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Alien Breeder’s Seed: A Scifi Alien Romance

Page 22

by Tammy Walsh

  How I had failed her.

  And I had failed her, no matter what comforting words she said.

  “I don’t regret a single thing that happened between us,” she said. “I wouldn’t change anything. Because I met you.”

  I didn’t regret meeting her either.

  I only regretted how it ended.

  But there was one silver lining to all this that they could never take away from us:

  I had claimed her with my seed and now there was no going back…

  My seed…

  I claimed her…

  With my seed…

  Now, why did that ring a bell?

  Why did that echo like a gunshot in the endless corridors of my mind?

  Something about claiming a fated mate…

  About claiming her with my seed…

  But what?

  What was it…?

  I cycled through the forgotten memories at the back of my mind, and returned to one I had experienced in its entirety earlier that day…

  The discussion with my father…

  But no.

  He had only alluded to it.

  There was something else, something I learned later…

  But where?


  Then it came to me, like a bolt of lightning from a clear blue sky.

  It’d been part of our training, the key to claiming our fated mates…

  I sat up and placed Isabella on the bedspread beside me.


  That can’t be right…

  Can it?

  “What?” Isabella said. “What is it?”

  “Can you feel him out there?” I said. “My Shadow? The one who pretended to be Liam. Can you sense Sar out there? With the bond?”

  Isabella focused on the door to the captain’s quarters, her eyebrows drawn together in concentration.

  “No. I can’t. I don’t understand. What does that mean?”

  I leaped up and ran to the bathroom.

  “Put your clothes on. We need to get out of here.”

  We both hurried.

  We didn’t have long.

  My Shadow and his entourage of armed guards would be here soon…

  And when they appeared, we’d best not be there.

  We would take the elevator down to the cargo hold and…

  No, that was no good.

  The power was out.

  Then how were we going to get out of here?

  Then it hit me.

  The emergency evacuation process.

  I ran to the desk at the back of the room.

  I knelt and pressed a button on its underside.

  A hatch opened beneath the captain’s chair.

  A slide that would take us to the shuttlecraft bay.

  This system had been set up for a situation such as this.

  If a captain was captured, the crew would be powerless to keep themselves from doing whatever the hijackers wanted.

  That was why this system had been set up.

  It was our one chance of getting out of there alive.

  I extended my hand to Isabella.

  She took it and before she could say a word, I shoved her down the tunnel and leaped in after her.

  We had a narrow chance of success but with any luck, it might just be enough.


  The tunnel was long, and every time I thought I spied the end, it only turned out to be a long corner.

  With a ship this size, I supposed it was no surprise the journey took the time it did.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about the sex.

  It’d been incredible.

  I’d never been an innocent—at least, not until after I moved to the city—and enjoyed some energetic sex in my time, but never anything quite like that.

  Ras excited me more than any man I had ever met.

  He was in awesome shape, better even than a top athlete.

  And his horns were growing on me.

  It gave him a demonic appearance that drove me wild in bed.

  When he speared me relentlessly, I saw that demon inside him begin to seep out.

  And I wanted more.

  Boy, did I want more.

  But I wasn’t going to get it.

  Not from him, and not in a way I was going to enjoy.

  And now he might have come up with a way for us to escape.


  I knew I shouldn’t have let myself hope this time it might be successful, but I couldn’t abandon hope.

  The tunnel made one last turn and the end shimmered with light.

  Finally, the end had come.

  I pulled my legs back to catch myself once I emerged…

  Big mistake.

  I should have jammed my heels into the floor instead of trying to catch myself.

  I came out too fast, lost my balance, and slid across the floor, rolling end over end a dozen times before I came to a stop.

  Ras emerged from the tunnel and stopped the moment he came out.

  He reached down to help me up.

  “Can you please tell me what’s going on?” I said.

  “We just came down a tunnel—”

  “I know that! I mean, what’s going on? Why can’t I feel the Shadow out there anymore? Is he dead?”

  “He’s not dead. But the connection you share with him is. When we mate with our fated mates, the bond between you and my Shadow is severed.”

  “And you’re telling me this now?”

  “I didn’t remember until a moment ago! I didn’t have time to go through every memory I forgot!”

  It was hard to remember he had memory problems—as ironic as that was.

  “Fine,” I said. “But what are we doing here?”

  He pointed to something over my shoulder.

  “That’s why we’re here.”

  It was a small ship, not much bigger than a large pickup.

  There were four of them, each lined up facing a large window.

  “A shuttlecraft?” I said. “How’s that going to help us?”

  “They’re incapable of jumping into hyperspace. The Shadow would catch us easily.”

  “I repeat my question: How’s that going to help us?”

  “We’ll take it across to one of the Shadow’s ships.”

  I skidded to a halt.

  “Are you kidding me? They’ll kill us!”

  “Not if they don’t see us coming. All shuttlecraft are fitted with stealth technology. And this ship might have lost power, but the shuttlecraft haven’t. They have their own power source.”

  It made sense.

  What use was a shuttlecraft if it didn’t have power?

  The best part was after Ras had filled me with his seed (such a romantic way to put it…) his Shadow couldn’t track me.

  I could move as I pleased and he would never notice me.

  I followed Ras onto the nearest shuttlecraft.

  “And what do we do when we reach a Shadow ship?”

  “We’ll disable the other ship and get to the M’rora empire.”

  He grinned at me, far too satisfied with himself.

  “And it’s a long journey to the empire…” he said.

  He gave me a wink and I couldn’t help but blush.

  My pussy was already beginning to ache from our earlier exploits.

  It was going to be seriously smarting by the time we reached his empire.

  “Can’t we return to Earth first?” I said.

  “The empire first,” Ras said, pressing buttons on the control panel and taking a seat.


  “We have an advanced security field to protect us from the Shadow. If we can reach that, the Shadow will never reach us.”

  “And will I be able to return home?”

  Ras looked up at me.

  He took my hands in his and kissed my fingertips.

  “We will go wherever you wish. Your planet, mine, or a million others. All I ask is to be by your side.”

those words and the way he was looking at me, it made my knees weak.

  “I’ll think about it,” I said.

  He grinned at me before falling back into the seat.

  I took the seat beside his—what he referred to as the co-pilot’s chair.

  The shuttlecraft locked down and the outer hatch door cracked open.

  The air was sucked out, and an iron tool, what looked like a socket wrench, skidded along the floor and disappeared into space.

  “Releasing clamps now,” Ras said.

  I thought he was speaking with me except he kept his attention focused outside.

  It was a habit, I supposed.

  We drifted into space, letting non-gravity shift us outside.

  Ras took hold of the controls and arched us around toward the awaiting Shadow ships.

  They were huge.

  We watched them closely, hoping they wouldn’t notice us before we boarded one of them.

  Behind us, the ship we’d just vacated.

  Now I could see why it took them so long to get to the main bridge!

  It was colossal.

  We floated around the nearest Shadow ship until we were perched underneath it.

  Ras breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Now we put on spacesuits.”

  Okay, so that blindsided me.

  “Excuse me. Space what? Nobody said anything about spacesuits.”

  “How else do you think we’re going to walk around in space? Come on.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “Don’t tell me we’re getting out of this shuttlecraft before getting into one of the Shadow ships?”

  Ras shrugged—shrugged!

  “There’s no other way inside. We have to open the hatch door like we did at the garage.”

  I was beginning to change my mind about this whole plan.

  I put the spacesuit on.

  It swamped me.

  It might be the standard size for a Shadow but I could barely even see out of the thing.

  Ras looked great in his.

  Of course.

  He nodded to me and opened the shuttlecraft door.

  The hatch was right there.

  I clung onto the rail with both hands.

  He guided the shuttlecraft forward so it locked onto its side.

  Then he reached for the door lock and turned it.

  The hatch hissed open.

  Ras stepped inside like he was out for a leisurely stroll.

  He noticed I wasn’t at his side.

  “Come on.”

  I ordered my hands to release the rail but they wouldn’t obey.

  And who could blame them?

  Open space about a yard wide stood between me and the ship.

  “Hurry up!” Ras said.

  “Don’t rush me!”

  “We’re on a clock here!”

  I unfurled one set of fingers and then another.

  My gloved hand shook as I pushed off the shuttlecraft and sailed slowly forward.

  I reached halfway across the void…

  And floated.

  Story of my life.

  “Argh!” I screeched.

  I flailed but my arms and legs couldn’t make contact with anything.

  “All right, don’t get over-excited,” Ras said.

  He reached across the void, grabbed my arm, and pulled me into safety.

  I held on tight to his arm like a limpet.

  Ras slapped a button on the wall, the lights flashed, and the outer door began to shut.

  My feet returned to the floor, along with my heart rate.

  “Better now?” Ras said, leaning forward so our helmets connected.


  “Come on.”

  Come on.

  This way.

  Hurry up.

  Who died and made him king?

  Ras removed his helmet and held it under his arm.

  The inner door whirred open, leading on to a long hallway that stretched in either direction.

  “Computer?” Ras said.

  “Yes, sir?” Computer said.

  Ras pumped a fist in celebration.

  “Perform a sweep of this ship for other lifeforms.”

  Computer beeped.

  “No other lifeforms detected on board.”

  Ras turned to me.

  “At least we know my Shadow isn’t here.”

  “What do you mean?” I said. “He took everyone with him?”

  “I doubt there were any others on board for him to take. Except for the soldiers on the other Shadow ship.”

  He grinned at me.

  “But we’d better hurry. They’ll realize we’re not on board soon, if they haven’t already.”

  He led me through the hallways toward the elevator.

  “Computer,” Ras said as he removed the spacesuit. “Load torpedoes and fire at the other Shadow ship’s engines and power core.”

  “Order confirmed. When would you like to fire?”

  The elevator doors hissed open, revealing the ship’s main bridge.

  It was identical to the one we’d just vacated on our ship.

  Ras fell into the captain’s chair.

  “Open fire,” Ras said.

  With the enemy ship so close, we couldn’t miss.

  Huge eruptions blew giant holes in the other ship and debris clattered against our shields.

  “Computer, hail the remaining ship,” Ras said. “Bring transmission onto the main monitor.”

  “Hailing…” Computer said.

  It took a moment and I wondered if maybe Sar had decided not to answer.

  Finally, his image appeared onscreen.

  It was the dark version of Ras all right.

  I wouldn’t mistake those eyes anywhere.

  Behind him, standing on either side of his captain’s chair, was a pair of armed Shadow.

  Fat lot of good their weapons would do them now, I thought.

  “I’ve taken down your ally and you already did me the favor of taking down my ship,” Ras said. “Give me a good reason not to destroy you right now.”

  Ras’s shadow didn’t hesitate.

  “I have none. But we both know you’re not going to destroy me. Asking that question only guarantees it. It’s not in your nature. Nor it is in any M’rora’s nature to do what must be done. You will not destroy me. Your very culture decries such barbarity.”

  Ras ground his teeth and looked away.

  “But I promise you this: I will not stop hunting you,” Sar said, and he morphed, assuming Liam’s guise. “And one day, I will assume the form of someone you know and bury a blade deep in your heart.”

  “I have claimed her. Isabella belongs to me.”

  “She belongs to me. You will only possess her for a short time.”

  Ras shared a look with me.

  “Destroy him,” I said. “Or we’ll be looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives.”

  Computer beeped.

  “Shadow reinforcements are coming in from the planet’s surface. They will arrive within two minutes.”

  Ras looked at me and I noticed a funny little spark in his eyes.

  “There’s one thing you’ve failed to take into account.”

  “Oh?” Sar said. “And what’s that?”

  “My nature has changed. I haven’t gotten all my memories back yet so I feel just fine pressing this button.”

  I smiled at him and nodded my consent.

  Sar’s smile fell.

  “And just for the record,” I said, “I never belonged to you. Or Liam.”

  Ras pressed the button and a stream of torpedoes struck the enemy ship and destroyed it in a series of powerful explosions.

  “Computer,” Ras said. “Get us out of here. Take us to the Rift and then onto the M’rora empire. At maximum speed.”

  He turned to me.

  “You might want to take a seat.”

  I fell into his lap and curled my arms around his neck. />
  “I’ve got my seat right here.”

  The engines powered up and, just as the ship blasted us into hyperspace, my lips joined with Ras’s.

  My stomach dropped and my toes curled.

  It had nothing to do with hitting warp speed.

  I was ready to be a breeder…

  Ras’s personal breeder.

  I hope you enjoyed ALIEN BREEDER’S SEED. I’m currently working on more books in the series but in the meantime, why not check out my complete series FATED MATES OF THE TITAN EMPIRE.

  In Book One, Alice is engulfed by a bright light and wakes up five days later in a spaceship. With no other way home, she agrees to a plan with the captain: help him with his mutinous crew and he’ll return her to Earth. There’s just one catch. He’s injured and needs to heal fast, and that requires the use of her body for one whole night. OWNED BY THE ALIEN is available now.

  Want Isabella & Ras’s Epilogue?

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  Owned by the Alien Sneak Peek


  A funny thing happens when you smash through a barrier and descend into a ravine two hundred feet below.

  Gravity ceases to exist. You float up out of your seat, held in place only by a flimsy seatbelt. Time slows and you have eons to think, knowing your end is approaching, and you can’t do a damn thing to prevent it.


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