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Murder by Prescription

Page 15

by Breakell Richard

  “…um …Yeah…I guess so. It seems like there are some strange things going on and now, with what happened on the cruise, I am having a hard time making one and one equal two.”

  “Kelly. I don’t know if you know, but the secret service has become involved in the death of Chet… er… Congressman Barnes and we have been restricted in saying anything to anyone regarding the cruise events. I am anxious to meet and talk, but I don’t want you to think I am withholding anything on purpose.”

  “I understand, but I do think that we should talk and I can fill you in on my end. I have talked with Nancy and we both feel there is something serious going on.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Pam.

  Kelly sighed, “I wish I knew. Let’s get together as soon as we can and maybe you can make some sense of things.”

  “OK. How about we have dinner tonight?”

  “That’s great,” gushed Kelly, “I would like to bring Nancy along as well.”

  “If you feel it is worthwhile, then I trust your judgment.”

  “Yes, I do. How about 7 at Dino’s, the Italian place on the Tollway.”

  “I know it. That fits for me. See you then.”

  Kelly smiled, “Thanks, Pam. It will be nice to have someone else to talk to.”

  “Trust me… I feel the same.”


  Richard Guy and Clay drove down to the secret service office.

  “It’s been a while since we worked on a case together,” Clay said to Richard as he parked the car.

  Clay nodded, “If I recall correctly, it was in Atlanta.”

  “Right… the telecom case.”

  Shaking his head sadly, Clay couldn’t help but chuckle, “I believe that was the one that cost me my final shred of faith in human nature. I had never seen such an example of greed.”

  “Well, I don’t want to burst your bubble,” countered Richard, “but after I fill you in on some stuff, you may want to reevaluate the number one ‘greed contender.’”

  Clay looked at him with raised eyebrows, “Really?”

  “Yep…. but we can talk about that later. Let’s review what we have here and see if we can come up with a picture,” he said as they arrived at the office.


  In the office, Richard walked to a whiteboard that had been set up. “OK… The first thing we are going to need to support any kind of a theory is the lab report on the Congressman’s tox screen. I am hoping we will have that shortly. Secondly, we should be getting the forensics from the bag found in the trash can. Thirdly, we need to discuss the testimony of Miss Styles. By the way, I would like to get her back in here as soon as we can, just to run over her story again.”

  Clay picked up his cellphone, punched up Pam’s number. It rang for five rings before a groggy voice answered, “Hello.”

  “Miss Styles, this is Agent Clay Dearsome.”

  There were some muffled stirrings, then, “…Oh, hello, Mr. Dearsome. My apologies… I was sleeping.”

  “No problem. When are you planning on coming into the office?”

  “… ummm. I plan on being there in the morning.”

  “Great. Could you please come and see me when you arrive? I will be in the small boardroom of Chiles and Arken on the 15th floor.”

  “Sure… I’ll see you then.”

  “Thank you,” said Clay as he slowly hung up the phone.

  “Everything OK?” asked Richard.

  Clay frowned, “Yes… It’s probably just my cynical nature, but I get the feeling that there is more to be learned from her.”

  “Well, if I recall from our previous relationship, your ‘gut’ always seemed to give you good advice.”

  “Yeah… Well, I don’t want to hang anyone on my ‘gut.’ We’ll see what she has to say.”

  Richard continued, “…and finally. Can we find anything that could give us a thread to learn a motive?”

  Nodding his head, Clay added, “The only glaring thing so far is that Congressman Barnes was the government lead in examining Big Pharma and the FDA on any collusion in suppressing lab test results on new drugs. Coincidentally, the cruise was sponsored by Safe Drug Council (SDC), which is reputed to be totally funded by Big Pharma. I am having someone corroborate that. If that is confirmed, we certainly could extrapolate a motive to have the congressman removed.”

  Richard shuddered, “If that proves to be the case, we are dealing with a far greater issue than just the congressman’s death. Think about the billions of dollars that are spent on these drugs and the millions of people who depend on, not only the company, but the endorsements of the FDA. Just thinking of the downstream legal consequences makes my brain freeze.”

  “What about Cooper?” asked Richard.

  “Well, in my short exposure, I have not seen any indication that he is anything more than the founder and CEO of a new research company on the side of Big Pharma.”

  Richard paced around, rubbing his chin, “How new?”

  “They actually just opened and haven’t even had an official announcement.”

  “How is he funded?”

  Clay paused, smiling, “I don’t know, but we will find out. Principle number one – follow the money.”


  Kelly and Nancy arrived at Dino’s early and were both scrolling through there emails when Pam tapped Kelly on the shoulder. Rising, they hugged hellos and then all sat in silence. Finally, Kelly spoke.

  “I feel like I am in a spy movie,” said Kelly.

  Pam smiled dryly, “Tell me about it. These last couple of days have been an absolute nightmare.”

  “Pam… Nancy and I have been talking and we…”

  “Kelly… Please… As I said, I am operating under a gag order from the secret service!”

  “That’s serious shit! I am not sure I want to hear what you guys were talking about, and what’s more, if I did know, I may be under a legal obligation to tell the secret service. I’m sorry, but I don’t know what to do.”

  Kelly’s head sagged to her chest, “I don’t know what to do either, but I do know I am frightened.”

  Once again, they all sat in silence.

  Finally, Pam spoke, “I spent some time on the ship with Dr. Clay Dearsome, the secret service guy, and I found him quite nice. Maybe we should all go and talk to him.”

  The silence was deafening.

  Kelly sighed audibly, “Well… if you trust him… maybe we should.”

  Pulling her cell and the Dr.’s card from her purse, Pam tapped in his number.

  “Hello, this is Dr. Dearsome.”

  “Dr…. this is Pam Styles.”

  “Hello, Miss Styles. What can I do for you?”

  Pam hesitated, “um… I am with my colleague, Kelly Freeman, the executive assistant to Derek Maurrel, the President of Chiles, Arken. We were wondering if we could get together with you for some advice.”

  “Of course, Pam. When would you like to meet?”

  Pam held her hand over the phone, pointed to her watch and mouthed ‘what time’ to Kelly who shrugged indicating anytime. She uncovered the phone, “I realize we are meeting tomorrow morning at 10. Would 8 work for you?”

  “Absolutely,” responded Clay, “where and when?”

  Looking at Kelly, she said, “How about ‘the coffee shop’ across the street from the office?”

  Kelly nodded, “OK.”

  “See you then, Miss Styles.”

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter 15

  After a restless night, a rather disheveled Tom had just arrived to the office when the cellphone in the desk drawer buzzed. He knew it could only be Monk!


  “I am not used to being ‘stiffed’ on a contract.”

  “You are not ‘stiffed.’ I just need to understand what happened. There are some problems.”

  Monk snorted, “They are not my problems. The job is done. I want my money.”

  Tom swallowed, “I paid for a clean job and appare
ntly, that is not the case.”


  “Hello,” Tom queried.

  “This is your last throwaway cell… is that correct?”

  “Yes,” responded a confused Tom.

  “Immediately go out the front of your building and reach into the trash can on your left. You will find a paper bag with three new ‘throwaways.’ If I do not get a callback immediately with the news that the balance of the funds have been wired, I will assume that we are no longer doing business and I will have to institute collection procedures.” …Click.

  Tom was frozen in horror, staring at the cellphone. Things were turning terribly wrong. He sat pondering whether to follow directions. If he did not, he knew his life was in severe jeopardy. If he did follow directions, at least he would have one more opportunity to arrange a meeting.

  He tossed the cell into the trash can and rose from his desk just as his cell buzzed.

  “Yes,” he responded.

  “Mr. Chiles, this is Dr. Clay Dearsome with the secret service. I wondered if it would be convenient to speak with you this morning at 10am. Would that work for you?”

  Tom was stunned. What could they possibly want with him? “What is this concerning?”

  “We are just doing routine follow-up on the death of Congressman Barnes.”

  Tom paused to try to settle his nerves….

  “Mr. Chiles?”

  “Yes… Yes… I am just checking my schedule. I think that would be fine.”

  “Great. We are working out of the small boardroom on the 15th floor. Thank you.”

  We! He had said ‘We.’ Who else? he pondered as he entered his elevator and headed to the ‘pickup.’

  Pam sat in the coffee shop across from the office toying with the spoon in her coffee. Her nerves were on fire. The events of the past few days had pushed her to the edge and the anticipation of this meeting with Kelly wasn’t helping.

  She stared out the window and was shocked to see Mr. Chiles exiting the building and walking to the trash bin. How odd!

  Tom reached in and pulled out a paper bag, just as he felt someone grab his arm and heard a voice in his ear, “My other hand is holding an injector against your back. If you make any kind of a sound or movement you will join the congressman.” Tom froze in panic.

  “We are going to walk together to the corner where there is a car waiting. Do you understand?”

  “…. ye… ye… yes,” stuttered Tom.

  Pam watched curiously as a man seemed to be attempting to guide Tom down the street. As they started to move, the man looked back to see if anyone was behind them, and Pam got a full look at his face and gasped. Could it be? Surely, I am wrong!

  Pam jumped up from her chair to get a better look and ran straight into Kelly.

  “…what the hell?” blurted Kelly.

  “Follow me,” she yelled at Kelly and both ran out the door.

  Monk and Tom had arrived at the car. The driver held the door open and as they entered the car, Monk looked back one more time for anyone observing.

  He was stunned. He froze. Across the street, he saw two women staring at the car. …one of them, the woman from the cruise, and she had just ducked behind a car. How the hell is she here, he thought… and who is the other one?

  “See that car,” said Pam, pointing to the corner, “Get the license number. I can’t let them see me. Can you see it?” she yelled at Kelly.

  “Not yet.”

  “Walk down the sidewalk.”

  Kelly ran down a little further and when she had a clear view, she called back to Pam, “I’ve got it.”

  “Great,” responded Pam, “let’s get back to the coffee shop.”

  Monk nudged Tom into the car. “Be careful,” he snarled, “one prick of this device, and you are a vegetable.”

  Tom couldn’t even speak. He just nodded his head. They both got in the back seat and then Tom felt the most incredible pain he had ever known. Monk was holding a Taser and with a vicious smile, he jabbed Tom again, sending him into more pain convulsions.

  “Do I have your attention now,” snarled Monk.

  Tom had blacked out for a moment. Finally, he was able to get some control and nodded his head.

  Monk was smiling an evil grin, “Do you remember an old movie where the Warden of the prison caught an escaped prisoner and said to him, ’What we have here is a failure to communicate.’ That, Mr. Chiles, is the situation you are in. Look at me.”

  Tom had rolled his head, having trouble with his blurred vision. Lifting his head, he looked once again into the cold dead eyes.

  “Good. Now we’re not going to have any more discussion regarding the balance owing on the transaction. Are we?”

  “…. n… n… no,” gurgled Tom.

  “Excellent. Now pick up the bag and go back to your office and complete the transaction. I will expect a call on one of those cells by tomorrow noon, or things will not go quite as smooth as today. Goodbye, Mr. Chiles. Now get out of the car.”

  The door was opened and he was pushed out to the sidewalk, barely able to stand. He made it over to the edge of the building for support as the car pulled away.

  “Hit it hard,” Monk yelled at the driver as he ducked down behind the front seat.

  Kelly caught up to Pam, “What is this all about?”

  “Wait till we get inside and I…” She had turned to look back just in time to see Mr. Chiles stumble out of the car and fall against the wall.

  “Oh, my God!” Pam yelped.

  Kelly turned to look and blurted out, “Mr. Chiles.”

  “Quiet,” Pam said as she grabbed Kelly, “c’mon. Get inside.”

  “…but shouldn’t we help him?”

  Pam shook her head and grabbed Kelly, “I’ll explain inside.”

  They walked in and over to the window to see Mr. Chiles, carrying a paper bag and staggering as he headed to the front entrance, looking extremely disorientated.

  “Pam… what am I watching?”

  Pam smiled ruefully. “Let’s sit down,” she said as Mr. Chiles went into the building.

  “You have some explaining to do,” scolded Kelly.

  They sat down and Pam held her head trying to put together what she had just seen. Kelly waited patiently until Pam raised her head.

  Breathlessly, Pam said, “Write the license number down before we talk.”

  Kelly pulled out her cell and punched in the number.

  “OK… done.”

  Pam began, “I really don’t know what to say. As I told you, I am sworn to secrecy by the secret service as to what happened on the cruise. The trouble is that what we just saw ties in with a part of the events on the cruise. So, I am not sure what to say.”

  Kelly sat for a moment staring out the window. Now she was sure her events tied in with Pam’s, but how could they exchange information with Pam under the secrecy edict.

  “I understand,” said Kelly and they both sat silent.

  Finally, Pam spoke, “Dr. Dearsome, the secret service guy, is due here shortly. Let’s wait and see what we should do.”

  “That sounds great. I think that would work,” murmured Kelly.

  Pam pulled out her cell and, using voice activation, called Dr. Dearsome.

  “Hello, Miss Styles. I am on the way.”

  “Oh… thank you.”

  Dr. Clay Dearsome walked into the the coffee shop and spotted the girls in a corner booth waving him over. He smiled, “Well, that’s an exuberant greeting.”

  Both women only looked at him with distressed frowns. “Thank you for coming Dr. Dearsome,” offered Pam, “we really need some help.”

  Clay smiled, “Well, first, please call me Clay. Secondly, if you haven’t done anything wrong, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Right?”

  They both looked at each other with weak smiles and nodded.

  “Let’s start at the beginning,” suggested Clay, “who wants to start?”

  They again glanced at each other, then Pam
started, “We have to clear something up first. You have sworn me to secrecy regarding the events on the Cruise. Correct?”

  “Yes,” responded Clay.

  “Here’s the problem,” continued Pam, “Kelly has some things that she wants to confide in me that probably tie in with the events on the cruise, but I won’t let her talk to me because I can’t respond. We both felt that you could offer a solution and help you in your investigation.”

  Clay nodded his head knowingly and looked out the window in contemplation. Finally, he nodded again and looked at the women, “OK. Here, I think, is a solution. Kelly, would you be willing to operate under the same secrecy that Pam is under and then we will all be on the same page.”

  Kelly nodded, “Of course.”

  “Good,” Clay paused again, “Kelly, normally I wouldn’t allow you to hear Pam’s testimony, but in this case, it sounds as though they may mesh. Correct?”

  They both spoke in chorus, “Yes.”

  “OK… as I said… start at the beginning. I already know Pam’s story, so let’s start with you,” he said looking at Kelly.

  Kelly took a deep breath, “The main piece of information I have is that within a few minutes of hearing about the news of the congressman’s death, I was at my desk… well, actually Pam’s desk when Mr. Chiles received a call on a cell that was inside his desk, He thought I had closed the door when he answered the call and I heard him say, ‘I just heard. It will be wired shortly.’”

  Pam gasped!

  Having been an agent for many years, Clay was trained to show no reactions, but his training failed him as his eyes bugged out and he said, “Are you sure that’s what he said.”

  “Yes, sir. I am certain.”

  Clay waited. Kelly stared at him.

  “…anything else?” queried Clay.

  “umm… well, all of the electronic equipment in Mr. Cooper’s offices have been ‘tapped,’ but I don’t know if that has anything to do with this.”

  “How do you know this?” asked Clay.

  “His secretary, Nancy, is a bit of an electronic and computer whiz and she noticed it the day they moved.”

  A smile started across Clay’s face.

  “What?” asked a startled Kelly.


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