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Vengeful in Love

Page 10

by Nadia Lee

  “About an hour ago.”

  And he’d come to the office first. He hadn’t called her from the airport. Not that she wanted him to call her. God, he looked good in his slightly rumpled charcoal gray suit.

  “How was your trip?” she asked, her voice steady.

  “Typical. Nothing special.” He reached inside his car and took out a wrapped package. “I thought of you when I saw this. I was thinking I could give it to you later, at your place, but…”

  “Another present? For me?” She took it from his hand, put it over her heart and fluttered her eyelashes. “How thoughtful.”

  He frowned slightly. “What’s wrong?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” she said, opening her car door.

  “No, I—”

  She threw the present at him, slammed the door shut and drove off, leaving him behind.

  Oh, the nerve of the man! As if he’d done nothing wrong. He’d known he was going away for weeks but never said a word. Why not? If she’d learned about his plans, maybe it would’ve been harder for him to seduce her.

  She might have been able to forgive him for going to Hong Kong. After all, he had responsibilities to his company and shareholders. But that stupid choker. And that stupid message.

  I thought of you when I saw this.

  Yeah, right. Had he expected her to throw herself at him for bringing another present? If so, he wasn’t as intelligent or perceptive as she’d thought.

  It didn’t take much time to reach her condo, mainly because she sped most of the way home. She parked and started gathering her things. The Lamborghini pulled into the empty spot next to hers, its headlights dying immediately.

  Alex got out of his car, the package in his hand. “Don’t you drive off like that when I’m talking to you. And don’t you dare throw my present back at me!”

  “If you’ll wait a minute, I’ve got another present to throw at you!” She spun and marched to her condo.

  * * *

  Alex was so furious, he couldn’t think straight. He’d worked like a demon to wrap everything up in Hong Kong so he could see her again, and this was the welcome?

  Women. The hotter they were, the crazier they acted.

  He followed Natalie to her unit. He didn’t want to create a scene. What he was about to tell Natalie wasn’t any of her neighbors’ business.

  Throw his ruby choker back at him… Ha! The damned thing cost a fortune, probably more than she made in a year.

  The gift you couldn’t bother to buy for her yourself.

  He stomped on the bit of guilty conscience. He’d brought her another gift, hadn’t he?

  She unlocked the door and went inside. He followed her in, his big hand flat against the door when she tried to shut it on him.

  “You are not invited,” she said coldly.

  He ignored her and threw the robe on the couch, the package spinning like a crimson and gold pinwheel.

  “Pick that up,” she said. “And before you go, take this.”

  She stalked to the shelf where Matto was sitting on a velvety box. She pulled it out from under her cat, who hissed in outrage, and tossed it at Alex.

  He caught it by reflex.

  “Next time you decide to try to make things right, give it a little more thought. And don’t look so shocked. I know what you’re doing. My family’s been doing it for decades, and throwing money at me isn’t going to win you any points.”

  “I’m not your family, and I’m not throwing money at you!”

  “Then what do you call that?” She gestured at the box. “One afternoon of sex and suddenly I’m worth tens of thousands of dollars in jewelry?”

  Put that way, it did sound bad. But no woman before Natalie had ever complained about his lavish gifts. The fact that she had to be the exception made him angry. And absurdly pleased.

  “If I’d considered you a whore”—she stiffened, but he didn’t care what he said at this point—“it’d have been a lot cheaper and easier for me to deal with you. I’ve gotten less than twenty hours of sleep in the past five days so I could come see you, and this is how you greet me? Accusing me of throwing money at you? If I wanted to throw money at you, I’d do this!” He grabbed his wallet and took out a fistful of bills, then hurled them at her. They separated in the air and barely made a noise as they hit her face.

  Her eyes widened, then narrowed to a hard glint. “Of all the—”

  “And I don’t want to hear about how you thought I should’ve called before I left. I didn’t have your cell phone number, and you made it clear you wanted me to leave you alone!”

  “But not leave the continent!”

  “Does it matter? I left you a message.”

  “And didn’t call or email me afterward!”

  “The only time I could have called would have been three in the morning here.” He raked his hair with his hands. “Did you want me to email you? Isn’t that a bit too impersonal? And using the company network? Anyone in IT could have read it. And why couldn’t you call? You have my private number.”

  Her expression hardened. “Well, for your information, the timing’s wrong, and I’m quite sure everything will be fine. So don’t worry about getting stuck with a kid you don’t want.”

  Damn, she was dense! He let out a breath, trying to regain his equilibrium, and glared at the jewelry box, his hand tightening on it. It was either that or throttle her. This whole situation was a mess. He hadn’t necessarily been expecting a welcome with open arms, but he thought he deserved something more than getting his presents thrown back at him. And being compared to her abominable family.

  Natalie’s cat had gone over to the couch and was sniffing the package. He began scratching at the wrapping paper.

  “Matto, no!”

  She snatched it away from him, but the paper got caught under his claws and ripped open. The silk robe spilled onto the floor. She picked it up before Matto could reach it, and the robe unfurled, the gold fènhuáng vivid against the crimson.

  Natalie’s eyes traveled over the embroidery, her lips making small, soundless movements. “Where did you find this?” she whispered finally.

  What was this, some kind of trick question? “In Hong Kong,” he said warily.


  “I just thought you’d look good in it.”

  She blinked rapidly, and Alex frowned. Was she going to cry?

  Things were not working out as he’d planned. He felt like he was playing a game of chess where every other move, the pieces changed positions at random.

  She launched herself at him, knocking the breath out of him. His arms closed around her automatically.

  “That was all I wanted,” she said, her voice muffled against his shirt. “I wanted you to give me time, not money.”

  The confusion was still there, but a bit of happiness seeped in and started replacing the anger. Everything she did was a surprise. He dipped his head and breathed through the fragrance of her hair. “I wanted to give you both,” he murmured. “The fènhuáng just took me longer to find.”

  Her arms tightened around him, and he wanted to strangle her parents. They must have done a real number on Natalie if she equated extravagant gifts with attempts to buy her off.

  Having Natalie wrapped around him like this seemed right somehow, like a homecoming…but there was a little fear, as well. He didn’t want to depend on her for his happiness. He didn’t want anyone to hold that much power over him.

  Despite it all, running his hands down her spine, he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “I missed you.”

  * * *

  He rubbed her lower back, his strong hands stroking her gently, and Natalie sighed with contentment. The clean scent of his cologne and maleness teased her senses, and she trembled slightly.

  He kissed her forehead, then her nose. His mouth found hers and shaped itself around her smaller, softer lips. She wanted him right now, but at the same time, she wanted to take it slow, just the two of them and their sw
eet need.

  Their clothes fell in a haphazard trail as they moved to her bedroom. She didn’t know when or how he did it, but her panties were gone, and his clever tongue and fingers were pushing her higher until she was ready to go over the edge. Her skin seemed to stretch tighter over her body and burn as they fell onto the bed. She cried out when he thrust inside, and it didn’t take much for them to cling to each other and lose themselves in the violent maelstrom of ecstasy.

  They lay on the bed, panting. She jumped when something cold touched her bare skin. It was the choker.

  “Even if you’re mad at me for buying this for you, I think you should keep it,” he said. “It suits you.” He considered for a moment. “Plus, the jeweler won’t take it back. And I can’t possibly wear it.”

  Natalie laughed. He put the jewelry around her neck. She kissed him.

  “You know…I never had a woman jump my bones over a robe and kick my butt over a bunch of expensive gems.” A faint smile curved his lips. “You are truly one of a kind.”

  She grinned back at him. “Thank you. I really do like the robe.”

  He stretched lazily and ran his hand down her side, tracing the curve of her waist. “I was right. You look good in rubies.” His gaze sharpened a bit. “Really good.”

  She sighed as the magic began all over again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  NATALIE FOUND HERSELF HUMMING. The weather was perfect, her outfit was perfect, and nothing could spoil her mood. Even the traffic was perfect.

  Alex had lingered until the next morning, then had to go to work. But that didn’t bother her. He’d promised to come back as soon as he could.

  The spacious café in Tysons II mall that Emily had chosen for their lunch had an understated elegance and lightness that appealed to the moneyed conservative set. Emily waved as Natalie walked inside.

  “You look lovely, dear,” Emily said.

  “Thank you. So do you.”

  And it was true. She was remarkably well-preserved. There were only a few lines around her eyes, and even her hair still retained its golden hue, although that could’ve been a dye job. But if it was, it was a good one. Emily Rodale had always been a handsome woman, and that hadn’t changed as she’d entered her sixties.

  The waitress took their order for salad and sandwiches. Emily and Natalie chatted about acquaintances until they got their food. Then the conversation drifted to Natalie’s work.

  “So how’s your new position? Do you enjoy it?”

  “It’s very nice.” Natalie sipped her sparkling water. “I never thought I would be promoted so quickly.”

  Emily smiled. “I did.” She carefully speared a small piece of chicken in her salad with her fork. “So tell me. If it came down to me or this new job of yours…which would you choose?”

  Natalie looked up to find Emily gazing at her steadily. She frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Emily sighed and put down her fork, the chicken still on it. “You know I’m not one for games. We’re in trouble, Natalie. Alex Damon wants to take over Rodale International. A hostile takeover. It might as well be a declaration of war against my family. He’s been maneuvering for months, targeting our clients, undercutting us at every turn. We’re at the point now that if we don’t get this DOD contract, we may very well be too weak to resist.”

  Natalie smoothed her hair. She wasn’t sure what to say.

  “I want to know what that man is up to. You know, don’t you?”

  “Emily, he doesn’t discuss his plans with me. I work mostly with another executive.” This was the truth, after all, and she wasn’t betraying anyone by revealing it.

  Emily’s eyes turned impassive. “Not even pillow talk, my dear?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Please. I saw the way he looked at you at your parents’ party. I’m neither naïve nor stupid, and I’m not so old that I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be the focus of a man’s attention. I know what he’s thinking, and I’m sure you didn’t object to being in his bed.”

  Natalie’s lips parted, but no sound came out. Of all the people she knew in the Halls’ social circle, Emily was the nicest and usually one of the most circumspect. It took her a moment to recover.

  “Who I sleep with—or don’t—is none of your business.” Natalie’s voice was cool, but polite. “And the details of my work and projects are confidential. I love you, Emily, and I don’t want to choose.” Her lips tightened. “I shouldn’t have to choose.”

  A bit of red was starting to tinge Emily’s pale cheeks. “It’s just a job, dear. You can always get another. In fact, I can guarantee you another, and at a higher salary. But if you don’t help me, I could lose everything. Charlie could lose everything. Rodale International is my legacy to him. I won’t allow it.”

  “I know how you feel about the company.” Natalie reached across the table and laid her hand over Emily’s. “But this isn’t something I can do for you. I’m sorry.”

  “I see.” Emily slowly drew her hand out from under Natalie’s. “So we must do this the hard way.”

  Why was Emily being so obtuse? “There is no hard way. I’m not going to do it.”

  “Even if it means Brian’s ruin?”

  “Your family’s contribution to his campaign is significant, but I don’t think withholding it is going to ruin his career. And do I really have to remind you that my father’s influence has also benefited you and your family?”

  “I didn’t say his career. I said him. And your family too.”

  Natalie felt like she’d suddenly stepped into the Twilight Zone. This couldn’t be Emily talking to her. “Are you threatening me?”

  “Simply stating a fact, my dear. I know enough about what your father’s done to ruin him, socially and otherwise. He’ll never be able to hold public office again.”

  Natalie clenched her hands. “How can you even think about something like this? Brian’s always been fair to you. Louise is your best friend.”

  Emily leaned forward, her face radiating intensity. “Which is precisely why I’m giving you a chance to stop this. Louise and Belle treat you rottenly, but Brian’s been good to you. As much as he could be. Think about it. You get to protect him, I get to protect Charlie’s inheritance, and we’ll all gain from it.”

  This was surreal. But of all the emotions churning in Natalie’s mind, outrage was the strongest. “Really? Tell me something: how is losing the job I love a gain?” How is betraying Alex and throwing away my self-respect a gain?

  “Oh, don’t you worry. I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Emily pushed a slim white envelope across the table. Natalie stared at it as if it were a scorpion.

  “Open it,” Emily said.

  Natalie picked it up. It was light. Most likely it didn’t contain any damning pictures. She looked inside.

  “Do you see the cashier’s check?”

  Without taking it out of the envelope, Natalie used a finger to bend the check back so she could read the numbers printed on it. My God, she thought. It was a million dollars, payable to her.

  “Keep it. It’s yours. It should be more than enough to pay off your mortgage. Or go on a shopping spree. You can do whatever you want with it.”

  Natalie withdrew her fingers, folded the flap back down, and carefully placed the envelope on the table. “I’m surprised you think you can buy me.”

  “Buy you?” Emily laughed. “I’m ensuring that you benefit from helping me and Charlie.” She pursed her lips. “If you’re thinking that you can get a better deal from Alex, like marriage, forget it. He’s what you young people call a user, just like his father was.”

  “It doesn’t matter what Alex is. The answer is no.”

  Emily smiled. “You always were a good girl. I rather thought that you’d turn the money down. But there’s something else.” She leaned forward. “I can help you find the truth behind your adoption and who your real parents were.”

  Natalie’s heart began pounding so hard sh
e was sure the couple at the next table could hear it. “You know? You know about my biological parents?”

  “You help me, Natalie, and I will help you. Think about it and call me.”

  * * *

  Although it was Saturday, Alex strode down the hall at DDE, on his way home after reviewing some confidential documents that couldn’t be taken out of the building. Sometimes company policies were annoying, he thought, but rules were rules. He should know—he’d set them.

  All the cubicles were deserted, as were most of the corner offices. But Ethan was in. Alex shook his head. The guy never seemed to rest.


  “Hey, I was hoping to see you here,” Ethan said. “You never answered your cell phone.”

  “The battery died.” A lie, but what he’d done last night was none of Ethan’s business.

  “Got a couple minutes?”

  Alex entered his best friend’s office, shut the door, and sat down. “What’s up?”

  “It’s about the Rodales and Natalie.”

  “What about them?”

  “Emily and Natalie were together in Tysons today. They were having an early lunch.”

  That had to have been only hours, if that, after he’d made love to her and come to the office. “So?” he said, keeping his voice deliberately casual.

  “Alex… I’m pretty sure she’s the one leaking the information.”

  “Having lunch together is hardly damning.”

  Ethan nodded. “You know Murchison, in security? Used to be a private investigator? No? Well, I had some suspicions about Natalie, so I had him follow her. Put him in a suit and he blends in pretty well with the business crowd.”

  Alex held up a hand. “When did you start the surveillance?”

  “Last Wednesday.”

  Alex looked steadily at his friend. So Ethan knew. “Go on.”

  “He saw Emily give Natalie an envelope at lunch today. He couldn’t see what was inside, but he said that Natalie seemed upset by it, whatever it was.”

  “That’s your proof? It could have been anything.”

  “Anything that could have upset her. A payment that wasn’t what had been agreed on earlier. Some sort of blackmail, maybe.” Ethan tapped his desk. “What’d you send her from Hong Kong?”


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