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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

Page 4

by Erin Osborne

  Kelly has brown hair that lost its shine long ago. Her eyes are hidden by smokey make-up with fake lashes, while her lips are paper thin, and there are bruises and cuts all over her face. The make-up won’t even cover the shit up because it looks fresh as hell. She has old track marks covering her arms. Tattoos fill her skin however they look old, uncared for, and as if they were done in prison. Not an attractive look for anyone, much less a woman who wants to fuck bikers who aren’t into using drugs.

  “What happened to your face?” Vault questions her before I can shut him up.

  “She got into a fight last night. Callie had one of her dogs here and when this bitch went after Cal, Tank got a piece of her,” Renegade informs me.

  “Is Callie okay?” I ask about Bear’s ol’ lady.

  “She’s fine. Bitch didn’t lay a hand on her. If she had, you wouldn’t be here right now to get her,” he confirms what I already suspected.

  “You ready to go?” I question her, not really caring if she’s not.


  Kelly’s voice is shrill and kills my ears as it grates along my nerves. Yeah, I won’t be talking to her on the ride home. Vault even shudders in repulsion. I’m sure he’ll be taking a nap lasting the entire ride back if he can help it.

  After shaking hands with Renegade and Psycho, we make our way back to the SUV. Had and Tash are clapping their hands as Vault opens the back of the SUV so Kelly can put her bags in there for the trip. We’re not even helping her do that. Once she hefts the bags in the back, I watch on as Kelly flips both women off. Tash has to hold her friend back as Vault tries to hustle Kelly into the front seat of the SUV. It’s certainly not to protect her, it’s because we respect these ol’ ladies and I’m not going to watch a bitch try to get one of them to fight because she wants to. Especially with kids nearby.

  Once I’m settled in the driver’s seat, I turn to face the skank.

  “You think of pullin’ shit like that again around me, and you’ll be dealt with. We don’t tolerate that shit and if you mess up with us, you’ll be out on your ass without question. There will be no other club for you to go to,” I inform her, keeping the malice in my voice so she knows I’m not kidding. “You have one shot after the shit Renegade told Slim. Anythin’ else and you’re out. There is no probation or anythin’ else for you. Do you understand me?”

  Kelly nods her head and places her hand on my thigh. I immediately toss her hand off, turn in my seat to face forward, and start the engine so we can head back. It’s going to be a long fucking ride if this is what I’m going to have to deal with. Vault chuckles in the backseat as he gets comfortable. Yeah, he can laugh that shit up all he wants. I’ll make sure he gets some form of payback.

  It’s almost dark by the time we get back to the clubhouse. Kelly is on my last nerve. Not only did she try to give me head while I was driving and almost refused to back down when I repeatedly told her no, she whined the entire trip. She wanted to stop to use the bathroom, get something to eat, get drinks, and a list of a million other reasons to stop for a few minutes. Honestly, I’m sure she only wanted to try to fuck me instead of giving me a blowjob. Or maybe Vault since she looked back at him a few times too. Bitch doesn’t have a clue.

  When we walk inside the clubhouse, I see all the members are here and waiting on us. Kelly’s eyes widen in appreciation as she looks around the room. Her eyes landing on Playboy as what I’m guessing is supposed to be a sexy grin covers her face. Even with Sam sitting on his lap, Kelly still licks her lips and tries to look sexy for him. Playboy simply turns his head in the opposite direction. Kelly huffs out as she realizes he won’t even look at her.

  “Here’s how this shit is gonna go,” Slim speaks up, walking up close to us. “I took you from Renegade as a favor to a brother. You fuck up one time and you’re out on your ass. He filled me in on all you’ve been doin’ there and it won’t fly here. The taken men are off limits. You try to fuck one of them, you’re gone. If you try to fuck with the ol’ ladies, or any other woman associated with this club, you’re out on your ass. And if you don’t want to follow our rules, we have ways of makin’ you do so.”

  “You hit women?” she asks, for the first time since meeting her, fear fills her voice.

  “Fuck no, we don’t hit women,” Stryker hollers out, knocking over a chair in his anger at her assumption. “We have someone who comes in to deal with women like you. She’s from another club and has no problem takin’ her rage out on skanks like you who don’t know how to listen.”

  “Now, everyone head into church,” Slim addresses all of us before turning back toward Kelly. “You can’t touch a single man here until you’ve been fully checked out by our doctor. Plus, we’re runnin’ a background check on you. You better hope it comes back clean. Now, for the next few days you’ll be helpin’ around the clubhouse. You’ll cook, clean, and do whatever a man or woman here tells you to do. Well, all the women except the other house bunnies. If you have a problem with that, leave now and save me the fuckin’ time.”

  Kelly nods her head in response as Shy steps forward. Slim introduces her to Kelly and ensures she knows Shy is the Queen of our club. She’ll be showing Kelly where she’ll be staying and going over the rules. For now, the rest of us head into our meeting room for church.

  Once we’re all in our seats, Slim slams the gavel against the table.

  “Called to order,” he begins. “Today is gonna be short and sweet. Vault has brought an idea to my attention and we need to vote on it. There’s a small town called Cedar Bay. That’s where he landed when he left here to find himself. They’re in trouble. Bein’ run by a dealer and pimp. The small tourist town is sinkin’ because these assholes have taken over everythin’. I don’t want to see shit like that happen and I know most of you agree with me. Now, Vault doesn’t want to stay in Benton Falls anymore. He wants to leave here but wants to remain in the club. So, he’s proposin’ startin’ a new chapter in Cedar Bay. Anyone have any questions?”

  For a few minutes, no one says anything. Finally, Stryker speaks up.

  “Are you sure this is what you wanna do? Once we vote yes on this, if it goes that way, there is no backin’ out when you realize how hard that shit’s gonna be,” he questions Vault.

  “It’s what I need. This town needs help. Bad,” Vault responds, avoiding looking at his brother.

  When no one else says a word, we all go around the table with our votes. Not a single man here denies Vault his request. There are still details we’ll have to work out, but he can leave here in a few days.

  “Anythin’ else?” Slim questions, picking the gavel back up.

  “I’m goin’ with him,” Valor speaks up, making Vault jolt his head in his brother’s direction. “If my brother isn’t gonna be here in the club, neither am I. We’re better together and need the time away after everythin’.”

  Vault nods his head and I see the first crack of his shattered heart begin to heal. He’s felt as if he’s all alone in this world since we lost Hound. Now, he’s beginning to understand we’ve been here all along waiting for him to be ready to open up to us. Valor needed to make this move for their small family to begin to heal.

  “I don’t have a problem with that,” Slim says, the ghost of a smile on his face as he looks at the brothers. “Anyone else want to head out with them, let me know and we’ll talk about it. I’ll also reach out to Butcher’s chapter to see if any of his guys want to head out with you.”

  Slim bangs the gavel on the table to call church as we all stand and make our way out of the room. When I make it into the common room, I see Kelly sitting at a table with Shy. Tears are streaking down Kelly’s face, but I don’t pay her any attention. She’s not my concern. At this point, I don’t even hang around with the guys as I make my way straight for the front door.

  Mia steps in my path before I can make it there. When I attempt to step around her, she places a hand against my chest and laughter bubbles out of her. Holding up a plain, bla
ck bag, I take it from here after realizing it’s the stuff she bought from Naughty Peach.

  “Here’s your stuff, sexy. I’ll be more than happy to try that all out with you,” she tries to purr thinking that’s attractive or something.

  “Not interested,” I growl out.

  “Well, I think you’ll be interested to know about the Peach’s newest employee,” she states, stalling me from leaving even longer.

  “The fuck you talkin’ about?” I demand.

  “Gwen is working there now. She couldn’t look at anything I bought, and her face was red as hell,” Mia answers, gloating as she lets me know about my woman.

  I don’t say a word as I make my way around her and out of the clubhouse. Stashing the bag in my saddle bags, I straddle my bike and immediately head home. Gwen is not going to be happy when I get there and lay into her ass about working at the Naughty Peach. I knew she wanted to find a job, but that’s not somewhere she’ll be working. No woman of mine, let alone the Phantom Bastards, will be working there for very long. Gwen should know better than that.

  The ride home does nothing to calm my anger as I speed through the streets. Instead, it only adds fuel to the fire as I think of her working at a place like the Naughty Peach. It’s not a bad place, I’ve been inside more times than I can count, it’s just not for Gwen. She’s too innocent and sweet to work there.

  Pulling up to my house in record time, I don’t bother with parking in the garage like I normally would. The second my bike is stopped, and I have the kickstand down, I’m shutting my baby off and storming inside the house. In my anger, I fail to notice the only light on inside is the small lamp in the living room. There is no sound as I make my way to Gwen’s bedroom. When I open her door, I find my woman sound asleep with the covers pulled up to just under her chin. I instantly deflate because there is no way I’m waking her up to yell at her over something as trivial as a job. We’ll deal with it in the morning.

  Softly shutting her door behind me, I make my way to my own room. After showering the day away, I slide into bed without bothering to dress. I’ve never been one to sleep with clothes on and I’m not gonna start now. Gwen will get used to it. I fall asleep with thoughts of her filling my head.

  Chapter Five


  LATE LAST NIGHT Killer left. I guess he’s going on a run or something for the club. When he got back the other day, he wasn’t in a good mood. Now he’s going to be gone for about a week or so. I’m not sure. My only concern is making sure I get to work, go to my sessions with Denise and the group. Plus, making sure I have what I need at the house while Killer is away.

  It’s not like I’m going to be alone though. Brandon and the other Prospects will be here watching over me. They’ll be taking turns when I’m at home. Killer made sure to give me the house key, go over the alarm system, and let me know what was going to happen as far as my babysitters. I don’t think I need them, and I told him that. However, he doesn’t agree, and I didn’t feel like arguing anymore with him.

  The first thing he did when we got up was chew me a new one for getting a job at Naughty Peach. He doesn’t seem to think I need to work at all. Especially not at the store I got a job in. Honestly, it’s none of his business. He’s not my man or someone I’ll ever be with. The only thing he is to me is someone in the club who is friends with my sister because of her relationship with Fox.

  Killer didn’t like me telling him I don’t care what he thinks about where I work or what I do with my life. It’s none of his business. The only person who I care about what she thinks about me is Kim. She’s my sister and the only person who means everything in the world to me. I’m not here to prove anything to anyone except for myself. Kim supports me in almost all of my decisions even if she tries to protect me. This usually leads to her holding me back. That’s not going to happen any longer.

  At this point, I’ll have to save up every dime I make at Naughty Peach so I can get my own apartment. I don’t want to be under Killer’s roof if he’s going to think he has some say in my life. Or that he can boss me around like he’s my man or something.

  That doesn’t mean I don’t miss him like crazy knowing I won’t see him for the next week. I do. It means that I’m going to complete my schoolwork, go to work, and figure out whatever else I have to do in order to become as independent as possible.

  This morning I’m not working. I have to meet with Denise in a little while for my counseling appointment. After I’m done with that, I’ll be heading into work. The only good thing about my day today is I’ll be too busy to think about missing Killer.

  No matter what I tell myself, I can’t get over this stupid ass crush on Killer. It’s as if he’s worked his way into my very soul and won’t let go now. I don’t want to like him or be half in love with him already. Yes, I know enough to realize I’ve been falling in love with Killer for a long time now. And it’s not one thing or another as to why I’ve been falling for the man who invades my every sense.

  Killer is quiet more often than not. He tends to sit back and watch the action around him. When he needs to step in, he’s ready for almost anything thrown his way. I’ve watched him take down grown men bigger than him, and that’s hard to be, without breaking a sweat. Whenever he’s around me, if I get into any kind of trouble from falling off a chair, to tripping over air, Killer’s always by my side to catch me. When he thinks I’m not watching him, I feel his eyes on me. His gaze penetrates my skin and heats me from the inside out. It’s the only time I’m ever truly warm.

  Now that we’re living together, I have seen he likes to read. The books lining his shelves are full of history, motorcycles, and several other subjects. When I’m still awake, but not in the mood to talk to him, Killer goes to the garage to tinker on whatever is in there. I’ve never ventured out there to see him. I figured if he wanted me out there, he’d invite me himself. So, that’s never a place I go. Even to park my car when it’s raining or something.

  Whenever I’m with Killer, I feel safer than I ever have in my entire life. While I know there’s still so much I have to experience and learn about the world, life, and everything around me, with Killer at my back, I’m not quite as afraid to do what I want to. That’s one of the reasons him being gone for a week is going to mess with me so bad.

  After taking care of my breakfast dishes, I make my way to my room so I can gather what I need to get ready for the day. It’s warm out as the sun shines through the many windows of Killer’s home, heating the rooms up to the point I want to open windows to let in fresh air. With me being the only one here, I won’t do that. I’m not that brave.

  Taking a shower, I make sure to get dressed in the bathroom because I’m not sure if the Prospects on babysitting duty will come in the house or not, I also do my light make-up. Once that’s all done, I take care of my hair, placing it up in a messy bun so it stays out of my face while I’m working today. With one last look in the mirror, I know I’m ready to head out for the day.

  In the room I’m currently staying in, I make sure I have my shirt for work. Thankfully Brenda lets us wear whatever we want to work. Today I’m wearing jean capris with a black tank top. It will allow me to simply put the shirt on over my tank top. Sitting in the chair in the corner of my room, I put on my sneakers so I can leave the house and be a few minutes early to my appointment. It’s important for me to be early. I’m not sure why though; it’s just something ingrained in me.

  Grabbing my purse off the nightstand in my room, I walk through the house and make sure everything is shut off, unplugged, and the doors and windows are locked before turning off the alarm system just inside the front door. There’s also another panel by the door leading inside from the garage. Killer is the only one to use that panel though. Once I have the alarm disarmed, I open the door and see Brandon sitting on the top step with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he looks at something on his phone.

  “You set the alarm again?” he questions me.

�Yeah. I did it just before walking back out the door. How are you?”

  “Been better,” he tells me, shoving his phone back in his pocket as he stands up.

  “I’m sorry you’re stuck watching me. There are only two places I’ll be going today. At some point tomorrow I have to get groceries. Probably right after work so I don’t have to leave again after getting home,” I inform him.

  “It’s all good. Part of bein’ a Prospect I guess,” Brandon responds. “We can go to the store tonight if you have to.”

  “No. I have dinner for tonight in the crockpot. You’re more than welcome to join me,” I let him know.

  “Not happenin’. I like breathing too much,” he states, an evil smirk on his face.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nothin’. Forget I said anythin’ about it,” Brandon returns, walking to his bike as I climb in my car.

  Driving to the counselling office, I have the windows down with music playing. I’m not even sure of what I’m listening to right now as the music doesn’t really register with me. parking in the lot, Brandon parks next to me and remains sitting on his bike. I let him know we’ll be here for about an hour before I head to work. He simply looks at me and gives me a nod before I turn around and walk away from him.

  It’s cool in the interior of the office. My body is hot as I make my way through the door. I’ll be more than ready for bed when I finally make my way to Killer’s later today. Maybe I can take a nap and then get up and do some schoolwork before settling in with a movie for the night.


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