Ryan (Members From Money Book 16)

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Ryan (Members From Money Book 16) Page 25

by Katie Dowe

  “I’m just pulling up to Mom’s now, Jake. Could you let Danny know about this? He’s on his way right now.”

  “No problem.”

  Amanda turned off the engine and hopped out. She couldn’t quite believe it. She knew Lucy was possessive and obsessed when it came to Danny but she knew the score. Why would she do something as stupid as this, knowing she was going to get found out sooner or later?

  The girl was going loco, she was sure of it.

  Amanda wandered around the back of her car and opened up the trunk. She had promised to bring a few things for the barbecue, including the sauce Helen needed to make the ribs. Even Amanda was looking forward to eating the ribs; Helen was a good cook normally but the ribs were her best. Amanda stomach was growling at the thought of sampling them again.

  The front door opened as she fished out the bags from the trunk and her mother, a tall, statuesque woman with gorgeous mahogany skin and hair cut close to her scalp stepped out onto the porch. She smiled and waved. Abi waved back eagerly and hurried up the path. Amanda shut the trunk and cursed as one of the bags broke and her shopping went everywhere.

  Putting the other bags down, she began to gather the rest of the shopping up. Some of it had rolled into the road. While it was a through-road, it was normally very quiet. At that time of day the street was dead. So Amanda wasn’t worried about a random car coming out of nowhere.

  She heard the growl of an engine and a screeching of tires. Then she heard Abi screaming. Amanda looked up in time to see a car bearing down on her, mounting the sidewalk.

  Amanda reacted but not in time. She was diving off towards the lawn when the car hit her in the side, sending her flying through the air.

  The world seemed to stop for a moment. And then Amanda hit the ground and the whole world went black. She didn’t remember feeling a thing.


  Danny’s heart was pounding as he pulled to a stop outside the hospital before running inside. He couldn’t believe what had happened. Helen’s phone call didn’t seem to be sinking in, even now.

  But then he saw Abi and Helen in the waiting room for surgery and it hit him then. He felt sick and Danny wanted to throw up.

  Then he remembered. Abi had witnessed Amanda being hit by the car. She was white and trembling, Helen holding her as she sobbed. Abi needed him strong right now.

  Amanda needed him strong.


  Abi looked up. She darted out of her chair with a sob and threw herself at her brother.

  “Oh, Danny!”

  Danny hugged her tightly. He could feel someone trembling but he didn’t know if it was him or Abi. Helen stood and came over to them. She was ashen-faced and there were tears in her eyes but she was holding herself together better than Danny was. She squeezed his shoulder.

  “Thanks for getting here quickly, Honey.”

  “I came as soon as I could.” Danny gripped her hand. He would not cry. “I’m so sorry, Helen.”

  “There’s nothing you could’ve done, Honey. It happened so fast.” Helen cupped the back of Abi’s head and her expression softened. “Thank God Abi wasn’t hurt as well.”

  That was some comfort. Danny was barely coping with Amanda being badly hurt, never mind Abi as well. He took Abi over to the chairs and sat down. Abi huddled beside him, sobbing into his chest. His shirt felt wet and Danny kept her close. Helen sat opposite, hands clasped on her lap. With her back straight and head up she looked very prim but her leg was bouncing like crazy, the way it did when she was nervous.

  Danny couldn’t blame her. Her daughter had just been mown down in front of her and they didn’t know if she was okay.

  “Do you know who did it?” He croaked.

  Helen shook her head.

  “I’m afraid not. The car drove off before I got a look. I didn’t even get a license plate.” Her lower lip trembled. “I’m so sorry, I was just focused on my daughter.”

  Danny understood. He would have done the same thing. Abi sniffed and lifted her head.

  “I need a drink. I’m going to pass out.”

  “You two go and get something.” Helen waved them towards the door. “I’ll let you know if anything happens.”

  Danny didn’t want to leave but Helen was right. And he needed to look after his sister, who looked ready to faint.

  Abi led them out into the corridor to the vending machine. Danny fished out some coins and selected a soda for Abi and an energy drink for himself. He had a feeling he was going to need it.

  Abi leaned against the wall and gave the waiting room a sympathetic look.

  “She called Lucy to come here and be with her while Amanda was in surgery.” She said quietly, turning her head towards her brother. “But Lucy refused.”

  “No surprise.” Danny grunted, handing her the soda can. “They’re not on the best of terms.”

  Even then, Danny was angry. Lucy was mad at Amanda and treated her like crap but he had hoped there was some sisterly affection between them. But this was Lucy Tyson and she had shown she had no affection for Amanda. After knowing her throughout high school and dating her, Danny understood where Amanda was coming from but he had held on to that hope.

  Now he doubted it had been there in the first place.

  “I think there’s another reason.” Abi bit her lip and glanced against towards the waiting room. “And I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

  Danny had been about to open his drink. But Abi’s words stopped him. His eyes narrowed.

  “What are you not saying, Abi?”

  Abi gnawed at her lower lip.

  “I can’t say in front of Helen.” She whispered.

  They were right in front of the waiting room door. Neither of them had shut it and Helen could see them. Danny moved so he was blocking Helen’s view of them and raised his eyebrows at his sister.

  “Tell me.”

  Abi swallowed.

  “Jake called Amanda just before we got there. He was going to call you about it after us.”

  “He did call me but to tell me Amanda had been involved in a hit-and-run. What did he say?”

  “That they’ve finally tracked down who sent the threatening emails.”

  “You mean it’s taken them six weeks to find out who sent the emails?” Danny grunted. “I’m going to have to have a word with Jake about that. I thought tech support in the police force was faster than this.”

  “Yeah, well, Lucy was very sophisticated about it.”

  It took a moment before Danny realized what Abi had just said. He stared at her.

  “What did you say? Lucy sent them?”

  “She did.” Abi gulped. “And I saw who was behind the wheel of the car that ran Amanda over.”

  Danny felt cold. He didn’t like the sound of this. A feeling of dread settled in his stomach.



  Danny drove like a bat out of hell. Jacob and Abi had tried to stop him from going but Danny was adamant. He was going to confront the bitch and they wouldn’t be able to stop him.

  Abi had given up quickly, knowing it was pointless trying to talk her brother down. Jacob had taken a little longer to persuade but eventually he backed down. On several conditions.

  Danny didn’t care about the conditions. He was going right then and there.

  Pulling up outside the apartment building, Danny checked he had everything on him. Wallet, keys, cell phone. As he checked everything he went over what he was going to say and how he was going to go about it. If he went in there as he wanted to, he would end up getting arrested himself. And that wasn’t going to help Amanda.

  This needed to be as calm as he could manage it without sticking the damn woman’s head through a window. Danny had never wanted to act out any violence on any woman. But this woman had pushed him too far.

  Getting into the secure building was easy. Danny had simply followed someone in, claiming he was one of the residents. Finding the apartment was easy as well; the
mail boxes for each apartment were on the first floor.

  Danny went up to the third and along to the door furthest away from the stairs. He hammered on the door, pounding until his fist stung. Finally, the door was opened and Lucy was standing there, dressed in denim shorts and a black t-shirt. She was barefoot, looking a lot smaller than her usual height in heels. Her eyes widened when she saw him.

  “Danny. I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”

  Danny stared at her. Back when they had been teenagers he had found himself thinking while she was crazy, she wasn’t completely crazy. Lucy had just proven that she was even worse than that and she wasn’t afraid to use violence to get to her objective.

  “What possessed you, Lucy?” He asked, pushing his way into her apartment. Lucy stared after him even as she shut the door.

  “Excuse me?”

  Danny swung around on her.

  “You ran your sister down.”

  “What?” Lucy’s eyes widened even more and she shook her head. “No, I didn’t.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Lucy!” Danny snarled. “I saw the car in your damn parking lot. Broken headlight, dented hood and blood on the bumper.” It had only been a passing glance but it was enough to make Danny feel sick. “You can’t deny you ran someone over.”

  “I hit a deer.”

  “In this part of the city?” Danny couldn’t believe that Lucy was overcoming her surprise and was starting to look smug. She really was crazy. “I also sent a quick message to Jake. He’s just got back to me. You bought yourself a new car. The one with blood all over it, as it happens. Abi saw you behind the wheel and there will be tire tracks on your mother’s lawn.” He shook his head. “You bought a new car simply to run your sister over. That’s disgusting.”

  Lucy snorted. She folded her arms and cocked a hip. She looked like a high school senior giving attitude.

  “They can’t prove anything.”

  “And they won’t.”

  Danny jumped and spun around. Georgina was coming into the living room from what looked to be the bathroom. She stood there, hands on her hips with a slight smirk across her face. Danny stared.

  “Mom? What are you doing here?”

  “Lucy’s my friend.” Georgina winked at Lucy. “I thought she’d need me after a family tragedy.”

  Danny had never heard anything so ludicrous.

  “What are you talking about? Amanda’s not dead. And have you seen your ‘friend’?” He pointed at Lucy. “Her sister has been run down and she’s not shedding a tear. I don’t think she needs anyone in that sense.”

  “I’m devastated that Amanda was hurt.” Lucy pointed out.

  “Then why aren’t you at the hospital supporting your mother? Abi’s taking the place you’re supposed to be in. That’s not right.”

  Lucy scoffed and sat on the couch, crossing her legs. Georgina sat beside her, giving Danny a look that gave him the chills.

  “You know, Danny,” she sounded like she was discussing the weather, “If you had just married Lucy like you were supposed to, none of this would’ve happened.”

  “So you’re blaming all of this on me now?”

  “Well, you and Lucy were meant for each other.” Georgina scowled. “You had to go after a gold-digger. If you’d got together with Lucy and stayed with her, you’d be married by now and Amanda wouldn’t have been hurt.”

  Danny couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His mother was blaming him for Amanda’s hit-and-run? It would have been laughable had the situation not been so serious.

  “What sort of logic is that, Mom? And how is any of this Amanda’s fault?”

  “You’re mine, Danny.” Lucy pointed out. She was checking her nails, smirking at him. “You always have been. I’ve known since I was seventeen. And if I can’t have you then nobody can.”

  This was the most chilling conversation Danny had ever had. Then he looked between his ex and his mother and saw the looks they were giving each other. He swallowed as the penny dropped.

  “Hang on. Are you telling me both of you are behind Amanda’s stalking?” He pointed at Lucy and then at Georgina. “You sent the emails and you’ve been helping her?”

  Chapter 12

  Georgina shrugged.

  “She wouldn’t listen to us in person. She needed to be scared off you.”

  For a moment, Danny was speechless. He had expected a crazy ex-girlfriend to try something or even his crazy mother to do worse than she already had. Never had he expected them to work together.

  There had been signs, he then realized. The signs had been there and he hadn’t noticed.

  “You’re crazy.” He addressed them both. “The pair of you. Lucy and I were over fifteen years ago.”

  “But Lucy’s always held a torch for you.” Georgina patted Lucy’s arm. “Haven’t you, dear?”

  “I certainly have.” Lucy scoffed and sat forward. “And I know Amanda has as well. I’ve known about her crush on you since she was a freshman. I told her she’d have no chance with you but she wouldn’t listen.”

  Amanda had liked him back then? That was the only piece of information that actually sunk into his brain. Danny pushed this away and focused on the two madwomen in front of him, addressing his mother.

  “And you’re happy with the fact your ‘friend’ just committed attempted murder?”

  Georgina sat back and giggled. She actually giggled.

  “I doubt you could prove it. Who’s going to listen to a problem child?”

  Danny grinned.

  “I will.” He fished out his cell phone from his pocket as Georgina burst out laughing. “And Officer White will as well.” He held up his phone, showing both women that his phone was on loudspeaker. “Isn’t that right, Jake?”

  “Sure is, Danny.” Jacob’s voice crackled loud and clear over the line. “Do you want me to come in now?”

  “Please. I’ll let you deal with them.”

  Danny hung up and put his phone away. Lucy’s smile had died away when she saw the phone and her face had gone white when Jacob spoke. Danny was glad Jacob had made him agree to call him before he went in and let him listen in as Danny attempted to get a confession. But Danny was sure Jacob was just as stunned as he was by the turn of events.

  “You recorded us?” Lucy stood, her nostrils flaring. “That’s illegal!”

  “No, it isn’t.” Danny couldn’t stop smirking, especially now both women were not and were looking worried. “And we can prove it now. You’ve just admitted it all and your car hasn’t been cleaned. No money can get you out of that.” He glared pointedly at Georgina. “And don’t even think about using money to wheedle your way out of this.”

  He turned on his heel and strode towards the door. He was almost there when a heavy weight landed on his arm, almost pulling him off-balance. Georgina was hanging on to him for dear life. Now she was wailing loudly but there were no tears.

  “Danny, please.” She screamed. “You’re not thinking straight. That woman has brainwashed my baby. Please don’t do this!”

  Danny had had enough. The woman he loved was in surgery and he wanted to go back and look after her. He didn’t want to be here and listen to his mother’s attempts to get out of this. She had dug a deep hole and Danny wasn’t about to help her out of it.

  He shrugged her off, causing Georgina to fall to the floor. She tried to grab on to his leg but Danny backed off.

  “What Amanda has done is kick me into gear to get myself out of your life for good.” He glared down at his mother. He felt sick. “If you contact me again, Mom, I will put a restraining order on you. Same with you, Lucy.” He looked pointedly at Lucy, who hadn’t moved but looked like she was going to pass out. “I don’t want you coming near me, Amanda or Abi. And I’ll put that in writing.”

  Danny could still hear his mother screaming for him as he left the apartment. His ears were still ringing as he went outside and walked to his car.


  Amanda’s body hurt. Why wa
s it hurting? Normally when she woke from a sleep she felt refreshed. A little stiff, maybe, but never this bad.

  And then she remembered. She had been run over. Lucy had been the one behind the wheel. Abi had told Amanda everything when she came out of surgery. The poor girl had been crying. Amanda didn’t want to imagine how scared she must have been.

  At least the surgery had gone well. It had taken longer than usual, according to her doctor, because of the internal bleeding but they had managed to get on top of it. Amanda had the stitches to prove it. Her leg hurt like hell as well but that was to be expected.

  All in all, considering how bad the hit-and-run had been, Amanda was lucky to get out with what she had suffered with. It could have been a lot worse.

  She hoped Lucy burned in hell for that.

  Shortly after Abi and Helen had come in, Amanda was aware of Danny joining her. But the sedative was finally kicking in and Amanda could barely make out what he was saying. She mumbled something about telling her in the morning before she passed out.

  Now it was morning. It had to be; someone had opened the blinds and the light was coming in. Amanda still hurt. Her leg was burning where it had snapped.

  Looking around, she saw Danny in a chair by the bed. He was leaning his head on his arms, which were resting on the bed. His eyes were closed and he was snoring softly. It was the sweetest thing she had ever seen of him.

  She touched his hair and Danny shot up sharply, blinking himself awake. Amanda gave a weak laugh.

  “Take it easy, Danny. It’s just me.”

  “Oh.” Danny’s sleepy look cleared. He rubbed his eyes and looked at her sheepishly. “Sorry.”

  Amanda smiled. She couldn’t be mad at him. Not right now. She crooked her finger at him.

  “Come here.”

  Danny smiled and leaned over. He kissed her gently and Amanda wished she wasn’t in a hospital bed. She really wanted to pull him down and grab hold of him.

  That would have been a sight for the nurses.

  Danny raised his head and smiled. He looked exhausted.



  “Where’s Mom?”

  Danny nodded at the door.


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