Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5) Page 9

by Erin Osborne

  “Well, thank you for the lesson. I’ll keep going over the moves until we can work again,” I let him know as I bend over to grab my shirt from the floor.

  Killer places a hand on my hip before I can stand up again. His body heat consumes me as I stand straight up and press my ass into his body. A tremor runs through me at the closeness of him to me. It’s not something that goes unnoticed by Killer based on the smirk once again gracing his face. He leaves his hand on my hip as we make our way up the stairs and into the kitchen. I break free from his grip to grab bottled water from the fridge, offering him one. When I have mine in hand, I turn and head to the bathroom so I can take a shower and head to bed. It’s been a long day.

  “Goodnight, Killer. Thank you for the lesson,” I say just before turning the corner.

  “Night, Sparrow,” he replies, not following me.

  Shutting myself in the bathroom, I strip out of my clothes and get in, letting the cold water hit my skin before it heats up. Once it’s hot, I quickly wash before getting out and drying off. The only thing I want now is bed so I can read a book for a little bit before tomorrow comes. It’s a boring life, but it’s mine. It’s what I want to do and no one tells me I can’t do it because they don’t want me to have a life or I’m too busy doing whatever they need me to do for them.

  These are the thoughts racing through my mind as I wrap my towel around me so I can head into my room. I dress in a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top before putting the towel up to dry. Grabbing my phone, I climb in bed so I can read. Since my phone is lit up, I turn out the lamp on my nightstand and snuggle under the covers. Before I know it, sleep is claiming me and I’m still holding my phone as my eyes slide shut and I dream of Killer and the way our bodies were pressed together while he was showing me moves.

  Chapter Ten


  LAST NIGHT WITH Gwen was a stupid as fuck move on my part for two main reasons. I know she’s been wearing tighter, and smaller clothes, compared to the baggy as hell clothes Gwen used to wear when she first came to Benton Falls. However, I wasn’t expecting her to come down in a pair of leggings that hugged her body in all the right places. I wanted to peel them down her legs and leave her in nothing but her panties. Those thoughts didn’t help the raging hard on I already had going on. On top of that, she was wearing a tank top showing most of her sides. I swear the holes cut down until just above her leggings. Nothing but a sports bra covered her tits, and they did nothing for supporting her as my arm pressed against her chest.

  On top of seeing so much of Gwen’s exposed, golden brown skin on display, I noticed the scars she sports. There is no other way to describe them except for battle scars. She has gone through hell, survived, and will thrive in her life moving forward. I’ll make sure of it. This does nothing to quench my thirst for getting revenge for my woman against her father and Neil. While her father is easier to get to, I still have to set plans in motion and make sure there’s no blowback on anyone involved. This won’t be a club thing; it’s personal to me. I’m going to be the one who takes these two fuckers down because of the pain they caused her, the demons she still fights on a daily basis, and the fear and torment hiding in her eyes when she forgets to hide that part of her.

  From the skin I saw last night, scars fill her back, her sides, and a few reside on her stomach. Her body is tone even with the curves she has. I want to kiss each and every scar covering her skin to let her know I don’t find them unattractive or unappealing. There was a second when she first took her tank top off that she hesitated. Gwen was worried about what I was going to think of her skin and the scars marring her beautiful body. When I didn’t take my eyes off hers, she shrugged her shoulders, shook her body out, and came back to working with me.

  Apart from seeing her body more than I ever have before and realizing the scars she wears as badges of her time spent in hell, our bodies were in close contact for almost two straight hours. Every single time I brushed my arm against her tits, or her ass bumped against my cock it was sweet torture. I want to have her body pressed against mine while I’m showing her how a real man loves his woman. Then when we’re ready to sleep with nothing separating her silky-smooth skin from my own. I want her head resting on my chest with her soft, long hair flowing out behind her. Even if her hair ends up covering my face and almost choking me out as we sleep, I don’t give a shit. I’ll take whatever she wants to give me and cherish every single second.

  My cock was ready to come out to play when I watched Gwen walk over to me. As we began to work out and become covered in sweat. Once she took her tank top off and I saw her sweat covered body, I was more than ready to take her upstairs in my bedroom and worship her body. There is no way our first time is going to be on a bunch of mats I lay down on the floor of our basement. Those times will come later; after I show her what a sweet, loving man looks like when he’s showing his woman what she means to him. Then, I’ll show her how a man takes his woman when he wants her and can’t wait to make it to a bed.

  I plan on showing Gwen exactly how much she can love sex. Wall sex, over the counter in the kitchen sex, on the table, on my bike, in the shower, and anywhere else she’ll let me. Sex can be fun if it’s what your partner and you want; not if your being forced into it. I have no problem showing Gwen how much fun it can be. Or how dirty and rough it can be either. Unless she doesn’t like rough sex. Then, it’s something I can live without for her. No one else but her.

  It also didn’t help when Gwen couldn’t take her eyes off my body. She stared at me as if I was the first person she’d ever seen without a shirt on. I know that’s not the case because she’s been around the guys in the club. On top of the Wild Kings members and the guys from Satan’s Anarchy. Still, I felt as if I were ten feet tall and could do no wrong. No one has ever looked at me that way before. Honestly, I feel bulletproof with one look from her. I want to savor it and bottle it up so there’s never a doubt in my mind about how she feels about me.

  That’s the thing about Gwen. Her eyes say what she’s too scared to voice. If she’s upset, angry, or in pain, I always know just from her eyes. When she’s truly happy, her eyes shine bright enough to blind me. Including when tears fill them and they’re bright. If I want to know what’s really going on in her mind, it simply takes one look into her eyes before I know what’s going on.

  After Gwen disappeared into her bathroom, I finished my bottle of water. I needed to do something so I wouldn’t chase her ass down and show her exactly what I want to do to her. Once my water was gone, I went through the house making sure everything is locked for the night and the alarm is set. Then, I finally made my way to my room so I could shower and get ready for bed.

  As I walk past Gwen’s room, there’s no sound coming from the other side of the door. She’s either still in the shower or already in bed. Thoughts of her in the shower make my cock hard once more. It’s not like it completely went down to begin with. Now, It’s hard as hell once more. I quicken my steps toward my room so I can get in the shower before I embarrass myself.

  Turning on the water, I strip out of my shorts before climbing in the shower. Water slides down my hair, face, and body. Squirting some of my soap into my hand, I wrap it around my cock and begin to slide it up and down my length. Gwen’s image is in my mind with water sliding down her body. I picture the droplets of water sliding down her body, in between her tits, down her stomach, and to her pussy. Bending down in my mind, I slide my tongue through Gwen’s slick folds, tasting her as I pull her clit into my mouth. Using a finger, I slide it inside her pussy, her heat engulfing me. She’s tight as hell and I picture her writhing and bracing her hands against the shower wall, so she doesn’t slip.

  Her legs begin to quiver as I work my magic before it spreads to her entire body. Gwen digs her hands into my hair and pulls as I feel her body clamping down around my finger when I curl my finger and hit the spot inside her to throw her over the edge. At the same time, I imagine her coming in my mind, my own or
gasm hits, landing on the wall as I moan out Gwen’s name. It’s always her name on my lips when I find my release. I brace myself against the wall, resting my head on the tiles as my breathing tries to get back to normal. Still, my heart is racing, and I can’t seem to catch my breath as I think about getting my hands, mouth, and cock on her finally.

  Once I can breathe once more, I quickly wash my hair before soaping up my body. Rinsing out my hair, I let the water run down my body to rinse the suds from me at the same time. Before getting out, I use conditioner in my hair. With it being longer, I’ve always used conditioner. I don’t want to sound like a pussy, but my hair has curl to it and is a mess if I don’t use it. As soon as I’m soap and conditioner free, I get out of the shower and dry off.

  Wrapping the towel around my waist, I quickly comb out my hair before walking into my bedroom. Tossing the towel aside, I yank the blankets back and climb in bed. I’m sexually frustrated even though I just got off. Knowing Gwen is in my house, our home, causes my cock to remain in a constant state of hardness. It’s always been that way for me. That’s why I’ve used the house bunnies and random women when I’ve been out on the road or out with the guys.

  Even though I was with the house bunnies and other women, it was never enough for me. They were just a means to an end to take the edge off before I did something stupid as hell. I didn’t know how to deal with my desire for Gwen, and that’s why I tried to work it out of my sister with the other women. It never worked though. They were never enough because they weren’t her. My biggest fear is hurting Gwen unintentionally because I take her too hard. Or before she’s truly ready to take that step with me. I know myself good enough to realize, one taste of her is never going to be enough. I’ll be with her every single second she lets me.

  Closing my eyes, I try to fall asleep. I should be able to after the day I’ve had. I had to run from one business to another one all day long trying to troubleshoot problems going on. Then I went to the clubhouse to have some time with Playboy and the other guys. Not much was going on because the kids were around. We keep things to a minimum when they’re around. They don’t need to see things before they should.

  Then we had our workout. Yes, I’m worked up from it, but I haven’t had trouble falling asleep before now. Tonight, sleep is not going to come to me. Picking up the remote from my nightstand, I turn on the TV making sure the volume is extremely low, so it doesn’t disturb Gwen. I flip through until I find an action movie. It’s one I’ve seen a million times, so I don’t really have to pay attention to what’s going on.

  I’m not sure when I fell asleep, but the ringing of my phone jolts me awake. I grab it off the nightstand and don’t bother checking to see who it is.

  “’Lo,” I grumble into the phone.

  “Need you at the clubhouse an hour ago. Butcher has some trouble goin’ down and needs help. Five of you ridin’ out in twenty minutes. Rich is on his way there. He’ll be there in less than ten,” Slim informs me, hanging up.

  Setting my phone back down, I get out of bed and pull clothes out of my dresser. Once I’m dressed, I make sure my bandana is in place before making sure my to go bag is ready to go. Who knows how long I’ll be gone this time? Butcher has been there for us, so we’ll always be there for him.

  Before leaving the house, I make my way into Gwen’s room. She’s covered from head to toe in the middle of the bed. Leaning down over her, I gently kiss her on the forehead. She stirs, opening her eyes and looking up at me as I pull back from her.

  “I gotta go, Sparrow. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone this time. Rich will be here to watch over you. At night, I want you in my room so he can sleep in here. Take your things and move them into my room. When I get back, that’s where you’re stayin’. I want you in my space,” I gently demand since she’s more than half asleep. “I’ll call and message you when I can.”

  “Okay, Killer. I love you,” she mumbles, instantly falling back to sleep.

  My heart stops in my chest at her admission of loving me. There’s no way she knows what she just said to me. I’ll be reminding her the second I get back because I truly love Gwen. She’s my everything; my light, breath, fresh air, love, peace, and the only one I want when things are weighing me down. I will make sure Gwen believes me when I tell her I love her, that I’m not just saying the words to get what I want from her.

  I meet Rich outside as he steps up on the porch. Looking him dead in the eyes, I make sure he knows what his job is.

  “You watch over her and make sure she’s protected. Anythin’ happens to her, you’ll pay with your life,” I warn him, letting my voice ensure he knows I mean business. “You stay in my house. Tomorrow, if she needs help, you help her with whatever she needs. She’ll be movin’ her things to my room and you’re to stay in the room she’s been in. No funny business or I’ll cut your fuckin’ cock off and feed it to you.”

  “I won’t do anythin’ you wouldn’t approve of. Is she workin’ still?” he questions me, so he knows what to expect.

  “Nope. I’m out. I’ll check in when I can. If anythin’ happens, I want to know about it.”

  Without saying another word, I leave Rich and make my way to my bike. Once my bag is stashed in my saddle bags, I straddle my girl and take off. I don’t waste any time getting to the clubhouse so I can find out as much information possible before we head out. It will take us a while to get to Butcher and his club. Whatever’s going on, I hope he can hang on that long.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse, I don’t bother parking in my spot since we’ll be leaving in a matter of minutes. Walking through the door, I find Slim, Valor, Ghost, Playboy, Des, Wood, and Fox waitin’ on me. At least I believe I’m the one they’re waiting on. I walk right up to Slim so I can find out what’s going on.

  “Someone took Butcher’s woman. She’s heavily pregnant and he’s got no clue who has her or where she is. You guys are flyin’ out to get there quicker. Fox is takin’ you guys to the airport,” Slim lets me know. “I don’t know how long you’ll be gone this time. Just help get her back.”

  “On it,” I tell him.

  We all head out. I stop by my bike long enough to get my bag before piling in the SUV with the rest of the guys. I’m left the front passenger seat because I don’t ride in the back. Never have and never fucking will. Fox gets us to the airport and leaves us there to board our plane. We all leave our weapons with him before he takes off. I also leave him a message to look after Gwen while I’m gone. He assures me he will since she’s his family. I trust him to keep his word when it comes to her.

  Chapter Eleven


  KILLER HAS BEEN gone for the last three days now. All I know is he’s helping out another club and isn’t sure when he’ll be back. I do remember the morning he woke me up and told me he was leaving, when I was falling back asleep, I told him I love him. That’s not something I was ever going to be prepared to do. For now, I’m thankful he’s not here so I don’t have to face him on a daily basis because I’d run based on the humiliation coursing through my body.

  He hasn’t said a single thing about it to me since he’s been gone either. We’ve talked on the phone a few times and he messages me when he can. Maybe I got lucky and even though I remember telling Killer I love him, hopefully he didn’t hear me. I could always get lucky enough for him to have already been out the door when I said it. Or, if he did hear it, I could always pretend not to know what he’s talking about. I’m not a good liar though.

  Yes, I’ve been agonizing this since waking up three days ago. I’ve been in my head about it and haven’t been paying attention like I know I should be. Especially when I followed through on Killer’s want of me being in his room by the time he got back. All of my things are now moved into his room and the one I was staying in has been cleaned so Rich can sleep there. When we were moving things from one room to the other one, I got cut and scraped more than I should have. Rich isn’t happy about it because Killer threatened him about m
e getting hurt and whatnot.

  Rich has let me have my space over the last few days. He makes sure I’m okay before leaving me alone for the rest of the day. I’ve been trying to focus on schoolwork and getting ahead in some of my classes just so I have something to do to keep my mind busy. I don’t want to think about Killer or dwell on what I said. Unfortunately, my brain doesn’t always shut off when I want it to. It’s always been that way. I overthink things and get completely lost in my own head. By the time he gets back, I’ll have thought about uttering the ‘l’ word over a million times. That’s one of my biggest downfalls.

  Today, I’m venturing out of the house. We need food so Rich and I are heading to the grocery store. We’re also going to grab something from the diner because I don’t want to make anything for lunch. Killer didn’t leave money for me; he left a damn card linked to his bank account with my name on it. I’m supposed to use it for whatever I need while he’s gone. I don’t really want to use it, but I know he’ll complain if I don’t. I’ll just make sure I keep enough money for whatever I spend to pay him back. I’m not going to let him pay for everything while I stay in his house. That’s one of the reasons I need to find another job. Pronto.

  “Ready to head out?” Rich asks as I walk from Killer’s room, looking for my purse.

  “Yeah. Let’s get this done,” I respond, picking up my purse and grabbing my keys from the table just inside the door.


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