Without Restraint (Devil's Playground Book 2)
Page 8
His hands slid up, cupping her breasts, lifting them as he leaned down and tongued her nipples. He never stopped pumping his hips, fucking her sweetly, gently. She was unraveling faster than she’d thought possible.
“Let go, Lindy. You don’t have to hold back for me.”
She did. Lindy allowed her orgasm to take her, rolling through her body in sweet rapture. It wasn’t the intense orgasm Hayden and Micah had given her before, but it was memorable.
“God, you’re beautiful.”
Lindy opened her eyes to see Hayden watching her, his expression reflecting the same love and adoration she’d seen when he looked at Micah. It filled her with longing, with hope. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him closer, kissing him while he continued to thrust into her over and over again. She didn’t stop until he groaned, his body stilling, his cock pulsing inside her.
She knew, at this point, there was no stopping her free fall. It was inevitable.
Lindy could only hope that they were both there to catch her.
WHEN MICAH RETURNED to his suite to find Lindy and Hayden in the shower together, he hadn’t wanted to interrupt. That didn’t stop him from watching, listening. He couldn’t resist. Watching them together might possibly be his new favorite pastime. Hayden was so gentle with her, knowing exactly what Lindy needed.
Micah knew how that worked, because Hayden was the same way with him.
The shower water shut off, and when the glass door opened, Lindy’s eyes widened.
He smiled. Grabbing a towel, he remained where he was, leaning against the vanity. “Come here, sweet girl.”
She walked right over to him, water dripping down her beautiful body. He wrapped her in the towel, wiping her face, her shoulders, all while admiring her.
“How long have you been there?”
“Long enough.” Long enough to know that Hayden was right, they would give her all the time she needed, but they weren’t letting her go.
“Did you enjoy the show?” Hayden joked, clearly trying to assure Lindy that this was okay.
“More than you know.” He locked his eyes with Lindy’s. “I love watching the two of you together.”
“I should probably get dressed,” Lindy said, gripping the towel to her chest.
“Why?” Micah leaned down and brushed her lips with his. “We’ll just have to remove it later.”
She smiled, and this time it didn’t look forced.
“Why don’t I order room service and we crawl back in bed for a couple of hours. It’s Sunday, so we’ve got all day.”
Lindy nodded. “I’d like that.”
Micah cupped her face and kissed her, pushing his tongue into her mouth. “And if you’re lucky, I might let you go to work tomorrow.”
“If I’m lucky, huh?”
He nodded, sliding his thumb over her plump lower lip. He scanned her eyes to see if she was hiding anything. He’d heard what Hayden told her in the shower.
“On the other hand, why don’t we skip breakfast so we can spend the rest of the morning loving you.”
Her eyes lowered and the color in her cheeks rose. When she looked up at him, he saw so much emotion there.
“Only the morning?” she asked, her tone tentative.
Hayden moved in, sandwiching her between them.
“All day,” Micah whispered. “Or for the rest of our lives. It’s up to you, sweet girl. This is right where we want to be. How fast or how slow we move is now up to you.”
As far as Micah was concerned, he had everything he needed right here.
Two months later
“SHE’S GOING TO need more space than this,” Hayden insisted, watching as Micah opened drawer after drawer, all of them full.
“Which is why we’re buying the condo,” Micah replied, peering up at Hayden as though that said it all.
Hayden held up the floor plan he was referring to. “Exactly what I’m talking about.”
Micah closed the last drawer and moved closer. “So, you’re saying we go with the three-bedroom?”
“Yes,” he confirmed. “She’ll have her own office, plus there’s a guest bedroom.”
Micah’s eyebrow quirked. “As long as y’all understand no one gets their own room. We’re all sleeping together.”
Hayden chuckled. “I don’t think anyone has asked for anything other than that.”
It was true. The three of them were still working through this new relationship, although they’d made tremendous strides in recent weeks. They spent a lot of time together, during the week and on the weekend. Whenever they weren’t working, the three of them were usually together here in Micah’s suite. However, they’d learned that they needed more space than this afforded them. At least in the long term. It was enough for them to sleep in, but in order for them to be comfortable, they needed to have room to spread out.
“Is the closet big enough?” Micah questioned, tapping his finger on the piece of paper in Hayden’s hand.
“If not, we’ll have someone build a bigger one,” Hayden told him, desperately wanting someone to make a final decision so they could put an offer in and get the ball rolling.
“I want this done yesterday,” Micah grumbled. “I don’t want any more excuses. I want her in my bed with us every single night.”
“She wants that, too.”
Hayden turned at the sound of Lindy’s voice coming from behind him. He smiled to himself.
“So, the three-bedroom then?” Micah asked, glancing over to Lindy, then back to Hayden.
It was hard to fight the urge to sigh in frustration. Lindy was the only one concerned about the three-bedroom condo. She was insistent that it was more money than they needed to spend and that two bedrooms would work just fine. Hayden didn’t want to tell her that money wasn’t an issue.
When Lindy didn’t answer, Micah reached for her, pulling her into him. Hayden placed the sheet of paper on the dresser and moved to stand behind her.
“Say yes,” Micah urged.
“Or we’ll strip you naked and fuck you within an inch of your life until you do,” Hayden whispered teasingly.
“That’s a threat?” Lindy laughed, a beautiful sound that made Hayden’s heart swell. God, he loved this woman.
“She’s got a point,” Micah joked. “She’s insatiable as it is. Practically a nymphomaniac. Probably get more out of her if you threaten to withhold sex.”
Lindy giggled, trying to move out from between them. Hayden grabbed her hips to still her.
“I’m not the insatiable one, Micah Fontenot,” she countered, still laughing.
“Make the decision,” Hayden insisted, sliding his hands up beneath her shirt. “Or the nakedness will commence.”
Lindy moaned when Hayden cupped her breasts, squeezing gently, teasing her nipples through the thin lace of her bra.
“Yes,” she moaned. “Yes to three bedrooms if it’ll shut you up. And yes to you continuing to do … that.”
Micah leaned down, his lips brushing Lindy’s while Hayden watched them, his hands still groping her.
“Strip her,” Micah demanded, smiling at Hayden over Lindy’s shoulder. “It’s time to consummate this deal.”
Again Lindy struggled to pull away, laughing as she did. Hayden loved the sound, loved to see so much happiness shining in her eyes. They had agreed to make this permanent, to move in together, to live happily ever after, and Hayden knew Micah wasn’t the only antsy one. Hayden was tired of sleeping without her, too.
“I think a hand shake will suffice,” Lindy mused.
Hayden reached for her hands, lowering one so that it covered the bulge in Micah’s slacks, the other on his own erection. “How about we use your hands for other things?”
“You boys are ridiculous,” she moaned again when Micah’s head lowered so that his mouth engulfed her breast.
“But you love us,” Hayden stated, push
ing his cock against her hand.
“True, I do love you. Both of you.” She smiled at Hayden over her shoulder. “Even if I never seem to get my way.”
“I’ll give it to you any which way you like,” Micah said, going to his knees before her.
Hayden knew exactly where this was headed.
“Not what I meant,” she countered with a long sigh. “But I’ll take it.”
“Of course you will,” Hayden whispered softly. “And you’ll like it.”
Micah managed to shove her jeans down her legs while Hayden stripped her shirt from her body.
“Now quit squirming,” Micah insisted, smiling up at them. “And let us love you.”
“For the rest of the afternoon,” Hayden added.
“How about for the rest of my life?” Lindy said.
“Okay, deal,” Hayden and Micah said at the exact same time.
Keep reading for an excerpt from:
Beautifully Brutal
Southern Boy Mafia, #1
Nicole Edwards
Romantic Suspense
Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 16, 2015
Sometimes love isn’t beautiful, sometimes the only way to describe it is beautifully brutal.
If you think you know him… You’re wrong.
If you think you know his family… Wrong again.
If you think you know his story… You don’t.
If you did, you’d likely wonder how the hell a man like Maximillian Adorite managed to make it to this point in his life. At twenty-nine, he’s experienced more than most people could only ever imagine, all thanks to his family. Organized crime they call it. Mafia.
No matter how they spin it, it comes down to one thing. Max gets what he wants. Except for the one thing he wants most.
Her name is Courtney Kogan.
And now that he’s had a taste of her, Max knows he’ll never be able to let her go.
The Southern Boy Mafia series is a spinoff from the Sniper 1 Security series. It has been set up to be read without reading Sniper 1 Security, however, the characters will frequently cross over.
I have to thank my family first, for putting up with my craziness. From my sudden outbursts when I think of something that needs to be added or when I question why one of the characters did what they did, to the strange hours that I keep and the days on end when I’m MIA because I’m under deadline or just engrossed in a story… Y’all are incredibly tolerant of me and for that, I am forever grateful. I love you with all that I am.
My street team – The Naughty & Nice Girls. Ladies, your daily pimping and support fills my heart with so much love. You are a blessing to me, each and every one of you.
My beta readers, Chancy and Amber. Ladies, I’m not sure thanks will ever be enough. However, not only are you the ones who catch the weird things and ask the bigger questions, you’ve both become my friends and you keep me going.
My copyeditor, Amy. Punctuation and grammar… well, that’s not my strong suit. But it is yours and you are truly remarkable at what you do. You simply amaze me and I am so glad that I found you.
Nicole Nation 2.0 for the constant support and love. This group of ladies has kept me going for so long, I’m not sure I’d know what to do without them.
And, of course, YOU, the reader. Your emails, messages, posts, comments, tweets… they mean more to me than you can imagine. I thrive on hearing from you, knowing that my characters and my stories have touched you in some way keeps me going. I’ve been known to shed a tear or two when reading an email because you simply bring so much joy to my life with your support. I thank you for that.
By Nicole Edwards
The Alluring Indulgence Series
What’s hotter than a Texas cowboy? Seven Texas cowboys.
All with a heart of gold and a sexy, devious side.
Holidays with the Walker Brothers
The Austin Arrows Series
The Austin Arrows know what it’s like to be the best in the NHL. They’ve been there.
Now they just need to figure out how to get back.
The SEASON: Rush
The SEASON: Kaufman
The Club Destiny Series
Come see how hot these powerful men and their lovely ladies can get.
All from the comfort of the infamous Club Destiny.
The Coyote Ridge Series
The Walker brothers started it, but it ain’t over yet.
Jared (series crossover)
The Dead Heat Ranch Series
Love cowboys?
Love smokin’ hot cowboys and the sweet, sexy cowgirls they love?
Come on in and stay a while.
Boots Optional
Betting on Grace
Overnight Love
Jared (series crossover)
The Devil’s Bend Series
Sexy is just the beginning for these down home cowboys.
Add in a little country music, some big dreams and you’re in for a ride.
Chasing Dreams
Vanishing Dreams
The Devil’s Playground Series
Come hang out at Devil’s Playground - the hottest nightclub in Las Vegas, Dallas and New York!
This is a spin-off series from Southern Boy Mafia, featuring those who work at Max Adorite’s nightclub, Devil’s Playground.
Without Regret
Without Restraint
The Pier 70 Series
A day on the lake... who knew it could get this hot? This is a m/m series.
The Sniper 1 Security Series
The Kogans and the Trexlers are in the business of protecting those who need to be protected.
And their motto is: Protect... by any means necessary.
Wait for Morning
Never Say Never
The Southern Boy Mafia Series
Everybody loves a bad boy!
Beautifully Brutal
Beautifully Loyal
Standalone Novels
Just to spice things up a bit!
A Million Tiny Pieces
Inked on Paper
Writing as Timberlyn Scott
Naughty Nice Holiday Novellas
Because naughty holidays can be oh so nice
Because Naughty can be oh so Nice®
Chapter One
It starts the same as it ends. Beautifully brutal.
Twenty-four months ago
Maximillian Adorite studied the woman strolling toward him, curious as to why she had graced him with her presence tonight of all nights.
No. Couldn’t be.
Max didn’t believe in coincidence.
Despite his interest in who she was and why she was there, on the very night when a potential shit storm was brewing around him, he found himself transfixed by her, something that didn’t usually happen to him.
Not like this.
In his world, women were a dime a dozen. He credited that to the wealth and danger that surrounded him. Women liked bad boys, and Max’s reputation definitely qualified him for that list. Then again, the women he shared his time with usually figured that out the morning after, when he—politely, if he had been interested enough to catch her name—asked them to leave.
However, this dark-haired beauty … the one with the most str
iking eyes he’d ever seen—they literally glowed white—was so intriguing he’d found himself watching her for most of the night. But that was all he’d done. Because this woman wasn’t the type who would warm his sheets for only a few hours. He knew that instantly, and since he wasn’t interested in anything more than a couple of hours, he had fought the urge to introduce himself.
Then again, she knew who he was. He was the very reason she was there, or so he’d been told. It’d been his idea to offer the invitation so he could get more information on her, see her in action. This woman … she was his enemy, and Max was interested in keeping her close, getting to know more about her to determine if she was the threat he’d been told she was.
Not that he was all too worried about what she did or didn’t want from him. Or vice versa.
He could sense by her nearness that she was a distraction he definitely didn’t need. Especially tonight. Seeing as he was the host of this party—or what appeared to be a party from the outside looking in and was, in fact, the announcement of a transfer of power—she was a temptation he should avoid but one he couldn’t bring himself to stray too far from. And here she was, successfully keeping him from his other guests, yet he couldn’t muster an ounce of regret.
“And you are?” he asked innocuously, holding his hand out to greet her when she approached.
“Courtney Kogan,” she replied firmly, a hint of defiance in her raspy tone, in the subtle way she tilted her chin as she spoke. “But I suppose you already knew that.”
A battle of wills.
Very intriguing.
With his hand still hovering between them, he waited for her to slide her fingers against his palm. Never taking his eyes off her face, his gaze locked with hers, Max allowed his brain to process her touch, his body hardening instantly. Bringing her fingers to his lips, he kissed her knuckles softly, inhaling the subtle yet sexy scent of her perfume, something warm and exotic—much like her—with a hint of jasmine and amber wood drifting toward him. Intoxicating.
“Nice to meet you, Courtney Kogan.”
Max hadn’t needed the formal introduction, however; he still would’ve recognized the name, known who she was, who she worked for, and why she was there, but he kept his expression masked.