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The Alpha's Unknown Son: A Shifter Romance

Page 17

by Skylar Thomas

  I move away from him, scooting closer to Noah.

  “You guys are sick,” Nathan says, shaking his head.

  We chat a little bit more before the doc says I can leave. I make my way out the hallway, with everybody walking silently behind me.

  When we make it to the pack house living room, I’m surprised to see all the pack members standing around with flowers and balloons.

  “Welcome home, Luna!” They all say in unison.

  Tears well in my eyes as I look over at all of them. I feel a pair of arms go around my waist and a deep voice in my ear.

  “Welcome home, Rosealine,” Nick whispers in my ear.

  I turn around in his arms, looking up at him with tears-filled eyes. He smiles down at me and pecks my lips.

  “Uh, I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

  They all laugh at my obvious awkwardness. I go around thanking all of them and making small talk.

  It feels nice to talk to them. I feel welcomed into the pack after being gone for so long. My conversation with Akilah and Donny, who I learned is going to adopt her, comes to a halt when I hear a tiny squeal from the front of the room. All heads turn to see Will in his pajamas with a very excited expression on his face.

  “MOMMY!“ He screams, taking off in full force towards me. I catch him in my arms and holding him tightly. His little arms go around my neck as his legs go around my waist.

  “I love you, Mommy!” I feel his tears hit my shirt, seeping through. I pull him back, wiping his tears away with my thumb.

  “I love you too, William, so much!” I kiss his head, lingering there for a little while. I pull away and gives him a smile. He returns it, and rests his head on my shoulder.

  I set Will down, letting him play with the other kids.

  “Hi,” a deep voice whispers in my ear. A chill runs down my spine as the person wraps his arms around me, and places his face in my neck. I feel his breath hit my neck, causing goosebumps to erupt on my skin.

  “I want you, Rose.” Nick drags his mouth up my neck and then to my ear. His teeth gently bite my earlobe. I close my eyes, focusing on not letting out a moan. “Now,” he finishes, licking the sting out.

  “Okay,” is all I say, letting him take my hand in his, basically dragging me to the stairs. I let out a giggle as he jogs up the stairs, racing to get to his room.

  I flush bright red, hoping that Nick’s room is sound proof.


  “That was—”


  I laugh, burying my face into his chest. We lay there, enjoying each other’s company in complete silence.

  I feel something on my leg and look down to see a white substance running down my leg.

  “Nick, why is there cum running down my leg?” I ask, making him look down my leg in shock.

  We look at the used condom on the floor to see a hole at the tip of it.

  “Oh noo!”



  We stare at the condom, wide eyed and shocked. How could it break?

  “Well, I mean…” Nick says.

  I groan in frustration at my own stupidity . I should have known this was going to happen. It happened the last time. Why wouldn’t it happen again.

  I sigh and fall back down on the bed, too tired to think of anything. I close my eyes when I feel Nick pepper kisses on my face.

  “Don’t stress, baby. You may not even be pregnant. The doctor said chances are slim.”

  “What?” An immediate headache comes on, causing me to grab my head. Nick lays me back down slowly.

  “I thought he told you. You have tearing down there, and the chance of you being able to have kids again is slim.” Tears come to my eyes, burning them.

  I know I was just complaining over the fact that I might be pregnant, but that doesn’t mean I never want another kid.

  “I’m sorry, Rose,” Nick whispers in my ear, keeping his head tuck into my neck.

  After laying in bed for what seemed like hours, my legs start to cramp.

  “Nick, we should go take a shower.”

  He nods and wipes away my dried up tears, kissing my forehead before getting off of me. I follow his lead and trail behind him into the bathroom.

  Nick runs a bath as I clean myself off of the dried cum. When Nick walks over, I clean him off as well, my cheeks a burning red the whole time.

  “We just had sex, and you still blush bright red.” He chuckles, pushing my hair that’s matted down to my face behind my ear.

  Nick steps in first to the large bathtub, and I follow. Once I’m fully embedded into the water, he pulls me. I lay my head back against his chest, letting him wash my front body. I flinch once his hand escapes downward, washing my lower region.

  “Mh-mmm. Get used to it, baby. My hands will be down here a lot.”

  I stay silent, not knowing how to respond to that. He finishes washing my body and moves on to my hair. A moan escapes my lips as he massages the shampoo into my hair.

  “Baby girl, I don’t think you can go another round, so don’t be moaning if you don’t want me to take you over this bathtub,” Nick says with all seriousness, his eyes already turning into a deeper color.

  I let him finish washing my hair in silence, only turning around to face him when he’s finished. I run a hand along his lips and down his neck where I’ll mark him.

  “Mark me, Rose.” His eyes show love in them.

  I nod and move my body closer to his.

  “Are you sure? Me and my wolf can wait.”

  He grabs my face in his hand and kisses me deeply. “I’m sure, love.” He pecks my lips once more and leans his head back.

  I start on his neck and kiss my way down. He groans when I find his sweet spot, so I linger there a little more than necessary. I get to where his neck meets his shoulder. Extending my canines, I sink them into his skin.

  I hear him hiss, but it quickly turns into a moan. I feel the mate bond reconnect between us, our souls becoming one. Aurora howls in joy inside my head, jumping around in pure happiness.

  I let go, retract my canines, lick up the blood, and close the wound. I smile down at my work, tracing the letters RW, on his skin.

  “I love you, Rosealine Washington.”

  “I love you too, Nick Rollins.”

  We finish washing up and get out of the bath.

  We dry off and get dressed. Nick insists on me wearing one of his shirts even though I reek of his scent already. I know it’s so everybody can see his mark on me, but I don’t say anything and slip on the oversized tee.

  Walking hand in hand, we make our way to the living room. The house is silent again…well, as quiet as a house with werewolves in it can be.

  As we walk by pack members, they congratulate us, the guys patting Nick on the back. I did work too, people. I mean that crap was painful…at first!

  Looking outside, I see Will playing with Akilah and laughing carelessly.

  “Danggg, you stink, sis!” Jake says as he walks inside the kitchen. I hit him on the arm, pushing Nick back when he tries to hurt him.

  “My baby had sex. I’m so proud of you, Rose!” Marcus chirps, coming over to pinch my cheeks. I swat his hands away as everybody laughs.

  “Marcus if you don’t stop touching me, I’m going to hurt you,” I warn as he tries to pull up my shirt.

  “I’m just checking to make sure I don’t have to hurt Nick. Even though I would lose a duel, I still gotta check if he hurt you.”

  “I’m fine, Marcus. Calm down.” I chuckle as I go over to where Nick is sitting. He pulls me into his lap, causing my shirt to slide down and showcase my mark.

  “Your mark is so cute!” Noah’s mate, Gabriella, says, appearing out of nowhere.

  “Thank you!” I automatically touch my mark, sending sparks down my body when I touch it.

  “Oh, yeah, they do that! The sparks, the shivers, they last about a week or two!”

  “Yours will last longer though since you’re a l
una and have the mark of an alpha, a strong one at that,” Nick’s mom adds. I nod, pulling up my shirt, only for it to be pulled back down by Nick.

  “Pull it up again, and you won’t be able to leave the bedroom for a month,” he states sternly and continues to watch whatever show is on. Everybody watches closely as I grab the fabric.

  “Rosealine, don’t try me.”

  His eyes meet mine. He’s too focused to notice me ease myself off of his lap.

  I pull the shirt all the way up and take off towards the backyard where training is happening. I hear a deep growl and stomping footsteps. The fighting stops as I step outside, running away from who I’m guessing is now Nikolai.

  The pack watches with amusement as I run and make sharp turns to throw off Nikolai.

  He snatches me around the waist and pulls me against his chest. I hear his heavy breathing as he moves his mouth closer to my ear.

  “Ahh, so you like messing with me, Rosealine. Well I, for one, am not as gentle as Nick.”

  My eyes go wide as I try to wiggle out of his grip. I can basically feel him smirk as his grip tightens as we walks towards the woods.

  “Good luck!” Noah shouts.

  “You’re just gonna let him kidnap me?” I shout back, glaring at everyone.

  “He’s a lot stronger than us,” Marcus says, shrugging his shoulders.

  I flip all of them. We walk until we reach the waterfall Nick showed me before. He sets me down. He has a mischievous glint in his eyes as he walks towards me.

  Moon goddess, help me!


  We walk, or should I say, limp back to the pack house. Curse Aurora and Nikolai for going at it like maniacs.

  “Baby, you alright? I can carry you if you want.”

  “You’ve done enough!”

  He chuckles and lifts a branch for me when I almost walk to it.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I just laugh, getting everybody’s attention when we finally reach the pack house.

  I see my little boy run towards us. I move aside, letting Nick catch him. I kiss the back of his head as we walk into the house. I ignore the looks I get when I walk by. Trust me, I know I smell of sex.

  Laying down in Nick’s bed, I take a deep breath and relax into the mattress. I close my eyes, my eyelids becoming heavy. I feel the bed dip, and I open my eyes to see Nick and William crawl into bed with me.

  I wrap my arms around Will as Nick’s large arm wraps around both of us. I giggle softly, this position is a little too familiar.

  Guess it’s just déjà vu!



  Four Weeks Later

  Waking up to a sick feeling, I squirm my way out of Nicks grip and make my way to the bathroom. As soon as my feet hit the cold tile, the bile stuck in my throat makes its appearance.

  I flush the toilet after dry heaving in it. Without even looking, I feel Nick’s presence in the bathroom.

  “I’m fine. You can go back to bed.” I grab a new toothbrush and brush my teeth.

  “You’re not fine if you’re throwing up, love. Maybe I should call the doctor?”

  I shrug my shoulders, spitting the toothpaste out of my mouth.

  Nick walks me back to the bed, gently laying me down. He leaves a kiss on my forehead and leave the room. I close my eyes and drift back to sleep.


  I hear chatter in the room.

  “How long ago has it been since you guys mated?” I recognize the doctor’s voice.

  “A month, maybe,” Nick answers.

  I can feel his anxiousness through our mate bond. I know what he’s thinking, but he’s wrong.

  “Well, if she allows it, I can perform an ultrasound.”

  “No,” I whisper. I open my eyes and sit up. “I don’t want one.”

  “Baby, you could be pregnant!” Nick says excitedly.

  He sits with me, but I scoot away from him.

  “Luna, it will just be a quick.”

  “I said I don’t want one! Please leave, Doctor.”

  He bows his head and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

  “Why not, Rose? You could be pregnant with my pups.”

  I can feel the sadness rake through our bond. The tears surface around my eyes.

  “I took a pregnancy test two days ago, Nick. It was negative.”

  “That’s just one, baby. It could be wrong.”

  I shake my head and wipe the tears that fell from my eyes. “I took eight, Nick. They were all negative.”

  “Oh,” he says in a whisper.

  I don’t hold the tears back. I let them fall. I feel Nick’s arms wrap around me, whispering soothing words to me.

  “It’s okay, baby. We can always keep trying.”

  He chuckles, but I still feel the disappointment in his voice. I stick my face into his neck, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, clinging to him.

  “I’m sorry, N-Nick. I-I can’t give you any more k-kids. It’s all m-my fault!” I sob, feeling so disgusted with myself.

  “Hey, hey, it’s not your fault, baby. Calm down. I already have the best kid in the world. You have nothing to be sorry for, Rosealine. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I continue to hold on to him, seeking his comfort. He lays us down again and cover us up. Our heart beats, and my pathetic sniffles are the only thing that can be heard in the room.

  We lay there for a while until I hear noises coming from downstairs. I don’t pay it much attention, until the shouting starts. I look at Nick to see him roll his eyes. I smile and climb off of him. He grabs my hand in his and drags me down stairs.

  When we make it downstairs, the living room is a mess. Couches are turned over, the TV has been cracked, and the beautiful art that covered the walls is trashed. And standing in the middle of all this chaos? A very pissed off Marcus and a sick-looking Jake.

  “What is going on in here?” Nick says, his alpha tone bouncing off the walls.

  Nick’s mom takes all the kids away as the adults stand with their heads bowed.

  “I can explain, Alpha.” Jake starts but Marcus cuts him off.

  “Oh, shut up already. You lying, cheating, piece of crap!”

  The room falls silent as the two mates glare at each other. Jake closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before talking again.

  “Marcus I didn’t cheat on—”

  A vase is thrown at his head. He dodges it, but Marcus throws something else at him.

  I step in front of Marcus, taking the remote out of his hand.

  “Marcus, calm down,” I whisper to him and pin his hands to his side. He complies, the tears he’s holding back finally falling. Jake whimpers, but I pull Marcus away, knowing Jake’s touch will only make it worse.

  I take him into the guest room, set him on the bed, and wrap my arms around him.

  ‘How is he?’ Nick asks through our link.

  ‘I don’t know. Don’t let Jake in here though.’

  I cut off the link and focus on my best friend.

  “What happened, Marcus?”

  He pulls back from my shoulder and wipes away his tears.

  “I-I saw him with A-Aiden. They were touching each other, t-then Aiden leaned up and k-kissed him. He c-cheated, Rose.” He breaks into sobs again. I hold him in my arms until he cries himself to sleep. I lay him down and place a kiss on his forehead.

  Now to deal with my brother…

  As I walk into the living room, everybody is sitting down, and the mess is already gone. Everybody watches as I grab Jake by his ear and drag him outside. The pack members try to hold in their laughter as we pass by them. I throw him on the ground once we reach outside.

  “WHAT THE HECK, JAKE? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MARCUS?” I scream at him, getting a headache from doing so. My screaming is attracting everybody.

  Jake tries to stand up, but I push him down again. He growls at me, but I just keep pushing him down.
  “Rose, let me up!”

  “Not until you tell me why you cheated on my best friend so I can beat you up.”

  He rolls his eyes and lays his head down on the grass.

  ‘Everybody, go back inside,’ I order through the pack mind link. They all disappear back into the house, leaving me and my brother alone. I help him up to one of the benches in the backyard.

  “Why?” I ask, now noticing the tears falling from his eyes.

  It’s new to me: seeing my brother cry. When we were kids, Jake never cried. He was always the overprotective brother. He never showed his tears, but would comfort me when I showed mine. Seeing him cry over his mate brings back a lot of memories. I never once went to him to cry about Nick, but here we are. He’s crying to me about Marcus.

  So much has changed.

  “I didn’t cheat on him, Rose. I promise. It’s all just a misunderstanding.” He buries his face in his hands.

  I see Marcus watch us from the doorway, but I don’t tell Jake, wanting Marcus to hear what he has to say.

  “What happened, Jake?” I ask softly, rubbing his back for comfort.

  “Aiden, one of the omegas, said he needed to talk to me. I couldn’t say no. I’m the beta. So, he pulled me aside and started talking. None of it was important, but when I said that I needed to go, he started touching me. I didn’t want to be rude, so I grabbed his hands and took them off of me. I turn to leave when he grabs my shirt and kisses me. That’s when I heard Marcus gasp. I immediately pushed him away from me. I felt so disgusted, Rose. I felt like crap, and I didn’t do anything. I can’t lose him, Rosealine. He’s my everything. I won’t know what to do with myself if he doesn’t believe me.”

  I look over to Marcus to see him in tears. I motion for him to come over. I pat Jake’s shoulder as I let Marcus take my seat. I shut the back door, leaving them alone. I watch from the back window as Marcus throws himself at Jake, connecting their lips again. A smile plays on my lips as I watch the two.

  Someone clears his throat, making a scream erupt from my throat. I turn around to see Nick standing there with a smirk on his lips. I flip him off.


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