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Wolfen Secrets (The Western Werewolf Legend #3)

Page 7

by Catherine Wolffe

  He rolled to the bed’s edge before reaching back. His blue eyes shown with a vibrancy. Sonja’s breath caught in her throat. No, no ordinary man was this. She took his hand to rise.

  Chapter 4 - A Night to Remember

  “Robert, I have news!” Claudine trailed her taller, elegant companion. “Robert, did you hear me?”

  Sighing, Robert stopped. The woman wouldn’t shut up until she had his undivided attention. This latest companion was grating on his last nerve. “Yes, my darling, I heard you. What is it?” Snapping the last word off with a temper brewing, Robert offered her a cool expression, as if he battled with boredom. The woman could be such a bother at times. So hard to find good help these days. Not like before the war, when all one had to do was promise a slave freedom to get them to do your bidding. With another exaggerated breath, Robert feigned interest. “Yes, yes, what is it!”

  Claudine winced, his forearm rising in defense. It was true, when Robert became upset, he had a propensity toward physical violence. He’d long ago acquired a certain need for perfection in all things. “I’m sorry love, what did you want to share?” The soothing reassurance went only so for. After all, the last couple of months had been a disaster and that was putting it mildly. What with the damn werewolves still out there along with his promise of eternal blood for the master, Draco looming over his head, he was a vampire under extreme scrutiny.

  Dealing with women, most of which were idiots, wore on his patience. All they could focus on was his offer of blood. Draco held his Yankee vampires hostage until he’d completed this tedious task of capturing the wolves who possessed the eternal blood, the master demanded. Robert had to admit, he craved the chance at immortality as well. If the lore proved true, the blood would stop even fire, not to mention beheadings from ending his kind. Without concern of retribution, they would vanquish the humans and werewolves as well as any others who chose to cross them. They would rule the world! The gods couldn’t even touch them.


  “What?” With a backhand, Robert sent Claudine sailing through the air. “I don’t have time for your babbling. Tell me what you have to report. Be quick about it.” Slapping his riding crop against his thigh, Robert glared at the woman huddled in a heap on the floor. With a labored breath, Robert reached out and plucked Claudine up. “There, there, my pet. I’m sorry. I’m under so much pressure. Forgive me?” A rose appeared in his hand as he extended it toward her.”

  Hesitant to accept the gift, Claudine took the flower, smiling fractionally.

  “You were saying?”

  “We found them!” A tentative smile crossed her face where a long red mark started to bruise.

  “You found who? The werewolves? Where? Damn it, don’t stand there, show me on the map.” Wheeling on his heel, Robert strode toward the large map attached to the wall of his makeshift office. “Hurry, there’s no time to lose.”

  Following behind the vampire, Claudine stretched her arm to indicate the town of St. Louis, Missouri on the map’s surface. “Here, right here.” Breathless, she swallowed. “They’re in St. Louis. They’ve taken rooms in a hotel.”

  A slow smile creased his lips. “Excellent,” Robert said, giving each syllable equal weight. “We’ll strike tonight. They won’t know what hit them. Good work, my darling.”

  With an elegant hand outstretched, Claudine’s eyes brightened. “You have something for me?”

  “Here!” Robert dropped three U.S. gold coins in her outstretched palm. “Now, be gone with you!” His hand whipped toward the door. “Disappear.”

  Claudine disappeared, greedily clutching her treasure.

  Robert kept his voice low as he spoke to the guard at the door. “Have the others prepare for tonight. We can’t wait any longer. If we don’t strike now, we won’t get another chance. My authority ends at the river. I won’t be denied this capture!” He indicated the trophy wall behind his massive mahogany desk where a number of human heads hung.

  “Don’t worry. It won’t happen, my lord. The men have been training. Each one is ready to do what is necessary to secure the she-wolf.” The guard’s brow creased. “Are you expecting trouble?”

  Robert glanced back, shaking his head briefly. “No. I wasn’t expecting trouble the last time I attempted her capture either though. Damn wagon train! They came to her aid too swiftly.” With a glare for the nearest subordinate, he cursed low, making the man cringe in fright. “Certainly I will have what I want. The master will have Sonja, Queen of the Western Werewolves.” The gleam in his eyes grew brighter. “With this capture, all events in the future will change. We will once again rule the world. Our birthright will be ours once more.” Staring up at the trophies on the wall, Robert mentally counted off the victories he’d garnered over the years. “So many have tried to defeat the vampires. So many have ended up stuffed and hanging as a reminder of their failings.” Waving his hand at his man, Robert commanded him, “Make haste! See to everything’s order. They expect us to attack as they cross the river.” He laughed, the sound a caustic rumble from deep within. “No one will expect us with so many humans nearby. We’ll have the element of surprise on our side. Now go!”


  “I love the fact we’re all going to the dance, Sonja, don’t you?” Out the window of her sister’s hotel room overlooking the bustling street below, Briann sat, enjoying the view. “There’s so much activity going on. I don’t know how a person’s supposed to keep up.” Turning to Sonja, she smiled at the vision her sister made in the new shift and corset Ty had purchased for the upcoming festivities. The blush pink of the undergarments set off her sister’s complexion perfectly. “You’re as pretty as those advertisements in Harper’s Bazar.”

  Sonja waved away her compliment. “Don’t exaggerate Briann.” She smiled at her image in the looking glass. “Ty insisted I get this one. He said it made my eyes sparkle.” She turned to her sister, grinning like a schoolgirl with her first infatuation. “I never considered my eyes to sparkle. Their color is drab, like overripe peaches.”

  Briann wrapped her arms about herself and let go a laugh, deep and sincere. “Sonja, how could you not know your eyes are like jewels? Like Topaz with glimmers of Citrine when the light catches their irises. I love your eyes. They’re one of your best features.” She moved to stand behind Sonja as she turned back to the mirror.

  “Really? Maybe that’s why Ty tells me they remind him of good Bourbon.” With a grin and a wink, Sonja turned, hugging Briann tight. “I’m so glad for both of us.”

  “Me, too. Who would have thought we’d both fall in love with…such talented men?”

  The sisters giggled at the jest.

  Floating away to dance about the room, Briann hugged herself close, smiling dreamily at the ceiling. “I am the happiest I’ve ever been, Sonja. How about you?”

  The sentiment was infectious. Sonja couldn’t remain silent. She imitated a waltz, twirling once before bowing low over an imaginary hand. “Tis truly a time of happiness. I’ve never felt so alive.”

  “Oh, dear sister, I understand. You mustn’t let the trials of crossing the river diminish your contentment. You’ve found your prince charming. Isn’t he all you’ve ever dreamed of?”

  Nodding, Sonja slowed in her next curtsy. “He’s a miracle.” She rose and smiled for Briann, who twirled in place before sitting quickly as not to fall. “I’m sure, I’ll never be as content as I am right now.”

  Sonja’s brow creased. “Don’t say that, Briann. What if he asks you to marry him?”

  Briann shook her head. “He cannot. He says he can’t break the curse projected on him when he was attacked.” She lowered her eyes to her hands clinched tightly in her lap.

  “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  Sonja’s voice must have sounded serious. Briann’s attention shifted. “Of course, what is it?”

  Sonja waited a beat. Her mouth was dry and her shoulders tense with the possibility she was right. “Do you allow the general
to drink your blood?”

  Briann’s mouth fell open a second before clamping shut. Her head tilted as her eyes searched the carpet on the floor between them. “Can you understand how much I love this man, Sonja?”

  Without another word, Sonja rose, moving to the window. A cool breeze swept in. “Thank the gods for some relief,” she said fanning her face. “His trepidation over hurting you must be subsiding.”

  Briann crossed to stand beside her sister. The warmth of the sun on the glass windowpane embraced them both. She was contemplatively quiet. “I know what I’m doing,” Briann said.

  Sonja listened to the confidence in her sister’s reply. Reaching out she gathered Briann’s hand to her lips, kissing the knuckles gently. “I pray you do, sister. We know so very little about this man except what he was when he was human.”

  Briann’s brow furrowed as she gazed out at the bustle of the street below. “I know.” Her eyes glistened with tears for a moment before she blinked them away. “I also know I’ve never felt this way about another before, not even my late husband.” She turned toward Sonja before gathering her other hand in hers. The two stood facing each other. Briann squeezed her sister’s fingers. “Don’t worry about us, Sonja. We’ll be fine now. Jeb will take care of us.”

  Sonja nodded. I remember when you asked me to watch after the boys in case anything happened to you. The vampires almost killed you with a poison potion.” Briann tried to speak. Sonja kept going. “I remember when you came to me in this very room, suggesting we talk with Jeb about his concerns over being a vampire. Trying to convince him to believe his presence wasn’t endangering you all. What’s changed, Briann?”

  Tears sparkled in Briann’s eyes. Her lips curved up in a smile lighting her face with joy. “I’m pregnant!”

  Not sure if she understood her sister, Sonja stared, mouth agape. “Pregnant? But…how…are you telling me…that…Jeb…is - you are– how is such a thing possible?”

  Her sister bit her bottom lip, nodding vigorously. “Yes, apparently, he’s been given a gift by the gods. Of course it’s not normal for the undead to bear children.” Her lips trembled. “The gods granted him this gift. They said since his destiny was altered with the attack, they wished to right the wrong in some small measure.”

  Sonja didn’t realize she’d reached out, gripping Briann by the arm. “Why couldn’t they give him back his life?”

  Briann shook her head. “They couldn’t was all he told me.” Briann rubbed her arm. She took a step back, giving Sonja a weak smile. “I’ve never been happier.” The happiness in her eyes made Sonja want desperately for the news to be completely joyful. When the gods granted gifts it usually meant they regretted what had befallen the recipient.

  “Are you happy for me?”

  Briann’s excitement was infectious. Tomorrow was time enough to worry over the reason attached to such a miracle. Sonja would celebrate with her sister. The family would grow as a new life joined their clan. Her own worries she could take out in private to examine. For now, she’d share in Briann’s good fortune.

  “Hortence will know what to do for your morning sickness,” Sonja assured her.

  Briann laughed. It was a light soft sound. “Funny, I’ve had no morning sickness. I’m about three months now.” She wrapped her hands around her stomach, giving her belly a good rub. “See, I’m starting to show.” The giggle sounded so unlike Briann, Sonja could only stare as she displayed the small bump beneath her hands. Her solid, grounded-in-reality sister was rubbing her belly and laughing like a loon. An idea struck Sonja, stealing her breath.

  “Briann, will the babe be human, vampire or both?”

  Briann drew in her bottom lip and blinked. “I don’t know.” She reached out, taking Sonja’s hands in hers. “Oh, Sonja, I’m going to have a little girl. She’ll have gold curls like her aunt and grow up tall and strong like her father.”

  Infectious, the dreams of a pregnant mother couldn’t be considered bad. Sonja gave her a hug so tight. Briann had to beg for air.

  “Have you told the boys?”

  “Not yet. I hoped to tell them when we reached the western bank. Our new home wouldn’t be far off. The news would be fresh like our new start.”

  “Yes, of course.” Some of Sonja’s enthusiasm waned with the plan. “Something more to look forward to, eh?” Her own contentment took an apprehensive turn. “You’ll love Texas. Ty says the land goes on forever in all directions. We’ll have cattle, horses, crops and a garden.

  “I’d love a garden!” Her sister’s eyes lit with the mention of growing food. Their parents had been avid gardeners, so both girls loved growing things. Would she enjoy Texas? What would Ty’s family think of a ‘she-wolf’?

  “Don’t worry, Sonja. Texas will be wonderful!”

  With the contact of their joined hands, Sonja’s concerns were clear for Briann to hear. Surprised Briann noted the change in her, she swore under her breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to dampen the celebration of such wonderful news.” Not only were they traveling to a new land, they were new creatures. “Ty’s never seen his family as a wolf. What their reaction is concerns me, that’s all.”

  “Don’t worry, sister. I have a good feeling about this. Everything is going to turn out fine. You’ll see.”

  Briann gathered Sonja close, giving her a warm hug. “There is one thing…” Briann released Sonja. “I haven’t told Jeb yet. I wanted to surprise him when we reached the other side. You have to promise me you won’t say a word until then. All right?” Briann caught her sister’s hand in hers. “Promise me? Please?”

  “What? I thought you’d already spoke with him. Oh, Bri, why won’t you tell him about the baby?”

  “Right now, there’s so much going on, he doesn’t need the pressure. Please, promise?”

  Sonja nodded. “This isn’t a good way to start a relationship, Bri.” She dropped her eyes to her sister’s hands in hers. “Keeping secrets only bodes ill for you.”

  Briann’s shoulders drooped. “I know – I simply can’t add to his concerns at this point. I promise I’ll tell him as soon as we make it to the territory. Okay?”

  Sonja nodded. “All right. I won’t remain quiet long. Make sure you tell him as soon as we reach the other side. Understand?”

  “Agreed.” A smile ghosted around her mouth as she batted a tear away. “I will, sister. Now, let’s get you into your dancing dress.”

  The emerald organza glowed in the mirror as Sonja clipped the jet earbobs to her ears. Bare on her shoulders, the gown hugged her bosom intentionally. The beautiful confection made her feel special, if not a little wicked. Provocative was a better word. Standing in front of the new full-length mirror Smitty had brought to their bedroom was a woman where a widow had stood before. She would wear a black silk shawl around her shoulders.

  “You’re a real picture tonight. Why, I’ll wager Ty will fight to keep the other young bucks from stealing all your dances. You are going to be the hit of the evening,” she said with a satisfied smile. “Jeb said it was Ty’s idea to ask you to this dance. We both agreed it would do you a great deal of good. Now let me make sure you’re all fastened – there. Perfect!”

  “Thank you for everything.” Sonja reached out, clasping her sister in her arms. Briann held her close.

  “Well, I better get back up the hall to see about Jeb’s suit coat.” Quickly wiping a telltale tear with the back of her hand, Briann stepped back. “The man can’t tie a decent tie. He always manages to get something on his coat before he ever leaves out the door. How he made it to major general is beyond me.” Rolling her eyes heavenward, she paused, glancing back at Sonja. “Have a wonderful time tonight my dear.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  Nerves trembled along her spine. She had taken great time with her appearance in preparation for the dance. Ty would come for her soon. She wanted everything to go perfectly tonight. Their first real date - she wanted to remember this night always.

to his word, Ty arrived at the door promptly at six with a lovely bouquet of daisies. The look he gave her said it all as she twirled once for him to examine. “You will be the most beautiful creature there tonight,” he assured her softly.

  “You clean up pretty well yourself, Mr. Loflin,” she admonished as she let him place the shawl around her shoulders.

  “I went ahead and washed up with the men – figured you could use the space to dress.” His hands lingered on her skin. Sonja relished in the hard, strong planes of his fingers on her flesh. Then he lowered his head, taking the opportunity to lean in and steal a kiss at the nape of her neck. “Um, so soft. No, the truth is I was afraid we’d never make the dance if I we got dressed in the same room together.” His slow, sultry smile was wicked sexy. Sonja leaned into his chest enjoying the steady beat of his heart and the sandalwood scent of his cologne. Perhaps it was the reason he rose so early and didn’t come in until late. He hoped she’d be asleep? Perhaps his control was thin. So far, they’d been lucky. She hadn’t become pregnant. One wrong move, though and she’d bring another life into an uncertain situation.

  She shivered involuntarily.

  Shifting her in his arms, he took the opportunity to kiss her soundly. “I’m going to see to it you have a good time tonight. Ready?”

  “I’m ready.”

  Sonja couldn’t help eyeing Ty secretly. His profile was so handsome. His features, a study in strength belonged in a painting. When he cut her a look out of the corner of his eyes, she could have sworn she’d never seen eyes as blue as his before.

  They could hear the fiddler tuning up as the band got their instruments ready to play. She sat next to him with her arm slipped comfortably through his as they rode out of town. The old weathered barn located on the outskirts of town apparently had a reputation as the dance hall for decent folks.

  The barn, decked out in decorations of red and blue streamers proved a festive site. Hay bales dotted the exterior to accommodate those who chose to watch. Coal-oil lamps swung from the ropes tied to the rafters above the wooden dance floor below. Long tables flanked either side of the large double doors. Covered in dishes, heavy pots and platters of all kinds of food, the makeshift tables resembled an army buffet line. Buggies lined up next to the corral and stretched as far as the eye could see down the dirt road from town. To Sonja, the whole town had turned out for the dance.


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