Eclipsed by Midnight

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Eclipsed by Midnight Page 10

by Kristina Canady

  It is then I sense Gabriel’s presence on the other side of the door that my hand is poised to open, attempting to seal my fate. Do the four of them really think they can keep me here against my will?

  Anger rips through me, but I quickly quell it and focus my energy. They are all faster than me. I totally lost in the vamp genetic mash-up in that department. What to do—what to do? Etienne picked up on my behavior and called in the reinforcements.

  “Why did the boss man put you up to keeping me under lock and key all of a sudden?” I question, and they begin to avert their steely gazes as if I could will the truth from them with one green-eyed glare.

  “Why are you insisting on leaving right now for a run?” Erik pushes back.

  “I run almost every day at this time.”

  “No, you usually sleep a few more hours first, gorge yourself on breakfast… and then pitch a fit as you ready to go out.” Erik calls my bluff.

  “I do not gorge on food. I am a lady, ya know.” I feign offense. They all chuckle in rebuttal, knowing my habits entirely too well.

  If I retreat to the basement and attempt to escape from there, chances are they have already booby-trapped everything, anticipating my moves. My only chance is overpowering them here. If I am not careful, I will hurt them or bring down Etienne’s house in the process, a house I love and wouldn’t want to damage on that level. How do I temporarily apprehend four big-ass males long enough to escape, then cloak myself well enough to get far away from them? They will trail me, undoubtedly. Etienne, Gabriel, and Roman have had my blood, which is like a homing device, yet only one of them is here.

  Wait, I can use my power to bend the fabric of time to travel just like when the urge hit me to get to my sons when we stepped off the plane. Shit, I don’t know how I did that. At the time, my instincts and desires drove the boat. But even if I could figure out that mode of transportation again, how do I escape this current pickle without hurting anyone and leaving a trail?

  Yes! That’s it! The lightbulb goes off in my head and Erik sighs heavily as he reaches quickly into his pocket for something. Reaching out with my power to spy, I can tell it is a spelled item he is going for. Shit, they knew my powers are too strong to physically overpower me, so they planned to use a little assistance. Calling the elements on instinct to protect myself from bindings, I subconsciously tap into that bottomless well of universal power surrounding every living being. In the next beat of my heart, I channel the elements into all four eren at once, rendering them helpless and in a trance-like state.

  Ripping open the front door, I am met with a frozen Gabriel, his face ready to do battle. I knew that face well. He wore it every time in the ring when we sparred. Sidestepping his bulk, I send my essence out in search of the direction in which I need to go. Ripping the hair tie off my wrist, I quickly twist my long, auburn waves back into a bun and secure it as my conscious searches for the northern region I am being called to. Crap, this is taking longer than anticipated. Damien said it would call me—that we’d be drawn to one another.

  A brief arctic chill sweeps down and around me. I rub my hands up and down my arms under the onslaught. Raising my consciousness to the next level while channeling the wind, I listen intently for the clues. Something of such significance would also channel elemental power and emit its own beacon of light for those meant to receive such transmissions. Damn it, if only I had some of Etienne’s blood, I could strengthen my reach. Wait, I do, in a sense. Closing my eyes, I inhale the earthy scents around me as my tongue traces my fangs in memory of this morning’s feeding. A thrill of pleasure runs from the tips, down to my thighs, as I focus on Etienne’s life essence flowing through my veins. Drawing on my power once more, I push outwards and summon the wind in search of my course. Like a metaphysical mapping system elevated beyond most cognizant abilities, I find it and lock on tight. Sensing the four brooding males behind me beginning to push severely against my bonds, threatening my hold, I hurry to envision the folds of time and space needed to speed my slow ass up.

  Spying Gabriel’s jacket in his hand, I nab it before taking off like a bullet from a gun. And not a moment too soon. Erik broke through first, and Gabriel soon followed. The other two remained subdued, probably because they are quite a bit younger. Multitasking is hard stuff and definitely weakens my abilities. Especially once my focus shifts gears, which is the other reason the first two broke through so fast.

  After about thirty minutes of travel, exhaustion has me slowing as I reach Yellow Stone. Slowing to a brisk walk, my breath becomes strained as the adrenaline rush sputters out, leaving my muscles an achy, twitchy mess. As my hands come to rest on my belly, I double over and dry heave. That form of travel will take forever to get used to. Finding a boulder to perch on, I quickly clamber up the cool and rough surface to lie down. The sky blankly stares back, beginning to pulsate unnaturally as my breathing struggles to relax. The air comes in and out of my lungs in short, labored spurts, and I feel my blood supply running oddly low already for someone who just fed.

  And now here I am, all alone in the middle of nowhere, cloaked from those set on protecting me, about to pass out, and not even halfway on my journey. Tears of pain and frustration suddenly break through my tough-girl act as the physical distance from my mate mingles with the overwhelming truths circulating around my very existence. Everyone I love is suffering in some sense it seems, all struggling with related and unrelated battles they each are destined to face. And here I am, on a rock, puking and falling apart, while on a death mission to find a fucking cup that may not even be real—all in order to protect the balance of life instead of being there in person for those who need me most. My body trembles as cold sweats break out and another wave threatens my clenched stomach.

  Rolling over into the fetal position, I fight the wave and bring my knees to my chest. Get it together, Sasha. Put on your big-girl panties, get up, and carry on. No matter how much I scold myself, my body continues to shake and threaten to fall apart. Pain rips through me as the longing for my mate becomes all consuming. No! Stop it! That’s going to send a direct homing beacon to him! I reprimand myself once more and begin to look around the surrounding wilderness for anything else to focus on. Sunset begins to graze the surrounding rugged terrain as the wind gently reaches down in a caress. The light breeze chases away the dampness on my brow and allows me to take a deep breath. My attention is quickly drawn up by the cry of a red tail hawk, sounding in the distance.

  As the hawk rides a warm wave of air, suspended in the current for a single, peaceful moment before resuming his hunt. I am reminded that we, too, have the ability to commune with positivity and light before resuming our daily battles. Watching the glorious creature reminds me that in this moment, I need to embrace my inner warrior. The goddess will always give us what we need to push on. Abundance is all around.

  Steadying myself as I slowly rise, while trying to ignore my body revolting, I slip down the bolder and gracefully come to a landing on my ass, on the not-so-forgiving, frozen ground. Shaking my head back and forth, tears drip down and mingle with snot before slightly freezing on my face, the temperature continually dropping with each passing second. Scraping shaky hands across my mug, I lean forward and attempt to dig my hands into the solid earth. The red tail’s cry echoes again, serving in warning as well as guidance as they’ve been known to do per the Native American’s oral tales of spirit guides.

  That’s an interesting thought, spirit guides. I’ve always thought mine would be a fat, lazy house cat or old hound dog who likes to lay on the porch most days… especially lately. Or maybe even that white stag that has liked to torture my dreams for so long and make me feel quite ill in the end… No, never mind, he didn’t feel like he belonged with me. Was this my very own vision quest of sorts and now my spirit guide is presenting itself? The hawk cries again as if in answer and I take that as a sign. Wiping my dripping nose on the back of my muddied hand, I rapidly look around. One could spend forever guessing and secon
d-guessing every little damn thing.

  As the vocal stylings of the majestic creature overhead echoes, I draw on the bird’s strength and viciously pull upward from what I can feel pulsating in the icy dirt beneath my hands. My inner fire flairs to life on impact. Earth’s wholesome scent invigorates my nose as if it were the middle of spring, and the humidity in the air thickens as it moves around me, needing to be close. Syphoning as much as I can possibly take, I absorb the earth’s magic to top off my depleted tank. Inhaling deeply once more, I revel in the feeling of centeredness and vigor as it seeps through every cell in my body. After taking my fill, I stop the channeling and purposely stand on wobbly legs that need a minute to catch up with my newfound enthusiasm. The red tail signals his support from above once more and brands me in a way that is hard to explain. The connection is instant, life altering, and quite permanent. My senses spike in warning as I feel a familiar pull on an invisible bond that defies possibility. Shit, he’s coming for me and he is one pissed-off mate! While that little incantation won’t sustain me like blood, it will do for now. Calling my unnatural wheels, I quickly cloak myself and take off toward the sacred spot in which I am being drawn to. No more games.

  Dire urgency fills me as I land in northwestern Montana, in a little meadow on the sacred Native American grounds, just south of the Flathead Lake. The site pulled me in like a moth to a flame, especially the closer I came. The location was perfect for said ceremony that was used originally. The magic seeped through every blade of grass, every pebble under foot, and the heavenly lake not far off perfected the elemental need. The site felt alive and hummed its own tune in the middle of national forest. When I take a moment to relish in the vibrations, the pure beauty singing throughout, the moment is quickly cut short when I realize I am not alone. Dark energy slithers on the perimeter as a set of eyes catch my attention briefly before disappearing.

  Those eyes! My time at Marcos’ flashes before me as those feminine, yet deadly, glowing eyes align with the set that would watch me in my weakest moments in captivity. Anger fuels me in spite of fear, and I channel it with deadly precision. The draw of the most powerful spot on this site is right underfoot. Ripping through the fabric of the veil between worlds as fast as I possibly can in the face of extreme danger closing in on me, I reach through and blindly grab at the source while keeping my eyes fixed on the looming shadow rapidly nearing. As I fumble around, my fingertips grasp the edge of something while demonic hissing fills my ears. I have no idea where it is coming from, but my blood pressure is now soaring in my ears, battling with the hell-sent sound that makes one want to rip at their own flesh. Time begins to move in slow motion. My fumbling becomes frantic as I strain through the portal against the seams, attempting to keep one foot in each world as the dark figure with glowing eyes begins to charge me. Air wheezes in and out of my chest in rapid form as impending death looms.

  My quaking fingers finally grasp a metal handle of some sort. As contact is made, an earth-shattering screech straight from the depths of hell rockets through the little meadow’s clearing, and a power like no other explodes like an atomic bomb through the tear I created. When I stumble back from the explosive force, the opening snaps shut with a loud, latex-inspired crack, and the cup clatters lifelessly by my feet. My head drops back in time to catch the mushroom cloud of power looming above. Instinctively raising my hands, I brace my feet as the now-dark purple haze begins rumble with thunder and lightning. The winds in the little valley pick up speed and begin to circle in a maddening speed, stopping the charging figure in its tracks.

  The darkness on the fringes of the forest attempts to bulldoze through towards me again, but a ring of fire rises all around as mists of water from the lake join the surrounding tornado, fortifying the impermeable wall. Cloaked figures battle ram the barrier with blasts of magic not rooted in what I have become accustomed to. As the cloud surges above thunder on, charging up, my upturned arms begin to feel locked in place by a steel vice. Before I can question it, lighting from the mist strikes me in one powerful, blindingly painful lash. My own screams of horror rise to compete and amplify in the raging elements.

  As my body collapses under the night sky, the earth rushes up to catch me. Soft, forest-drenched aromas nestle into me as I sink into the oddly warm and comforting soil. The earth element eases my beaten, bloody, and bruised body down deeper into its embrace as aftershocks rip through me, making me wish for certain death. Tears and sobs rip through my quaking body as I continue to sink even deeper into the impossibly lax soil now encapsulating me. The elemental power racing around draws nearer, no longer raging through the meadow. Its sole focus is now me. The soil closes over the top of my body in a dome fashion; air gently wisps around inside the cocoon as fire and water sit protectively over the top of my entombed figure. The demonic blackness draws uncomfortably near, its hovering presence setting off my senses. However, it is suddenly stopped by a barrier of unknown origin as pain forces my consciousness to slip away and a coma-like sleep overtakes me.



  I rushed out of the house early this afternoon, weakened by the sun still too high in sky but determined to beat the Mastagia in the search for this relic. Our intel cited activity in northern Montana. Dominic also confirmed this morning before we lay down that dark magic was being drawn up there. Not wanting to take any chances with my mate, I had extra precautions put into place at home to keep her there while we hunted. She is a prime target. Her powers would be exactly what those fuckers would love to have to track down the relic, if it even exists. And if her tossing, turning, and emanating of energy the last few nights was anything to go by, something big is on her mind—something she hasn’t cared to share with me—but I had a good idea.

  “My Lord, we have a general idea where in the north the activity is located, but we won’t know for sure until we get closer. Hakeem, as well as a few others, is landing very shortly to assist in the hunt. Time is of the essence. The veil will be thin early this evening, and something bad is nearing.” Roman shudders, his power pulsing around his figure in reaction to whatever disturbance is taking place on our ground. His earth element ties him closely to every waveform. Even when he doesn’t fully understand what is happening, it affects him.

  “What would ye like to do? I can head to pick them up and meet back here or I can help Gabriel,” Niall interjects, warrior ready.

  “Gabriel and the others should be fine. I’ve acquired some extra help by way of charmed goods should she get out of control.” At that, Niall grins a “that’s my girl” look before nodding.

  “Maurizio, I want you to take a few and head out now. We need to flank them. If Hakeem is coming to assist, then take Roman with you now. His speed can match yours. Do not take any eren who are slow, leave them behind to patrol my compound as well as to tail Sasha’s boys when they go out this evening.”

  “Should the witch join us?” Emile’s baritone voice enters the room before he does.

  “Brother. So glad you were able to join us.” I stand and embrace Emile. I can’t deny the relief I have knowing he is back with us. Kataya cycled late, and he couldn’t leave her side until she was well and through her moon. Fire licks my loin as I briefly recall my very own honeymoon. I can smell Sasha’s heathen call as we speak—scent that had me rendered utterly and completely helpless. Quickly, my focus shifts back to present before I am drawn down that dangerous path. My senses suddenly jump to attention, attempting to alert me of some shift, while still keeping a finger on the pulse of the change. I carry on our planning session here at our private facility tucked well below the warehouse and cloaked so that prying ears cannot penetrate as my mind searches to understand the alarm. I may be put off by that fumbling male of a healer based completely off his demeanor, far from warrior-esk, but he is damn good at his craft.

  “About that witch…”

  “She cannot travel as fast as we.” Solana’s gifts would be helpful, but we cannot be liable for her eith

  “Have you checked with Dominic to see if they have spelled other forms of travel yet?” Maurizio asks.

  “Not yet, but—” My phone vibrates in my pocket, and the feeling I had moments ago intensifies. “Yes, Erik?” I try not to sound panicked but something else takes over. His voice rambles on and on, littered with a million apologies and swear words as he tells me what my little minx just pulled. The room cools on impact as my anger comes to life. All heads turn my way as my tone matches the shift in degrees and I over-annunciate every next syllable so as not to misinterpret a single with my thick accent.

  “Erik, listen very carefully. You will be taking those other two pussies to track those boys at all times. If anything happens to them, well, I don’t need to explain that because you all are already quite familiar with my work. Niall will be joining you shortly to assist. Do not, under any circumstances, allow them to come across this knowledge concerning their mother.” I promptly hang up the phone on Erik and cut my eyes to Niall, who gives me one nod and hits the door without another word. Clearly, Sasha’s gifts are evolving once more, making my eren look like complete fools. My body vibrates as urgency and irritation take up residence.

  “There is no further need for discussion. You all know what you need to do. Emile, call Dominic once we arrive to retrieve Hakeem. We leave now!” I growl and tear out of the room, my eren scattering to their assigned duties as Emile and I head straight for the nearby airstrip.

  Five minutes later, we land on the tarmac as another of my private jets taxis in. Emile is promptly on the phone as I take up a stance at the end of the asphalt, willing the plane to me with all that I have. Ten minutes has passed and the sun will soon be setting in the sky. I can feel her heading north and my heart sinks. Fisting my hands at my sides, I pray she is traveling by foot at her normal pace, which will be easier to catch up to. Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that she’s using that little trick she learned when we first arrived back here? Goddess help me, when I get my hands on her—she’s not leaving the basement for a solid year. My fangs lengthen as I prepare for battle, and Emile silently joins me.


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