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The Beau & The Belle

Page 27

by R.S. Grey

  “That sounds like a wedding!” I exclaim.


  “This scenario you’re describing!”

  “Ohhhhh…” He laughs like he feels bad for me. “You thought I meant…yeah, I could see how—”

  I narrow my eyes. “Ha ha haa.”

  He’s smiling, so damn pleased with himself.

  “I just like how you look in white,” he says, tearing open the condom wrapper. “And to be fair, most of your days involve some form of cake.”

  I’m kissing his mouth between every word just to get him to shuddup. This isn’t a proposal, obviously. We’ve only been dating a few weeks, and I refuse to tell our future children that their father proposed to me when we were naked and tumbling around in the sheets.

  We’re still laughing and teasing when he pushes into me all at once, and then I’m so, so full and happy. The two sensations almost overwhelm me.

  He holds some of his weight up so he can kiss my cheek and neck. I tilt my head to give him easier access, and I remember the papers I found downstairs in his photo box.

  “I wanted you so bad. I knew we couldn’t be together, but…I just wanted to know I wasn’t suffering alone. I wanted to hear your unfiltered thoughts. Was I even on your radar back then?”

  He pulls back to cradle my cheeks and his blue eyes dart back and forth between mine. He looks deeply concerned.

  “You want to know if I saw you the day you ran in after school in your loose-fitting uniform? You could barely look me in the eye when I thanked you for the tour of that apartment, and you tripped over your words. Or what about the day I moved in? You made me lemonade. I still remember your flip-flops.”


  “How about when we went to visit my mom? You were wearing those damn jean shorts—I nearly drove straight to the state penitentiary. Or what about when I taught you how to dance in your kitchen and you were crying, but you didn’t want me to see? You were so earnest and young, yet I couldn’t help you. I couldn’t beat Preston up, and I couldn’t make him see how beautiful you were—worse, I didn’t want him to see.”

  Laughter and tears bubble out of me. “I was so in love with you that day you drove off. How dare you break my teenage heart?”

  I’m teasing, and yet it seems some small part of me still demands atonement. With every soft touch, he taps into a long-buried time capsule of forgotten angst. Feelings don’t have an expiration date. Movies make it seem like years of aching are all erased the moment love becomes requited, but it’s not always that easy to hit refresh, because realistically, I don’t want to leave behind the painful moments that formed the basis of this fierce love. It’s the reason it feels so good to be lying here underneath him. It’s why I’ll never take for granted the things in life that can be washed away without notice.

  He smiles, but senses a sincerity in my playful question.


  His hard eyes stay fixed on me until I meet his gaze.

  “I love you.”

  A tear slips down my cheek and he kisses it away.

  “Forgive me,” he begs tenderly.

  His hips roll gently, and his movements are just as pleading as his words.

  “Forgive me.”

  I nod and bury my face against his neck.

  He sinks deep inside of me and stays there, kissing my cheeks and chin and neck. When he speaks, his whisper tickles the shell of my ear. “Tell me you love me too.”

  A delirious, blissful laugh spills out of me. “Of course I love you, Beau. You were my first kiss.”

  “And your last?” he asks teasingly.

  I smile. “And my last.”

  Thank you to Lance for humoring my compulsion to take a spontaneous road trip to New Orleans, without which this book might not have happened. Also, big ups to Hallie for sleeping most of the way there and back. She can’t read yet, so this is mostly just for show.

  Thank you to my mom for forcing me to do cotillion when I was younger. I didn’t learn how to dance, but I did live through embarrassing experiences that make excellent book material.

  Thank you to my sister-in-law who inspired my love for New Orleans! As a Louisiana native, she was the first person to spark my interest in Mardi Gras and everything related to Carnival season.

  Thank you to my editor, Caitlin, at Editing by C. Marie! Thank you to my two proofreaders, Jennifer and Alison. I’m fortunate to have you all on my team.

  Thank you to my agent, Kimberly Brower!

  Thank you to all the bloggers who help spread the word about my books! Vilma’s Book Blog, Book Baristas, Angie’s Dreamy Reads, Natasha is a Book Junkie, Southern Belle Book Blog, Typical Distractions Book Blog, Rock Stars of Romance, A Bookish Love Affair, Swept Away by Books, Library Cutie, Hopeless Book Lover, and many, many more!

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  Adult Romantic Comedy (age 17+)

  #1 Bestselling Romantic Comedy on Amazon

  Lucas Thatcher has always been my enemy.

  It’s been a decade since I’ve seen him, but our years on opposite coasts were less of a lasting peace and more of a temporary cease-fire. Now that we’re both back in our small town, I know Lucas expects the same old war, but I’ve changed since high school—and from the looks of it, so has he.

  The arrogant boy who was my teenage rival is now a chiseled doctor armed with intimidating good looks. He is Lucas Thatcher 2.0, the new and improved version I’ll be competing with in the workplace instead of the schoolyard.

  I’m not worried; I’m a doctor now too, board-certified and sexy in a white coat. It almost feels like winning will be too easy—until Lucas unveils a tactic neither of us has ever used before: sexual warfare.

  The day he pushes me up against the wall and presses his lips to mine, I can’t help but wonder if he’s filling me with passion or poison. Every fleeting touch is perfect torture. With every stolen kiss, my walls crumble a little more. After all this time, Lucas knows exactly how to strip me of my defenses, but I’m in no hurry to surrender.

  Knowing thy enemy has never felt so good.


  Adult Romantic Comedy (age 17+)

  At Twin Oaks Country Club, there are the fortunate ones, and then there are the rest of us: the waiters, the caddies, the valets, and in my case, the cabana girls. Most days, I’m poolside in a pleated skirt, dishing out margaritas to tycoons and titans. It’s not exactly my dream job, but it does come with one perk…

  James Ashwood.

  He’s my silver lining in a custom black suit.

  Besides being a legacy member at the club, he’s a tech mogul and Austin’s most eligible bachelor. Oh, and those dimples? Yeah, they make my stomach dip too.

  On good days, I catch his sleek Porsche winding down the tree-lined drive. On better days, I steal a glimpse of his handsome profile as we pass in the hall. And on the absolute best day, I find him alone at the bar, looking for company.

  “Come have a seat.”

  Those four little words set me down a path I never could have imagined. Private planes, penthouse suites, and temptations around every corner make it impossible to keep my distance. His world feels decadent and wild—but overindulgence comes with a cost. Every kiss comes with strings. Every erotic encounter is a promise I’m not ready to keep.

  When I pump the brakes, he hits the gas. James doesn’t want to go slow—he wants a commitment.

  And the thing about the fortunate ones?

  They’re used to getting what they want.



  Adult Romantic Comedy (age 17+)

  When her mother’s incessant matchmaking hits an all-time high, Georgie Archibald does what any sensible woman would do: she flees the country.

  Seeking refuge in the picturesque seaside village of Vernazza, Italy, Georgie’s only plan is to lie low, gorge herself on gelato, and let the wine and waves wash her troubles away…that is, until she wakes up in a bed that belongs to the most romantic-looking man she’s ever seen.


  After going out of his way to rescue her, the former London financier turned mysterious recluse makes it clear that despite acting as her white knight, he has no plans to costar in her fairytale.

  But Georgie isn’t asking for his heart—she’s merely intrigued.

  After all, Gianluca isn’t just gorgeous—tall and tan from days spent in the sun—his touch sets her world on fire. With him, Georgie experiences the most intoxicating passion she’s ever known, and it only takes a few steamy nights for her to realize that sometimes running away from trouble is the best way to find it.



  Adult Romantic Comedy (age 17+)

  What started out as a joke—seduce Coach Wilder—soon became a goal she had to score.

  With Olympic tryouts on the horizon, the last thing nineteen-year-old Kinsley Bryant needs to add to her plate is Liam Wilder. He’s a professional soccer player, America’s favorite bad boy, and he has all the qualities of a skilled panty-dropper.

  • A face that makes girls weep – check.

  • Abs that can shred Parmesan cheese (the expensive kind) – check.

  • Enough confidence to shift the earth’s gravitational pull – double check.

  Not to mention Liam is strictly off limits, forbidden. Her coaches have made that perfectly clear (i.e. “Score with Coach Wilder anywhere other than the field and you’ll be cut from the team faster than you can count his tattoos.”), but that just makes him all the more enticing. Besides, Kinsley’s already counted the visible ones, and she is not one to leave a project unfinished.

  Kinsley tries to play the game her way as they navigate through forbidden territory, but Liam is determined to teach her a whole new definition for the term team bonding.



  Adult Romantic Comedy (age 17+)



  Subject: Justin Timberlake Nudes!

  Lily, you predictable perv. I knew you’d open this email faster if I tempted you with a glimpse of JT’s PP. Well, put your pants back on and grab some bubbly because I have much better news to share.


  As of tomorrow, I’ll be the new executive assistant at Lorena Lefray Designs. I am SO excited, but there’s one itty-bitty problem: I won’t be Lorena’s assistant. I’ll be working for her older brother, Julian.

  I know what you’re thinking: But Jo, what’s the problem?

  Google him—now. He’s the man in the fitted navy suit whose face reminds you that there’s hope yet for this cruel, ugly world. Keep scrolling…do you see those dimples? Yup, that’s the Julian Lefray I will be reporting to tomorrow morning.

  Lord, help us all…





  Adult Romantic Comedy (age 17+)

  #1 Bestselling Romantic Comedy on Amazon



  Subject: You’re a flippin’ idiot

  Good morning my dear, naive friend,

  I hope you’re enjoying a breakfast of regret and sorrow.


  Because you sent me to work for Dean Harper, AKA a control freak in a tailor-made suit. Sure he owns the trendiest restaurants in NYC, but c’mon Jo, his ego makes Kanye West look like the Dalai Lama.

  He’s the type of guy that only hears the word no when it’s followed by don’t stop.

  Working for Dean Harper would be like selling my soul to the devil…and before you say anything, I don’t care if the devil has punch-you-in-the-gut brown eyes and an ass to match. My soul isn’t for sale.

  Regretfully yours,




  Adult Sports Romance (age 17+)

  As an Olympic rookie, Andie Foster has spent far more time in her cleats than between the sheets. For 21 years, her Friday nights have consisted of blocking shots rather than taking them, but now that she’s landed in Rio, she’s ready to see for herself if the rumors about the Olympic Village are true:

  • The athletes are all sex-crazed maniacs.

  • The committee passes out condoms like candy.

  • The games continue long after the medals have been handed out.

  As Andie walks the line between rumor and reality, she’s forced into the path of Frederick Archibald, a decorated Olympic swimmer and owner of a sexy British accent—too bad he’s unavailable in a way that it’s complicated doesn’t even begin to explain.

  In other words: off limits.

  It doesn’t matter that he has abs that could bring peace to the Middle East and a smile that makes even the Queen blush; Andie fully intends on keeping her focus on the soccer field. But, the Village is small—suffocating. Everywhere Andie goes, Freddie happens to be there—shirtless, wet from the pool, and determined to show her a whole new meaning of the phrase international affairs.



  Adult Sports Romance (age 17+)

  I despise Erik Winter.

  He’s arrogant and cruel—a man I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy—and by some twisted turn of fate, he’s my new Olympic gymnastics coach.

  I’ve had to contend with gruff coaches in the past, but Erik is far worse. His stern demeanor complements a body built for intimidation, and his reprimands come from a mouth so cunning, I know it could strip me of my defenses—if I let it.

  Though each of us would love to be rid of the other forever, we are bound to each other by need and necessity. I’m his rising star, his best shot at proving himself to his critics. Without a coach, I have zero chance of winning gold in Rio.

  The easiest way forward would be to wave a white flag and make peace with the man I’ll be sharing close quarters with for the foreseeable future, but he is intent on war.

  Fine. By. Me.

  If he pushes me, I’ll push back harder. If he wants to test me, to play with my head, I’ll show him just how many boundaries I’m willing to cross. I know it’s not a choice between winning or warring—not if you can have them both. At the end of it all, I plan on leaving Rio with gold around my neck and his icy heart in the palm of my hand.



  Adult Romance (age 17+)

  When twenty-seven-year-old pop sensation Brooklyn Heart steps in front of a microphone, her love songs enchant audiences worldwide—but when it comes to her own love life, the only spell she’s under is a dry one.

  So, when her label slots her for a Grammy performance with the sexy and soulful Jason Monroe, she can’t help but entertain certain fantasies…those in which her G-string gets more play than her guitar’s.

  Only one problem: Jason is a lyrical lone wolf who isn’t happy about sharing the stage—or his ranch—with the sassy singer. While it may seem like a song entitled “Jason Monroe Is an Arrogant Ho” basically writes itself, their label and their millions of fans are expecting recording gold.

  They’re expecting The Duet.


  Adult Romance (age 17+)

  Five minutes until the interview begins.

  Fresh off the celebration of her college graduation, Cameron Hear
t has landed an interview at a prestigious architecture firm.

  Four minutes until the interview.

  She knows she’s only there because the owner, Grayson Cole, is her older sister’s friend.

  Three minutes.

  For the last seven years, Grayson has been the most intimidating man Cammie has ever had the pleasure—or displeasure—of being around.

  Two minutes.

  But the job opportunity is too good to pass up, so Cammie will have to ignore the fact that Grayson is handsome enough to have his own national holiday.


  After all, she shouldn’t feel that way about her new boss—and he will be her new boss.

  “I’m not intimidated by you,” I said with a confident smile.

  “Perhaps we should fix that, Ms. Heart. Close the door.”


  New Adult Romance (age 15+)

  I thought I’d left Blackwater, Texas behind for good. I didn’t belong in the small town, but my dad wouldn’t listen. He dragged me back home in his beat-up truck and dropped a bomb along the way: Chase Matthews was moving in with us. He was the golden boy of my high school, my former best friend, and the last person I wanted sleeping across the hall. His presence was too great a reminder of the ghosts I was trying to forget.

  I didn’t ask for a hero. I don’t want to be saved.


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