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Ryan (Members From Money Book 16)

Page 19

by Katie Dowe

  Nevertheless, she did answer.


  “Hey, it’s Danny Chao.”

  Amanda’s heart started pounding when she heard his deep, sweet tones. It seemed to make all the blood rush to her panties and made her dizzy. She leaned against the wall.

  “Danny.” She swallowed. “I didn’t realize you had my number.”

  “I got it off Abi, just in case. You haven’t had any crazy from Lucy lately, have you?”

  Lucy? Why did he want to know about Lucy?

  “No. I’ve blocked her number for now and when I’m at Mom’s she shuts that shit down so Lucy’s not allowed to be a bitch while we’re there.” That had made it an interesting weekend recently. “Why?”

  “She came into my office today.” Danny’s voice said he wasn’t sure whether to be amused or frustrated. “She seems to think that you’re only after my money and that I shouldn’t have you as Abi’s tutor.”

  Amanda groaned. First Georgina Chao and now Lucy.

  “What business is it of hers? She isn’t involved.”

  “As far as I know, she shouldn’t be.” Danny paused. “Why does she always think you’re after a rich man?”

  “Probably because I joked one day about it when I was a teenager.” Amanda sighed. “I said I’m going to find myself a rich man and then I won’t have to work. I’d been studying for a lot of exams and I was exhausted. Mom and Dad laughed; they knew I was just letting off steam.” She grunted. “Unfortunately, Lucy took it as gospel.”

  “She’s crazy.”

  “I know. I’ve been dealing with this for years.”

  Amanda glanced at the two male teachers standing at the other end of the room. They were clearly listening but when they saw her looking they turned away and pretended to do something else. Amanda slipped out into the corridor. It was empty but she kept her voice low.

  “Listen, if she’s going to cause you trouble we can always stop this.”

  “Stop what?”

  “The tutoring.”

  “No way.” Danny sounded final about that. “Don’t do that. Abi’s benefiting so much from this and I love to see her sparkling again. You’re good for her.”

  Amanda couldn’t stop the blushing. It made the blood throb. Her core was begin to make her feel uncomfortable and she shifted, trying to ease the throbbing. It didn’t work.

  “I’m glad.” She said lamely.

  Danny was quiet for a moment. Amanda thought they had been cut off. Then when he did speak he sounded almost shy. Danny Chao, a shy man?

  “Listen, I know this might sound unethical but would you like dinner tonight? I don’t know what the rules are since I’m paying you to tutor my sister…”

  It took a moment for Amanda’s brain to catch up with what she was hearing.

  “Are you asking me out?”

  “Yes, I guess I am.” Danny chuckled. “Don’t get any ideas if this is against the rules.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” But Amanda’s mind was going haywire as sudden, unwanted images popped into her head. She blushed, glad that Danny couldn’t see her. “That’s sounds good. I’m helping out with study hall after school gets out. I’ll be done about six.”

  “I don’t finish until half past five anyway. I’ll come and get you.”

  “I do have my car, Danny.”

  “But I haven’t decided where we’re going yet.” Danny chuckled. “Let me be a gentleman here and drive you to dinner.”

  That sounded nice. Amanda hadn’t had a man treat her like a princess for a long time. The last guy who had done that hadn’t lasted very long. The men Amanda met couldn’t hold up the gentleman façade for longer than a couple of dates.

  Danny didn’t need to keep up the façade. That was him all over.

  “Okay.” Amanda couldn’t stop the smiling. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Bye, Amanda.”

  Why did he have to say it in that way? It made Amanda’s belly feel like she was housing butterflies. Amanda mumbled something and hung up, aware that her cheeks were warm.


  Judy was coming down the corridor towards her. Realizing she was breaking the rules with her phone, Amanda slipped it into her pocket and straightened up.

  “Hey, Judy.” She gave her an abashed smile. “Sorry, that was extenuating circumstances.”

  Judy shrugged.

  “I didn’t see anything.” She beckoned for Amanda to follow her down the corridor. Amanda fell into step beside the taller woman. “How are things going with Abi?”

  “Great. I’m seeing a big improvement already.” Amanda couldn’t stop the pride from swelling in her chest. “She’s come along beautifully.”

  Now they had an official diagnosis, which had been pushed through a lot quicker than Amanda had anticipated, Abi was a lot calmer about her school work and wouldn’t be as stressed. She wanted to learn and she worked hard but it was that diagnosis that eased the pressure off her.

  “Well, I’ve got her most recent report card.” Judy was still smiling as she brought out the card and handed it to Amanda. The grades were As and A+s right across the board. “And that’s all in a month. I’m very impressed, Amanda. You should do this more often.”

  “Only if I get paid.” Amanda joked, handing the card back.

  Judy’s eyes were twinkling as she slotted the card back in her folder.

  “I think I can arrange that.”

  It took a moment for that to sink in. Amanda stopped and stared at her.


  “Seriously.” Judy turned to her, her smile fading. “But I’ll sort that out later with you. I just came to warn you.”

  “Warn me? I haven’t done anything wrong, have I?”

  “Not unless you’re Mrs Chao.”

  Georgina. Amanda groaned. She could not catch a break with this woman. This was the fourth time she had come in complaining about Amanda over stupid things. She was laughed out of the office each time.

  “What has she said I’ve done now?”

  “The usual. She’s also demanding to take Abi out of school. Abi’s taken her off her list for contact and put Danny’s name down instead so I can rightfully tell her to fuck off…”

  Amanda couldn’t help but laugh at the prim headmistress’ cursing.

  “Not in so many words, I hope.”

  “Tempting. Now she’s saying that she’s going to place a restraining order against you because you’re corrupting her children.”

  “She’s still saying that?”

  “What do you mean, still?”

  “This isn’t the first time she’s threatened to put a restraining order on me.” Amanda rubbed at her temples. “When it comes to her, I feel like I’m in an alternative universe. She wants to put a restraining order on me because I’m actually making her daughter excel at her studies?”

  “I guess crazy people don’t use logic.”

  “She’s not just crazy. She’s just completely lost it. Her children are now both adults.” Amanda shook her head. “If they were minors I’m sure someone would take it seriously but it feels ridiculous she’s complaining that I’m corrupting her adult children.”

  “I did have to explain that Abi was an adult and she was in control of what she wants now.” Judy started walking again and Amanda had to jog to catch up to her. “I pointed out to her that you can’t put an RO on you if you work at the same school as you could lose your job but her response was ‘good’.”

  Charming. Amanda wanted to bang her head against a brick wall. Georgina would not leave her alone. It was like she was determined to have her daughter fail so she could play the victim that she had a problem child who refused to listen to mommy and Amanda had sneaked in and straightened her out.

  She was glad her mother was normal.

  “Georgina Chao loves to be in control.” Then Amanda saw Judy’s confusion and realized she didn’t know everything. It wasn’t her place to say but Amanda explained. “Da
nny doesn’t want anything to do with it but his mother was determined to have him marry my sister, who’s a high school ex. But he hates Lucy and now both of them think I’m a gold-digger because I made a joke about marrying a rich man over a decade ago.”

  Judy looked sympathetic.

  “I remember my mother-in-law when I was your age. She didn’t like the fact her son was dating me, a girl who stood for no bull. She even tried to get our marriage annulled.”

  “What? How?”

  “She tried to pretend to be me at the courthouse where we got married.” Judy chuckled. “But she’s thirty years older than I am and the guy tried to get to push through the paperwork had sorted it out for me himself so he saw straight through her. She got jail time for that. The husband and I haven’t spoken to her since.”

  “And she took that?”

  “No way. There were lots of family members who tried to get us to reconcile but everything before that attempted annulment had pushed us to completely no contact. I was pregnant with our son and my husband didn’t want to risk losing me or the baby due to the stress his mother could push onto everyone.” Judy shrugged. “Things have died down in the last ten years but my son is due to graduate from law school this year so we might see the crazy on his father's side come out again.”

  Amanda had had no idea about this. Judy was a good boss and a pleasant woman with a loving husband and two well-mannered, kind sons but she had never mentioned any of this.

  At least Amanda felt like she wasn’t alone. If she could call it that; she and Danny weren’t dating. She was merely the tutor. But, somehow, it felt like Georgina was treating her as the unwanted daughter-in-law.

  She didn’t want to think how the crazy would go up if she did end up dating Danny. The thought of dating the gorgeous man made Amanda’s core heat up and the spot between her thighs began to throb. She coughed and focused on her boss.

  “What did you tell Mrs Chao?”

  “I told her to get off the school property. Then I called my husband about it and he laughed. He said she wouldn’t get a judge to grant that and she’ll look like a fool.”

  Judy’s husband was a prominent prosecutor. Amanda had met him several times and liked his no-nonsense, ball-busting attitude. Judy linked arms with Amanda and urged her down the hall.

  “Now, let’s go to my office and talk about that professional tutoring. I have something in mind.”


  “So she’s setting up that you’ll be a one-on-one tutor for the whole school?”

  Amanda nodded. She hadn’t stopped smiling since Judy had suggested the new job position.

  “It’s doable. She’s put it to the board already and they’ve agreed that I can take on the new job tutoring those who need it.” She twirled her fork and scooped up the spaghetti. “It’s a significant pay raise and it may mean more hours and overtime but I’ve shown I’ve got the skills.”

  Danny couldn’t stop feeling pride warm his chest. He had sensed the moment he saw Amanda that something good had happened. She was literally bouncing about and wouldn’t stop smiling. It was infectious and Danny hadn’t been able to stop himself from smiling even before she told him the news.

  She looked even lovelier tonight. The red dress clung on to her curves and showed a sensible amount of cleavage but with her breasts it meant a little more than was intended. Danny had been salivating for most of the meal, which he had managed to hide by munching on his own meal. He had also been managing to hide his erection under the table but he was very much aware of it pushing against his zipper. It liked what it saw as well.

  Those past few weeks in Amanda’s company had simply made Danny hungry for more. He wanted Amanda, no doubt about it. It was just a matter of biding his time. He could see Amanda was just as attracted to him but looks and smiles meant nothing unless she actually said something.

  Before coming out tonight, Danny knew he was going to have Amanda soon. If not tonight, then certainly soon.

  “That’s great.” He reached over and squeezed her hand. That was all he dared do with her right now. “When do you start?”

  “We’re nearly at the end of the year so they’re going to start it in the new school year.” Amanda grinned and raised her fork. “I can focus on Abi right now without any problems.”

  “I’m sure Abi will appreciate that.”

  Danny swallowed as he watched Amanda eat. There was something strangely erotic about Amanda eating spaghetti. That was strange thought. He coughed and reached for his glass.

  “So, Mom seriously said she was going to go through with that RO?”

  “Yep. She’s gone loco.” Amanda swallowed her mouthful. “Judy’s husband is a federal prosecutor and he says she’ll get laughed out of court.”

  “I hope she does. That might knock some sense into her.” Danny shook his head. “I thought she was crazy when I was younger but this is too far.”

  “You mean she’s always been like this?”

  “Pretty much. She spoiled me like crazy. Still did even when I ignored her. Dad and I looked after Abi from birth until she was six when Dad died. Then it was just me, hence why I stayed close after graduating college.” Danny grimaced. “She was crazy when Dad was around but since Dad’s death she’s been getting weirder.”

  “How so?”

  Danny wasn’t sure he wanted to say it out loud. He knew that what Georgina had been doing was wrong and it made him feel uncomfortable so he didn’t want Amanda to either laugh at him or be creeped out enough that she wouldn’t come anywhere near him again.

  “Have you ever heard of the Jocasta Complex?”

  “Yes, I did it at school. Jocasta was Oedipus’ mother and wife. She hung herself when she discovered who her husband actually was and he gouged out his eyes.” Amanda stopped and stared, her eyes wide. “Wait, seriously? She has a Jocasta complex going on with you?”

  “I’m sure of it. Even with that she’s determined that I marry and give her grandchildren.” Danny sighed and sipped at his wine. “After what I went through I’m not even sure I want kids. Abi does when she’s got her education done but Mom doesn’t care because they’re not my kids. She even said she’d take a grandchild if the mother is a whore because she’s that desperate.”

  “She said what?”

  “I don’t think she means an actual whore. I think she means someone I’m not married to.”

  “A baby momma.” Amanda raised her eyebrow. “Although I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t mind a grandchild from an actual whore.”

  “Neither would I, if I’m honest. But I don’t want to put any woman through that. If I get married it’s going to be on my terms.” Danny knew this was too intense and this was barely a first date but he pushed on. “No big white wedding, pure and simple courthouse. Maybe no witnesses at all. Or I might stretch to an elopement, depending on how much my fiancée wants it.” He made a face. “A big wedding means I have to have Mom there, whether I want her there or not, and she will take over or take charge. I don’t want my future wife steamrolled.”

  “So your wedding will be simple and, if possible, a secret.”


  Amanda’s expression said she understood.

  “You’d be lucky if you were marrying me.” She said teasingly. “I’m not into the big frills. Just a simple ceremony, sign the papers and off for a bucket of fried chicken. Simple.”

  Danny’s heart leapt. Even if he wasn’t attracted to her right now, Amanda’s admission told him she was the perfect woman for him. He was tempted to ask her to marry him right now but was sure she would laugh in his face.

  He was about to say something funny to cover up what he was really thinking when he happened to glance across the restaurant. His heart sank when he saw Lucy enter the restaurant with a group of female friends. She was dressed up to the nines in a shimmering green dress, skirt barely reaching her knees and tiny spaghetti straps. She looked beautiful and she knew it. Danny recognized the frien
ds with her; girls Lucy had been friends with at high school and had joined in the campaign of stalking him after he ended things.

  These were people he did not want anywhere near him.

  Danny looked away and focused on Amanda, hoping that Lucy and her group would go to a table nowhere near them and not notice they were there. But Lucy’s delighted squeal had his stomach dropping. She had seen them.

  “Danny, darling!”

  Danny was unprepared for Lucy to hurry over and drop across his lap, right on top of his erection, which made a speedy retreat. Lucy giggled and wiggled her bottom.

  “Someone’s pleased to see me.”

  “What the…?”

  Before Danny could demand what she was doing, Lucy kissed him, trapping his head with her hands.


  Amanda stared in stunned amazement at Lucy’s brazenness. What was she thinking? From Danny’s posture and trying to get away, he clearly didn’t want to be mauled but Lucy just kept kissing him like they were long-lost lovers.

  She was aware of Lucy’s friends standing nearby scowling at her. Amanda ignored them. They hadn’t scared her when she was in high school and they didn’t scare her now. If push came to shove she could best them all in a fight. Lucy knew that after one tried shoving Amanda about and Amanda broke the girl’s nose. That same girl had tried to use a knife on Amanda out of school but got a face full of mace for her trouble.

  That woman was in the group but staying behind her friends. Wise move. Her nose was still misshapen from Amanda’s punch.

  Danny managed to push Lucy away and unceremoniously tipped her onto the floor.

  “Lucy, what the hell?”

  Lucy was sitting on the floor, looking a little dazed. Amanda had to bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.

  “What?” Lucy picked herself up, wobbling a little in her heels. “Aren’t I allowed to greet you?”

  “Never like that.” Danny wiped at his mouth with the napkin. Lucy’s shade of lipstick came off on the white cloth. “I am in the middle of dinner so would you please leave me alone?”

  It was then Lucy looked over at Amanda. Her eyes widened when she recognized her.

  “Her?” She almost shrieked. “You’re having dinner with her?”


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