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Forever Here

Page 66

by Harold Wall

  "Thank you, honey." For the first time, it looked like Poppy's mother didn't know what to do. Then Poppy reached forward and kissed her mother on her cheeks.

  "I missed you a lot, Mom."

  She nodded, joyful tears spilling from her eyes as she did so. Without coming up with any verbal response, Poppy was once again pulled into a hard hug. For one who was so

  articulate, seeing her mother Poppy so happy, and strangely quiet.

  For an eternity, the stood there, in the hushed clearing as the sun slowly crawled her way up to the sky. While Poppy simply rested her head on her mother's shoulder, she thought

  about what happened in the past hour. Maybe it wasn't the best, or even most proper reunion, but the feelings she had were just indescribable. There was a time when the elation

  was just too beautiful and painful to say, because any word in the English language would be too weak. That's why we're standing here, absolutely silent, she thought dreamily.

  "No proper words to say this, but…well, I still can't think of anything to say." Poppy broke free from her mother and sprang to hug Phil, as hard as she could.

  "Oh, Phil. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou…"

  "Air seems pretty good right now," her brother gasped.

  "Oh. Oops," she giggled as she loosened her hold around his waist. Sometimes she forgot about her strength. Poppy jumped up so she could hug her tall, right now too tall, brother.

  "Oh, Phil. This is the most wonderful, bestest, greatest, amazingest, gift ever in my whole entire life. Phil, thank you so much!" she almost shrieked in his ear. Being this happy,

  Poppy forgot all about grammar.

  As much as Phil wanted to get her mouth away from his ear at the moment, he hugged her around the waist so that she could have an easier time thanking him. With her feet

  dangling in the air like that, she was almost kicking his shins in her excitement. "Hey it was mom's present, too. Kill two birds with one stone," he shrugged.

  "Oh thank you, Phil. This means so much to me," his mother said and kissed his cheek and, because Poppy refused to budge, she hugged both of them. Phil was feeling a bit


  "Well, I had to," he started, but couldn't finish. He couldn't let his sister go off to her death while her mother couldn't see her before. The pain that Phil felt for maybe a few days

  after Poppy "died" was what his mother lived with for years. He couldn't let that happen. "And what are you thanking me for? You really should thank James," Just as he said it,

  Poppy spied James standing a few feet away from them, looking at the ground.

  "Oh James," she squealed as she ran to him, nearly knocking him over as she leapt into his arms. The teetered for a moment, Poppy unaware of their loss of balance as James

  softened the fall for her with his body.

  "Ouch," he breathed out while Poppy's arms embraced his neck like a boa constrictor.

  "Oh, James this is the best gift anybody has given me. Gee, I don't even know how to begin to thank you…"

  James stroked her silky curls while she tried to sum up her indescribable feelings. "Poppy, you don't need to thank me. I'm doing all the best things I can, to prove to the universe

  that I deserve you. You deserve all of this, you deserve anything you want. And I'll always be there to give it to you."

  "Awe shucks, James," Poppy giggled, noticing how she sounded shaky to her own ears. "You've reduced me to tears on Christmas Day. I love you so much, I could never tell you

  how much," she told him, her voice muffled as she laid her head on his shoulder.

  James didn't tell her he loved her back; instead he let her feel it. During the little quiet time afterwards, while he watched Poppy and her mother chatter and hug and cry, he

  realized that he meant what he said. He would always be there for her, no matter what. No person is going to stop him, and that meant no damn battle either.

  December 25, 1999

  Briar Creek, Oregon

  "I mean it Thierry, if you're covering for her, you'll be sorry." Ash never knew he could muster that much courage to talk to his boss that way. But even in doubt, he managed to

  sound like an icicle through the line and he knew that Thierry would be surprised.

  "Are you threatening me, Ash? That is not the proper way to ask for help," Thierry replied in an equally menacing tone.

  With cold formality, Ash said, "I do not mean to disrespect you sir. But family duties come before any job or association and if it comes to challenging an Elder, so be it. I am

  merely doing what I think is necessary."

  After a sigh, that to Ash seemed to last forever, Thierry answered, "I'll do what I think is best Ash. That's all." And with that there was a click and then a dial tone.

  Ash leaned against the wall and finally hung up the phone when those annoying busy beeps began. Great. Three girls, two sisters and a soul mate, demanding him to fix a huge

  problem, and his boss…no, his friend wasn't even trying to help.

  By the time Ash counted the twentieth time he had banged his head on the wall, he heard footsteps pattering up the stairs. Light, yet confidant and quick, efficient…Mary Lynnette. If

  it had been his sisters, he wouldn't have even heard them.

  "Hey buddy, stop that," she said and pulled him away from the wall, cupping his face. "The only person allowed to beat you up is me." Ash only gave a faint smile in response. Mary

  Lynnette felt wetness as her soft fingers touched his cheek. "What's the matter?" she whispered.

  Ash shrugged, and then cleared his throat. "Oh just that my little sister is on her way to certain death, and there's no where to turn for help. I'm powerless to stop her. What would my father say? His only son can't even stop his daughter from dying, he's just a weak hearted little good for nothing…" Ash would have continued had not Mary Lynnette hugged him

  tightly and stopped his lips with a quick light kiss.

  "Stop that. You know she's not exactly a 'little' sister any more."

  Ash had to chuckle softly at that. "That's what she wrote in my letter."

  "I'm sorry we all pushed you around before," she apologized softly while weaving her hands through his blonde hair. "Just by caring, you're being a great big brother. And an even

  better boy friend." Ash had no clue as to what to say for that, so instead he pulled her closer, so he could be cheek to cheek with the most wonderful girl in the world.

  It wasn't until Mary Lynnette heard somebody say, "Yes she's been hear for quite a while now…" that she opened the eyes she never knew she closed. Over his shoulder she saw

  that it was already eight o'clock and moonlight was pouring in one of the room's windows.

  "Ash, we have to get moving," she told him, playing with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck.


  "Well, sweetie, you're going to have to put me down." For a moment Mary Lynnette thought he wasn't going to oblige, but after waiting patiently for five minutes her feet finally

  touched the ground.

  "I know this isn't going to fix everything, but if this is what Kestrel wants to do, then she's happy. Be happy for her happiness, just like she was for us." And with that, Mary

  Lynnette bounced down the stairs. He supposed it was she was supposed to help with the Christmas dinner he and his sisters, the remainder of them any way, were invited to. It

  left him utterly amazed that Mary Lynnette could become smarter than she already was.

  Later that day…

  "The apple strudel was delicious Mrs. Carter," Jade remarked politely. Ash raised his eyebrows across from her. This was a Lady Jade Redfern performance at its best. Manners at

  the dinner table page 101.

  I'm surprised you haven't eaten with your hands, he remarked silently to her with a smirk. Jade glared at him.

  Don't ruin things Ash, she shot back and then sent an image of her sticking her tongue at him.
He laughed aloud, safe from any curious stares because most of the family, along

  with Rowan, was moving to the living room. There they would open presents.

  Ash didn't pay attention to what Mary Lynnette's parents received frankly because he didn't care. His gift to them was shared with Rowan's, whatever that was. He tried mind you, but Mary Lynnette just kept on distracting him. She was absolutely stunning in her dark blue velvet dress, lighter blue stars embroidered in just the right places. He

  couldn't help but notice how the dress, with its sleeveless and scoop neck top and the mid thigh hem, made her look innocent and alluring at the same time. Her chocolate brown

  hair hung loosely around her shoulders and down her back in beautiful curls. Even her blue eyes appeared prettier.

  She caught him staring at her and made an annoyed motion with her hand, telling him to pay attention. Whose turn was it now…ah, yes Jade. Ash watched absently while she

  opened sweaters, perfume assortments, and other things he didn't even know the name or purpose for. He saw Jade pick up a small box, wrapped in plain brown paper and caught

  her eye.

  "You'll like that, it's from me," he said confidently.

  Jade gave him a suspicious look and ripped open the present. It was a gold necklace with a little kitty as the charm, emeralds encrusted as its eyes. Extreme details were wrought

  in, whiskers were noticed, and the jeweler had even marked lines and little claws at the feet. Like a greedy child she was, in Ash's opinion, Jade squeaked with pleasure when she

  saw it.

  "Oh, Ash, thank you! Are these emeralds? How did you remember they're my birthstones? Thank you so much!"

  Birthstones? Ash had no idea, but he wasn't about to admit that.

  Next was Rowan, who received a few things similar to Jade's, but also books and antiques. From Ash, she received a leather bound copy of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Took

  quite a time to haggle the shop owner to a price that Ash thought suitable. Much as he expected, he was thanked by a warm hug, which he awkwardly returned.

  Ash wondered vaguely why Mary Lynnette hadn't opened her presents until, after a few moments, he finally realized they were going around the room, not in a family order. Oh, he

  thought. That's why it was his turn now.

  From Jade…a cd. Not the most original idea, but then again (in his opinion) Jade wasn't the most creative girl. From Rowan, a silver Rolex. Very nice, he thought as he pictured

  himself wearing it and looking…hmm what does a Rolex make one look like? Rich? Important? No matter, it was very nice any way. From the Carter's, all except Mary Lynnette, he


  "So it will be easier to communicate with Mary Lynnette," Mark said lightly. "Just in case you happen to lose your cell again." Ash did not ignore Mark's hidden meaning behind the

  words, he knew the boy hated him when he left Mary Lynnette or failed to make contact.

  "Thank you," he said politely to his parents, not looking at Mark.

  "I'll give you your present later," Mary Lynnette told him after she unwrapped her presents.

  "And I'll give you yours," he replied. He didn't want to tell Mary Lynnette that he accidentally left her gift next to Kestrel's in his room.

  After some more talking and then good byes, Ash walked his sisters back to their house, which Ash noticed, Jade rolled her eyes at.

  By silent understanding, Ash found Mary Lynnette as he walked to back to her house, half way there. She was still in her blue dress, but she also had a matching cape over it.

  "You're pwetty," he greeted her with a childish voice as he pulled her to him. "Bewwy pwetty." He felt his girl tip toe and kiss his cheek.

  "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself." Ash looked down at himself after she stepped back. He was wearing khakis, a blue, and rather stiff from little use, collar shirt and a dark


  "This old thing? Look what I got," he started, suddenly feeling the urge to see her face light up with surprise. After digging in his pocket, he found the cream envelope and handed it

  to her.

  "Oh don't dawdle," he pleaded childishly as she began to study the envelope at all angles. With a little laugh that sounded like angel music to his ears, she carefully opened it and

  pulled out two pieces of paper.

  "This is a picture of an observatory. And a letter. That's my present?" She didn't sound bratty as one would expect her to be, just mildly surprised.

  "Yup, the letter is from a friend of mine who owns that observatory with that huge telescope that you see right there," he rambled excitedly. "After many months, I convinced him

  to let you have it." Mary Lynnette dropped the letter and its contents. Fortunately, Ash was quick enough to catch them before they fell into the snow.


  "Well…ours to be exact."

  "And he just let us have it?" she asked incredulously. How could any one part with such a thing?

  "Of course not. After serious pleading, and I mean serious, I had to resort to other means. Don't look at me like that, I didn't kill anybody, just few little deals here and there.

  Nothing treacherous enough for Melrose Place, Mary Lynnette, you're looking at me as if I was the devil. Aren't you happy?" Ash finished worriedly as he bent down a little to look

  Mary Lynnette straight in the eyes.

  She blinked as if seeing him for the first time and gave an unexpected shriek, throwing her arms around his neck.

  "Oh my god! Ash, this is wonderful!" Ash wrapped his arms around her waist as she began to slip down him. He also winced as she began to babble about all the things they could

  do, her voice a little too loud right next to his ear.

  "I thought you'd like it," he said to her, the ever present confidence in his voice. She pulled her head back and gave him a kiss, to thank him and also to shut him up. She didn't

  want him to start bragging.

  "It's in Arizona. Don't look so surprised. You thought I wasn't listening all those times you said all that stuff about air being dry or something. What do you want to call it?"

  Mary Lynnette thought for a moment. "I don't know. Let's not think about that yet. Here I have to give you your present now."

  She hopped down and then reached for a blue velvet purse, now partially wet from sitting in the snow for so long, and dug around inside. To his surprise, his present was also in an


  Unlike Mary Lynnette, but more like Jade, he tore the envelope open excitedly and found a letter, which was written in Thierry's hand writing.

  "Ash," she began, gently taking the letter away from him. "I know how you joined the Circle Daybreak for me, and how much you think of it as a burden than a duty. And I know

  how much you want to learn so…" Without knowing how to say it herself, she put the letter in between them and pointed to the last sentences.

  I will let you go and pursue your dreams, Ash. Should you feel a need to fight by my side again, say the words. Otherwise, I wish you luck.

  Boss and friend,


  "You got me fired for Christmas?" he crowed joyously as he swept her once again into his arms. With sudden strength from his happiness he tossed her in the air before catching

  her and kissing her hard.

  Gasping for breath she pushed him away and said, "And, since you've done so much work, he'll be willing to pay for your tuition in college, that is if you want to go." As she had

  hoped, Ash smiled again and pulled her closer.

  "Thank you, my lovely little Mary Lynnette. Thank you so much," he whispered before he kissed her, gentler than before but with equal passion.

  "You make me depressed when you leave every summer and winter. This way you'll never leave me," she murmured, thinking aloud.

  "We'll visit our observatory next summer," he mumbled against her lips. "I promise, no matter what, we'll make it to n
ext summer." Mary Lynnette pulled his lips back to hers,

  knowing what his tone meant but did not want to pursue it.

  December 25, 1999

  Las Vegas, Nevada

  Once they arrived, Keller and Galen slept fitfully entwined in each other's arms in the reck room. Under the circumstances, it was decided that they house sit for Thierry while he

  was away. Keller decided she didn't feel like visiting any of her friends' families for the holidays and Galen's parent's were far too busy to accommodate guests or even celebrate

  the season.

  Thierry only paused for a moment behind the couch and looked at the newly weds. Not wanting to awaken them, he left them a note on the television before leaving for Hannah's

  home. He had little to say, other than congratulations and where their presents were located.

  Gale slowly opened his eyes. "What kind of idiot slams door when people are sleeping," he grumbled. He immediately regretted speaking aloud when he felt Keller stir on top of


  "He did not slam the door. We're just jumpy," she corrected sleepily, snuggling closer to him. Galen shifted a bit uncomfortably. "What?" she asked looking up at him.

  "I'm just a little ticklish when you do that," he answered and then showed a little amount of space between his fingers. "Just this much," he said.

  She gave an interested "hmm" and then eased off a little. "I'll use that later. Galen…I've been thinking and…I didn't get you a present. With all the mayhem going around, it never

  occurred to me. I'm sorry."

  He gave a soft laugh. "What a relief. You and me, we got the same kind of minds. I didn't get you a present either." He stopped smiling when he saw Keller was truly upset at his

  forgetfulness. Funny how she never got this emotional over problems before. A few hours before, Keller had been unbelievably distraught and then angry when she learned the mansion was virtually empty and there would be no one to see once they arrived. And now here she was, near tears because they forgot a little detail. Oh well, he thought as he moved to sit up and let Keller lay her head in his lap. He would just deal with these little mood swings, perhaps it was a new bride occurrence.


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