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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

Page 10

by Erin Osborne

  Rich and I walk out the door and I look around for anything out of the ordinary. It’s a habit of mine since living with my father. His henchmen would come out of nowhere to capture and torture me. Now, I always want to know what and who are in my surroundings. There are times I’m so lost in my head, I forget to pay attention, but for the most part I try to always keep my head about me. I don’t ever want someone to be able to sneak up on me again.

  I head for my car while Rich straddles his bike. When I get it turned on, the radio is already blasting. Surrender by Natalie Taylor is playing so I don’t worry about hooking my phone up to the Bluetooth system. I’ll listen to this song and then decide from there. It’s not like my phone won’t already be connected.

  Rolling the window on my side down, I let the fresh air fill the car and surround me. There’s a chill in the air, one I welcome. I keep my attention on the road instead of letting my mind wander. The last thing I need to do is hurt someone else because I’m not paying attention while behind the wheel. That’s something I’d never be able to forgive myself for.

  It doesn’t take us long to make our way to the grocery store. The parking lot is packed today for some reason. I find a spot as close to the building as I can before getting out. Rich actually parks his bike directly behind my car. He’s never done that before.

  “What are you doing?” I question him.

  “Not goin’ inside with you. I’ll stay here and watch the car,” he informs me, getting comfortable on his bike.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I leave him alone and make my way inside. Just before I walk through the second set of doors, I grab a cart that will be filled before too long. Killer and I have basically been picking up just what we need and not anything more than that. Today, I’ll try to get more than that so there’s food in the house when Killer gets home. I want to make him dinner for everything he’s done to help me. Even if I’m still mad at him for costing me my job at Naughty Peach. It may not have been the right job for me, but he never once gave me the chance to explore it.

  As I walk up and down each aisle, I grab what I want in the house. The one thing I make sure to do is get what I know Killer really likes. Including the soda he drinks every once in a while, and the brand of coffee and creamer he likes. There’s also a ton of meat because that’s his go to for any meal. Including breakfast. If he could eat steak and eggs every morning, I’m sure he would. Not me.

  I also make sure to grab some feminine products while I’m here since I can’t remember if I have many left or not. If I’d checked it before leaving the house, I’d know. Oh well.

  Once the cart is loaded to the point I’m not sure if I’ll make it to the checkout line, I head to the front of the store. As I begin making my way there, I get the feeling someone is watching me. A tremor runs down my back as I frantically look around at everyone surrounding me. It feels as if there’s one person on top of another. Not a single person stands out to me though.

  Walking forward, the feeling gets more intense. My eyes never once stop looking around the store. I know it’s not Rich or anyone from the club because they’d come up to me and let me know they’re here. After what I’ve been through, they wouldn’t intentionally try to scare the crap out of me. No, someone is following me, but I don’t know who it is. They’re good at hiding in plain sight. That only means it can be a handful of people. These are the men who worked for my father, my father, or Neil. Anyone else wouldn’t be as covert as those assholes are.

  When I get to the closest line open, I get in line. Pretending to look around as if I want to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything. Still no one stands out to me. Frustration is filling me to capacity as fear and anger rush through my body. I thought I was past feeling this way, that someone is out to get me. Or pain, torture, and taunts are going to come flying out of left field at me. That’s the only reason for the frustration filling me. I don’t want to feel these things anymore. I want to live my life and move forward from the past that’s held me back for so long.

  The second I’m the only other person in line, I place the separator bar between the orders and begin to set my things on the belt. I’m in a rush to get out of here and back to the relative safety of my car. Hopefully, Rich will help me load up the groceries so we can get outta here faster. Then, once I’m home, I’ll be able to relax. At least that’s my hope. If not, maybe I’ll go to Kim and Fox’s house instead. Fox will be there and I’ll be able to hang out with my sister. I wouldn’t impose and stay there overnight, but for a few hours I’d be able to feel safe.

  Unfortunately, I chose the wrong cashier today. She’s slower than molasses in the winter. I swear. She picks up each item, inspects it, and then scans it before placing it in the bag. I’m ready to tell her I’ll bag the damn things because it would take less time, and more than one item would be in each bag. I’d like to say she’s new and doesn’t know much better, that’s not the case though. This particular cashier has been here a while now. I’ve had her before and it’s never been like this. Usually she wants to get the customers out of her line as quickly as possible.

  Whatever the reason may be today, I don’t want to wait around and find out what her problem is. I simply want to get my things rung out so I can get the hell out of here. Before I can say a word, the customer behind me speaks up.

  “Are we going to get out of here anytime today?” she asks snidely.

  Turning around, I see it’s one of the women who like to hang around the clubhouse. She’s not a house bunny and usually just goes when there’s a party. Today, she looks completely different from how I usually see her. Her blonde hair is perfectly coiffed while business attire covers her body. A black skirt hangs just past her knees while a white button up blouse covers her upper body. A black jacket finishes off the ensemble. On her feet are sensible dress shoes and there’s barely any make-up covering her face. I also don’t fail to notice the wedding band and ring resting on her finger.

  I gag at the thought of her cheating on her husband with the men of the club. They deserve much better than her; all of them do. The men in the club are my family while her husband doesn’t deserve to be lied to and cheated on. I don’t know the man, but no one deserves having that happen to him. Instead of paying her any further attention, I turn back around to see how much more of my things have to be rung up. There’s still a lot.

  “Look, I’ll bag everything myself. I’m in a hurry and need to get out of here,” I plead with the cashier as the hair on the back of my neck and arms stand on end.

  “I’m going as fast as I can,” the cashier mumbles.

  “I don’t mind. Really,” I urge her on, beginning to take the items out of her hands.

  I don’t pay attention to anything as I shove one item after another in the bags. Placing them in the cart once a bag is full, I know things are going to be falling all over the place. I don’t really care at this point in time. My only goal is to get the hell out of here and as far away as possible. When we finally get to the last few items, I shove them in bags before putting Killer’s card in the machine so I can pay. Hitting the correct buttons, I wait to remove the card when it instructs me to.

  Once I have the receipt in my hand, I’m rushing from the store as quickly as possible. My attention is split between the bags overflowing in the cart and the people around me. When I get to the parking lot, I frantically search the area before practically sprinting to my car. Rich is still propped up on his bike as I rush toward him.

  “Gwen, what’s wrong?” he asks the second he sees me.

  “I don’t know. I feel like someone’s following me,” I respond. “Can we please hurry up and get out of here?”

  Rich jumps off his bike and helps me load everything in the trunk of my car. Before the last bag is in the back end, he tells me to get in so he can take care of the cart and we can get out of here. I’m not usually this panicked so he knows I’m not lying about the feeling I have right now. I’m truly terrified and don’t want to be
out in public. He slams my trunk shut, causing me to jump in the front seat. I hit my body on the steering wheel and it hurts.

  Turning on the car, I wait for him to move his bike before leaving the parking lot of the store. We head home and I constantly check my mirrors to make sure we’re not being followed by anyone. There is no way in hell I’m going to lead anyone to Killer’s house. If I spot anyone, I’ll head to the clubhouse instead. At least whoever is following will know I’m affiliated with them somehow.

  We don’t end up going to the clubhouse as I pull in Killer’s driveway. I park as close to the door as possible so we can quickly unload the car and I can settle my nerves down inside the safety of the house. Fox has ensured each house of the members is equipped with state-of-the-art security systems. Each member of the club gets an alert if anything happens. So, if someone does manage to figure out where I’m staying, they won’t have very long to kidnap me or try to hurt me. The guys in the club will hopefully make it here before they can do anything to me.

  “Head inside. I’ll take care of bringin’ the groceries in. If someone is followin’ you, I don’t want you out in the open,” Rich orders me, making sure I follow his command before beginning to gather my groceries from the trunk.

  Walking up to the porch, I see a box sitting there. I know I didn’t order anything online, but I’m not sure about Killer. So, I grab the box and take it in with me. The second I’m in the house, I turn the alarm off, set the box on the counter, and rush to the room I now share with Killer. For a few minutes, I lay down across the bed and savor the smell of him as it covers me in a safety blanket. His smell alone is enough to calm me down so I can change into a pair of sweats and one of his shirts before putting everything away.

  After giving myself a few minutes to restore myself, I head out to the kitchen. Rich is already putting the groceries away. I help him finish up before turning my attention toward the box.

  “Gwen, do you want lunch?” he asks since we didn’t stop at the diner on the way back here.

  “I should probably eat something,” I answer, seeing my name on the box.

  “I’ll make it. What’s that?” he questions, gesturing toward the box with a knife.

  “I don’t know. It was on the porch when I was on my way in. My names on it, but not like a shipping label or anything. It’s just written on it,” I reply to him, using my key to open the box.

  Once I set the keys down on the counter, I rip the flaps of the box open. Peering over the top of the box, my stomach instantly turns. There’s blood covering the box. Or at least something red that looks as if it’s supposed to be blood. Laying in the bottom of the box rests the one thing I still have from my childhood. It’s a stuffed bear my mom got me; one of the only things she ever got me because of my sperm donor.

  My bear is even covered in blood as I look down and see it’s been stabbed several times in the stomach along with the heart area of my stuffed animal. I gasp and jump back, knocking over a chair. I’m covering my mouth with a hand in an attempt not to throw up all over the kitchen floor. Rich rushes to the box and looks to see what’s inside. He looks up at me as the tears slip over my lashes and slide down my face.

  “I’m callin’ this into Slim,” he says, pulling his phone from his pocket.

  Nodding my head, I rush to Killer’s room and grab my phone from the bed where I left it. I press the button to call Killer. He’s the only one I want to talk to right now. My hands, and entire body, are shaking uncontrollably as I wait for him to pick up. If he’ll even pick up since I’m not sure what he’s doing.

  “Gwen, I was gonna call you later. Can this wait?” Killer asks, waiting for me to answer his question.

  “Y-y-y-yeah,” I respond, as the tears fall faster down my throat and I wrap my arm around my middle in an attempt to stop shaking.

  “What’s wrong?” he demands, his entire tone changing at my voice.

  “I got a package today. It’s okay. We can talk about it later when you’re not busy,” I let him know, ready to hang up the phone while trying to keep my voice steady.

  “Gwen, you’re a shit liar. Somethin’ happened, and I want to know what it is,” he says, shuffled movement in the background alerting me to his moving locations.

  “A bear my mom got me when I was little is in the box. It’s covered in blood and there’s what looks like stab wounds on the bear in the stomach and heart areas,” I inform him, my voice beginning to shake once more.

  “The fuck?” he shouts out. “Who sent it?”

  “I don’t know. I went to the grocery store for food since you don’t know when you’re coming home. When I was almost done, I felt like I was being followed. No one followed us home from the store. Rich told me to get inside while he brought in the groceries. That’s when I found the box sitting on the porch. There’s nothing other than my name on it,” I relay the information to him. “It’s just written on it. There’s no shipping label or anything like that. So, someone dropped it off at the house.”

  “Sparrow, I wish I could be there for you. I’d make this all go away in a heartbeat. I still don’t know when I’ll be back. For now, I want you to go to your sister’s place. Fox will be there, and he’ll watch over you. I don’t want just a Prospect on you until we figure out what’s goin’ on. Is Rich lettin’ anyone know?” he questions me.

  “Yeah. He said he was gonna call Slim and let him know what’s going on. I don’t want to bring this to Kim and Fox’s house, Killer,” I tell him.

  “You have two choices right now Gwen since I’m not there. You can go to the clubhouse and stay there. Or you can go to your sister’s house,” he orders me. “Pack a bag for a few days at least. I don’t want you goin’ anywhere without Rich and a full patch on you. I’d prefer you not to go outside, period.”

  “Fine, Killer,” I huff out, anger taking over from me being scared now.

  “I’ll be home as soon as I can. You message me constantly, so I know you’re okay. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll spank your ass when I get home,” he orders me once more.

  “You won’t get close enough to spank me,” I state as if I know what I’m talking about.

  In reality, the thought of Killer spanking me is warming my body from head to toe. My panties are getting wet and the tremble in my body now has nothing to do with fear but an entirely different reason.

  “You’re thinkin’ about it aren’t you?” Killer asks me. “I gotta go. I want to know when you get to your sister’s house. Make sure you message me.”

  “Yes, sir,” I reply, hanging up the phone so I don’t have to hear his reply.

  Instead, my phone vibrates in my hand. Looking at it, I see it’s a message from Killer.

  Killer: That’s one. I’ll be keeping score.

  Me: That’s not one. You’ll never get close enough.

  Killer: You’re sleeping in my bed from now on. I’ll be more than close enough to spank your ass.

  Me: Not gonna happen. You can keep dreaming though.

  Killer: I’ll definitely be dreaming about that ass.

  I toss my phone down and grab a bag so I can pack some clothes. Once I get my clothes together, I walk in the bathroom where I stashed my toiletries. I’m not sure what Killer’s going to think about all of my things intermingled with his. We’ll find out when he gets home and sees the reality of it.

  Once I have everything gathered and packed up in the bag, I make my way to the kitchen where I see Rich. He’s cleaning the counter where the box was sitting, and it’s disappeared. I’m glad I don’t have to see it for another second. He looks up at me while still on the phone with someone. I’m not sure if it’s Slim or someone else.

  “I’m takin’ her to Fox’s house. Killer’s on the phone with him now. He sent me a message lettin’ me know to take her there. Killer wants me to stay there until he can get back to her,” Rich says, never taking his eyes off me as I add my purse, phone, and charger to the bag I’ve already packed.

  Rich h
angs up his phone and grabs everything he’s got in the house. It’s only his bag full of clothes and who knows what else. We leave the house, though he keeps me behind his body this time. If someone is coming for me, they’re gonna have to get through Rich before me. He’s definitely taking his job seriously. Once I get in the car, Rich quickly goes to his bike and we take off from the house. He follows me all the way to my sister’s house.

  When we pull in the driveway, Fox is waiting out on the porch for us. He leaves the porch in order to meet me at the car. Rich and him cover me as we race inside. Kim is nowhere to be seen so I head directly for the room I’ll be staying in. Rich will be in the room next to me based on him walking in there and setting his bag down as I pass.

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I pull up my messages and make sure I let Killer know I’m safely at my sister’s house. Once that’s done, I climb in bed and pull the blankets up over my head. I don’t want to talk to anyone or think about things any longer. The only thing I want to do is go to sleep. So, that’s what I do.

  Chapter Twelve


  WHEN I HEARD Gwen’s voice trembling on the phone, there was no way in hell I was going to let her get away with not telling me what’s going on. As she was telling me about feeling like she was being watched, or followed, and then the box left on the porch of our home, I knew she was scared to death. There is no way in hell I’m going to remain here with Butcher while things are going down with my woman.

  After talking to her, then Fox to fill him in on the situation, I called Slim. Since I was already with Butcher, I put the call on speaker so they could hear one another, and I don’t have to talk about this shit more than once. Stryker is going to head here while I head home. Like we did, he’ll be catching a flight out here while I take one home. Butcher and Slim both know my head won’t be in the situation here if I’m worried about Gwen and what she’s doing.

  Slim is pissed as fuck someone is messing with her and we have our suspicions about who it is. While I’m travelling back home, he’s going to put some feelers out to figure out where Neil is and where any of the fuckers who used to work for her dad have been hiding. Once we catch them, we’ll be able to find out all they know. I’m going to be the one leading the interrogation on these fuckers and they’re not going to get off easy.


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