Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5) Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  “Hi Gwen. It’s good to see you today,” Alicia, the receptionist greets me.

  “You too, Alicia. I’m here for Denise again today,” I respond to her.

  “She’ll be right out to get you,” Alicia informs me, turning her attention back to the computer in front of her while I sit in one of the chairs.

  Picking up a magazine I have no interest in, I flip through the pages until Denise opens the door leading to the offices and conference rooms in the back of the building. Placing it back on the table in front of me, I follow my counselor back to her office. It’s one of the first ones in the hallway so it takes us seconds to get there. While we’re walking, I try to figure out what we’ll talk about today. Denise never goes with the same subject twice in a row. She wants me to think about what we talked about and then we move on to something new. That gives me a week or two in order to process what I’m feeling and thinking about things. It works for me and that’s the only reason we work like this.

  “How are you feeling today?” she asks me, sitting down in the chair while I take the one opposite her.

  “I’m doing okay. I got a job. Killer isn’t happy about it, but I’m working, and he has no say in my life,” I state, trying really hard to believe the words I’m spewing.

  “How is living with him going?” Denise questions.

  “It’s okay. We don’t really interact so there really isn’t anything to think or feel about the situation. I mean, I’m happy I’m out of my sister’s house. She doesn’t need me interfering with her life with Fox. Killer does his own thing, even though he thinks he has some sort of say in what I do with my life,” I explain to her.

  “How do you feel about Killer? Are you still crushing on him?” she asks me, not letting me shy away from the situation we’ve already talked about.

  “Until I get to know another man, I don’t think I’ll get over my crush on him. I’m not even sure what it is about him that draws me to him. It’s not one thing, it’s multiple things if I’m being honest with myself and you. He’ll never feel the same about me, so it’s a lost cause,” I inform her.

  “Nothing is ever a lost cause if you don’t go for it. If you feel strongly for Killer, then you need to figure out if you want to proceed with it. I keep hearing you tell me Killer would never be interested in you, why is that?” she asks me, forcing me to dig deep inside myself.

  “I’ve seen the women he’s with. I’m nothing like they are. I’d never be okay with having sex with him in front of other people. Or in a bathroom,” I begin, letting my emotions take over at the last time I saw Killer in a compromising position. “He doesn’t want to settle down or be with one woman. I can’t be with a man who’s going to cheat and expect me to be some little doormat he keeps at home while he has his fun at the clubhouse or on the road when he goes out of town.”

  For minutes on end, so long it feels as if hours pass us by, Denise doesn’t say a word to me. She simply looks at me as if she’s trying to dig into my soul. I’m not sure what she was expecting, but what I’ve said is not what she’s expected me to tell her.

  “Are you sure he’s not interested in you?” she questions me. “I mean, you don’t have a lot of experience with men or being out in the world. You just got a job for the first time in your life, making your own money. Maybe he’s giving you a chance to find yourself before you become tied to him.”

  “I don’t think so. Killer isn’t the type of guy to sit back and not go after what he wants. None of the members are. If he wants a woman, he takes her. No matter where they are or what is going on around him,” I respond to her. “If Killer wanted me, I’d know it. You know I’ve gotten pretty good at reading people around me. That’s why I don’t let their words hurt me the way they did when I first started having these sessions with you.”

  Instead of letting Denise try to figure out what I’m talking about, I fill her in on what happened my first day of work. How she made sure to tell me Killer wanted her to get his supplies for him along with insinuating her using them with him. I don’t leave anything out of the situation. Including Mark and how he comforted me a little bit after the incident.

  “How do you feel about Mark?” Denise asks, not taking her eyes off me.

  “I don’t feel anything for him. He’s a co-worker. I would never date someone I work with because if things go bad, one of us would have to leave there. It wouldn’t be Mark because he’s been at the store longer than I have. I’d never do that for him. Besides, I don’t get butterflies in my stomach like I do whenever Killer is in the same area as me.”

  “I want you to think about your feelings for Killer. Take everything into consideration and really figure out what you want,” Denise tells me, looking at her watch. “I also want you to think of a few ways to put yourself out there if you decide you don’t want to pursue anything with Killer.”

  Nodding my head, I stand up and let Denise lead me from the room. I don’t have to set up my next appointment since Denise automatically has me penciled in for the same day and time every single week. That’s one of the reasons I’m happy I chose to work with her. So, bypassing Alicia at the front desk, I offer up a wave before heading back outside and making my way toward my car.

  Brandon is still sitting on his bike until I get next to him. Sliding his phone in his pocket, so he can get ready to head out. I remind him I’ll be heading to work. If he wants to hang out in the parking lot there, it’s on him. I don’t feel it’s necessary for him to be there when it’s not as if I’ll be alone yet. There’s still a lot for me to learn before I can even think about having a shift to myself.

  We make our way to the store. Once in the parking lot there, Brandon parks his bike and gets comfortable once again. He’s going to be sitting here for six hours today. That’s a long time for someone to simply sit on their bike while I’m in working my shift. Maybe on my break I’ll call Slim and have him call Brandon off until I’m ready to head home. Not that I truly believe he’ll go for that idea, but I can at least try.

  Chapter Six


  WE’RE BACK EARLY from the run we had to go on. My first stop was the clubhouse to debrief with Slim. There weren’t any issues so there’s no bad news to give him. Our briefing is short and to the point. Slim will work out the next meet up we have and choose who goes on that one. I know it won’t be me because Stryker and I switch on and off so there is one of us at the clubhouse and one on the run. This way all the members are protected by either him or me at all times. It’s been working for us so there’s no point in changing it up now.

  I also have to explain why I cut my hair off. Instead of it hanging down to the middle of my back like normal, it now sits just above my shoulders. Due to the job we had to do, I didn’t have a choice in the matter. When we were getting rid of the individual who thought they could sell the club out to our enemies, his blood and other gore ended up covering me from head to toe. While I really should have shaved my head, the shit mainly got in the lower part of my hair thanks to my bandana covering my head. My hair was burned with the rest of our belongings as we normally do when shit goes down.

  The second we were done at the clubhouse, I headed straight home so I could lay eyes on Gwen. Any amount of time away from her is too long. This time I’ve been gone for almost a week and that’s way too much time to be away from her. Especially with her working now and having shared her story with her group. I just want to lay eyes on her and spend some time with her. Even if she doesn’t understand my reasons for it.

  When I park my bike outside of the garage, I practically run inside to get a glimpse of Gwen. However, I notice there’s no other bike parked outside. No one is by the front porch as I unlock the front door and make my way through the house. It’s so silent and still. There definitely isn’t anyone here.

  Rushing back through the house, I head to the front door while pulling my phone out. I press the call button on Slim’s name. He immediately answers.

  “What’s u
p?” he asks me.

  “You know where Gwen is right now?” I ask him, my heart racing as I realize I need to know her schedule so I can be sure she’s okay.

  “At work,” he responds, laughter filling his voice.

  “Naughty Peach?” I ask him, already straddling my bike. “Who’s with her?”

  “Brandon. He’s been the main one on her since you’ve been gone. He has the most experience and I know you wouldn’t want her with any of the new guys,” Slim informs me.

  “You’re right about that.”

  I hang up on my President before turning on my bike and gunning the engine. He’s not gonna be pissed. We all do it to one another. Hell, I even do it when one of the ol’ ladies call me. I’m not being rude, there’s just no point in lingering on the phone or saying anything other than what has to be said.

  Racing through town, I quickly make my way toward the Naughty Peach. Gwen’s days of working there are over. I don’t give a shit what she does for a job, but there is no way in hell she’ll be working at an adult toy store as long as I have breath in my body and her on my mind. Anyone else can work there and I wouldn’t care about it. Gwen is another story altogether. She’s gonna learn what I’ll tolerate and what I won’t when it comes to her. It’s just a matter of time that she’s running out of.

  Once I’m in the parking lot, Brandon jumps off his bike. He’s parked in a spot close to Gwen’s car. From his location, he’s able to see every vehicle coming in and out of the place. Like Slim said, he’s good at watching over the women and following orders. That’s one of the many reasons he’s about to be patched into the club. His Prospecting days are coming to a close and I doubt he even realizes it.

  “Am I in trouble?” Brandon asks, fear flashing in his eyes as I park near the entrance of the store and angrily get off my bike.

  “You’re not the one in trouble,” I respond, anger lacing my tone as I almost rip the door from its hinges while opening it.

  Walking in the store, I see a man standing behind the counter. He goes to greet me, but it dies on his lips as I stalk through the store looking for Gwen. Turning my head to the left, I see her standing at a rack of different vibrators. She’s got one in her hand, studying the package while a box dangles from her other hand. For a minute, I stand back and simply watch her as she looks from one package to another. Her face is red as hell and I know she’s wondering who the hell would buy those. Or maybe she’s going to buy one for herself. I’m not sure which one at this point in time.

  Finally, I can’t stand it anymore. Gwen needs to get the hell outta here and back home where she belongs. I’m not going to have her working here where all sorts of perverts shop for sex things. I imagine it wouldn’t take them long to ask her to try on the outfits. Something no one but me will ever be seeing her in. Though, I’m not sure why I’d ever want to cover her gorgeous, smooth, virgin skin with something so nasty. Lingerie doesn’t belong on her body. Nothing but her clothes or naked skin will be good enough for me. Ever.

  Walking up behind her, I remove the box from her hand and place the package she’s still holding on top of it after placing it on top of the shelf. Bending down because she’s so tiny, I place my shoulder in her stomach and lift her up over my shoulder. I turn around and make my way to the counter.

  “Where’s Gwen’s things?” I bark out to the man behind the counter with a magazine in front of him.

  He doesn’t say a word to me as he bends down to retrieve her purse and keys for me. I’m not even sure if it’s all her stuff. At this point, I really don’t give a shit. The only thing I can think of is getting her the fuck outta here and making our way home. I don’t care if she hates me or feels I’m taking away her independence. It’s insane the things this tiny, slip of a girl makes me feel.

  “Killer!” Gwen hollers out, pounding on my back. “Put me down. Right now!”

  I’m sure she’s been pounding on my back since I picked her up, but until this very second, I didn’t hear her. The blood was rushing to my ears as my body came alive for the first time in my life. From simply carrying a woman over my shoulder, which I’ve done plenty of times before in the past, my body is on fire and my cock is harder than it’s ever been in my entire life.

  Getting her out to her car, after bypassing my bike, I finally place her on her feet. When Gwen goes to storm past me, I block her path and press her body against her car behind her. She simply stares at me while her breathing saws in and out of her body. Her pulse point is beating frantically as her eyes are narrowed to slits.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she questions me, standing up as tall as she can in front of me.

  “You’re not workin’ here. Thought I made that perfectly clear before I left for the run,” I state, never taking my own narrowed eyes off the tiny Sparrow in front of me.

  “You have no say where I work or what I do. My life is just that; mine. It has nothing to do with you and what you think I should or shouldn’t be doing,” she lets me know, her voice razor tight as if she’s spewing out glass at me.

  Gwen’s face is red. Not from embarrassment or her shyness this time. No, this time it’s from all the pent-up anger she’s been holding inside for so long with no outlet. There are plenty of ways I can show her how to release all of it, only the ones where she’s naked are the ones I’m looking forward to experiencing with her. Now also isn’t the time to be telling her this information.

  “I have more say than what you think I do,” I counter, trying to keep my voice even as I continue staring at her.

  Brandon, who’s still sitting on his bike, is forgotten as I press my body into Gwen’s. There isn’t a doubt in my mind about her feeling my hard cock pressing into her stomach. I certainly feel the tremor going through her body. At the same time, I feel her need for me coming off of her in waves. I’m sure she can feel how bad I want her. How bad I need her in my life for more than just a quick fuck.

  There is no way I can help myself in this moment. Leaning in, I brush my lips against Gwen’s own. Hers are full and soft; just like I knew they’d be from the second I first saw her. Instead of kissing me back, she keeps her mouth firmly shut while trying to pull her head back from me. Once I break our kiss, I rest my forehead against her own. I was hooked on her before this moment. Now, I’m fully invested in her. One simple taste of our lips pressed against one another will never be good enough for me.

  “What are you doing?” Gwen finally asks me, her voice trembling as I pull my head from hers and see her beautiful eyes filling with tears.

  “Kissin’ you,” I respond dryly. “If you have to ask, then I’m not doin’ it right.”

  “You’ve never attempted to kiss me before. There’s no point in you doing it now. Especially after you just cost me a job I wanted. Just because you don’t like where I happen to work. When are you gonna understand?” she pleads with me, pain filling her voice.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask her, completely confused about what’s going through her head right now.

  “You’ll never understand it. None of you will. I can’t even look at you right now,” she informs me, yanking her purse and keys from my hand.

  Once Gwen is in her car, as I remain rooted to my spot, she leaves the parking lot. Brandon is the only one out of the two of us with enough brains left in his head to follow my woman. I’m not sure what the hell is wrong with her, other than me getting her fired and then kissing her.

  Without anything to do, I finally break out of my haze and stalk toward my bike. This conversation isn’t over by a long shot. Gwen will finally hear what I have to say once and for all. I’ll be laying it all out on the table for her. There will be no doubt left in her mind about how much I want her and that I’m planning on taking her as mine. She will know without a doubt a rag will be coming her way and once I lay it all out, she’s not gonna have a chance to leave my side. No other man is good enough for my Sparrow.

  Again, I race my way toward our home. Gwen should already b
e there and locked in her room. That’s what she does when she’s upset or pissed off. I’ve learned that enough. If she’s simply in her room, the door is left unlocked and music is blaring. When she’s upset, the door gets locked and complete silence fills the room.

  Pulling into my driveway, her car isn’t in the spot she’s taken to leaving her car. It’s just off to the side of the garage. I’ve told her she can park in front, but she doesn’t do it. I’d rather not have her walking that far, but she’s stubborn as hell and won’t listen. I’ve learned to simply pick and choose my battles with her. Some things aren’t worth fighting over. Especially when I don’t want her upset about shit.

  Walking through the house like I did before heading to Naughty Peach, dread settles in my gut at the realization that Gwen didn’t come home. She didn’t go far, that much I know. Gwen would never leave her sister behind for any reason. Her only reason to run is currently sitting behind bars for the time being. He won’t be sitting there for much longer now that I know what truly went down with her. I’ll be calling in some favors to ensure he takes his last breath.

  There’s only one place she’ll go and that’s her sister’s house. Fox won’t let me see her if she’s there upset. I’m not even going to ask him to. Tomorrow is a new day and there’s a lot of things I have to do. One of those being to move all of Gwen’s things into my bedroom. Her bed and things will remain in the room she’s been staying in, but all of her personal belongings will be in my room where they should’ve been from the very beginning of her being under the same roof as me.

  When Gwen comes home, and she will, I’m done letting her have her space to grow and experience new things. She can still do all of that. The only difference is they’ll be happening with me and only me. This game is done once and for all. I’ve been biding my time for so long now and the wait is almost over. I simply have to wait for Gwen to get over her being pissed off at me so we can take things to an entirely new level. One where she’s mine and I’m hers completely and without any doubt in anyone’s mind. There will be no more house bunnies for me, and she won’t ever have another man touch her.


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