Eclipsed by Midnight

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Eclipsed by Midnight Page 9

by Kristina Canady

  “A very old and powerful one.”

  “Why didn’t you just open it for us?” He seemed to know what to do but watched as I initially struggled.

  “I am not able to.”

  “Oh.” Strange. All vamps had a little magic, and Etienne was gifted on top of that.

  “Come on then, he’ll be halfway to China before he realizes he’s left us behind.” Etienne grabs my hand and leads me at lightning speed down the dark hall. I am barely able to take a breath before we slow behind Dominic, who is opening another door roughly encased in a stone threshold and set into the musty, damp earth, now teasing power to come out and play. This place radiates magic and the further we travel into the underground tunnels, the more alive I feel.

  “Oh! You made it, very good. Come on then!” Dominic grins as he thrusts the door open and invites us in. Something about that face makes me think he’s not as big of an airhead as Etienne thinks. His teaching style is just a little different, and he may be intentionally using that façade to help others learn.

  As we follow him inside, the cavern lights up as Dominic flicks a switch on the earthen wall to reveal a very homey workspace with a roaring fire in the hearth. Where the hell is the fire shoot for that thing? How are there actual overhead lights down here under the mountain? My mind fights with the technicalities and possibilities of all that I am seeing, completely distracting me from another presence in the room.

  “Long time no see, welcome.” A thick, Scottish voice brings my head around like a swivel.

  Seated by the fire in a big, overstuffed wing back is a larger-than-life male, one that makes my skin crawl in recognition. In an instant, the figure moves toward me, and I panic, causing Etienne to step in front, heading off the imposing male.

  “Right there will be fine,” Etienne warns the moving mass of muscle.

  “Na need ta fret, ah just wantae thank ye.”

  As I peek around Etienne’s large frame, I see the male has dropped to one knee before us and fisted his hand over his heart.

  “Dear Priestess, how canae e’er repay wut ye did fur me?”

  Pushing my fear aside so that my instincts can resume leading, I let my senses fall over the humbled figure and extract as much information as possible. Dominic patently observes off to the side with furrowed brows, reading more into what is taking place than he is letting on. Something about Dominic and this Scot’s demeanor has me on guard, although I still believe them both to be trustworthy.

  “I’m not entirely sure what I did to help you, but please stand up.” I still can’t get used to that bowing crap. Yeah, it’s a sign of respect and I get that, but still. He quickly complies, yet waits expectantly, respectfully poised in front of my guarding mate.

  “Sasha, this is Callum. I believe you have met before?” Dominic interjects.

  “Yes, he attacked me in a dark alley,” I thoughtfully recite as I observe the brilliant eyes now boring into mine. Regret and shame fill his aura, yet his stance and expression remain unmoving. Etienne’s mind has also eased, feeling no threat but holding steady for my comfort.

  “Ye have na idea how eternally sorry I am, Priestess.” Callum bows his head, and the blue of sadness overtakes him. His show of emotion is all that I need to chase away the last of my building fears.

  Pushing by Etienne, I go to Callum and my hand reaches to cup his chin on its own accord. A shock of energy stems from the connection, causing us both to falter back. Interesting, I still don’t know why that happens with some vampires and not others.

  “I see that you’ve changed, Callum. I’m not a hundred percent certain how, but I’m happy to see it.” My arms come back to cross over my chest as my essence pushes out to read him inside and out, still wanting assurance.

  “It was wut ye did ta me that night that made the difference. Ye gave me a second chance at life anew.”

  “It was quite interesting when he arrived here, Sasha. It was if he was returned to some sort of energetic, infantile state. He was still a grown male, of course, who could tend to most of what he needed with a small amount of help and reorientation, but his mind and thought processes were simplified and pure. Day by day, through gentle guidance, his evolution into the light took place.”

  “I’m ashamed to think aboot who I was, but I am grateful for who I am now.”

  Thinking back to what I had seen when I first performed the cleansing on him, I jolt at what lurked there. I also remember seeing hope for him at the time as the darkness was not all consuming. That is what probably made the difference in an otherwise hopeless case. Fondly going back over that whole ceremony, I momentarily relive it in the blink of an eye.

  “Callum has made himself useful?” Etienne questions as he moves by the fire, visually vetting the area, always assessing.

  “Oh yes, he and Dagan have proven quite useful around here. They provide guard as well as help with the day-to-day necessities so that Solana and I can work. They’ve more than earned their place here.”

  “That is what I’ve heard,” Etienne replies as my skin pricks in the wake of Dagan’s name. I hadn’t thought it possible for that blood-hungry mongrel to rehab, not after what I had witnessed that one night in the hospital. Perhaps my skills were child’s play back then and left me in a less-honed state, by my instincts screamed otherwise. Needing his closeness as too many things to count shift through my mind, I shuffle around to stand near Etienne as Callum and Dominic take a seat.

  “Is that why you wanted me to come down here?” As I run a hand over my thick sweater, my eyes wander over the space, tracing the furniture lines. It appeared more like someone’s home than an actual healer’s den.

  “I wanted you to see the benefits of your work. Selfishly speaking, I wanted to allow Callum the opportunity to clear his conscious.”

  “And Dagan?”

  “He still battles with moments of regression. I am not sure if what you performed on him was the same as Callum or not. He is down below for the time being.” It went without being said that my presence as well as my human children could prove to be too great of a trigger.

  “It wasn’t the same; there wasn’t a lot of time when I helped him.” My nurturing ways inspire me to want to help him if there is even the slightest chance. If nothing else, for the sake of his twin, Dean.

  “Perhaps you could—” Dominic’s hopeful, impending question is soon cut off by Etienne’s low growl. “Another time, perhaps. Would you like a tour of the facilities?” Dominic offers politely, fully retracting from us.

  “There’s more?”

  “Oh yes, these magical caverns and tunnels wind deep. We have different areas set up for healing, worship, studying, imprisoning—the whole bit. This is Callum’s quarters, and the first of the burrowed rooms as he stands as the main guard.” That explains the homey feel, far off from the environment I had become accustomed to with Damien.

  Not wanting to be rude despite being bombarded with the past, I allow the two to guide us around the intricate and interconnected network of tunnels and caverns that were surprisingly modern and outfitted to suit all healers’ needs. There was even a steam room and hot spring back in the therapy room. Don’t ask me how—I have no clue. But one thing was evident through the tour; I was just beginning to scratch the surface on my knowledge in the realm of healing.

  Damien tap-danced and eased me in with baby steps back in France. This was more like being submerged in all the possibilities all at once. The magic was right up in your face, bubbling about, seeping from every nook and cranny. Objects suspended from the ceiling in the herb room with no direct attachments, while other things that smelled funny bubbled over low burners in tubes on the workbench with no one attending to them. A few cats with eyes and auras that spoke of something beyond what a normal feline should be capable of, lazily lounged in the study hall. In that same space, a great white owl kept watch from a high, root-base perch embedded in the earthen wall. And don’t get me started on the random reptiles just chilling ou
t in the open on their own, living naturally throughout the cavern rooms.

  When I asked about the wildlife, Dominic simply shrugged it off as if it were the most natural occurrence, even though it isn’t. He said that Nannau provides the creatures with what they need to survive and they live down here by choice. The critters come and go as they please. They find their own way in and out, yet the current group of residents has been there a while. They show no signs of leaving, especially since Solana moved in permanently. Occasionally, they left him gifts for potions and spells, such the shedding of a snake. I shudder at the thought and wrap myself around a bemused Etienne when that tidbit comes up. After about an hour of touring, we emerge and head back up to the cabin.

  Light poured from the cabin on an unnatural level as we approach, the sounds of laughter ringing clear. The jubilance that is radiating from inside pains me in a sense. That is a level of joy my sons have not experienced with me in a very long time yet I am happy that they get to have it now. Even Erik’s energy is lighter, less snarky as laughter fills the air once more. Immediately, I know the cause—Solana. Pure light and energy in a human form.

  “Dominic, I don’t want to disrupt them. Etienne and I will wait in the car if you could please let them know we are waiting?” Suddenly, breaching that haven seems as if it will poison the moment, and I certainly don’t want to take that from them.

  “Not a problem. Until next time, Priestess.” Dominic fists a hand over his heart and slightly bows before heading in.

  “What was that about?” Etienne quirks a brow and wraps an arm around me.

  “I seem to be a black cloud for them, and I don’t want to suck the light out of that room.”

  “You couldn’t be more wrong, mon amour.” He leans into my side and pulls me close.

  “Perhaps, but that human girl is giving them something they need, and I don’t want to intrude.”

  “The witch?”

  “She’s a witch?” I’ll be… they do exist.

  “Yes, a child of the light. It’s rare; most humans turned their backs on that talent and evolved without it in pursuit of other types of gains, but they are still around.”

  Etienne opens the back door for me. I pull him into the backseat and curl up on his lap as we await the rest of our party, who are now attempting goodbyes in the doorway.

  “Lil, can vampires drink the blood of witches?” I curl deeper into his embrace, drawing jean-covered knees up to my chest as his strong arms pull me even closer.

  “It is the same slippery slope as with humans, but witches can better protect themselves. Why do you ask?” His hand strums my thigh as his chin comes to rest atop my head.

  “My mind is always racing, trying to see the possibilities. Surely, I am not the only one who can see that the three of them are quite… drawn to one another.”

  “Yes, and Aiden is quite conflicted about it as well.”

  “You are spying on them?” I cheekily ask, and his hand travels around to the inside of my thigh.

  “And you thought I wasn’t?” he smarts back.

  “Don’t you ever get tired of always having that on?” I playfully tap the side of his head, the soft waves of his hair beckoning my fingers to tangle through it.

  “It’s become second nature. The only break I get is with you, and it is odd.” He looks thoughtfully at me.

  “Odd? Now that’s not what a girl expects to hear.”

  “And what does a girl, exactly, expect to hear?” he tempts, his voice deepening as his hand travels higher.

  “Certainly not that her presence is odd in any way.” My breath catches. “More so that her presence is second to none and the only place you want to be.”

  “I thought that was a given.” He purrs in my ear as his nose travels back into my hair.

  “I can’t read your brain, you know,” I attempt to joke, but one play nip behind the ear from him and my chest juts forward in pleasure, nipples straining. Of course, that’s when our entourage decides to leisurely make their way back to the car. Slapping Etienne’s hands away, I scoot into the seat next to him as the car doors open and Eric, Ethan, and Aiden happily plop down. Surprisingly, this has been a very pleasant evening. All parties involved seemed to enjoy themselves, even Etienne toward the end, but still.

  Chapter 6

  “Defeat is a state of mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as reality.” ~Bruce Lee


  Sitting at the edge of our mated bed, I contemplate whether to at least call Ang and give her a heads-up to where I am headed. Someone should know—but that would be pointless because she is off with her family in Japan and I don’t want to disturb them. Or worry her. I have a decision to make.

  Today is Halloween; the boys have been well enough aside for the minor body aches to beg us for the last two days straight to join their old high school buddies for a night out. Etienne smartly left the choice up to me even if his opinion was overwhelmingly obvious. He’d keep the boys under lock and key until they not only turned, but had also safely been through blood-lust training and proven themselves safe. He also knew how important I felt it was that they have some normalcy in their lives during this tumultuous time. Etienne has always known who he was from day one—us vamp mutts had no clue. The transition between worlds is a difficult one, especially for young men just coming into their own and who continue to have the mentality of young boys at times. I do have to say, Ethan has done quite well after the initial shock. He’s always been an easygoing, loving kid. Aiden is coming around, but that trace of darkness and defiance that lurks scares the bejeezus out of me.

  The sun peaked a few hours ago. Etienne flew out of bed shortly after, muttered something about the office, and promptly left. He thinks I have no clue as to why, nor has he cared to talk to me about what has been making him toss and turn at night. As if I wasn’t bonded to the asshole and couldn’t tell. The course of our relationship has proven time and time again that there is severe room for improvement in the communication department. I suppose we have a lifetime to work on that, as it will continue to be ever evolving. Perhaps the lack of actually verbalizing for the minute details is a default in the wake of our inherited and constant communication between our spirits. Who am I kidding? That’s not entirely it.

  Etienne doesn’t think that he has to answer to anyone and does as he pleases in the name of what is quote “right.” Well, now it is time I surpass my mate’s desire to keep me safe under lock and key in the name of what’s right. Time to go find a fucking cup that has this whole side of the world in a tizzy. Steeling my resolve, I launch myself off the bed, taking one last look around before ascending the stairs. Tristan is hovering in the kitchen, happy to be on site as newly appointed guard for the boys on their night out. This vamp has been chomping at the bit to be brought in closer and he also loves the women, so a frat party is right up his alley. Antoine and his happy-go-lucky attitude will be joining them from the shadows, as man-to-man coverage is the only suitable option for a pair of twins looking to cut loose before impending lock down.

  “And where do you think you are going?” Erik’s voice surprises me, catching me off guard as my hand hovers on the heavy, wooden front door. Damn it, in all of my powers, I still haven’t learned to not let people throw me off when my daydreaming takes over.

  “Out for a run,” I reply automatically, thanking the goddess my workout attire is well in place for this mission.

  “You seem to be missing a jacket. It is rather cold out, Nintuah.” Erik narrows his eyes at me, assessing.

  Fuck. These guys are always calculating every damn detail, waiting, watching.

  “You know I hate wearing clothes as it is, bare minimum,” I challenge, hand on hip.

  He sighs heavily, rocking back on his heels. “You do realize what my job is?” His indifferent tone a contradiction to his expression.

  “Mastermind and all-seeing eye? Controlling asshole assistant to the controlling asshole?” I sm

  “And then some.” He arches a fine, blond brow and his face transforms into something sinister that makes my flesh crawl. Geesh, these eren are a tough crowd!

  “Erik, go play with Marguerite. I will be back well before you are done—promise.” His warrior face suddenly falls, causing me to falter. “Shit, what’s wrong?” Suddenly, all my attention is on him, probing and looking for answers.

  “Things aren’t going so well there.” He shuts down, not wanting to talk.

  I step forward, lifting his chin to meet his eyes. The pain there makes me gasp.

  “Sasha, now is not the time. Please go back downstairs and don’t make me chain you up.” Erik’s face ages under the stress before my eyes.

  “Not until you tell me what’s wrong.”

  “We aren’t getting along. She wants more than I can give, so she left and went back overseas.” His tone is too clipped.

  “And you can’t get over yourself to give her more?” Typical.

  “I’m not ready for all that. I broke it off completely.”

  Hauling back, I slap him hard in the face, my hand immediately retracting in excruciating pain. He continues to look back at me, unfazed. “You are a real idiot, brother mine,” is all I say as I turn for the door. Overkill? Possibly, but that’s just how our relationship works and he needed it. Plus, it was an attempt at a distraction.

  “Do not make me get the chains.” Erik’s voice drops low into a growl, patience wearing thin.

  “To do what?”

  “You are not allowed to leave, Nintuah.”

  “Since when?” My voice hits the ceiling, pissed beyond belief at this declaration.

  “Since now, not until your mate gets back.”

  “You are really going to try to stop me?” Tristan and Antoine choose that moment to stroll in and flank Erik, with silent promises to back him up should he need it.

  “Jesus H. Christ. Please don’t make me hog-tie you to keep you here, Nintuah. I’ve told you once and I will tell you again, I am entirely more afraid of him than you.”


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