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Slope of Love (Love in Bloom: The Remingtons)

Page 21

by Melissa Foster

  Jayla had spent time with Rush’s family on many occasions, but she’d never before noticed the way Rush drew his shoulders back when he spoke with his father and how his facial expression softened every time he looked at his mother. She knew that James Remington had always been strict, with his military background and belief that hard work was all that mattered, but now she saw something more. Despite his steely gaze and squared shoulders, when Rush spoke, his father really listened, lifting his brows with interest. And sometimes the side of his lips curved up and his face softened in a fashion similar to Rush’s crooked grin, which she loved so much. She wondered if beneath all those sharp edges there was a softer side that even he didn’t know existed.

  Like me.

  Rush’s love had peeled away her hard, competitive shell, and she realized that with Rush, she didn’t have to be the strong one, and she liked that. She’d taken care of herself and pushed herself in every way for so many years that she’d almost forgotten how to let herself be cared for. Rush was good at that, caring for her. Rush’s tender heart and fierce determination helped her see herself, and her future, more clearly.

  Savannah touched Jayla’s leg, drawing her back to their conversation. “So you definitely need surgery?”

  “Yes. When we go back to New York, I’ll have surgery to repair the tear in my labrum, the lining in my shoulder; then, after six weeks, I’ll start rehab.” The injury had seemed like the end of the world at first. But with Rush by her side and a good dose of perspective, she realized that this was just another mountain to scale. And she was good at conquering mountains.

  “Will you still be able to compete?” Savannah brushed her long, auburn hair from her shoulder, and her green eyes filled with concern.

  “We won’t know for a long time, but she’s not going to push it.” Rush sat on the coffee table in front of Jayla and locked eyes with her. He flashed that sexy grin of his, and Jayla wished she wouldn’t have taken that last stupid run down the mountain so she could wrap her arms around him.

  Siena leaned forward. “I know you won’t let her.” Then she sat back and said to Jayla, “Not that you need him holding you back, but he’s right. You really shouldn’t push it.”

  Jace came to Jayla’s side. “My little sister needs a reminder sometimes. Trust me on that.”

  Jayla rolled her eyes.

  “Jayla, honey, I’m just glad you’re all right. I worry about you two every time you compete.” Joanie Remington, Rush’s mother, put a gentle hand on Rush’s shoulder. The colorful blouse she wore hung just below the waist of her wide-legged slacks. She was as laid-back as Mr. Remington was rigid in his dark slacks and starched button-down shirt.

  “I can attest to that, having watched some of your competitions on television with her. She covers her eyes sometimes,” Kurt added.

  “Really, Mom?” Rush scoffed.

  “You wait until you have children of your own. Between worrying about Jack flying all over creation in that little bush plane, you two speeding down the slopes, and now Sage and Kate going off on a different adventure every few weeks, it’s amazing I get any sleep at all.”

  “Please don’t mention me and children in the same breath,” Rush said.

  You don’t want kids? She’d never bring it up in front of his family, and they hadn’t ever talked about if they wanted children or not, but his comment made her heart squeeze a little.

  “Oh, Rush, please,” his mother said.

  He looked at Jayla. “Thanks, Mom. Like she didn’t have enough on her mind.”

  She had almost forgotten that he could see right through her.

  “Don’t worry, babe,” Rush said. “I want kids. I just don’t want my mother pushing me…us…to have them.”

  Us. Kids. She breathed a little easier, though now, with everyone’s eyes on her, she was thoroughly embarrassed. She tried to laugh it off. “We’re dating, not married.”

  Rush got a funny look on his face that Jayla couldn’t read.

  “Well, we’ll give you grandkids for sure.” Savannah reached for Jack’s hand.

  Cash reached for Siena’s hand. “And we both want kids someday.”

  Siena looked up at him and smiled. “And we’re not engaged or anything yet, but we know we’ll be together forever.”

  Kurt moved to Jace’s side. “Is it getting a little thick in here?”

  “Very. Think you can revise this scene?” Jace looked at the bedroom door. “Maybe wipe the sappy stuff and replace it with something dark and scary?”

  Kurt glanced around the room, and Jayla could practically see him revising their conversation in his mind. Rush, on the other hand, still had her locked under a serious stare, and she was beginning to wonder why.

  “Hey, no rewriting family moments,” Joanie said.

  “Don’t worry, Mom. Nothing in this room feels the least bit dark or scary. I think we’re stuck with the mushy dialogue grooving through the cabin.”

  “Well,” his mother said, “I’m so happy Jayla and Rush have come together. I can’t imagine two people being any closer. You two know more about each other than most married couples, and you still love each other. That’s a testament in and of itself.”

  Rush reached for Jayla’s hand. “Me too, Mom. In a way, we have Jack to thank.” He looked at Jack, who was leaning on the arm of the couch beside Savannah.

  “I’m a miracle worker. What can I say?” Jack teased.

  Jayla stifled a yawn. The pain meds were definitely taking their toll. “I’m glad you guys got to see Rush compete. Kurt and Jace, I’m really sorry that you had to spend the day at the hospital with me.”

  Jace pulled a piece of paper from his front pocket and waved it at her. “Totally worth it, sis. I have a hot date with a nurse tomorrow night.”

  “Blonde?” Kurt asked, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a piece of paper and looked at it. “Christie?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Jace said flatly.

  “Nope. I couldn’t get a signal on my cell and asked to borrow their phone. When I thanked her, we talked and…” He shrugged. He crumpled the paper and handed it to Jace. “I’ve got a publishing deadline and I’m heading to Cape Cod with absolutely no intention of spending one minute away from my keyboard, so go for it.”

  Jace tossed both pieces of paper in the trash. “No, thanks.”

  “I can’t believe you guys were scoping out women when I was getting those tests done.” Jayla yawned again. “Anyway, you guys should go out to dinner or something. I feel bad making you all stay in after you’ve come all this way.”

  “Family comes first, and you’re family.” Jack turned to Jace. “You, too, Jace, now that my brother finally got his head out of his—”

  His father took a step closer to Jack and lowered his chin, cutting him off with one hot look.

  “Thanks, Jack. These two were bound to get together at some point,” Jace said.

  “Glad you’re so sure, because I thought I was going to have to live with my Rush fantasy forever.”

  “Fantasy? Hm. I’ll have to explore that further.” Rush leaned forward and kissed her.

  Heat vibrated through her, flushing her cheeks.

  “Rush,” his mother chided him with a harsh whisper.

  “It was just a kiss.”

  “The comment, not the kiss,” she clarified.

  “Sorry, Mom.” Rush rose to his feet. “Do you guys want to go eat at a restaurant, or should we order in? I don’t think Jayla should go into town after everything she’s been through.”

  “I’m okay,” she lied. It had been a grueling few days, and with the competition no longer hanging over their heads, her injury now professionally diagnosed, and pain meds on board, she was whipped. She couldn’t wait to be wrapped in Rush’s arms again.

  “Oh goodness, I didn’t even think about how exhausted you must be, Jayla. I’m sorry, hon,” Joanie said. “James, why don’t we all go eat and let Jayla get some rest? We can catch up with ev
eryone tomorrow.”

  Rush’s father placed a hand on his back. “I’m proud of you, son.”

  Jayla understood from the look in Rush’s eyes, and the way he swallowed hard before responding, how much his father’s statement meant to him.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “I’ve always been proud of you, and if I don’t tell you that enough, I’m sorry. I’m learning in my old age that you and your siblings can’t read my mind, as I’d always thought.” He slid a smile to Jack.

  Savannah reached for Jack’s hand. Jayla knew that Jack and his father had had a falling out right after Linda died and they’d come back together only when Jack and Savannah fell in love. Watching the love in Rush’s family made her long to be part of it.

  “Thanks, Dad. That means a lot to me.” Rush embraced his father, and Jayla wondered if she was the only one who picked up on the way Rush’s voice cracked.

  His father turned his attention to Jayla. “I’m proud of you, too, Jayla. I’ve known you since you were twelve? Thirteen?” He shook his head. “I can’t remember how old you were, but you’ve always been determined and very strong.” He nodded. “And you’ve always been good to my son, and that’s really all that matters in the grand scheme of things.”

  “Dad?” Kurt laid a hand on his father’s shoulder. “Are you all right? You’re not terminally ill or something, are you?”

  He ran his hand down his face and glanced at Joanie, who nodded and smiled. “No, Kurt. I’m just learning to be a better man.”

  “Your father is just realizing that his message to his children to be better, be more, be…whatever…didn’t always allow his real message to come through.”

  Rush smiled at Jack. “Well, we’re never too old to better ourselves.”

  “Okay, that’s enough drama for one day,” Joanie said, moving toward the door. “Let’s give Rush and Jayla a little peace and quiet.”

  Rush reached for her hand. “Mom’s probably right. I can order in something for us, or run over to the lodge to pick something up. You must be tired.”

  She caught a hint of desire in his eyes and felt her cheeks flush. “Maybe a little,” she admitted. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to push you guys out.”

  Jace kissed Jayla’s cheek. “I’m proud of you.”

  Savannah rose to her feet. “Sounds good to me. Jayla, I hope you aren’t in too much pain with all this.” She waved at Jayla’s arm.

  “I’ll be fine, thanks.”

  “Rush, congrats, bro.” Kurt patted Rush’s back.

  “Did you have any doubt I’d win?” Rush smirked.

  “I meant congrats on being with Jayla.”


  “Boys.” Joanie shook her head and moved to gently hug Jayla. “Feel better, Jayla. Don’t let Rush keep you up too late.”

  “He takes good care of me.” Jayla snuggled against Rush’s side. “When I let him.”

  Jace pointed at her. “You’ve got a serious injury. Let Rush take care of you, or I’m coming back here and doing it myself.”

  “Oh God, no. You limit my gummy bears. Rush, please take care of me.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  RUSH COULDN’T WAIT for everyone to leave. He’d been itching to talk to Jayla ever since she’d said they were dating. Yes, of course they were dating, but weren’t they so much more?

  Jayla leaned against the counter by the front door. “I feel like we just pushed everyone out.”

  “They know you need to rest.” He placed his hands on her hips and nuzzled into her neck. “I’m glad they’re gone. I missed you.”

  “Mm…You’re kinda like gummy bears.”

  He drew back and looked into her eyes. “Gummy bears?”

  “Yeah, never get enough.” She lifted up on her tiptoes and kissed his chin.

  “How’s your shoulder?”


  “Complete and total adorable honesty. Who are you?” He ran his finger down her cheek, being extra careful to measure every movement to avoid hurting her. “Do you think a hot bath would help?”

  “Only if you’re in it with me. I feel like I’ve been away from you for a year.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her softly.

  “I’ll get in the tub with you, but I can’t promise I won’t have wandering hands.” Maybe a bath would ease the tension that was mounting inside him. He wasn’t quite sure how to bring up the topic of their dating, but he knew if he didn’t, he’d be sidetracked by it all night.

  “I can live with that.”

  He filled the tub, then turned his attention to Jayla, first helping her to remove her sling, then removing her shirt and bra. He placed his hand over her heart and looked into her eyes.

  “Your heart is going crazy,” he whispered.

  “I know. I can’t help it. Every time we’re close, I want to be closer.”

  The hunger in her eyes drew his lips to hers. She tasted so good, so sweet, so…Jayla.

  “Love me,” she whispered. “All of me.”

  He trailed kisses down her neck. She buried her left hand in his hair and brought his mouth to her breast. He loved when she urged him on. He kissed, licked, tasted her sweet skin before rubbing his thumb over her nipple and taking her in another greedy kiss. Rush took off his shirt, pressing his chest gently to hers, taking care to avoid putting pressure on her right side.

  “I love the way you feel against me,” he whispered.

  Jayla was breathing hard, her eyes half closed. He kissed her sore shoulder, then kissed his way down her arm, wishing he could kiss the injury away and somehow take it on as his own. Her skin was warm and he was hard. So hard.

  “Bath,” he said between kisses. “Or I’m going to take you right here, and I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

  “Take our pants off.” She bit her lower lip. A glint of mischief sparkled in her eyes, which drove him a little crazy.

  He took off her pants, then stepped from his own. She held her left palm up to his mouth.

  “Lick it.”

  Holy hell. He dragged his tongue along her palm. The erotic, unexpectedness of it made his balls tighten.

  Jayla stroked his hard length, driving him out of his mind.

  “Jayla.” His voice was rough, gravelly, and driven by lust that he had no intention of ignoring. Her touch was magical, tight and wet, slow, then fast. He fought against the need to come. “Jay…”

  “Lift me onto the counter.”


  His heart beat so hard, so full of love for her that he thought he might come apart. He brought his hand to her wet center, then brought his fingers to his mouth and licked the taste of her from them. Her eyes went wide, then narrowed as she brought her lips to his and kissed along his bottom lip, then across his jaw, and nipped at his earlobe. He could barely restrain himself from driving into her. She guided him to her center and wrapped her legs around his waist. He pushed slowly into her, careful not to jostle her shoulder, until he was buried deep, and they both stilled.


  “Are you okay?” He searched her eyes for a sign of discomfort.

  “More than okay.”

  “Am I hurting your shoulder?”

  She shook her head, then used his arm for leverage as she inched forward, taking him in deeper and drawing a moan of pleasure from deep within him. He held her hips still as he withdrew, then pushed in slowly again, hyperaware of every sensitive inch as it slid into her and she tightened around him until he was buried to the hilt again and again. They both went a little wild, their muscles tight, corded, as they panted for breath and Rush moved harder, faster, deeper. Heat coiled low in Rush’s belly as Jayla began to suck in tiny breaths.

  “Rush…More…Oh God.”

  He captured her pleas in his mouth and breathed air into her lungs as she went over the edge, taking him right along with her.

  When he was finally able to breathe again, he buried his hand in her hair and kissed her lovingly. It wasn�
�t enough. With Jayla, nothing was enough. His heart opened in a way he never imagined possible, and he wanted her in every aspect of his life. So much emotion welled within him that he was nearly driven to tears for lack of knowing how to channel it.

  He carried her to the tub and placed her in the warm water, then settled in behind her. She leaned back against him with a contented sigh. Rush gathered her hair over her left shoulder and kissed the crest of her sore one. He didn’t want to think about how much pain she must be in, but he’d never turn his back to appease her again—not when it meant she was in danger or hurting in any way. He also didn’t want to think about her going to her own apartment just outside of New York when they left Colorado, or dating her a few nights each week. He didn’t want to worry about whose place they’d stay at or where their clothes were in the morning. He didn’t want to think about spending a single night without her ever again.

  “Move in with me.” The words came out and instantly felt right.

  She turned in the tub, and he helped guide her legs around his waist. Her eyes flitted over his face, as if she were assessing his seriousness.

  “Move in with me,” he repeated. “You said we were dating, and I feel like we’re so much more, so much bigger, than dating.” He didn’t give her time to answer. “Do you feel it, too? Or is this what it feels like to just date? Do I have it all wrong? Because I’ve never felt like this before.”

  “It’s way bigger than dating. More,” Jayla said with a smile.

  “I don’t ever want to wake up without you in my arms, and I want you snuggled against me on the couch eating gummy bears and wearing your flannel pajamas. I want to be the guy who you get mad at when I’m overprotective and the one you whisper more to when you come apart in my arms.”

  She blushed. Rush was a stoic athlete through and through, and yet he was powerless to calm his emotions for Jayla. They swept through him with the strength of a blizzard and left him craving more of her.


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