Book Read Free

Cabin Fever

Page 5

by Shani Greene-Dowdell et al.

“Let’s see, you’ve lied to me every chance you had, telling me you didn’t want me. Which was a total lie.” I lowered her onto the sofa. “You don’t find it weird I said you belonged to me?”

  She raised her finger between us. “Yes. Because you’re not the girlfriend type, Collin. And it’s ok. I’ll be as strong as I can to play up until the time you leave.”

  “Action speaks louder than words, my rugged little princess. I’ll just have to show you.”

  Kara swept her hair over her shoulder and buried her head in the red pillow.

  “Collin, I’d like scrambled eggs with cheese, French toast, and turkey bacon. I have orange juice in the fridge. The number to the diner is under a magnet on the refrigerator.”

  “All right, I’ll wake you when the food arrives.”

  Her eyelids lowered. I draped a blanket over her slender frame.

  After I placed our order, I channel surfed until I landed on an Alaska Ice Fishing reality show. A smile curled my lips as I pondered on our time together yesterday. Ice fishing with Kara was perfect. Her tourist skills were fascinating. I also enjoyed watching her interact with her friends. She was just her. Didn’t try to be anyone else. I love that about Kara. The perfect ending to my day was having her all to myself. My cock was hard just thinking about how good her pretty lips felt wrapped around the head of my dick.

  Every moment she never experienced with another man; I wanted all those moments. After last night, I realized I wasn’t willing to leave here without her. Sounded insane.

  A man like me who didn’t believe in relationships. A man who enjoyed his freedom. Every time we were in close proximities, I wanted her time. All of it. I clenched my eyes shut. The thought sounded crazy the more it came to mind. Knowing she had a crush on me before I arrived, shit, that was the icing on the cake. I had a shoe in the door to seduce her, fuck her, fuck with her mental faculties, and show her she was all I ever needed after our first encounter.

  That snarky attitude was challenging, and I fucking loved it.

  Almost an hour later, I awoke Kara to eat breakfast.

  She peeked at me, and a warm smile struck her beautiful features. That smile was electrifying.

  “Sit up and eat.”

  Kara stretched her arms and yawned. “I’m exhausted.”

  “Eat a little and go back to sleep. Your job is very physical and demanding. How often do you rest?”

  She tapped her cheek. “Not often. If I’m not on a tour, I work in the office and help my dad with the books.”

  Smoke rose from the piping hot food as she opened the Styrofoam container.

  “This smells so good. My favorite breakfast.”


  “What did you order?”

  I bit into a sausage link. “Pancakes, a spinach and cheese omelet, and eggs sunny side up.”

  “Sounds good. I haven’t eaten a spinach omelet in a while.”

  “You want to taste?”


  I picked up my tray and sat on the sofa beside her. Sliding my fork through the omelet, I scooped it up and slipped a sliver between her lips.

  Her eyes rolled in the back of her head, and she shook her head. “Yeah, that’s delicious,” she mumbled through a mouthful of food.

  My lips ticked up at one end. Like I said, there was no way I’d leave her. Yet, I ran a billion-dollar company in L.A. I couldn’t walk away from my legacy. I’d eventually have to ask her to come home with me. Was I ready to change my ways? No more whoring and running through women like I change cars.

  “Hey, what’s on your mind?” Her forehead creased.

  “You look a million miles away.”

  I pressed my lips against her temple. “Our mushing appointment we missed it.”

  What? I couldn’t tell her what was really on my mind. If she knew I was plotting to move her away from the only family she ever knew, she might cut ties with me. I’d have to wait for the right time. In two weeks, I might not want her to return to L.A. anyway.

  “We own a husky kennel. My dogs only mush with me.” She winked.

  “Good to know. So tomorrow, then.”

  “Yes, tomorrow it is.”

  “I’ll clean up.”

  “Collin, you don’t have to.”

  “It’s ok.” I stood, grabbing our Styrofoam containers with scattered pieces of food inside.

  “Thank you.”

  I walked into the kitchen.

  “What’s your day like in L.A.?”

  I discarded the containers in the trash. “Usually I arrive at the office before my team. Sometimes I stare out the window and watch the busy traffic roll down the street. But mainly I sit at my desk and study a company’s history before I prepare to buy them out for my client.”

  “Do you travel a lot?”

  “Yes. Sometimes I am home two days out of the week. I travel around the globe.”

  “Are you the only acquisitions person?”

  “No, my partner Bryson, and a few team members.”

  “How long do you plan to run yourself into the ground?”

  I smirked. Bracing my palms on the countertop. “Not sure. This trip was my emergency step away from my company.”

  “Have you checked on your company since you’ve been here?”

  “No. I will in a few days. If I start today, I’ll badger my team regarding their progress on closing out their tasks.”

  “Good, you broke away and took much needed time for yourself. You’ll love mushing tomorrow.”

  I sat beside her, placed my arms around her waist, and lowered us onto the pillow.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Something, I’ve never done. Cuddling.” My nose nuzzled her kiwi scented hair.

  Shocked, she didn’t say anything. Her fingers gripped my sweater. “I’ll probably fall asleep.”

  “Me too.”


  The cold air whipped across my face as I clutched the bars of the sleigh.

  Eight barking, husky dogs led each of our sleighs. Their paws smacked the snow packed paths through the Alaska woods.

  “Woo-hoo,” Kara shouted ahead of me.

  “This is invigorating,” I yelled.

  Kara threw her gloved hand in the air before tapping her brake as she leaned into the curve.

  I glanced up at the clear blue sky on the cold January day. This was the life. Absolutely loved nature. Even more loved experiencing nature through Kara’s eyes.

  We stopped at a nearby lake. I snapped photos of the snow capped mountains in the distance.

  Grabbing her hand, I tugged her into my arms. “Smile.”

  She flashed those pearly whites and so did I as I snapped our picture.

  “Are you ready to continue on our journey to the igloo’s?”

  I pushed my camera into my oversized pocket.

  My brown eyes bore into hers as I held her closer. I swept my gloved hand along her red cheeks. Leaning over, I pressed my lips against her soft ice-cold ones. Parting my lips, I pulled her lower lip between mine. She moaned into our kiss. Yup, just the effect I needed to have on her. Kara’s palms pressed into my chest, separating our lips. Her eyes darted back and forth between mine.

  “We need to leave now, so we can make it by sun down.”

  I pecked her lips again. “Ok.”

  Her hand fell over her lips as she walked toward her sleigh.

  I was determined to make Kara my woman. No playing nice. No one would stop me from having her as my woman.

  Kara turned her sleigh right and twelve igloos came into view. A huge smile took over my lips. It was freezing cold. I didn’t care, I always wanted to experience the great outdoors. A tall guy wearing a bomber hat with ear flaps greeted Kara. He hugged her. My blood coursed through my veins. I stepped off my sleigh and approached.

  “Hello,” I smirked.

  Kara stared between me and the dark-skinned guy.

  “Garrett, this is my client, Collin Daughtry.”

stretched his gloved hand toward me, grinning from ear to ear. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Daughtry.”

  “Likewise. Beautiful place you have here, Garrett.”

  He stepped back and stared at the beautiful igloos. “Thanks. I’ll show you to your igloo. Me and Kara will feed the dogs.”

  My smile dropped. Her eyes widened. I forgot she was still working. This was my vacation, not hers and I hated that. She deserved to enjoy the scenery and relax. How could I change that?

  “I can assist you, Garrett. I’d like Kara to relax. She slept most of yesterday, since she was under the weather.”

  His brow wrinkled. “She’s a bit of a workaholic.”

  Garrett peered at her. “If I would have known, Kara I would have brought you soup.” His eyes warmed as he stared at her.

  If she could have turned any redder, she would have. Her lips pursed together.

  My jaw ticked.

  “I had a hangover.”

  “She was in good hands. I’d like to think I took good care of her.” I winked at Kara.

  She scowled.

  Garrett’s smile dropped, and he stared at Kara.

  It was time for me to step away. “Where can I find the dog food?”

  “In the red shed.” His eyes never left hers.

  My job was done. All the guys who had a crush on her would know I was the man who she belonged to, even if she wasn’t officially my woman, yet. It was just a matter of time.

  I hustled to the shed. I poured dog food in eight bowls, then dispersed the bowls between the dogs. Two dogs shared each of the large bowls of food. I ran back in, grabbing bowls to fill with water for them also to share.

  Many tasks were completed for me in my life, but I could handle feeding my own Bull dog growing up. He died when I was fifteen. Maybe Kara and I will get a dog.

  Running my hand up and down their fur, I smiled. “Good doggies.”

  “Collin, why did you do that?” I heard at my back.

  I stood, staring down at her. Her chest rose and fell.

  “We had this discussion yesterday. I told you, Kara, you’re mine,” I growled through gritted teeth.

  “Doesn’t matter if I never had a girlfriend. You are who I want to be my woman. Remember how you felt with me the other night.” I grabbed her hand. “Remember how yesterday you laid in my arms, nuzzled against my chest. You want me and I want you.” I turned my head to the dimming sky and blew out a breath.

  “This is your job, I get it.” My eyes met hers again. Her gaze softened a bit.

  “I’d like to take some of the load off of you if I can. Did you tell him we don’t need two igloos?”

  She gaped. “No.”

  I shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Pick an igloo for us to share.”

  She shook her head. “Collin, I can’t.”

  I tapped the tip of her red nose. “You will, sweetheart. The dogs are fed. I’m hungry.” My eyes poured over her.

  She shifted her weight from leg to leg. “I’ll set up dinner.”

  “I want to feast on those lips, Kara.”

  She visibly swallowed. “Jesus, Collin.”

  “I’ll help.”

  She nodded.

  We gathered our gear and crawled into the small opening of the igloo. Kara climbed onto a raised floor. She flipped on the lantern and placed it against the wall.

  “Can you roll out our sleeping bags? I’ll prepare our dinner.”

  “Ok.” I was able to sit up comfortably and stretch my legs. Earlier, I wondered because I’m so tall if my feet would’ve hung out the door.

  “After we’ve used the restroom, which is located in the medium gray building next to the red shed, we’ll place snow logs in the opening to block out the cold winds.”

  I smiled wide. “Sounds good. You experience this life every day. Is there ever a time you don’t want to rough it?” I rolled our sleeping bags outside by side.

  “Sometimes, I want to just lay in bed like yesterday. This life is all I’ve ever known.”

  “How do you feel about visiting me in L.A?” I knew I planned to tell her she was moving with me, but I still wanted to see what her thoughts were.

  “That would involve me getting on a plane.”

  “A private jet to be exact.” I grinned.

  “I don’t know, Collin.”

  I leaned over and kissed her lips. “Think about it. I’ll be here for a month.”

  Her eyes widened and a cute smile filled her lips. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. I’m renting an SUV once we return to town. That way you don’t have to drive me everywhere.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “I know, but if I want to see you in the middle of the night, I don’t expect you to pick me up. I can come to you.”

  “That’s thoughtful, Collin. But you aren’t coming over to my house in the middle of the night.”

  “Kara, I just mean if I want to see you any time of day, I want that flexibility. Yesterday was perfect. No pressure to have sex. I only rubbed your pussy once.”

  She blushed, dropping her head followed by a light snicker.

  “Don’t worry, Kara, soon your legs will be wrapped around my head and you’ll beg for your next orgasm.”

  Her wide eyes met mine. “Collin, you’re killing me.”

  “Good. It isn’t often I eat pussy, but I’d devour yours. You’d call my name at the top of your lungs, kind of like the other night. The only difference is, it was my thumb strumming your clit not my tongue.”

  “Shit, Collin, please stop. A flush of heat is warming my center, and it’s pulsating.” She visibly swallowed.

  “It’s all right. I love how worked up you get for me. Every day, Kara. Me and you, that’s the plan.”

  Her eyebrows hiked up. “Stop saying stuff like that. You don’t mean it.”

  “The fuck I don’t.”

  I grabbed two thermoses from the bottom of my back pack. “I brought vodka.”

  “We can’t do anything here. I don’t want people in my business.”

  “People or Garrett?”

  “Both. He’s always liked me. I had to let him down nicely. I’ve had to do that a lot in the last few days.”

  I poured vodka into the extra thermos cap, then sipped the harsh contents. “Take a sip.”

  She grabbed the cup from my hands.

  “This will warm you right up.”

  “Thanks, I needed this.” Her eyes closed as she sipped.

  “You do, Kara. I love it when you unwind and just relax. Be you.”

  I gripped her leg. “I’d like to hear you tell me again how your pussy is wet and burning hot for my tongue.”

  Her tongue slipped over her lips. “I never said I was wet.”

  “I know you are wet, because you were dripping wet for me the other day. I want to run my lips all over your sticky goodness.”

  I removed the cup from her hand, placed it on the floor, then pulled her into my lap. “Do you want that?” I whispered.

  “Too much,” she murmured against my lips.

  “Fuck, I love watching you come undone for me.” I smirked.

  “Collin, I’m so hot. My pussy’s hot for you.”

  “Good. I am in no rush to watch you come all over my dick. That will happen. Right now, I want to please you in other ways. No other man will ever touch what belongs to me. You hear me, Kara?”

  She visibly swallowed again. “Yes.”

  “How does it feel to know you are mine?”

  “Weird. I want to believe you really want me.”

  “Soon every man who likes you will know you are off limits.” I bit her neck. “My cock is hard as a rock. Too bad you can’t feel it through these layers. I’ll let you continue to prep our meal.”

  I released her.

  “It’s nothing fancy. Turkey sandwiches and juice. Well, and the vodka you brought,” she laughed.

  “Did your dad ever ask you if you wanted to do anything else with your life?”

; She pushed the sandwich enclosed in a sandwich bag toward me. “Yes. The more I helped out at the shop and accompanied dad on tours, I realized I was destined to be a tour guide. You know some tourists ask to stay at the upscale igloos five miles away. You could have stayed there.”

  “I experience luxury every day. This is perfect. Sleeping in a man-made igloo-- not a manufactured one. This is the life.”

  She chuckled. “If you say so, Mr. Outdoorsman. Oh, how could I forget, I brought homemade chicken noodle soup.” She wiggled her eyebrows, shaking the black thermos. “No spoons required. Just chug it.”

  Kara placed a second black thermos in my hand. I unscrewed the top and sniffed. The herbs, fresh carrots, and noodles swept up my nose. “Smells incredible. Do you have any more at home?”

  “I do.”

  “Bring some with you. Tomorrow, I’d like to cook dinner for you. I hope you like steak.”

  “Yes, I do. I can’t wait.”

  Later that night, we laid in our sleeping bags. She listened to me ramble on about the highlights of the day. “My father had gone on a trip like this when he was young. I feel a little closer to him.”

  “Did he pass away?”

  “No, he just rides my ass often. Says shit like I better not destroy his empire. No pressure.”

  “Collin, if he doesn’t trust you to run it tell him to return and do it himself.”

  I smiled. “Thanks. My mom wanted him to quit. They travel the world. Not sure she’d like it if he returned to the office. Bryson and I have been best friends since birth. Our fathers were best friends, and they created the company together. Our mothers get along well, too. It’s peculiar how perfect my life is. Bryce and I have even fucked the same chicks.”

  Her brows rose. “Don’t worry, he ain’t touching you. I’d break his arm.”

  “Collin, you never came close to having a girlfriend?”

  I sighed. “In high school, I had a girlfriend for all of two seconds, then I broke it off. I wanted to date other chicks.”

  Her brows wrinkled. “You don’t see why I’d be apprehensive to date you?”

  “Yes, that’s another reason why I planned to stay for a month. I’d like to show you, Kara you’re the only woman I want.”

  Her lids lowered and she snuggled into her sleeping bag. “Good night, Collin.”

  I wanted to be in her sleeping bag, kissing her soft skin as she fell asleep. Kara still didn’t trust me. Smart.


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