Ryan (Members From Money Book 16)

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Ryan (Members From Money Book 16) Page 26

by Katie Dowe

  “Abi took her to get something to eat. She hasn’t eaten since yesterday.”

  Amanda grimaced. Now she was feeling guilty.

  “I wish she hadn’t done that.”

  “Considering how worried she was about you, I wouldn’t be surprised if she couldn’t eat anything at all.” Danny sat on the bed and linked his fingers with hers. “How are you feeling?”

  “Ouch.” Amanda nodded at her leg. “They said it was a clean break and they needed to put a rod in to strengthen the bone. I was lucky Lucy didn’t kill me.”

  Danny grunted in agreement.

  “Thank God for small mercies.”

  They sat in silence for a while. Amanda mulled over everything in her head. It had taken a while to understand what had happened the day before. Abi had told her but Amanda was too doped up to allow it to sink in. Now it was sinking in.

  Knowing her own sister had tried to kill her was bad enough but that she was in league with her mother-in-law…Amanda knew they were friends but she hadn’t realized they would team up simply to get rid of her. Abi had been crying when she told Amanda this and now Amanda wanted to hold the girl and not let go.

  It was an awful thing for a teenager to go through. Abi had known all her life that her mother hated her and Georgina would go out of her way to make Abi’s life miserable. Abi knew all of that and had admitted before she didn’t have any decent feelings towards her mother but even with all that, Amanda had noticed that Abi was suffering. From the look on his face, Danny was feeling the same way.

  They had wanted a good mother and had ended up with an unmedicated, manic woman who was selfish and would stoop to attempted murder to get what she wanted.

  Amanda understood that all too well. She was still trying to come to terms with her sister trying to kill her. While there had never been very good blood between her and Lucy – Lucy was the one who didn’t want a sister to share her mother with – Amanda had hoped as they got older that they would be like sisters and they would eventually be close. Now that was never to be.

  Not that it had been there before. Helen had despaired that her two daughters would not get along. Now she was having to deal with one daughter trying to murder the other.

  Amanda couldn’t begin to think how her mother was feeling. She looked away and swallowed.

  “I’m sorry, Danny.”

  “What are you saying sorry for?”

  “For having a crazy sister.”

  Danny grunted. He shifted his position until he was sitting behind her on the bed. He put his arm over her shoulders and drew her close.

  “Don’t say sorry for that.” He said in that tone Amanda recognized as the voice where he delivered orders, “Otherwise I’ll be saying sorry for a crazy mother. And I don’t want to do that.”

  “Please don’t.” Amanda leaned her head on his shoulder. “I just hope she gets help.”

  “You are too nice for your own good.”

  Amanda knew that. She hated Georgina Chao and what she had done. But it was clear that the woman was mentally ill. She needed help. Amanda was sure once she was on medication and went to therapy for a while, she would be a very nice person.

  But that bridge had been burned as far as Amanda was concerned.

  Danny pressed a kiss to her temple.

  “Marry me.” He whispered.

  “What?” Amanda sat up. “Really?”

  “Really.” Danny reached into his pocket and withdrew a small box. “I was going to ask you at the barbecue but Lucy put a stop to that. This is as good as any other time.” He opened the box. “Marry me, Amanda.”

  Amanda gasped. It was beautiful. She wasn’t into big diamonds and fancy stuff so this ring, simple silver band with tiny diamonds woven into the band, was perfect. It was beautiful.

  She grinned at Danny.

  “Only if we go to the courthouse or elope. I’m not dealing with anymore crazy family.”

  Danny laughed, slipping the ring onto her finger.

  “It’s a deal.” He said as he pulled her in for another kiss.


  “So,” Danny sat back on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table, making a face at Amanda as she knocked them off again, “When are you heading to university?”

  Amanda stuck her tongue out at him when he scowled. Danny rolled his eyes and tugged his wife against him, settling back with her leaning on him. This was his favorite position. Abi grinned at their interaction.

  “On Saturday. We’ll spend the weekend sorting things out and seeing the sights.”

  “Or just sleep.” Charlie Summerley shrugged. “It’ll be a long drive.”

  “You could always borrow the jet.” Danny offered but Charlie was already shaking his head.

  “No, thanks, Danny. I’d like to do something for Abi even if it means a long car journey.”

  He smiled in adoration at Abi, who squeezed his hand and gave Danny a pointed look.

  “I’m happy with that, Danny.”

  “Leave them be, honey.” Amanda prodded him in the side.

  Danny let it go. He knew Charlie was right. It was nice to see a man treat his sister like a princess.

  He had been mildly surprised when Abi had come up to him shortly after Amanda came out of hospital with a tall, blond-haired young man and introduced Charlie as her boyfriend. He was aware she had to be seeing someone given how she had been acting but Abi had kept quiet about it. And Charlie had proven to be a polite, respectful young man. He helped out whenever he came over and charmed Amanda over within moments. There was no rudeness from him at all, just a relaxed young man. He was a straight-A student and happened to be going to the same university as Abi.

  Abi was head over heels for him and Danny wasn’t about to burst that bubble. He couldn’t see anything wrong with Charlie and Amanda had said he was a good guy. Danny trusted his wife’s judgment better than anyone else’s and had taken a step back. A month later and things were looking serious despite the short amount of time they had been together.

  The last month had simply flown by. Danny had taken Amanda straight to the courthouse once she was discharged from the hospital and they had got married there with Abi, Helen and Aunt Nicole in attendance. Amanda had asked if they could hold off on the honeymoon until her leg was fixed, which Danny was happy to do. Abi was due to graduate and he wanted to hang around and see what would happen to Amanda’s case.

  They had set aside a block of weeks towards the end of August for their honeymoon. Amanda was stuck between Cuba and the Bahamas while Danny wanted to go to the Dominican Republic. Hopefully there would be more concrete plans by the time it came around.

  Danny raised his beer bottle at Charlie.

  “At least you’ll have us close by in a few months.”

  Charlie laughed. Danny had made arrangements and he was to set up his new business in the New Year, keeping the current office open as well. They would be back and forth a lot but Danny was setting his sights on their permanent home in Washington. Amanda still wasn’t sure about the constant back and forth but she was happy they would be visiting home regularly. She was just as eager as Danny was, if not more, to go to Washington.

  Danny’s excitement seemed to be contagious.

  Abi groaned and buried her face in her boyfriend’s shoulder.

  “I feel like I’m being stalked.” She moaned.

  Amanda laughed.

  “It’s better having family close by when you’re so far away from home. Then you don’t feel so isolated.”

  “And you won’t have to worry about your mother.” Charlie pointed out.

  Abi grunted.

  “There is that.”

  Amanda glanced at Danny, who shrugged. He knew what she was asking and he didn’t know, either. It was up to Abi if she told him or not.

  “Has she tried to get hold of you?” Amanda asked.

  “Nope. I’ve got her number blocked, anyway, so I have no idea.” Abi lifted her head. “Has Lucy tried to get h
old of you?”


  The trial date for Lucy and Georgina had been set for a month’s time and both were on bail. They were on house arrest and neither of them were allowed to contact Amanda, Abi or Danny as part of their bail agreement. Danny really wished they would; knowing that his mother and Amanda’s sister were out there, even on restrictions, made him uncomfortable.

  Georgina had already tried to play the innocent old lady in arraignment but the judge had rolled his eyes and told her to pay her bail or go to jail. Amanda had said she hoped the trial judge was even harsher and wouldn’t let her out at all.

  Lucy had been defiant but Danny knew when Lucy was scared. And she was very certainly scared. So far she had kept to her bail agreements. Danny didn’t know about Georgina but Helen had mentioned earlier in the day that Lucy was being good for once in her life.

  Danny didn’t believe that but he was glad Lucy was, for once, following the rules.

  His thoughts were cut off when he heard his cell phone ringing. Sitting up, Danny scooped it off the coffee table. He groaned.

  “What is it?” Amanda sat up. “Danny?”

  “I should’ve blocked her myself.” Danny kissed his wife and sat back. “I’ll just take this.”

  Amanda nodded and settled back, resting her head on his shoulder with her legs pulled up underneath her. Abi and Charlie were sitting in a similar position across the room but they were clearly ready to listen in eagerly.

  Danny sighed. He really didn’t want to talk to this woman. Her head was very thick if she didn’t understand a bail agreement. Nevertheless, he answered.

  “Nice way to break your bail agreement, Mom. Shall I call your probation officer now or do you want to do it?”

  “What the hell have you done?” Georgina didn’t even bother to answer the question. “I’m hearing that you and Amanda Tyson got married.”


  Georgina screeched and Danny flinched as his eardrums vibrated.

  “How could you do this?”

  “I told you I was going to marry Amanda. And I’ve always told you I didn’t want a big wedding.”

  Danny put his arm around Amanda and kissed her head. Amanda sighed and snuggled into him.

  “But why wasn’t I there?” Georgina whined. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Danny couldn’t stop himself from laughing.

  “Mom, are you listening to yourself? You’re currently on bail for attempted murder and aggravated stalking against the person I was marrying. And even if you hadn’t done that, have you forgotten the last few months? You’ve been dead set on me marrying Lucy.”

  “It’s still a wedding.” Georgina whimpered.

  “And I don’t rug-sweep.”

  Danny had no idea why he was even talking to her. Georgina Chao seemed to put a damper on everything. And the thought of her coming to his wedding after what she did was ridiculous. Her actions now were pathetic and Danny couldn’t bring himself to give her any sympathy.

  “So, that’s it, then, is it?” Georgina sniffed. “You’re going to cut me out, just like that. I hear you’re already moving.”

  Danny wondered who was feeding her this. Maybe she was fishing. He had no idea. So he decided to mess with her a little bit.

  “I don’t know where you’re getting your information from but this is a kindly warning. Do not call me again or I’ll let the courts know you violated your bail agreement so you can go stay in jail until the trial.” He smirked. “Oh, by the way, you’re going to be a grandma soon. Amanda’s pregnant. And you’ll never get to see the child.”

  He could hear Georgina’s shriek and shouting even as he hung up. Amanda had sat up and was staring at him. Abi was also staring at him.

  “You’re letting her off that lightly?”

  “Of course not. I’m just going to call her probation officer.” Danny was in the middle of dialing when he saw the look on Amanda’s face. She was looking at him very strangely. “Amanda, honey?” Danny lowered his phone. “What’s wrong?”

  “How did you know?”


  “How did you know I was pregnant?”

  “I don’t.” Then Danny realized what she had just said and sat up. “Wait, hold on. You really are pregnant?”

  “Yes.” Amanda still looked dazed. “I only found out this morning. I was going to tell you later tonight.”

  Abi began squealing, jumping up and down.

  “Oh, my God! I’m going to be an auntie!”

  Charlie had to grab her and hold on until she stopped jumping but his grin was just as big as his girlfriend’s. Danny stared at his wife. He hadn’t expected that. It had only been to wind up his mother after her frustrations that he wouldn’t give her a grandchild. Never had he thought…

  Unable to stop the smile spreading across his face, Danny tugged Amanda into his arms and kissed her.

  “I’m sorry.” He said as he pulled back and hugged her. “I had no idea.”

  Amanda giggled.

  “Well, saves me telling you, at least.” She raised an eyebrow. “Are you actually psychic?”

  Danny grinned. He didn’t think he could get any happier than he was right now.

  “If our first child is a girl, then I certainly am.”

  Then he silenced Amanda’s laughter with another kiss.

  The End.

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