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Ryan (Members From Money Book 16)

Page 24

by Katie Dowe

  Danny liked his no-nonsense mother-in-law.

  For the most part, they all ignored Lucy’s tantrums. Whenever they all came for family dinner, Lucy would make a fuss and try to sit beside Danny or opposite him but Amanda and Nicole headed her off at the pass, which made her upset. She tried to talk over Amanda whenever she spoke but Nicole and Helen shut that down. She would complain about being ganged up on and Helen reminded her that the door was behind her if she didn’t like being treated like a child.

  After the third time Lucy didn’t come over. And that made Danny relax a little.

  He knew it was only a short space of time but Danny knew in his heart what he wanted. And he wanted Amanda in his life. She was everything he wanted from a woman for a partner and she had a loving family that Danny was proud to be a part of.

  He was going to ask her to marry him. It had only been two weeks and Danny wasn’t normally a fast person but he knew it was the right time.

  The big question was; would he ask Amanda before or after they moved. Abi was graduating soon and she had been accepted into a university in Washington DC. Danny was planning on moving across the country with her and he wanted to take Amanda with him. Amanda had spoken several times about wanting to stay with her support network but Danny was certain that, with a little convincing, he could get her to come with him.

  Maybe propose before. If Amanda wanted to stay, Danny would stay but he had a crazy mother and jealous ex-girlfriend hanging around and they were starting to stir up a little trouble. He wanted to get away from them and Abi was his family.

  And now so was Amanda.

  Danny was thinking about how to broach the subject with her at dinner that evening when Abi called him at his desk. Danny saved his document and put the call on loudspeaker.

  “Hey, Abi.”

  “I’m going to graduate third in the year!”

  Danny barely heard the words over the loud squealing and he laughed. He was glad it was on loudspeaker.

  “Easy, there, girl. You’ll yell my ear off. Calm down and tell me again.”

  “I’ve got As straight across the board. Third in the class.”

  Danny’s smile widened even more.

  “Wow! Well done, honey!”

  Abi squealed again and then Danny heard Amanda laughing. His heart stuttered when he heard that laugh. His cock also perked up at the sound. He swallowed and focused on his sister.

  “That’s amazing. I’m so pleased for you.”

  “All thanks to Amanda.” Abi gushed. “I can’t believe I got there considering I was about to fail a few months ago.”

  “You’re not as lazy as you thought.” Danny teased.

  “Cheeky.” There was some whispering at Abi’s end. “Amanda wants to talk to you.”

  There was a rustling and then Amanda’s voice came over.

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “Hey.” Danny sat back, wishing that Amanda was there. He had a few things in mind for her as a way of thanking her. “I see your magic has been paying off on my baby sister.”

  “Less of the baby now, big brother.” Amanda chuckled. “Listen, Mom’s having a family barbecue tonight. My uncle’s visiting from Alabama and she wanted to do his favorite ribs. When I told her about Abi’s grades she’s offered to get some prosecco and you and Abi can come celebrate with the family.”

  “You had me at ribs.” Danny frowned. “Although Abi shouldn’t be drinking at her age.”

  “Don’t worry, she’s sticking to soda. She knows you’ll be on her back if you see her with a glass of bubbly.”

  “Too right.”

  “Wait, did you just say you want some of her special ribs as well?”

  “Please.” Danny rubbed his stomach as it growled. “Your mom’s ribs are to die for.”

  Amanda laughed.

  “I’ll see what I can do. We’re heading over there now. School’s been let out early.”

  Danny glanced at the clock. In the current traffic, it wouldn’t take him long to get to Helen’s house. The knowledge that he was going to have some of her delicious ribs would make him go faster.

  “I’ll leave here in the next ten minutes and will see you in…forty minutes.”

  “Okay.” Amanda paused, almost coyly. “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Even after two weeks, saying it felt new and it felt good. Danny loved hearing Amanda say it to him and he couldn’t stop saying it back. His personal assistant teased him for being soppy but Danny didn’t care. He was in the honeymoon stage and he wanted to hold on to it.

  Danny was whistling as he packed his briefcase, said goodbye to his PA and left the building. It was on days like this he was glad he was the boss; he could leave whenever he wanted.

  Ever since Lucy had managed to get in to the parking lot, the security had been tightened. Danny didn’t want to be pounced upon by his ex-girlfriend anymore and warned the guards that he didn’t need anymore surprises.

  As he walked across the parking lot to his car, Danny began to wonder what he'd ever seen in Lucy. She was beautiful, yes, but that was it. She was manipulative, nasty and came on far too strong. Danny had realized how clingy she was a few weeks into dating. At seventeen he hadn’t minded too much; he could shrug it off as teenagers would do. But now it was frustrating.

  He was glad Amanda wasn’t clingy. The younger sister was the opposite of her big sister in terms of personality and it was hard to believe they were related.


  Danny was startled out of his thoughts when he saw Georgina coming towards him. He stopped and stared.

  “Mom? What are you doing here? I thought you were still on the ward.”

  From what he had been told, Georgina was going to be held for a certain period of time. He wasn’t told how long this time was but Danny had assumed it would be longer than two weeks. She had tried to call him several times but Danny ignored them. He didn’t want to deal with his mother’s craziness anymore.

  Georgina looked a little better. She had had a hair cut and her face was makeup-free. She had also lost a bit of weight, which showed in the dark blue dress she wore. He had to admit she looked good but Danny bit his tongue on that.

  “I got out this morning.” Georgina stopped before him and frowned. “I’ve been trying to contact you for weeks.”

  “You know why I’m not answering your calls.” Danny tried to get around her but Georgina stepped with him. “And I’ve told my assistant that I don’t want to talk to you.”

  While he had forgiven his PA for giving Georgina information she shouldn’t, she was on a strict information diet. Danny had Amanda to help with personal details now so Georgina or Lucy wouldn’t be able to get hold of them. Danny didn’t want to punish his employees but he didn’t want his mother catching up to him.

  “But Danny, please.” Georgina pouted. “I’m your mother.”

  Danny snorted.

  “A mother does not act the way you’ve acted. A mother takes her medication when she’s been diagnosed with a mental illness so she makes herself safe and everyone else around her safe.” He glared at her. “Instead you refused to take them and then you began threatening my sister and my girlfriend.”

  Georgina’s nostrils flared. Her soft expression had hardened and she looked more like the woman he had seen before Danny had had her committed.

  “Lucy told me you’d started dating Amanda.” She sneered. “What on earth were you thinking? She’s no good for you at all.”

  Danny wasn’t going to have an argument about this again. They could go round and round in circles about how Amanda was good or no good for him and Georgina wouldn’t listen. They would get nowhere. So Danny decided to go for the shock factor and smirked.

  “I was more thinking about making it official with the woman I love.”

  He watched as Georgina’s face went completely white. For a moment she looked like she was about to collapse and he braced to catch her. Then Georgina shook herself
and began spluttering.

  “What? You love her?”

  “I do. So you can stop going on about Lucy and how we should get back together. I never want to see Lucy again, if I can avoid it.” Since Lucy refused to be around him at family gatherings, that was easy. “And if Amanda doesn’t want her at our wedding I’m not going to argue with her.”

  “Wait, what?” Georgina looked as though she was going to hyperventilate. “Wedding? What wedding?”

  “My wedding, of course.” This wasn’t the way he had planned to tell his mother about it but he might as well say it now. “I’m going to ask Amanda to marry me.”

  Amanda Chao. That had a nice ring to it. And the ring Danny had picked out was nice as well. More than nice. And it was sitting at the jewelers, all paid for, waiting for him to collect it.

  “No!” Georgina began wailing. She grabbed at his jacket. “You can’t! You mustn’t! I won’t allow it.”

  Danny barked out laughing.

  “What are you talking about? This isn’t the 1800s. I’m not asking for permission. I’m a grown man, Mom.” He shrugged her hands off him. “I love Amanda Tyson and I am going to marry her. As far as I’m concerned, you can shove your opinion of her seeing as you’re not going to be coming to the wedding.”

  Danny knew if he had to have witnesses he would invite Abi, Helen and Amanda’s aunt. No one else. Georgina would not even get a look in. Georgina looked ill.

  “You…you wouldn’t push your own mother out of your wedding, would you?”

  “I can and I will. I can’t see Amanda agreeing to have someone who openly hates her at her wedding, either.” Danny managed to step around her. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a few things to deal with.”

  It felt good to walk away as Georgina was left speechless behind him. It was a rarity that he could leave her speechless and, awful as it was, Danny was relishing it.

  Chapter 11

  Amanda winced as the music was turned up loud enough to deafen her and laughed as Abi danced around her in seat, her arms up in the air as she sang along. She reached over and turned the music down to a more tolerable level.


  “I’m sorry, I like to be able to hear things.”

  Abi pouted but kept dancing.


  “I’m not getting any younger.” Amanda chuckled. “Saying you’re happy is an understatement.”

  Ever since Abi had received her final grades and Judy had told her where she had come in the year, Abi had been bouncing around like she had consumed a tonne of sugar. It was adorable to watch and Amanda was pleased to see her act this way.

  It was hard to believe that just a few months ago this girl was an introvert, doing weed to cover up the pain of her abuse and close to failing out of school.

  “I’ll say.” Abi sat back, lowering her arms. She didn’t stop grinning. “I didn’t think it was possible to graduate like I have. Mom made it believable that I would barely graduate or I would drop out. And to graduate top three of my class…that’s beyond my wildest dreams.”

  It was anyone’s wildest dreams. Amanda had wondered if she would manage a top place in her class. She had just missed out but she was right on the line. It made her feel good to know she could have kids she tutored – even if it was only Abi right now – graduating right at the top.

  Abi bit her lip and glanced at Amanda.

  “Can I ask your advice on something?”

  “Sure. You know you can.”

  Abi still hesitated. Now Amanda was getting curious. She glanced at the girl, keeping one eye on the road.


  “It’s just…” It all came out in a rush. “I’ve been seeing someone. He’s a senior at the other high school in our area. I met him during a track meet last year but it’s only in the last few weeks we’ve been seeing each other as a couple.”

  “You mean those times when you say you’re going to see your friends you’ve actually been going to see him.”


  Abi was blushing furiously. Amanda had to laugh at that.

  “You are so sweet, Abi. I hope he’s treating you right.”

  “Like a prince would with his princess.” Abi sat back and sighed. “He’s such a caring person.”

  “How long have you been seeing him officially?”

  “About a week before you and Danny told me about you two.”

  “And you haven’t told Danny about him.”

  Abi shook her head.

  “Not yet. I don’t know what Danny will say.”

  Amanda knew what Abi was thinking. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was worried Georgina was going to find out. Apparently, Abi had never been allowed to date because of her mother and the one date Abi had been on Georgina had set her up. The boy had been an ass and had pawed her while they watched a movie at the theater. Abi had refused any dates since and she had been too scared to find a boy for herself.

  Amanda liked the fact Abi was gaining enough confidence to date someone without any fear.

  “You do know that Danny isn’t your mother.”

  “I do. But Danny is protective and I don’t know how he’ll react.” Abi hurried on. “But we’re both going to the same college in the fall so it’s not like we’re going to be long-distance or anything.”

  “But it will be awkward if you break up.” Amanda pointed out.

  “We won’t.”

  Amanda chuckled.

  “Famous last words.”

  That had her thinking about Danny. Danny and Abi had spoken about it a few times before in her presence about moving and she was sure it would happen with her relationship soon. She was hoping that Danny would ask her to come with him – hell, he had told her he loved her – and Amanda knew she would say yes.

  “Anyway, the thing is, can I ask him to your mom’s today? I don’t want to be rude but this might be the best time to meet my brother and he can celebrate with us.”

  Amanda had no problem with it. And she was sure Helen wouldn’t mind but it wasn’t Amanda’s house.

  “Check with Mom when we get there before you let him know. But I can’t see her saying no.”

  Abi squealed and bounced in her seat, making Amanda laugh. Then she heard her cell phone going off in the center console. She nodded at it.

  “Could you answer that? I don’t want to be caught with a phone in my hand.”

  “Sure.” Abi picked it up and looked at the screen. “Jake’s calling. Jake as in Jacob White?”

  “The very same. Could you put him on loudspeaker?”

  Abi did as she was told. Amanda turned her car off the main road and into the neighborhood her mother’s house resided in.

  “Hey, Jake. I’m driving so you’re on loudspeaker. Apologies for the crackling.”

  “I hope you’ve got it hands-free.”

  Amanda giggled.

  “Does an eighteen-year-old girl count?”

  “Close enough.” Jacob chuckled briefly but then it died away. “Listen, Amanda, I know it’s been a long time but we’ve finally managed to track down who’s been sending those threatening emails.”

  “Really?” Amanda was surprised. It had been six weeks since the emails had started. “I thought they were all going to internet cafes and they couldn’t be traced.”

  “Not initially. But then one of the tech guys realized one was actually looped through an internet café but came from a different site.”

  “Come again?”

  “Someone sent an email but routed the connection through a different server to make it more difficult to trace.” Abi explained.

  Amanda groaned.

  “Typical. Kids are explaining things to me now.”

  “I’m an adult, thank you!”

  “Fight later, please, ladies.” Jacob sighed. “We’ve finally got a secure location.”

  That was something. Amanda was pleased about that. Now they might be able to do something about the person who had sent the
threatening messages. No more looking over her shoulder wondering if someone was going to jump out of the shadows. And she could stop carrying around her mace.

  “Who sent them?” She asked.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Mom.” Abi grunted.

  Jacob was silent. Amanda wondered if they had been cut off.

  “Jacob, are you there?”

  “I’m here.” Jacob took a breath. “I don’t think you’re going to like this.”

  “Just tell me.”

  “The one we tracked down came from a work station at the building where your sister works.”

  It took a moment for the words to sink in. And even then Amanda tried to reject them. She shook her head.

  “Lucy sent the emails?”

  “It’s looking like it. If she sent that one, chances are she sent them all.”

  Lucy was a whizz with computers. She would know how to reroute a server and cover her tracks.

  “We checked when she was at work and Lucy was in the building when the email was sent. And checking her cell phone records she was either in the internet cafes or in the immediate vicinity around the time the other emails were sent. Half of them are within a two-block walk of her office block.”

  Amanda felt like she had passed out and woken up in an alternate universe. She knew Lucy had been angry that Danny had chosen Amanda over her but she had no idea it would be this extreme.

  “I can’t believe this.” She muttered.

  “I can.” Abi said darkly. “Lucy is obsessed with Danny. Frightening you off him would clear the way for her.”

  “And it would have probably worked if Danny didn’t hate her so much.” Jacob added.

  That was true enough. But Amanda couldn’t see the logic. Lucy knew that Danny didn’t like her and knew he wouldn’t go near her with a barge pole. So the emails seemed rather redundant considering she wouldn’t get anything at the end.

  Either Lucy was that crazy to believe that Danny would go back to her or she had other motives. And Amanda didn’t want to think about what those motives might be.

  She saw her mother’s house coming up on the left and turned into the drive.


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