered her deeply and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He lifted his head and looked down at her for a moment, his eyes darkened as she took in the passion on her lovely face. “How about we stop at Cameron and Chloe?” he whispered huskily.

  “I want more children, my husband.” She twined her hands around his neck. “You know that.”

  “I would like us to get to know each other and bond as a family, my darling,” he pushed into her and she moaned.

  “Ryan,” she dug her fingers into his shoulders.

  He bent his and nibbled at her full bottom lip.

  “I cannot think.” She moved restlessly.

  “Neither can I,” he said thickly. “To be continued.” He added as he lifted her hips to meet his thrusts!


  Much, much later that night after they had finished eating the sinfully rich vanilla and chocolate cake and drink some of the fruity Costa wine they lay there in each other’s arms and he told her about his father. “I still miss him and even though Evan is a decent enough guy he could never take his place.”

  “And I am sure he is not trying to.” She was lying on top of him. She pushed back his hair and kissed his strong chin. “He respects you a lot.”

  “You always try to find the best in everyone, don’t you?” he asked her a little amused.

  “Hmm,” she smiled at him so happy that she wanted to dance. “I just want to be a wife and a mother to my children, baby, I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t.” he kissed her. “I was thinking that in July we could spend some time in our hotel in Rome.”

  “I have always wanted to go to Rome.” She said dreamily.

  “Now is your chance.”


  In each rooms assigned to the couples they relived the moments of their marriages and spent the night slaking their desires and renewing their vows with their bodies. The Palace was alive with love and hope as behind each door murmurs of love were exchanged and bodies met and heartbeats melted together in incredible passion that bound them together forever!

  The end

  Against All Odds

  When nothing they do can tear your love apart...

  A sexy BWAM romance by Erica A Davis of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Amanda Tyson is a teaching assistant on a mission - to help her students succeed.

  One night, she finds one of her students Abi Chao in a dangerous situation, about to get sexually assaulted by a drug dealer.

  Amanda steps in and saves the day.

  Abi confides in her that she wants to graduate, despite her hard home life and emotionally abusive mother.

  Danny, Abi’s older brother, steps in, and pays Amanda to tutor Abi.

  Amanda quickly falls head over heels for Danny. He's kind, handsome, and has a body that'd leave even the most composed woman drooling!

  But there’s a problem.

  Danny used to date Amanda’s sister Lucy back in high school, and Lucy’s furious.

  Deadly furious.

  To top it off, Abi and Danny’s abusive mother Georgina wants to put an end to the budding romance too.

  Can Danny and Amanda’s love win out?

  Or will it be crushed by the people who want to see them fail?

  Find out in this gripping yet red hot romance by Erica A Davis of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you’ll be craving your own blast from the past.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 1

  Amanda Tyson let out a heavy sigh and dropped her empty tray onto the table as she sagged into a chair.

  “Wow! How many mini bites do these people eat?”

  Lexi Fiore laughed.

  “They probably live off them. It explains the thin appearance, I guess.”

  She collected Amanda’s empty tray with her own and moved them over to one of the chefs further down the table. The man didn’t even blink and began to delicately lay out the finger food into an intricate pattern on the trays. Amanda hadn’t realized how heavy food like that could be. Her arms were killing her.

  “It didn’t work for Mr Adams.” Amanda grunted. “He ate the whole platter, never mind one or two.”

  “That’s why I stock up whenever I know he’s coming.” Lexi reached for a bottle of wine and poured out two glasses, handing one to Amanda. “Also, make sure he’s the last one so no one else gets disappointed.”

  “Thanks for telling me now.”

  Amanda took a sip, relishing the taste in her mouth. Normally they wouldn’t be drinking on the job but Lexi was the boss of the catering company that had been hired for tonight’s event. She could get away with a glass and, as her friend, Amanda could as well.

  “I should be the one saying thanks.” Lexi sat and slipped off her shoes, rubbing her feet. “It’s a weight off my shoulders knowing I can have someone to call on if one of my waitresses go off sick.”

  “It’s fine. I could do with a bit more cash.”

  Amanda was more than happy to help out. Lexi was a former neighbor and they had bonded when Amanda offered to help Lexi’s high-school children with their grades. Lexi had been very appreciative of it and Amanda knew she couldn’t deny anything whenever Lexi was involved. The woman had always been kind to her and treated her like her own daughter. So when she offered a chance to get a bit more money on top of her original job, Amanda wasn’t about to say no.

  Even if her feet were killing her.

  “I thought you were doing some tutoring.” Lexi queried.

  Amanda sighed.

  “I wish. I’m a teaching assistant, not a professional tutor. If I got paid for that, then I could work from home. But I’m stuck in the classroom.”

  Lexi chuckled.

  “From the way you say it, I get the feeling you hate your job.”

  “I do like my job. But it’s not my dream job.” Amanda sighed and stared at her glass. “I’d love to tutor and be paid properly for it but that’s not going to happen for a while. Not when most of the high school students already have a personal tutor.”

  “The joys of working in a rich area.”

  That was a downside. Working in a school where virtually all the pupils were from well-to-do families, if not insanely rich. The kids were hard-working but spoiled rotten. Amanda had to grit her teeth a lot of the time when she heard them bragging about the yacht their parents had bought them or the new car they were gifted for their birthday. A few were terrors but they weren't overly bad. And they were going for ivy-league schools, there was extra tutoring for them when they got home.

  Amanda wasn’t able to muscle in if there was already someone there.

  “You need contacts and the experience.” Amanda took a gulp of wine. The three waitresses they were working with would be back shortly and she needed to get this down. “I don’t have the contacts and I don’t have the experience.”

  “You tutored my kids.”

  “Do you have a rich millionaire husband who will spread the word?”

  “Oh, I wish.” Lexi sighed. “Someone who looks like George Clooney.”

  Amanda giggled.

  “I was more thinking along the lines of Jeremy Renner.”

  “A little too young for me.” Lexi licked her lips and winked. “George Clooney is yummable.”

  “Yummable? What word is that?”

  “A word I made up.” Lexi finished off her glass. “But I have to make do with my lovely husband. He’s not George Clooney but he’s the next best thing. And, in any case, you did help my children get into university with full scholarships. That should make you feel good.”

  “It does.”

  At that time Lexi had been living at home and her husband wasn’t earning enough to support three children who wanted to study at college. Amanda had even researched the financial aid they would need and the necessary scholarships. Now all three were in high-flying jobs and Lexi’s catering business had really taken off. Everyone was in a good place in the Fiore household.

  It just wasn’t with Amanda. She had a good enough job and a loving family who supported her but she didn’t have her dream job. Tutoring was what she was good at and Amanda knew she had found her calling. Teaching assistant was the next best thing until she managed to strike out on her own.

  “It’ll happen soon.” Lexi shrugged. “Who knows? You might get some people looking for tutors here.”

  “I doubt it.” Amanda finished her wine and put the glass down a little too heavily. “And there’s someone here in the building who would make sure that I don’t get hired.”


  Amanda made a face.


  Lexi blinked. Amanda could see the confusion.

  “Why would Lucy badmouth your teaching abilities to the guests?”

  “She doesn’t want me to take credit for anything. She wants to show that she’s the successful one.”

  That was true enough. Amanda’s older sister was beautiful, intelligent and had a high-paying job. She was close to making her own first million just by organizing events for the rich and famous. But underneath that beauty and charm was a deadly snake. And it was always turned on Amanda. Amanda was just as hardworking and dedicated at what she did but Lucy always considered herself to be the best. So she went out of her way to tell people lies about Amanda that way Amanda would have to spend more time than she wanted explaining away the lies.

  Lucy was one headache that Amanda could do without. And having her here as the event’s organizer wasn’t helping her migraine. They had seen each other once but hadn’t spoken, much to Amanda’s relief. But she was sure Lucy was telling everyone Amanda was looking for a rich man to be her husband.

  “She’s a grown woman.” Lexi shook her head in stunned amazement. “How could she be so mean?”

  “Because she can. You learn these things as a teenager and then you get into bad habits.” Amanda stood as the trays, now laden with food, were placed on the table in front of them. “I just don’t get it. Mom and Dad treated us equally and made sure we were never favored and yet she still feels like she’s entitled.” She made a face. “Mind you, Grandma did make a point to favor her over me. Maybe that’s what Lucy uses to her advantage.”

  “Give me the tray now and I’ll tip a tray of drinks on her.”

  Amanda had no doubt that Lexi would do it. And she was good at making it sound like it was an accident when it was anything but. She was tempted to use Lexi but that would be stooping to Lucy’s level.

  Sighing, Amanda picked up the tray and went through into the main hall. Might as well grit her teeth while she smiled.


  Danny Chao was not enjoying himself. He hated these sorts of things and, if he had had a choice, he wouldn’t be here at all. Being at home with a glass of beer and movie was his thing, not getting dressed up and smooching other rich people who dripped with diamonds and money.

  Why did he agree to come with his mother? Georgina had made it sound like an amazing thing that he needed to be at. Now Danny knew it was a lie. He hated half the people in the room and they knew it.

  At least he had some nice eye-candy. One of the waitresses going through the crowd with a tray of food and a ready, if customer-like smile, was very eye-catching. Medium-height, her body the type of slim you got when you worked out on a regular basis, slightly over-large breasts that pressed against the white blouse, and shapely hips and legs in bla
ck trousers. Her backside looked very nice as well when she turned away. Long black hair held back and pinned to her head with a claw-like clip, away from her clear and dark brown, almost black, skin. He was too far away to see her eyes.

  But the rest of the package looked very nice. She was pretty to look at. Danny wondered what she would say if he asked her for her number when she next passed.

  He glanced at his watch, wondering when would be the best time to leave without looking rude. Then he heard a frustrated huff beside him and someone nudged his arm sharply.

  “Would you stop looking at your watch, Danny? It’s really annoying.”

  Danny sighed and looked down at the petite dark-haired woman standing beside him. Her features were pinched as she scowled up at him. Her mask seemed to be slipping.

  “Why are you so concerned about me looking at my watch a lot, Mom?”

  “Because it gives the impression that you don’t want to be here.”

  “I don’t. I told you I didn’t want to come here.”

  Danny had no idea why he pandered to Georgina Chao’s antics. He was not close with his mother but she liked to have the façade on for everyone else that she was the devoted mother of one of the eligible billionaires in the city. Danny wished she would just leave him alone and was quite happy not to speak to her other than a phone call every other week. With his business, he was lucky that this was a possibility but Georgina liked to make others believe they spoke every day and he loved his mother.


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