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One Last Shot (Blood Stone Riot Book 2)

Page 17

by Julie Archer

  The plan was to record ‘The Hours of Darkness’ as a band, then record ‘Such A Lonely Ride’ and the existing EP tracks with Richey on bass. The whole band would be around until the former was finished and would then leave Richey and Alik to work with the producer, Dion Robson, on the other songs.

  Richey was glad to get away for a bit, even if it was just the other side of town. The whole situation with Kim had thrown him, dredging up memories and emotions that he thought he had buried for good. After breaking the seal, so to speak, with the freebie Leo Kendrick had given him, he was also craving that buzz again. He’d hooked up with Leo or one of his associates on a couple of occasions since then, trying to hide it from Eva. It was as if he were having an affair when he crept away to meet up with the dealers.

  Having not been in this kind of environment before, Richey was finding it hard to maintain the discipline that the others had. He struggled to play the same thing over and over again until someone else felt it was perfect. He was also struggling with the effects of using again. Most mornings he felt run down and all he wanted to do was stay in bed.

  “Come on, Richey,” said Dion. “Once more and then I reckon we’ve nailed it.”

  Richey stretched his neck and shoulders as he tried to loosen up the muscles. He wished he hadn’t written such a complex bass line for ‘The Hours of Darkness’, but Alik had encouraged him. The singer was pushing him more than he thought. When he first joined the band, he thought it was just to play what was already written, but the more they worked together, Richey realised that it was much more than that. His perception that Alik was the dictator had been shattered the moment they started writing together on the road. It was very much a joint effort with even Dev chipping in with ideas. He started to play again, his fingers moving up and down the fret board of their own accord as he strummed, putting his heart into it. He spotted Dion grinning and giving him a thumbs up, and smiled in return. When the song was finished, Dion’s voice filled the booth.

  “Fucking fantastic! You got it!” He waved. “Go take a break before we do some more.”

  Richey pulled the strap of his bass over his head and rested the instrument on the stand. He was going to need some help to get through the next session. Alik had heard that Dagger Drawn were playing a set at The Phoenix that evening and suggested that they head down to support them as it was close to the Lighthouse Studios. It was close enough for someone to hit him up with something. He headed towards the breakout area and pulled his phone out. He found the number he needed and dialled.

  “Richey, what can I do for you?” Leo’s voice was falsely pleasant.

  “I’ll be in The Phoenix tonight. Any chance you could swing by?”

  “For what? To see you play?” Leo appeared to be playing dumb deliberately. “I hope you’ve improved since the last time I saw you.”

  Richey checked to see if there was anyone in earshot before he replied. “I need some more stuff.”

  Leo snorted. “Of course you do. I seem to remember someone telling me not that long ago they couldn’t do it anymore.”

  “Things changed, right. Can you sort me out or not?”

  “Maybe. I’ll see what I can do.”

  Leo hung up, and Richey stood there, his mouth dry with anticipation. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped it down, wiping away the droplets around his mouth. Dion called him back into the studio, and Richey resigned himself to another long afternoon.

  Richey vaguely remembered playing a gig at The Phoenix a couple of years ago. The pub hadn’t changed at all in that time. It still had a slightly sticky, patterned carpet with suspicious stains and the faint aroma of an un-emptied ashtray, long after the smoking ban had been introduced. When they arrived, he glanced around nervously, looking for Leo. He remembered Alik’s reaction to him when he’d first pointed him out to Richey. He couldn’t risk being found out.

  They ordered beers and burgers and found a table in the corner out of the way, chatting about the tour and the studio session.

  “Any idea when we’d be in the studio for the full album?” Richey asked.

  Alik wiped some mustard from his mouth before replying. “Not sure. Once the EP is out, I think Parker wants us out on the road again. Now we’re back out there, I’m sure that he won’t want the momentum and interest to drop.”

  “I guess I should sort out some shifts at The Indigo Lounge in the meantime then.”

  Alik laughed. “You could, or you could do some more writing with me and we can sell our songs to other people. I did that while Nate and I were out with the solo stuff.”

  Richey was surprised. He hadn’t realised that Alik had a lucrative sideline. He’d expected the singer to be protective of his work. “Really? You think I’m good enough for that?”

  “Mate, ‘The Hours of Darkness’ and ‘Such A Lonely Ride’ are amazing songs. There’s more where they came from, I know it.”

  Richey fell silent. He imagined, for a moment, that if he did write some lyrics for another band or artist he could earn enough to have his own place again. One that he and Eva could set up a future in. It was a nice thought.

  Richey felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out, expecting to see a message from Eva. Instead, he saw an innocuous looking text from Leo. He was out back.

  “Just popping to the bar,” he said.

  The others barely acknowledged him as he went through the door at the side of the bar that led out to the beer garden. Leo was waiting for him at the end of the corridor.

  “Have you got the money this time?” he asked.

  Richey fumbled for his wallet for some notes and thrust them at the dealer. “That’s all I’ve got right now, consider it a deposit.”

  “A deposit?”

  “Come on, you know I’m good for the rest.”

  Leo grabbed Richey by the shoulders and slammed him against the wall. “You’d better be because you’re racking up one hell of a debt. I don’t appreciate it when I don’t get paid what I’m owed.” Leo placed a strong hand around his throat.

  “I’ll get it for you,” Richey said.

  Leo released him and laughed. “I know you will.” He reached into the pocket of his jacket and drew out what Richey wanted. “I’ll be in touch about the outstanding balance on your account.” He stalked off out the back door.

  Richey headed into the gents and went into the one cubicle that locked. Putting down the seat, he gave it a cursory wipe with some toilet paper and used a discarded flyer to chop the cocaine into the lines he wanted. He pulled a banknote from his wallet and rolled it up. He bent over awkwardly and snorted the three lines, one after the other. Immediately he got the hit, the familiar feeling flooding through his body. He rubbed the remaining powder on his gums and shoved the flyer in the bin as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. Suddenly he was on top of the world.

  He went back into the bar and rejoined the others. “Alik?”

  The singer turned to him. “Yeah?”

  “About that song writing,” he said. “When can we start?”

  Chapter Forty-Three

  “Makes a change to have the house completely to ourselves, doesn’t it? I know you were only away at the studio for a week, but god, I missed you.” Eva’s denim mini skirt rode up as she straddled Richey on the sofa.

  He reached round to caress her buttocks at the same time as she leaned down to kiss him. “At least we won’t get interrupted by an inquisitive toddler.”

  “Just imagine what else we can get up to here.” She drew back and began to plant tiny kisses down the side of his neck.

  “Mmm, true. But I’m starving. Why don’t I nip out for some Chinese first?”

  She pouted and unbuttoned her shirt, revealing the bra she had worn on their first meeting.

  “Hold that thought, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He grabbed his jacket and wallet and headed out the door.

  Richey arrived back at the house some forty minutes later, wishing he’d
called for delivery rather than walking to pick up the takeaway. As he approached, he saw that the lights in every room were on, and he wondered what Eva was doing. He turned his key in the lock and entered the hallway.

  “I hope you’ve slipped into something sexy,” he said, “because what I have in mind for after dinner...” The remainder of his sentence stuck in his throat as he came face-to-face with Leo Kendrick standing, large as life, in the hallway.

  “Hello, Richey,” he said. “I do hope I’m not spoiling your evening. I didn’t have any plans you see, so I thought I’d pop by for a chat.”

  “Where’s Eva?”

  Leo didn’t answer him, and a shiver shot down Richey’s spine. He ushered Richey into the living room, which was ominously empty. He took the bag of Chinese from Richey’s hands, lifting it towards his nose and inhaling the smell. “I do hope you got ribs. I just love ribs.”

  “Leo, where’s Eva?”

  “Why don’t you sit down?”

  Richey did as he was told and sank down onto one of the sofas. He watched as Leo silently took the various boxes out of the takeaway bag, opened them, and emptied the contents onto the carpet.

  Leo threw the final tray down with force, sweet and sour sauce splattering up the leg of his trousers. “Where’s my money, Richey?”

  Richey froze. He had known this day might come, but he hadn’t factored on it happening in Poppy’s house, with Eva there.

  “It’s been too long. I can’t keep giving you freebies. I need to make a living somehow you know. Even if you are going to become one of the biggest rock stars on the planet.” Leo’s tone was laced with malice. “What is it with bassists anyway? First Billy Walker and now you? Blood Stone Riot really need to look at their interview technique.”

  “Leo, where’s Eva?” Richey asked for the third time. He felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

  Leo called out and another man appeared from the dining room, propelling Eva in front of him. Her expression was furious, her brown eyes spitting fire.

  Richey noticed a small cut on her cheek and her shirt was ripped, exposing her breasts. Anger knotted in his stomach, but as he moved towards her, Leo put out an arm to stop him.

  “Landed yourself a feisty one there,” said Leo. “We had to show her who was in charge around here, didn’t we, babe?”

  Leo’s henchman pushed Eva into the centre of the room. Her eyes went to each of the men in turn as they watched her, like a circus animal. As she and Richey connected, he realised that her wrists were bound behind her back, and he opened his mouth to protest, but she had moved on, her gaze falling on Leo.

  “Fuck you,” she said.

  In two strides, Leo had crossed the room and came to a halt inches away from her. Richey watched, helpless, as Leo took her chin and forced her to look at him.

  “I’d be careful if I were you,” he hissed. “One hint of insubordination and things could turn very nasty for you and your guitar hero.” A little too casually, he pulled a folding hunting knife from under his jacket. He placed the blade close to Eva’s neck and looked directly at Richey. “If you catch my drift.”

  “You lay another finger on her...”

  “I don’t think you’re in any position to argue, Richey.” He snapped the knife shut and tucked it back into his pocket. He settled down in one of the armchairs and placed his feet on the table. “Now, we’re not going anywhere until we get what we want, so you’d better get used to us.”

  Richey rearranged Eva’s shirt, covering her up as best he could before loosening the tie that bound her wrists. “I’m sorry,” he said, speaking quietly so he couldn’t be overheard.

  “What’s going on Richey?” she asked. “Who is this guy, and why is he here?”

  Leo laughed. “You’re a smart girl, Eva, you should have some notion as to why I’m here. Let’s just say I’m collecting some outstanding debts.”

  “Debts? What debts? What does Richey owe you money for?”

  Richey put his head in his hands. Eva didn’t know he’d been using. He was fucked. He watched as Eva made her way to the door. Leo sprang to his feet and caught her arm.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

  “Surely there’s an easier way to sort this out? I don’t owe you anything.”

  “You may not.” Leo smirked. He gripped her elbow and steered her back into the room. “But I need all the help I can get, see, to make sure that Richey pays me everything he owes me, and I mean everything. You? Well, you provide me with some insurance.” He slapped her lightly across the face. “Right, Richey?”

  “Don’t touch her. This has nothing to do with her.”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” said Leo. He looked Eva up and down. “I’m sure we could come to some sort of arrangement to pay off your debt.” He let the idea settle in Richey’s mind as he ran his fingers over Eva’s breasts, dipping inside her shirt, brushing against her skin. She shrank away from him.

  “I told you not to touch her!” Richey launched himself across the room, threw himself at Leo, and pushed Eva away from him. He drew back his fist, ready to punch the dealer, but Leo’s sidekick was one step ahead of him and grabbed his arms. Leo glared at Eva.

  “Get back here,” he commanded.

  She didn’t move.

  “You don’t think this is serious, do you, babe?” Leo asked. He shook his head. “This change your mind?”

  He spun around and began to lay into Richey. He slammed his fist again and again into Richey’s stomach and ribs until Richey howled in pain. The henchman released him and he fell to the floor. As Richey curled into a ball to try to prevent any further attack, he saw Eva attempt to stop Leo, but his accomplice dragged her away and pinned her arms to her sides. With Richey’s attention distracted, Leo finished the job with a well-placed boot to his ribs, leaving him prone, coughing. Richey lay there, barely able to breathe as Leo went up to Eva. He shook out his fist and moved closer to her.

  “Now, where were we?”

  Richey watched helplessly as Leo backed Eva up against the wall. He pinned her there with his body as she struggled to fight him. He grasped her wrists in one hand and lifted them above her head. His other hand finished the job he had started earlier as he ripped her shirt apart to expose her breasts again. “I can see why you fell for her in the first place.” His free hand trailed over her body and slid underneath her denim skirt.

  Tears fell down Eva’s face. Richey couldn’t take it any longer. He ignored the pain in his ribs and struggled to his feet. He summoned up his strength and shoulder-charged Leo in the back. Leo released Eva, and the three of them fell in a heap on the floor. Eva scrambled away to a corner and clutched her ruined shirt around her body. Leo hammered a few more blows to Richey’s torso and chest. Richey cried out and rolled away.

  “You’re losing so badly, Richey, I’m getting bored.” Leo flexed his fingers again. “Go and help him, Eva.”

  Eva crawled across the floor and crouched down beside him. She stroked his face, and he winced. She helped him into a sitting position, leaning against the side of the sofa. “Jesus, Richey.”

  “I wasn’t going to let him hurt you.” Richey coughed and blood trickled from a cut on his lip.

  “He needs to see a doctor,” said Eva.

  Leo laughed. “Oh, Eva, such naivety. You seemed smarter than that.” He turned to his accomplice. “Get them out of my face, I need some space.”

  The other man nodded obediently and hauled Richey to his feet. He half dragged, half walked him across the room as he caught Eva’s arm with his other hand and pulled her behind him. He pushed them into the study and slammed the door shut before locking it.

  Richey groaned. He was sprawled pathetically on the carpet, his body in an awkward position. “Help me. It hurts.”

  Eva moved him into an upright position and tried to make him comfortable. She sank onto the floor next to him, and Richey saw the defeated look in her eyes. “What the hell is all this about anyway?
What’s he doing here?”

  Richey looked away, scared to tell her the truth but knowing he had to. “I’m an addict. Cocaine mostly. Seeing Kim again brought it all back. I went to Leo for more and more, which I couldn’t afford.”

  Eva shook her head. “What? When? I don’t understand.”

  “It started years ago, and I’ve been clean a long time,” he said. “I met Leo at the first gig we did at The Vegas. He gave me a freebie, and I hadn’t touched it. Being with you made me feel stronger, made me realise I didn’t need it anymore. But seeing Kim again made me lose it, and it escalated from there. I needed it to feel better, to help me.” He searched her face for a reaction but saw none.

  “Does anyone else know?”

  Richey shook his head. “Do you think that after everything that happened with Billy, I was going to tell the others? You’re the only one who knows, apart from Kim.” He laughed, then broke into a cough that ripped through his ribs.

  Eva eased him out of his coat. He recoiled from her touch as she gently pulled the coat from him. She bundled it up to create a makeshift pillow and helped him to lie on his side. A wave of nausea washed over him, but as he retched, the pain in his ribs became unbearable. Eventually, he found a way to lie with his head in Eva’s lap, her fingertips gently stroking his temple as he drifted off into unconsciousness.

  The respite didn’t last long as, what felt like only minutes later, the door burst open and Leo stood there, his face set and his crony hovering behind him.

  “Time to wake up.” Leo strode across the room, giving him a swift kick in the stomach.

  “Jesus, Leo, he’s in enough pain as it is, can’t you leave him alone?” said Eva.

  “Love to, babe, but I can’t seem to find what I want, so it’s time we went elsewhere to get it.”

  Richey winced as Leo’s accomplice hauled him to his feet and dragged him towards the door.

  “Where are you taking him?” she asked.


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