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The Alpha's Unknown Son: A Shifter Romance

Page 12

by Skylar Thomas

  “Okay, fine! Be careful though!”

  A wolfish grin plants itself on his face as he jumps on me, giving me a long wet kiss. I look to the men and see them all in their underwear besides Nick who is still fully dressed.

  “If my son gets hurt in those woods, I can promise you all, not one of you will ever have sex again!” I tell them all before they head out.

  “You know Nick gave almost the same threat a few hours ago!” Jake says, making everybody laugh.

  I look at to Nick to see him smirking at me. He starts to take his shirt off, followed by the rest of his clothes until he is left in his boxers. His eyes stay glued to me. The sexual tension in the room is at an all-time high. He grips his waistband on his underwear but doesn’t move to pull them down. I raise an eyebrow, smirking at him.

  “Oh my! Can you guys just go have sex already!” Marcus groans as he stares at us wide-eyed. I smile and kiss Will on the head.

  “Have fun! Oh, yeah, those briefs look expensive, Alpha. You might not want to ruin them!” I wink over my shoulder, hearing him chuckle as I enter the kitchen.


  “Okay, what happened on that plane?” Marcus asks as he joins me in the kitchen. I ignore his question as I search the fridge for something to eat. Just as I am about to grab the whipped cream, the fridge door is shut close. Marcus stands there, glaring at me.

  “Marcussss, I’m hungry. Move!”

  He shakes his head, moving in front of the fridge.

  “Rose, I’m your best friend. If you don’t tell me what happened between you and Nick, I will wrestle you,” he says in all seriousness.

  I look around and see that my only escape is the back door.

  “Rose, don’t you…!”

  Before he can finish, I sprint towards the back door. I feel his footsteps behind me, but I ignore them and focus on getting away.

  “You’ll never catch me, Satan!” I yell back as I make a sharp turn, making him trip over a branch. I take off towards the edge of the forest, taking turns here and there to trip him up. After twenty minutes, he catches up with me.

  “I just want to know if you’re now part of the mile high club!”

  I stop running, not able to control my laughing. I feel Marcus’ presence beside me and don’t have to look at him to know he’s pouting.

  I hear a chuckle, startling me. When I look up, I see all the boys staring at us weirdly.

  “Mommy, what’s the mile high club?” Will asks, and I can’t help but to start laughing again, along with everybody else besides Marcus.

  “It’s something your Mom’s a part of, but she won’t admit it!” Marcus answers with a huff.

  “Actually, I’m not part of it, MARCUS!”

  He thankfully drops the subject.

  “How was your run, baby?” I ask William, but Nick answers.

  “It was great!” He winks at me when I glare at him.

  “You guys are weird!” Noah says, patting Will on the head before him and Nathan walk ahead into the house.

  “The run was SO fun, Mom! And I only fell once! Warren even said that he was proud of me!”

  So that’s his wolf’s name! I nod, telling him how proud I am of him.

  “Will you come with us next time, Mommy? Warren says he really wants to meet you and Aurora!”

  “Sure, baby boy, but you’re probably not going to feel up to anything really for a few days!”

  He frowns but nods anyways. We all make our way into the house to eat breakfast.

  “Okay, since you won’t tell me if you had crazy plane sex, can you at least tell me how you went from being kidnapped to joking with Nick?” Marcus asks as we sit down on the couch, watching Nathan and Will play video games.

  “It’s a long story, Marcus. I’m not totally okay with the fact that I was kidnapped, but if being here is what keeps me and my son safe, it’s what I have to do.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re back.”

  I smile at him, bringing him in for a hug.

  “Also, I know you two did something on that plane. I’m not blind,” he whispers in my ear and pulls back with a grin.

  “Ugh, leave it alone, Lancaster!” I groan, calling him by his last name. “Or should I say Washington!” He bites his lip, giving me a sheepish smile.

  I laugh and go over to where Nick and Jake are sitting. I hit Jake on the back of his head, making him growl at me!

  “What was that for?” He rubs the back of his head.

  “For proposing to my best friend when I’m in another state!”

  He rolls his eyes, flipping me off before going to where I previously sat in the couch!

  I look to see Nick smiling at me, so I take this time to pull him aside.

  “Can I talk to you alone for a minute?”

  He nods and jumps off the bar stool. He takes my hand in his and starts walking towards his office.

  “Be safe! Don’t be too loud!” Marcus screams after us.

  I look back to see him in Jake’s arms, grinning at me. I flip him off, rolling my eyes when he blows me a kiss.

  When we get to Nick’s office, he walks us over to the couch. He stares at me, waiting for me to talk as he rubs circles on my palm.

  “Um, can we talk about the reason you brought me back?” He tenses and a low growl escapes his lips. Before he can object, I continue.

  “Nick, that man took a lot away from me, and ‘til this day, I still can’t talk about it. For so long, I fear he would come back, and now those nightmares might be coming true! You promised me you would keep me safe, but I can’t feel completely safe unless I know exactly what you’re protecting me from. Please, Nick. I need this!” By time I’m done, I can feel the tears start to fall.

  “Rose, shhh, it’s okay! I’ll show it to you, but not now! I just want you to rest. It’s okay, baby. Please don’t cry,” he cooes in my ear, helping me calm down.

  My tears halt, and my body stops shaking as I take in the comfort of being in Nick’s arms.

  “Thank you,” I whisper against his neck, making his skin erupt in goosebumps. I look into his eyes to see him looking at me lovingly. In seconds, our lips connect, causing sparks to erupt between us.

  I never knew that a kiss could make my head spin, making me really question what I’m doing! But like Luke said, I can’t deny my feelings for this man!

  My back hits the back of the couch as Nick hovers over me, leaving kisses down my neck.

  “You k-know we still have to talk about you k-kidnapping me.”

  He chuckles as he sucks on my earlobe.

  “It’s not kidnapping if you wanted to come.”


  As his hand slips up my shirt and to my breast, I close my eyes, enjoying his much needed presence. His hands start to massage me through my bra as I moan in pleasure. As he leans to kiss my lips again, a knock stops him.

  A vicious growl escapes his mouth as he gets off of me. He curses as he makes his way to the door. I sit up, fixing my shirt and fanning myself as I try to cool down.

  “WHAT?” Nick growls out as he opens the door.

  It’s a tear-stained Marcus.

  “Marcus, what’s the matter?”

  “It’s W-Will!”

  Panic starts to flood me as I run into the living room. Everybody is standing there, looking worried, some having tears in their eyes.

  “Where is my son?” Nobody answers, so I try again with a different approach.

  “I ASKED WHERE IS MY SON?“ They all flinch back at my luna tone.

  “Rose, calm down,” Nick says as he approaches me.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down! Somebody better answer my question before I flip out!”

  “H-he’s gone! We were just sitting around when we noticed he was missing!” Nathan finally speaks up.

  I grab the closest thing to me, which is a vase with flowers in it, and throw it against the wall.

  “Rose, throwing things isn’t going to help!” Nick says, making me turn around
and glare at him.



  I stare at him and realize his words are true.

  This IS all my fault! I can’t keep my child safe! What kind of a mother am I?

  “Rose, I didn’t—”

  “You’re right! It is my fault. I-I need to go look for him.”

  I take off before any of them can say anything. I shift into my grey wolf and take off towards the woods.

  I hear people screaming for me to stop but I refuse!

  I try to find Will’s scent but since he just shifted, it’s almost impossible. I hear noises coming from behind me, but I ignore them … most of them!

  A branch snaps, making me go on high alert. I look around, but I don’t see anything. I feel Aurora whimper, shrinking to the back of my mind.

  ‘What is it, Aurora?’

  ‘I-it’s …’

  “Long time no see, Cupcake.”

  I freeze in my spot.

  “Awe … come on, baby face. I want to see your pretty little wolf face.”

  I can feel him come closer. I close my eyes tightly as I try to get my wolf to take control!

  ‘Aurora, please. I need you.‘

  ‘I’m sorry, Rose.’

  I can’t feel her in my head anymore.

  “Leave the boy. He’s useless to me now!”

  I see Will on the ground, passed out. I try to get him when I’m suddenly pushed to the ground.

  “Well, we can’t stay here for long, cupcake. That mate of yours might find you,” he says before I feel an intense pain on my side.

  I whimper as my body falls to the ground. I can feel my bones change as I’m left naked and vulnerable to the man I never wanted to see again.

  “I like your new hair, cupcake. It suits you. But it will look so much better as I grip it and take away your innocence over and over and over…”

  My eyes start to close as I block out Wyatt’s voice! I hear screaming in the background, but it sounds distant!

  The next thing I know, I’m being put into a tight space, and everything is completely black.



  I watch as my dad disappears into the plane room. I’m actually kinda scared for him. I know Mommy would never hurt anybody, but she seems angry. The only time Mommy has ever been angry with me was when I got in trouble at school, but that didn’t last long!

  “William Rollins, how could you hit that poor girl!” Mommy exclaims as soon as we step into the house.

  “But she was being mean!” I wouldn’t have hit her for no reason.

  “That doesn’t mean you can hit people. I always told you that there is no reason for you to hit anybody, boy or girl!”

  “But Mommmm, she said mean things to me! She said that I was a loser because I don’t have a dad!”

  I see her face soften. She comes over to me and pulls me into a hug.

  “Baby, just because your dad isn’t around, doesn’t mean you’re less than any of the other kids!”

  I nod, knowing she’s right, but it still upsets me.

  “You know the offer still stands to meet him?” she asks as she runs her hand through my hair. Doesn’t she know she’s messing up a master piece!

  “I don’t want to meet him. I already told you that!”

  She nods and kisses my forehead before going to the kitchen.

  I hear a crash from the kitchen, making me turn my head. Pans are scattered on the floor and Mommy has an annoyed look on her face. I help her pick them up, getting a thankful look from her.

  “Hey, Mommy?”

  “What’s up, baby?”

  “What did Daddy do to you?” I ask, making her freeze. All I know is it has something to do with her and Aurora!

  “It’s not important, William! Why don‘t you clean up your room? I’ll come get you when dinner’s ready.”

  I nod and hug her.

  “I love you, Mommy!”

  “I love you too, William!”

  I smile at the memory. As much as I loved it when it was just me and Mommy, now that Daddy is here, I can’t believe I never wanted to meet him! He’s the best daddy in the world. I know he hurt Mommy, but he seems really sorry!

  “Uncle Jake?” He looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

  “Do you think Mommy and Daddy will get back together?”

  He looks surprised at my question.

  “Honestly, buddy, I don’t know. They stopped screaming at each other, so if that indicates anything, then maybe.”

  I smile, thinking of how great it would be if they got back together!

  “Can I go in there?” I ask Uncle Jake.

  Instead, Jason answers. “If you’re brave enough.” He snorts and goes back to his phone.

  Why is he so weird?

  “Go ahead little man!” Jake says, nodding towards the door.

  I unbuckle my seatbelt and go to the door! I knock first, not wanting to get something thrown at my head.

  I peek my head and see them incredibly close to each other. They’re both laying down, cuddled up against each other. Maybe Uncle Marcus was right!

  “Can I come in?”

  They both nod. Mommy pats the spot next to her. I climb in, letting Mommy wrap her arms around me as Daddy wraps his arms around both of us.

  I close my eyes as I relax into my mom’s embrace.


  I feel my shoulders shake and hear someone whisper in my ear. I open my eyes to see mommy looking at me with a soft smile.

  “Baby, why don’t you go wait for us in the other room?” I nod, pushing the covers off of me.

  Jake and Jason are buckled up, each on their phones.

  “Hey, little man, did you sleep well?” Jake asks as I sit in my own seat.

  “Yep, but my head hurts, really b—”

  A sharp pain hits my leg. I fall to the ground with a loud scream. The pain increases, spreading all over my body.

  I feel my mom’s arms wrap around me, holding me close to her. I feel a sharp pain in my hands, which are slowly replaced with claws. I grip on to whatever is close by. It happens to be my mom’s arms.

  “We’re only about two minutes from landing, baby boy. Can you hold off until then?” Daddy asks me, pushing my sweaty hair out of my face.

  I nod, since my throat feels like it’s on fire.

  The pain increases even more, but all I can do is cling to my mom for support. Finally, the captain announces we have landed. Mommy jumps off her seat with me in her arms.We exit the plane and go straight to Daddy’s jeep.

  The ride to the pack house seems like forever, and I’m thankful when we finally get there. As we enter the backyard, I barely open my eyes to see the whole pack watching us.

  The most intense pain yet hits my stomach, making me scream out in pain. If this is what being a wolf takes, I change my mind!

  I hear my mom’s voice, but it sounds distant. A funny feeling makes its way in my throat, and when I open my mouth, I growl! Wow! I did not just make that sound!

  “William, baby, please, you need to focus on what your wolf form looks like. Imagine your bones turning into fur and paws. Think of your senses heightened and you running through the woods on all fours. Come on, baby. You can do it!” Mommy encourages me.

  ‘She’s right, William.’ A voice says in my head.

  Wait a minute!

  ‘Who? What?’

  ‘Hi, William. I’m your wolf, Warren. You need to focus now. You’re hurting our mom.’

  I nod even though he’s in my head. That’s so weird to say! Okay focus!

  I feel my bones breaking, the excruciating pain slowly going away. I sigh a breath of relief when it’s gone. I open my eyes to see everybody staring at me. When I lock eyes with Mommy’s teary ones, I look at her arms to see them bleeding.

  I stand up to help her, but
I see my hands and legs replaced with grey colored fur! Holy macaroni! My legs shake a little bit as I walk, but the more I’m on them, the more strength I gain.

  ‘Lick her arms, William. It will stop the bleeding and heal the wounds,’ Warren says as I approach her.

  I do just that and watch as the blood disappears and her open wounds close. A whimper leaves my mouth as I remember that I did that to her.

  “It’s okay, baby boy. It doesn’t hurt that bad.” She assures me. I lick her hands and her face.

  “Okay, little guy, I think your mom has had enough!” Daddy says as he helps Mommy stand up.

  I growl at him for fun. I mean, what can he really do?

  I try to nip Mommy, but she dodges me. I look to Daddy with mischief in my eyes. Time to have a little fun!

  “You trying to challenge me, pup?”

  I bark at Daddy, indicating that I do, indeed, want to challenge him. He’s an old man. I think I can take him!

  ‘So much to learn pup,’ Warren says, but I ignore him as I continuously try to reach Daddy, but he’s too fast!

  I grow tired, so I lay down, forgetting Daddy. People congratulate me and pat my head.

  “Okay, Will, how about we go run?” As soon as I hear the words, my head perks up.

  Forget being tired!

  Mommy protests, but with my big eyes and a nice head rub, she gives in. I give her a big kiss on the cheek, bouncing around as I’m so excited.

  Wow! I have a tail people! A FREAKING TAIL! Man, this is awesome! Now, I can smack people in the face like dogs do!

  I come out of my thoughts when I hear Uncle Marcus shout something. I look up to see Daddy and Mommy staring at each other weirdly. Daddy’s lips pull into a smirk, and Mommy returns it.

  Why do old people act so strange? God, I hope I don’t act like that when I grow up!

  “You ready, buddy?”

  I nod my head, looking towards the woods with excitement.

  “Go for it, bud. We’ll catch up,” Daddy whispers in my ear.

  I don’t say anything else, as I take off into the woods.

  Everything seems in slow motion as I run. I can see all different types of animals in the trees and in the ground.


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