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Eclipsed by Midnight

Page 15

by Kristina Canady

  “Clever old dog,” I grumble and ease back, finally understanding, even if I may not like it.

  “How is the lovely priestess fairing now?” Damien asks, concern etched deep in his words as he eagerly dismisses my state.

  “She was half drugged for a bit, and then her mind fully awoke, which was tumultuous to say the least. And now, she sleeps more than usual.”

  “I can imagine housing all the power that she now does is going to take some getting used to,” Damien chimes before falling into thought, analyzing possibility no doubt.

  I grunt in response and avert my eyes, not knowing what else to say.

  “When did you plan on telling us?” Koray pins me with an accusatory glare, the one from my youth that he liked to use when he was upset with me.

  “Tell you what?” I counter.

  “My son, we’ve been close far too long.” He sighs in disappointment, which wounds me. Damien looks expectedly back and forth between us, waiting for clarification, as he did not quite understand.

  “There’s nothing else to tell.” I trusted Koray more than any other living thing, but even that wasn’t a full investment.

  “After all of these years, you still fall back on terrible habits that do nothing but hinder you senseless.” Koray truly looks hurt.

  “Koray, old friend, I trust you with my life and you know that.”

  “True, but you don’t fully trust me with the life of your mate. You don’t think I’ve noticed the change in her during these little video calls?”

  No, I didn’t fully trust anyone with my mate and how the hell can he tell anything when I couldn’t even tell?

  He has been by my side since the day he plucked me from the depths of hell, as well as the backslides I befell over the years. Is he bluffing? Trust is a delicate thing, one earned too rashly by some and easily broken by most. Ego and intent by far delivering the biggest blows to the fragile ideal of trust—all in the name of self-entitlement and gain. Humans and vampires alike were generally simple in that respect. Each a puzzle with a variation of the same pieces, it usually boiled down to what configurations they fell into for that individual. Every once in a while, a few defied those patterns—Koray and Damien to name a few. Ill intent was never the name of their game, nor was personal gain.

  Blowing out through pursed lips, I watch the screen in front of me, seeing two males whom I really did trust more than most. “Yes, she is with young,” I confirm his unspoken suspicions, carefully watching their every move as they process. Pure joy and elation beam from the screen, almost blinding me as they laugh through tears of joy and hug each other. It takes a few moments for them to settle down and remember that I am still here. Turning back to the screen, they wipe their eyes a few more times while attempting to give me their full attention.

  “That is quite the reaction—one might think I had said that the two of you were to be fathers,” I scoff. Not to mention my reaction was far from that.

  “Son, does the joy of new life not fill your soul?” Koray’s concern washes over me and feeds my guilt.

  “It is a slow process, and it’s not like she’s thought to converse with me herself on the matter. I discovered it when she was in hibernation and then again when her barrier slipped.”

  “A magical young who shows great promise for our kind should be much celebrated. Regardless, that young is a piece of you. Sasha will not divulge anything unless she feels it to be safe. If your take on bearing fruit has been less than favorable, she will not open up to you. She is a mother. She is the embodiment of our holy mother; she will stop at nothing to protect that flicker of life.”

  “Notwithstanding my apprehension, I am her husband, her mate, the other half of her soul—she should feel inclined to communicate with me on such matters!” Apparently, I am still harboring some anger over the matter.

  “May I interject?” Damien speaks up, and Koray nods. “Is it plausible that she may not even know?”

  “How would that be possible?” I openly stare, waiting.

  “Under extreme amounts of stress, we become disconnected from our bodies. She has only until recently begun to understand hers, much less this world. And, the young is just now making itself known.” Damien’s voice picks up strength as he continues on.

  “She has smelled different for a while; the heartbeat is awfully strong for her not to know.” My frown deepens.

  “We’ve had our suspicions as well up until you left concerning the alterations we sensed in her, but if this young has any combination of the magic you two possess, it is feasible that it didn’t want to be known until now.”

  “That would make some sense, on some level. However, Kataya and Emile already know, and it’s been but not even two weeks since her moon.”

  “Promise me this, My Lord, that you will approach her a bit differently with this topic and be open to the possibilities before you damn her.” His genuine concern and need for me to switch gears pleads across the wavelengths.

  “Fair enough.” I need to practice a bit more patience anyhow.

  “Moving on in business. Cedric notified us that your father is up to his suspicious antics again and thinks your parents will be making a surprise visit there. Your father disappeared on Samhain until early morning the next day. Now, we can’t jump to conclusions, but the timing is quite concerning.”

  “For the love of our goddess, I hope they don’t land here right now. Did Dominic get back to you with what they found on the bodies we managed to preserve?” Fear for my new family’s safety slithers into the back of my mind. Running my hands through my loose hair, I rein it in, flexing my control.

  “He’s working on it but did show us the amulets when had a video conference. Quite odd, but my love here is digging in the archives deep. Play nice with your parents if they do drop by. We can’t let your father know that we are on to him.” Koray arches his bushy white brow, his dark eyes daring me.

  “Now is not a good time. With Sasha and her boys, it is all I can do to keep up with it all. Add those two on top of it and I might blow a fuse.” My breath pushes through my taut lips as my thick fingers massage my temple, the veins throbbing there, threatening to burst under pressure.

  “Once that young is born, your never-ending patience will be needed. Think of this as a warm up.” Koray chuckles, brushing my stress overload off as inconsequential. “I hope this means that you will be coming back this way soon so that we can be the favorite uncles.” Damien bounces slightly in his seat at the thought, and Koray grasps his hand and kisses it. Their happiness manages to bring my blood pressure down a sliver.

  “It is going to be a while, my friend, but I am glad this piece of delicate news brings you so much happiness. A small token for my years of insolence.” I grin, joyed with the smile I have managed to put on my old friend’s face.

  “Small indeed, but it will have to suffice.”

  Ending on a good note, I promise to call again soon with updates as soon as Sasha and I talk. Damien is on edge, wanting to know more about Sasha’s condition and body awareness as well as the young showing signs of powers while in utero. It was highly uncommon, yet not entirely unheard of. Typically, we don’t show signs of our potential until later on and no one has been documented as having gained full access to their powers until after transition.

  “Yo, boss, now that you’re off the phone, you got a minute?” Erik chimes from behind the closed door to my office. Thankfully, he knew I was done before approaching and would never eavesdrop. That’s a perk of the senses we have. We can use them to our advantage, and for my staff, that advantage would be not getting their heads ripped off by being disrespectful.

  Fabulous, judging by his tone and the apprehension floating on his emotional grid, that could only mean he has updates on the bodies, ones he despises being the one to deliver.

  “Come in.”

  Erik strolls in and takes a seat, leaning way back until the chair groans in protest before cupping his hands behind his blond head
. His cocky stance screams that he’s internally attempting to muster his confidence. Years of working together and he continually struggles with his fear at times.

  I suppose I should be used to the fear I inspire, but very few cease to have a complete lack of fear in my presence. Edward was the first, the cocky bastard. And now, Sasha. Never once has she shown that telltale sign of pure fear of me. I used to think it was because something must be wrong with the female. While the jury has yet to reach a full verdict on that, I know it is most likely has to do with her love of me. The longer we sit here—me assessing him as he excavates for courage—the more unsettled he becomes.

  Blowing out a deep breath, he finally rushes to begin. “Yeah, so, it looks like your father and mother arrived in Denver the morning of Halloween and one of our footmen caught sight of your father teleporting through some weird portal that evening. Then he arrived back through the same route before dawn. The bodies identified were those of a priest and a high-ranking advisor to our court. The female was a witch who no one seems to know much about, only that she is somehow linked to the priest. No word on the amulets used. I’m sorry, boss. It really does appear that your father is the lead on this suicide mission to gain the power of the cup.” Erik held my attention, eye for eye like a true eren, never backing down from the fight.

  “Your honesty is appreciated as always. What doesn’t make sense is how he would wield the power or separate the veils to grab it. He’s not gifted.” My fingers thoughtfully trace the intricate, Italian inlay of my desk as my mind races.

  “We think that’s where the witch was coming into play. We think she was a descendant of the original coven and she had some scrolls with her. They were found in her robe. Dominic and Solana are sorting them out now, trying to decipher the language they are written in.”

  “Have they spoken to Koray and Damien? They might be of better assistance in that.”

  “Not sure, will run that by them. We also received a damage report from our man way up the hill. Apparently, Niall took the twins there and things got… rowdy.” On that note, Erik’s classic, cocky tone returns along with his comfort.

  “I was wondering how Aiden managed that black eye and Niall a fat lip.” I really didn’t want to know, but it was inevitable. Honestly, I had expected much worse. Young, transitioning males get into a slew of fucked-up situations with their volatile and testosterone-driven state. The females are only bad because of the attention they attract when the change is near.

  “Something about one of the twins taking off with some female to get laid, but she wasn’t as available as she led on. Add too many blood orange-spritzers and Aiden’s temper—boom. Anyway, our mutual friend isn’t asking for monetary retribution and handled the situation. The skank, her man, and a few cronies were escorted off the premises. He just thought you would like to know beings that Niall wasn’t going to admit shit.” True, Niall would never disclose any of that without direct threat. I do rather tire of always having to go to that extreme.

  “And said male wants to stay in our good graces.” A female, the root of ninety-nine percent of problems these days, shocking.

  “That too.”

  “Send him a thank you.” I coolly lean back in my own chair, unaffected—on the outside. Internally, my insides reel on, but he’d never be able to tell that.

  “Already done.” Erik seems worried once more as if he was expecting something much graver from me.

  “Sir, aren’t you upset?” His formal title clearly tells me I am right.

  “About the boys? No.” I leave it there. Once Niall got himself involved, the tides changed. Both boys came home in one relative piece, reeking of smoke and drink as well as their virginity very much intact. Those were the only things that could possibly set their mother off, and since their bodies and innocence are relatively unbroken, I won’t have to hear about it.

  “No, your father,” Erik stutters, questioning the soundness of my mind.

  “I am already aware of his level of possible involvement. Quite frankly, it does no good to get upset about. It is what it is.” I sigh, tired of it all. Erik cocks a stunned gaze, not believing what he is hearing.

  “Sorry, but normally you’d be up looking for a torture session after news like that.” His chin lifts to me, demanding answers.

  “His level of treachery has been suspected for some time, and now that Sasha is back home safe, there is no reason to get upset over it. We will handle it appropriately as soon as we have the proof we need.”

  “This means not only is he still running around and a risk to Sasha, but he will be dethroned and you will be expected to take his place,” Erik scoffs, knowing good and well how I despise the likelihood.

  “Sasha will be fine; he will not try anything so soon. As for the throne—we will deal with that if it comes.” I’ve been toying with the idea of having Emile step ahead and take the fucking thing. But with the news of my heir well on the way, that would be a hard sell to the other four families.

  “But sir—”

  “Enough, Erik,” I warn with a growl. My patience and level of understanding was in fact in need of growth at the moment. Erik snaps his gapping mouth shut and gets up to leave in a dumbfounded daze.

  “Very well.” His voice trails off behind the sound of his shuffling loafers.

  “Erik…” I heavily sigh, picking up on his self-doubt and questioning. “You remain one of my most valued friends. All will be divulged to you when necessary.” He

  His head barely turns back to me, his spine quite erect. “Very rarely do you ever keep anything from me.” The edge of his brow arches my way.

  “True, but when I do, it is for a reason. Some things need to be dealt with on a personal level before I can be forthcoming with the rest of you. Can you respect that?” He silently nods, unhappy but understanding.

  The truth is, the young in Sasha’s womb has shifted many things and I am still learning to grapple with them. Telling Koray and Damien was a huge hurdle and from here on out, no one else will know until that wife of mine and I get a few things straight. As for my father, my perspective has shifted there as well. If he needs to be brought in on trial, so be it. Sasha cannot easily be harmed considering all the magic she has recently absorbed. It is only a matter of time before all the chips fall into place. And when it comes to catching a rat, that has always been the one place my patience excelled.

  “Very well, boss.”

  “Erik, I know you love her too. She’s family to you and you take that very seriously. I am not treating this attack on her lightly, not in the slightest.” I darken and curl my words with a grin that tells him much more than words ever could. Sasha was his sister now and he needed the validation that I wasn’t taking any of this lightly.

  His face finally relaxes and his solemn mood recedes. “Phew, just glad to see you are not going soft after getting hitched.”

  “Don’t insult me, boy. Off with you,” I growl, and he happily complies. Thank the goddess, last thing I need right now is my right-hand man doubting me. All things in regards to Sasha and the crown will be revealed. I just need to keep a few aces silently up my sleeve for now.

  Chapter 10

  “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, and still, gently allows you to grow.” ~William Shakespeare


  “Come on, Erik!” I whine and drape myself across the back of his broad shoulders straining through his fitted dress shirt, planting a kiss of persuasion on his cheek. His coppery lemon scent, while not as offensive as it once was, still manages to turn my stomach. Maybe my response is one of those nature things for siblings.

  “Nintuah, I told you I am not in the mood.” He stops mid-chew, burrito hanging out of his mouth quite rudely as he grumbles and swipes his tongue across his lip while eyeing me suspiciously. “Is this why you bribed me with my favorite breakfast?” His eyes track me as I come around the dining table to take my seat.

  “Hey, I even ma
de that green chili from scratch. You’ve been down in the dumps and I almost died again. Boss man is tied up with some shit he won’t tell me about and this is the first day in the last three that I could actually get out of bed. Let’s go out and have some fun.” That was some weird juju I absorbed, and it took forever to settle down inside.

  “I am not feeling festive.” He dives back into his food with gusto, caring nothing of manners.

  “But we need to celebrate. The boys don’t want to leave the theater downstairs, so we have the whole evening to ourselves.” My poor boys, any day now the transition will start. I can taste it, and it scares the ever-loving shit out of me. We need to get out tonight so I can blow off some steam.

  “Celebrate what? Marguerite’s gone and you almost got yourself killed—again.” I barely understood that between his mouthfuls of food.

  “Key word, almost. And that just means you are single, again, and I’m like the baddest vamp bitch ever now. Come on—please? Pretty, pretty please? My best friend is still out of the country on her last hoorah trip with her dying husband, and I have no other friends. It’s pathetic really. See, you’d be doing me a charity or some crap.” My cherry-red lips pout as I eye fuck all the food on the table, trying to decide where to start.

  For the first time in a week, he smiles. “Well, I do love a good charity case. You sure you don’t need more recovery time?” His worry radiates off him in a way only a big brother can manage.

  “Oddly, no. A few days of comatose-like sleep and I feel fantastic, like nothing happened. I’m not completely sure anything really did change. It’s weird, but hey, who am I to question a good thing?” Once that shit settled into my system, everything seemed status quo.

  “You promise to protect me should evil be afoot?” he jokes and upends a large glass of lemonade, making me gag again.


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