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Never Tempt Danger

Page 4

by Denise Robbins

  “Hey!” Maureen heard the waiter complain. “That’s the wrong table.”

  Smart woman. Quick on her feet, too, Gilly thought. The waitress started singing the birthday song. To Maureen’s complete amazement, the people from the tables the server had stopped at got to their feet and joined in the singing. Before she knew what was happening, the bald man’s table was surrounded by big burly guys, his view completely obstructed.

  Dropping a huge tip on the table, she grabbed her coffee and purse, and ran to the front door pausing only long enough to give the okay sign to the woman. As she went through the door though, she heard the guy yell. “It isn’t my birthday!”

  That was all Maureen needed to hear. She ran.

  A couple of hours later, she checked her rearview mirror for the umpteenth time since leaving the restaurant, relieved no one had followed her as she took the exit ramp into Salem. She missed the turnoff to the cabin once, did a u-turn, and managed to find it. After tucking the Bronco behind a hedge next to the cabin, she got out and shuffled to the back door.

  Dead on her feet, the only things she carried up the three stairs and took inside the cabin were her 9-millimeter and her purse. She should have brought a feather duster, she thought, as her face ran into a cobweb just inside the door. She sputtered and wiped it away.


  She did not care. All she wanted was a bed and sleep. Making her way to the bedroom, she pulled the blankets back on the only bed in the place and skimmed her hand along the sheets in an attempt to scare away any critters who thought they were going to be her bed buddies. When her hand met no resistance, she stripped, crawled beneath the covers, and tucked her weapon under her pillow. The minute her eyes shut, she was out for the count.


  He should have thought of his cabin sooner, but that was okay, he had her now. Lucas killed the headlamps before pulling past the cabin and parking. If she was there, the last thing he wanted was to give her a warning and send her running. Careful not to slam the car door, he made his way to the back of the house where he had spotted the cream-colored roof of the old Ford Bronco.

  Walking toward the vehicle, a sly grin spread across his lips as an idea popped into his head. “Sometimes, Danger, you are too dangerous for your own good.”

  With a penlight held between his front teeth, he lifted the hood on the Bronco, and located what he wanted. A couple of pulls, a few twists, and a hard yank, and the Bronco was now shy one distributor cap. Setting the hood back down, he pocketed the light, and almost whistled in satisfaction. Before going up the stairs into the place, he tucked the truck part out of sight in some bushes to the right of the door. That ought to slow her down.

  Reaching behind his back, Lucas slid his weapon out of its holster and held it at his side. He opened the screen door, slid between it and the inside door which, of course, Gilly had locked. Damn woman! She locks this door but not the one at her house. He ought to give her a piece of his mind. He fished inside his pocket and extracted his keys. After locating the right one, he inserted it into the lock and let himself in, re-pocketing the keys and locking the door behind him.

  As he swept the dark room with his eyes, he listened. His lip lifted at one corner when he heard a light snoring from the bedroom. Standing in the doorway, his gaze traveled down and landed on the woman sprawled in the bed. His stomach muscles drew in as other parts of him tightened. Under the moonlight, her copper-colored hair flamed across the pillow. Would he never stop wanting her? Sliding his Glock back into its holster, he gave a fleeting thought about taking up post in the living room. Very fleeting.

  Drawn to her, he crossed to the bed. Heart hammering, Lucas trailed a finger down her exposed skin from neck to shoulder and further. She stirred and he jerked his hand back. He held his breath and waited. Be a gentleman, he inwardly scolded, leave the room. He could not. It had been so long since he held her, too long. He wanted nothing more than to wrap her in his arms, press all that delectable skin against him and cradle her all night long.

  That’s it, that’s all, nothing more, he assured himself as he hurried to get naked and join Gilly under the blanket. At his presence in the bed, she curled into him, her arm snaking over his chest, her head supported on his shoulder. Lucas dropped his head, kissed the arm flung across his chest and all rational thought fled. He could not help himself. She tempted him. He caressed her silky skin with a fingertip and she snuggled even closer, if that was possible.

  He wanted to groan in frustration and smile with joy. Maureen was in his arms. When he felt her lips press against his shoulder, Lucas sucked in a breath and waited for her to realize what she had done and pull away. She didn’t. She kissed him again sending his blood hot and soaring straight between his legs.

  “Gilly, honey.” He spoke against her forehead. “You shouldn’t…”

  She cut off his words when her head tilted back and her lips found his. His arms went around her in the darkness as her mouth opened and he deepened the kiss, his tongue sliding between moist lips. He heard her give a soft moan and he plunged his hands through her thick hair, giving him access to her delicate jaw line and neck. He trailed kisses down both of them as he cupped one waiting breast in his palm. She felt so good!

  Squeezing the warm flesh, he brushed his thumb across the nipple, stirring it to a sweet bud. She arched against him and Lucas shifted his weight more on top of her before taking the nipple in his mouth, sucking it firmly. Her hands raked through his hair, Lucas peered up to see a smile across her lips, and her eyes closed. She tugged him back down and he answered her demand, flicking his tongue against the peak of her other breast until it puckered. Taking the sensitive skin between his teeth, he tugged gently and felt the muscles of Gilly’s stomach jump underneath him.

  “Sweet,” he murmured against her flat belly, pausing to swirl his tongue around her belly button. He continued kissing her abdomen, her hips, and on the inside of her smooth thigh. Cradling her buttocks in his large hands, he dipped his head and his tongue. He tasted her.

  She gasped and her body bowed. The fingers entangled in his hair tugged at him. Lucas slipped his tongue inside her heat causing her to moan again. The pull on his hair was stronger.

  “You never were patient.” He kissed his way back up her belly, resting her thighs against his.

  Bending, he kissed Gilly until her arms wound around his neck and her breasts brushed his hairy chest. He slid into her, into her heat, her wetness. Home. He had come home. Slowly, excruciatingly slow, he moved in and out. Gilly met every one of his strokes. His breathing increased and he plunged into her hard and deep as her fingers squeezed his butt cheeks.

  “Not yet, sweetheart.” She clutched and pulled at him again. He groaned and stroked her, thrust into her harder, faster. She tightened around him, her muscles squeezing him, tugging him to the edge.

  “Look at me, Gilly. Look at me.”

  Her eyes flickered open and Lucas was lost in their green depths. He drove into her again and again, driving her to her climax. When she whispered his name and flung her head back, he hurled himself over the edge with her and into the flames of their passion.

  Once his breathing slowed, he rolled to his side taking Maureen with him until once again she curled up against his side and slept in his arms. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and tugged her close before joining her in slumber.


  Gilly awoke to the sunlight streaming in through the window and warming the room. She pushed at the covers and froze when her hand hit hot, hairy skin. When she dared to look at what she touched, her eyes grew wide and she gasped, jerking her hand back as if burned. Lucas. He groaned and rolled toward her. Gilly moved. She jumped and tumbled off the bed. She had to bite back a curse as her bare butt made contact with the hard wood floor.

  What the hell was Lucas Danger doing there? In her bed? Technically, it was his bed, but she had been in it first. Getting to her feet, fisting her hands on her hips, she narrowed her gaze o
n his naked form and pursed her lips. Naked?

  The image of last night’s embrace flickered in her mind. She thought it had been a dream. Now she felt the remnants of their lovemaking all over her body. All the evidence was there. The rumpled sheets, Lucas’s mussed, dark hair, even the scent of their coitus lingered in the room, on her skin. Damn. She had to get out of there.

  She started toward the bath then changed her mind. If she turned the water on Lucas would surely wake up. She needed a shower. Fine, she could be creative. There was a big lake out there. Grabbing her clothes off the floor, she thought of an idea. Tiptoeing to the other side of the bed, she located the jeans Lucas dropped on the floor. She fished inside his pocket and borrowed his keys. If he couldn’t find them then he could not follow her. Gilly was almost out the door when she remembered her weapon.

  She stalked back to the room and wanted to groan when she saw Lucas sprawled across the bed, his head on her pillow. With caution, she squatted next to the bed and slid her hand under the pillow, biting her lip. Please do not wake up. Come on. Come on. Lucas moved. Her heart jumped and she almost fell back. Thankfully, he rolled away from her. Gilly wrapped her fingers around her weapon and glided the gun out. Blowing out a silent breath, she stood and made a fast retreat.

  Outside, she dropped her clothes on the faded wood dock and hopped into the lake. The waist-high water was cool against her bare skin, but it felt good. She waded out a little farther then bent her knees, took a deep breath and dipped down letting the water close over her head. As she slid under, Maureen became aware of the rhythm of her own heartbeat. Soaking her hair, she ran her fingers through the matted strands. She resurfaced to catch her breath and headed back to the dock for the shampoo she borrowed from the bathroom.

  After washing, she did not dilly-dally around. It was time to get on the road before Lucas awoke. She pulled herself up onto the dock and towel dried, squirming into her clothes. Quickly, she crossed to the Bronco, unlocked the door and got behind the wheel. When she turned the ignition, nothing happened.

  “Shit!” She cranked the key again and received the same results. “Damn it!”

  Shoving the car door open, she jumped out and lifted the hood. Why that sneaky, lowdown, no good, slimy bastard. “I ought to string him up by his toes,” she mumbled as she closed the hood. When she glanced up, her gaze landed on Lucas’s Mustang, and her mouth twitched up at the corner. “Two can play that game.”

  After checking over her shoulder, Maureen opened the back of the Bronco and lifted the crate with the robot out. In a couple of strides, she stood at the Mustang and unlocked the trunk, setting her robot down in its new home. She made another trip to the Bronco and returned with the other supplies she had bought. Then she got into the front seat and inserted the key into the ignition. Bottom lip between her teeth, she peered through the windshield, making certain her bed buddy had not heard her yet. Fingers crossed, she twisted the key and the engine purred. Gilly rubbed the dash. “Thank you.”

  Putting the car in reverse, she glanced over her shoulder and backed up. Just as she slipped the gear into drive, Lucas hauled ass out the front door and jumped the three steps, his jeans hanging open at the hips.


  For a second, she did not blink, caught in his sexy chest matted with dark hair and six-pack abs running full-tilt toward her. Toward her. “Oh, shit!”

  Maureen slammed her foot to the floor, sent gravel spitting out from the tires and managed to give Lucas the one-finger salute as she sped away. He was gonna be mad. Not because she had outsmarted him, but because she had his baby, his pride and joy. Gilly giggled. Served the son-of-a-gun right!

  * * * *

  “Son of a bitch!” he railed shaking a fist at the back of his car while grasping the fly to his jeans to keep them from falling to his knees. Lucas pivoted on a bare heel and stalked back to the cabin, swearing the entire way. “Gosh darn, stupid, mule-headed, woman!”

  He yanked the door open and stomped inside heading straight for the bedroom. When he got his hands on her…he let the thought drop. He would think of something appropriate to punish the redheaded vamp. Disgusted with himself for letting her get away, he flopped down onto the bed then reached for his socks. After pulling them on and tugging the shirt over his head, he stood, fastened his pants and put on his shoes.

  Before leaving the cabin, he went into the kitchen and located the ceramic frog that sat on the counter next to the sink. In it was the spare key for the house. He palmed the key and headed out the back door locking up after him. He hid the key under the large decorative rock that sat next to the steps and retrieved the distributor cap he had removed from Gilly’s car the previous night.

  Popping the hood on the Bronco, he ducked his head under it and worked quickly to reattach the distributor cap. He slammed the lid shut and wiped his hands on each other. At the rear of the vehicle, Lucas ran his hand under the rear, driver side wheel well until his fingers skimmed what he wanted. He smiled to himself in satisfaction as he pulled out the tiny metal box hooked to the underbelly of the car. “Good old Frank. I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”

  Inside the box lay a spare key to Frank’s Bronco. Lucas slid it open, turned it upside down, and out dropped the key into his palm. He put the box back in its place then jerked the driver’s door open and hopped in behind the wheel. She started up on the first turn. He really loved old cars. So did Maureen. Her love of old cars and tinkering with them had been one of the things that attracted him. It was a shame to see such fine craftsmanship go to waste and end up in a scrap yard. The old vehicles were meant to last, and did if taken care of properly. Just like a good woman, he thought.

  He backed out of the yard, onto the street and then slid the gear into drive. He eased forward while he reached into his back pocket, and pulled out his phone. Flipping it open, he punched a number and waited. On the third ring, she answered.


  “Ruby.” Ruby was his boss’s fiancée and next to Gilly, the smartest, toughest woman he had ever met. She was a whiz with computers, which was exactly the reason he called her.

  “Did you locate Gilly yet?”

  “Yes and no.”

  She giggled on the other end of the line. “Dang if that is not a guy answer.”

  Lucas smiled. “Yeah, yeah. I found her and then she gave me the slip.”

  “You’re kidding. You never let anyone get the upper hand.”

  “I was asleep when it happened.”

  “Oh.” He could so picture Ruby’s blonde hair sticking out in that natural mussed up way and those catlike eyes glittering as she said the words. She knew way too much for her own good.

  “Shut up, brat.”

  “Okay, shoot.”

  “Remember that tracking device I installed on the car, the one you said would offer security in case some schmoe decided to be stupid and take my toy?”

  “Yeah. It rocks!”

  “Let’s test that theory. Can you activate it and get a bead on my car?”

  “What?” When she screeched, he had to hold the phone away from his ear to prevent his eardrums from breaking. “She got your car, your baby, your rolling showcase of masculinity? Ha!” He heard Ruby slap a table or something as she laughed.

  “Ruby.” Lucas lowered his voice in a warning.

  “Oh, don’t get your boxers in a twist.” At that, he scrunched up his face and gazed at the phone.

  “I’m turning it on now. Boy, you must have pissed her off royally for her to steal your Mustang.”

  Had he pissed her off? How? She was the one who initiated the sex last night, not him. Right? He shrugged. Damn woman! Or was she just pissed off because he had found her? Maybe both, he thought.

  “I got it.”

  “Where’s she headed?”

  “South on 95. You want me to have the program send you a text message whenever she veers off that route or stops?”

  “You can do that?”

rlin’, do not insult me.”

  Lucas chuckled. “Yes, dear. Of course, you can. Please.”

  He heard the clicking of computer keys in the background. “Done. Need anything else?”


  “Cya.” She clicked off.

  He shook his head. His boss had his hands full with that woman. Turning onto the highway, Lucas thought he had his hands full too. That was all right, he liked it that way.

  He gunned it until he hit seventy then leaned back and waited for his phone to give him directions.

  “You can run Gilly, but you cannot hide.”


  She hated driving long distances and in the last three days, she had done nothing else. The sign on the highway announced a service station up ahead. Maureen moved into the right lane to take the exit. At the end of the ramp, she veered right and pulled into the gas station and requested the guy fill up her tank while she got out and stretched her legs. After using the ladies’ room, she stopped in the little superette and grabbed a large cup of coffee and a cold soda to go.

  “Sexy car for a sexy lady,” the mustached cashier cooed as he rang in her purchases and gas. “It matches your hair color.”

  “It’s not mine,” she answered resisting the urge to roll her eyes. She handed the man her credit card.

  “Lucky man.” Gilly smiled at him without showing any teeth. He took her card, ran it through the machine, and returned it.

  She signed the slip and took the receipt. “Thanks.”

  “Anytime red, anytime,” he said as he leered at her over the counter licking his lips.

  Gilly left before she tossed her cookies.

  Outside, she got back on the road feeling a little more human. Sipping her caffeine, she settled into the leather bench seat and enjoyed driving Lucas’s Mustang. In spite of the car’s age, it smelled brand new. Lucas treated his car the way he treated his woman, with tender loving care. Until he got scared, turned tail, and ran. No staying power.


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