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Teach Me Your Love

Page 29

by Rita Hestand

  "You didn't love Red Elk." Naomi insisted.

  "No—he was a Christian. He would not give his religion up. He believed truly. Still, he did want me. I loved his body though. For three years we made love, he was mine. He was crazy about me, he wanted me all the time. It was good between us before you came. Had I been able to give him a child, he would never have given me up." She smiled as though remembering him. "That's why I invented one. It almost worked too. He was a magnificent man, I worshipped his body, he was the warrior I conquered. I loved having him, I loved him looking at me, all of me, too. Telling me how beautiful I was. To my face and to others. Oh, how he bragged about me. He was proud to take me as his own. But you, you ruined it, you were a white woman, a novelty. Now, my revenge is here, and I will take it for the rest of my life. John is a good lover at least with me. And that last kiss with Red Elk, it was enough," she raised her head arrogantly. "He answered my kiss with his lips. I knew he would. He desires me, he always will. Desire and lust were always there between us. I was his slave, his sex slave." She laughed. "If it does not work out with John, I can go back. After I kill you. Red Elk will have me once more and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. He may not love me, but he loves my body. Like I said we had three years together, he will not forget. They were very good years too."

  "You're disgusting."

  She laughed. "John taught me English. I taught him how to make love. You should have seen his expression when I peeled my clothes from my body in front of him. He couldn't contain himself. I have that effect on men, they can't take their eyes from me. I'm going to be around a long time. I will give John many children. As many as he wants. And I will laugh when you get old and ugly without Red Elk."

  "Why couldn't you just leave me alone?"

  "Because, you took what was mine, now I take what is yours. It is fair."

  "It is of no consequence, I do not love John. You could make love to him all day long and it wouldn't bother me. Just disgust me."

  "Then I will disgust you for a very long time. And you will be trapped in this loveless marriage forever. And I will have what I want every time I want it." She smiled. "And I will flaunt it in front of you each time. Just like you did me with Red Elk. I will exact my revenge every day, and you will have nothing."

  "I never flaunted anything in front of you. Red Elk didn't love you. He wanted a son, that's all. And I did not flaunt him. We never made love until you were gone."

  "Really, then he didn't desire you like he did me, I suppose. For we made love the first day I became his slave. He couldn't keep his hands or lips off me. He made no secret of just how bad he wanted me. I didn't mind, I still wouldn't mind."

  "You think a lot of yourself, don't you?"

  "Perhaps, the men love me, why shouldn't I love them? Red Elk was mine, do you understand. We wanted each other. He looked upon me with lust in his eyes. Oh, how he wanted me, and I wanted him. He didn't fight that last kiss because he wanted it as badly as I did. And you'll have to live with that the rest of your life. The whole tribe saw how much he loved me. You cannot hide something like that. No one in that tribe will forget that kiss. I saw to that!"

  "You're a sick woman. He doesn't love you."

  "And you are a stupid woman if you thought I would let you take Red Elk from me without consequences."

  "Do you get as much out of revenge as you do sex?" Naomi spat at her.

  "I am happy now." She smiled. "I will have revenge the rest of my life, and you will be miserable the rest of yours."

  "Why didn't you go back to your people?"

  "My people don't want me. But I can find others that do. Men that is."

  "I'm afraid you are in for a shock if you think his religion will allow this. Going north is a mistake, they will never accept you. I'm not saying this to hurt you, but to warn you of it."

  "I will conform if I must. Like you. I will be white, like you tried to be Indian. I will be Mormon. I will join his religion, he will make me happy and I will have many children for him. And if anything happens to John, someone from his church will take me and we will make love too. And you will be nothing to anyone. Red Elk will forget his white wife in time." Her nose snarled as she spat the words at her. "Your days will be filled with loneliness and your desire for Red Elk. But when it comes to desire, Red Elk desired me, and only me."

  "If you desire his body so much, how can you be happy with John."

  "I get the same thing from both. John has become a great lover. And his body is lean and appealing to me. You can't imagine how great we are in bed together, I guess you'll have to see that for yourself. He likes to play games with me. Red Elk was something to look at and admire. John loves me. Desires me. Both men did. I take pleasure in that knowledge."

  Naomi gave up, rested her head against a rock and ignored Painted Dove the rest of the night. Now she knew her fate and she worried if Red Elk would find her if they headed north. One thing was very clear in her mind though, she no longer was jealous of Painted Dove. She knew she had Red Elk's love, beyond any doubt and she didn't have to prove it.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  When Red Elk and Big Hand returned, they smelled the embers, felt the stillness of the tribe. Something was wrong.

  Big Hand jumped down from the wagon, he ran to his wickiup and saw the ashes.

  But he also saw that Chosen One was building a new one a few yards away from the old one. He ran to her, took her in his arms and held her close. "What has happened?"

  Red Elk was right behind him.

  Chosen One cried in his arms. "They took her. There were three of them, but Bear Foot killed one of them."

  "Did you recognize them?" Red Elk asked, his calm a guise.

  "No, they were strangers."


  "No. But white."

  "Where is Bear Foot?" Red Elk asked.

  "He's been wounded. He's in his wickiup. He killed one and injured another."

  "That is good news. How was she when they took her?" Red Elk asked.

  "She was brave, but when she saw Bear Foot fall, there was a tear on her cheek. She was more worried for us, than herself. They would never have found her if she hadn't come running up out of that well. But she smelled the smoke, heard the gun shots. She has too big a heart."

  Red Elk smiled sadly, "I know. It is her heart I love so much. It is just one of the things I love about her. What direction did they go?"

  "East. Blue Sky is back."


  "In Bear Foot's wickiup."

  Red Elk walked to Bear Foot's home. He called out and entered.

  Blue Sky saw him and hung his head.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "I've come home to stay."

  "Did you bring her with you?"


  "Painted Dove," Red Elk gritted his teeth.

  "No… "

  "Why are you here?"

  "She was not with child like she said. She lied."

  Red Elk frowned, "Why?" Red Elk sat down in front of him to listen now.

  "She was trying to trick you into marrying her. So, she could stay."

  Red Elk sent Bear Foot a glance, "Are you alright?"

  "Yes, I'll mend. Don't know about her though."

  "I'm going after her now. Blue Sky, do you know what is going on?"

  "Only that she was seeking revenge."

  "About what?"

  He hung his head, "Said Naomi took you away from her, and she couldn’t stay here any longer. Her tribe would not have her back and she would get her revenge one way or another. I didn't know what she had planned, but she met with some men and they were plotting something."

  Red Elk nodded. "Have you learned your lesson?" He asked Blue Sky.

  "I have!"

  "Good. Get better Bear Foot."

  Bear Foot sent him a smile, "Find her and bring her home, Red Elk. She came out of hiding to save us as they were going to burn the entire village."

n't worry, I intend to get her back or die trying."

  "I'd go with you, but I wouldn't be much help." Bear Foot offered.

  "Thank you, my friend, you did good you got one and injured another. Less for me to worry about."

  Bear Foot smiled. "Good luck."

  Red Elk nodded as he was leaving, he glanced at Chosen One and Big Hand. "You can sleep in my wickiup until I return. Do not worry Chosen One, I will find her and bring her home, to her people." He told Big Hand. "And thank you."

  Big Hand turned to him now, still holding Chosen One. "I can go with you!"

  "No, tend to your wife and Bear Foot, I owe you all."

  "I will, my brother. Be careful."

  Red Elk shuddered as he mounted his horse, and yelled out, "Take care of the wagon, would you?"

  Big Hand nodded.

  Chosen One stepped toward him, "The little man is small, but he is very mean. He was giving all the orders."

  "I will remember, thank you, for all you have done."

  She nodded and tried to smile.

  The storm had wiped out the tracks, but if they headed east, then east he would go.

  He watched for some signs from Naomi. Surely, she had tried to leave a trail for him. For many miles he could not find a sign. He remembered there had been a big storm, so he pushed onward, knowing sooner or later he would see a clue. He knew Naomi would leave some sign, he just had to find it.

  Finally, about thirty miles out he found the first evidence of her being alive, a piece of her dress left on a rock.

  She was alive. He sighed. He kept going, only slower now, as he was still watching for her signs.

  There was another at a cave he found. Just outside the cave was a small piece of her dress lying on a bush.

  "Good girl," Red Elk smiled. "Thank you, God, for keeping her safe for me."

  He went inside to gauge whatever he might find as clues.

  He found blood, so the one that was injured either they got the arrow out, or he was bleeding badly.

  He rode until he could no longer keep his eyes open. He did a dry camp and pushed on early next morning before dawn. He was very anxious to get to Naomi to make sure she was alright. It was all that mattered to him.

  His only thoughts were with Naomi now, feeding her the strength she would need to stay alive.

  But at the next cave he realized there were more people. Who could they be. From the tracks there was another woman, her tracks were not as hard. Painted Dove had joined them, for her horse was not shod. However, there were another set of prints too and he could not fathom who they belonged to.

  As he followed the trail they left, he realized that one man had been killed. He found a grave and stood over it for a long moment. It was not Naomi for he could feel she was alive, somewhere.

  Just then he heard a shot, he drew closer.

  We found a big brush area and he hid behind it to watch them and see what was going on and how many there were. Who was shot, he wondered. His heart pounded, if they hurt Naomi, he would kill them all, he vowed silently.

  Red Elk could not understand who the man was that was with them now. Unless Painted Dove had brought him with her. Perhaps a new man in her life. That made sense for Painted Dove would never be without some kind of man.

  A tall, slender man came out of the cave to sit on a rock. He was cleaning his gun in his hand.

  There was Naomi, and his heart turned over in his chest at seeing her. She looked miserable. Her cheek looked blue, but other than that, she looked alright.

  There was Painted Dove, wearing britches and a vest. He shook his head, he could not believe she'd become such a whore. She saw Naomi and the man and went back inside. The man looked so out of place. All three of them did. He got as close as he could to hear their conversation.

  Painted Dove went back into the cave.

  "You know she contrived this, don't you?" Naomi stared at the man.

  The man stared at her, "What are you talking about."

  "This wasn't some chance meeting, John. She talked to her people to find out who you were. She followed you until she found you. This is nothing but some sick kind of revenge." Naomi shook her head with exasperation. "You told the Comanche who you were. You told them my name. She was part of their tribe. They told her. She saved you for one reason, revenge against me."

  "It doesn't matter. I don't care. I love her. Truly I do. And she is my wife now. You will respect her. I will not accept you talking bad about her. You must understand that now Naomi. She is the love of my life and I won't tolerate your jealousy."

  "You think I'm jealous of her with you?"

  "Aren't you?"

  "No, I wish the two of you much luck, because you will need it if you go to the north country. Why don't you just take her and go, John, and leave me here."

  "You don't love me anymore?"

  "No, I don't. I'm not sure I ever did. But there is something I'd like to know."

  "What is that?" he looked at her as he sat beside her on a log.

  "Why did you ask me to marry you?"

  "I was lonely. Traveling so long in unfamiliar territory with no one to talk to or be with. Then I met you and you were so sweet back then. So untouched."

  "But I wasn't Mormon!"

  "I thought I could convert you."

  "John people don't usually change religions. It's how they are brought up. I couldn't believe like you did."

  "I was wrong, but then I was wrong about so many things back then. Seems a long time ago."

  "Yes, a very long time ago." Naomi added.

  When he grew quiet and pensive, she tried to persuade him to let her go.

  "Then let me go and take her with you. Please, I don't want to be with you. I want to go home."

  "Home! To that Indian?" The man sneered now, coming closer to rake her with his eyes. Red Elk watched him with an eagle eye.

  "Yes, to Red Elk. He is my husband. My real husband. He loves me, and I love him and nothing you do will change that. I will love him until I die, John, you must understand this. No matter where you take me, or what you do with me, I will love him, and only him."

  John frowned and wrung his hands nervously now.

  "You are still my wife, I must take you with me. It would be wrong to go back to those savages." John explained. "I cannot let you do it."

  "They are not savages. They are good people. And I love them. Red Elk is my husband. I love him dearly. Please, turn me lose and go on your way! Surely you don't really want me back, after I've been with the Indians so long."

  Red Elk stared at the man, this man was her white husband, John! How did he get here? And that gash on his head, it was done by the Comanche he'd guess. Was he insane?

  John seemed to hesitate. "You really love the Indian man?"

  "Yes, I do. With all my heart, we are married. You should understand, you love Painted Dove and she's a full-blooded Comanche."

  Red Elk smiled to himself. He loved her strength, he longed to hold her in his arms, but he had to find out what was going on before he came forward. He needed to know how many were in the cave and if they had guns.

  John paced then stared at her, "I cannot let you go. Painted Dove would be angry if I let you go."

  "You married her, you love her. Take her and go John, but leave me here… I beg you!"

  "I'm sorry, Naomi, I love her too much to upset her so. She's opened my eyes to a new world. Shown me the error of my ways. I'd do anything for her. We are in this together. I've killed a man, and still she does not condemn me."

  "John, listen to me. Brigham Young won't allow an Indian into his camp." Naomi told him. "You should know this. You've told me this yourself. She could never live like you would want her to."

  "She's my wife." He explained. "He'll have to respect that."

  "Even if he did. The other women would shun her."

  "It doesn't matter. He will allow it. He is a good man." John paced again. "And if he doesn't, we'll live in the hills. Then we'll liv
e outside his camp. We'll make our home up there, because there they cannot touch us. The law will not bother us there. Even Brigham can't tell me who I can marry."

  "Do you plan to have more wives?" she asked him.

  "I don't know. I haven't thought that far. Painted Dove pleases me. And then there is you."

  She stared at John now, realizing how much he'd changed. What had Painted Dove done to him. Although she never loved John like she should have, she had respected the fact that he was true to his religion. But now, she wondered how he could have changed so drastically. How could anyone believe so strongly and then just forget it. She hadn't loved him before, but now she almost hated him for changing so drastically. She had learned to accept him and his religion for what they were. But what had he turned into?

  "John, you just killed the other man that brought me here. In cold blood. Painted Dove has taught you to forget your ways. You killed a man yourself. It isn't your way. You know as well as I, they won't accept her." Naomi was saying. "And do you really think she is the kind of woman that would put up with other wives? She'd kill them first."

  "If she gives me many children, I might not require other wives. She certainly satisfies me as a wife, Naomi. Much more than you ever did."

  Naomi hung her head. "You are probably right about that. I'm sorry I couldn't be a good wife to you John. But I guess in all honesty, I never loved you."

  "It's my fault, we married too quickly. I hesitated to ask you, because you weren't of my faith. I thought I could teach you my ways. But you refused to change, refused to get along when I brought Helen and Martha home. Yes, you were not a good wife, Naomi and left up to me, I would leave you. But she desires us to take you with us. So, I will. And you're wrong. Brigham wouldn't throw her out. I married her. You don't like her, do you? You didn't like Helen, or Martha. And poor little Henry. They bashed his head in with a tomahawk. Did I tell you that?"


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