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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  Once I’m ready, I head out to the bedroom where Sam and Kim are waiting for me. Kim has me sit down on a chair they brought in the room. While Sam is doing my make-up, my sister works on curling my hair. It’s gotten a lot longer, so it seems to take forever for her to get done. Not once do we speak about anything. Well, I don’t. Kim and Sam talk about the twins and the rest of the kids. I simply listen to them.

  I want to be a mother more than anything in this world. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a mother. Mine was so good to me when she was alive and with us. It was my dream to be just like her. Making cookies for my family, helping with homework, attending sporting events, going to everything at the school for them. To make sure they had dinner on the table when it was time, just do everything a good mom and wife would do for her family.

  Hearing my friends talk about their children is wonderful. Especially when I get to be with the kids. At the same time, I hate being around them because it’s the only thing I want out of life. I don’t even know if Killer wants kids or to get married. It’s not something we’ve talked about. He’s been making sure I talk about myself. Killer is the only one I could imagine having kids with. He’d be such an amazing father. Even if he doesn’t believe in himself about it.

  “What’s wrong, Gwen?” Sam asks, pulling me out of my head.

  “You’ll think I’m stupid,” I mutter, ducking my head as Kim continues to curl it.

  “Not at all. Nothing is stupid,” my sister states, her tone leaving no room for me to argue with her.

  “The only thing I’ve ever wanted is to be a mother. I don’t want to work outside the home. I only want to be here for my family. Since I got here, the only one I can imagine having kids with is Killer. I’m just not sure if he even wants kids. Or to get married. When we talk, it’s always about me,” I answer them, not looking up at either one.

  “Honey, Killer wants you more than anything in this world. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have moved you into his home. A home he didn’t even buy until you came to town. He sure as hell wouldn’t leave Butcher’s club for a mission he’s on. And he sure as hell wouldn’t be out there from the time he wakes up until he can’t ride anymore trying to find the men after you,” Sam says, lifting my head up so she can look me in the eye.

  “No, he’s just being nice because Kim is with Fox. I’m sure Fox told him he wants his house back without me in the way,” I respond, not caring if my sister knows that’s how I feel. “I’m just here. Always in the way and bringing trouble with me.”

  Neither girl says a word in response. They’re thinking over my words trying to figure out what to say to me. Sam and Kim are not quiet and they speak their opinion on any matter. I’m no different when they agree, or don’t, with something I’m doing or saying. I’ve heard more lectures from these two than I’d ever care to admit. Especially when it comes to Killer and my crush on him.

  “Sam’s right,” Kim finally says. “Fox has no problem with you living with us. The only reason Killer moved you in here is because he wants you here. Not to mention Fox may have mentioned to him how you were feeling. Yeah, he told me about your talk at the cookout the night you ran out after seeing Killer in the bathroom. The only way you’re ever going to know what you want from Killer is to talk to him. He’ll let you know the answers, but he’s the only one who can. If you want to come back, come back. I have a feeling you want to be right here where you are though.”

  “I do. I want to be here with Killer. For the right reasons though. Not because he feels obligated or like he feels someone should be watching out for me closer,” I respond.

  “Alright, lets get you looking good for your man then,” Sam says, going back to working on my make-up.

  Just before she’s done, Jennifer and Shy get back with several bags. Some of them from the Naughty Peach. My face burns several shades of red as I stand up and look in the mirror at Sam and my sister’s work. I don’t even look like I normally do. My make-up is barely there. I can’t even tell you what Sam has done to my face. Kim has my hair curled and cascading down my back. Well, what’s not over my shoulders, resting against my chest.

  Jennifer and Shy begin to dump out the bags on Killer’s bed. They’ve bought me several different nighties, corsets, thigh highs, heels, and several other things I’ll need for the night. According to them at any rate. The four other ol’ ladies sift through each and every piece of barely there clothing on the bed before picking out the best one for me. Shy shoves it in my hand while ushering me to the bathroom.

  After I put the items on, with minimal help from Sam, I place a small black robe over me. Walking back in the bedroom, I see they’ve done more work. Candles are over every single surface while the bed has flower petals on it. The TV is showing a fire instead of a movie or television show. After looking me over one last time, the women do one last thing. Rich carries in a small table.

  Jennifer drapes it with a tablecloth before setting up the takeout dinner they got while they were out. Once that’s all ready to go, they back out of the room and close me in. I’m not sure if they already called Killer or not. I’ll find out soon. Now, it’s just time to wait while my nerves get the better of me. I want to pace and bite my nails, but I don’t. I simply sit on the edge of the bed and wait for whatever is about to happen.

  Before Killer gets here, I get a message to remove my robe from Sam. She knows me too well. Undoing the belt, I take it off and lay it over the back of one of the chairs at the table. Now my nerves are really getting the better of me. I’m wearing a red nightie with black lace edges. The red material is completely see through and barely hits below my pussy. Black thigh highs go with the outfit and red heels cover my feet. I’ve definitely never looked like this before in my entire life.

  It’s not long before Killer is rushing through the door of his bedroom. He stops dead in his tracks when he gets a look at me. I watch on, my face heated and heart beating out of my chest, as Killer swallows several times. His chest is rising and falling from running into the house while his eyes are about to bulge out of his head.

  “Gwen, what’s goin’ on?” he asks, letting his gaze run from my face to my toes and back up again. “Shy said you needed me.”

  Killer lets his gaze travel so slow over my body I finally understand what people say when they talk about feeling a man’s gaze eat them up and undress them. His eyes are heated as he continues to look at me. Killer’s eye lids are at half mast as he crosses his arms over his chest. It’s almost as if he’s trying to keep himself from attacking me in the best way possible.

  “Well, um, I didn’t know how to tell you,” I begin, not sure even now exactly what to say to him.

  “Tell me what?” he questions me.

  “That I want you,” I reply, turning my face down so I don’t have to look at him to see his reaction.

  Within seconds Killer is standing right in front of me with my head leaning against his chest. Using his pointer finger, Killer tips my head up until I’m looking at him.

  “You’re not ever to be scared or nervous to tell me anythin’. You want me, fuckin’ tell me,” he orders before lowering his head and brushing his lips against mine. “You’re so fuckin’ sexy right now but you don’t need all this shit.”

  Before I can say a word in response, Killer rips the nightie from my body and then goes for the barely there panties covering me. I’m left standing in front of him in nothing more than the thigh highs and red heels. Killer lifts me up and I wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. I can already feel his hard cock pressing against his jeans. I’m gently laid on the bed as I look up at the man who’s starred in so many of my fantasies.

  Killer removes his cut and drapes it over the chair behind him. Reaching behind his head, he pulls his shirt off and tosses it to the floor. As I lick my lips, he undoes his belt before unbuttoning his jeans. I can already see the head of his cock peeking out at me and I’m once again licking my lips.

ow, you need to stop lookin’ at me like that,” he growls out, running a hand up my stomach until he reaches my tit.

  I arch up into his touch while never once taking my eyes off him. I’m still nervous as hell with Killer seeing my body for the first time. Honestly, that’s the only reason I’m nervous. I don’t expect much from the sex because I’ve only ever been with Neil and he was horrible.

  “Get out of your head,” Killer demands, his voice soft and gentle. “It’s only the two of us in this room and there isn’t room for anyone else.”

  Nodding my head, Killer lowers his head until I feel his hot breath fanning across my wet pussy. At the same time, he begins to pinch my nipple causing just a slight amount of pain. It sends shivers up my body as I try to close my legs on him. He doesn’t let me as his wide shoulders stop me from moving too much. Killer’s eyes lock with my own as his head lowers even more. The first swipe of his tongue through my folds has me arching off the mattress once more.

  His hand leaves my nipple and it’s not long before Killer’s mouth is sucking my clit into his mouth. A finger enters my body. He slowly slides it in and out, curling it to hit that magic spot I’ve only read about in books. I moan out in response. Killer adds another finger as he continues to build my body up to the point of no return.

  Killer alternates between sucking and biting my clit with sliding his tongue through my folds. His fingers slide in and out, moving when he switches out with his tongue. My entire body is quivering with need and want for the man playing my body like a finely tuned instrument. Still, it’s not enough to get me over the edge I’ve been hovering on for so long it feels like hours have passed.

  “I need more,” I tell him, not stopping myself from voicing what I need from him.

  Killer pulls back and I look down. His cock is leaking precum as our eyes meet once more. He brings his fingers up and sucks them into his mouth. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Our eyes never leave one another. Killer’s watching my every reaction while I’m looking at his body. Anywhere my eyes can land, I feast and take in every rippling muscle, scar, tattoo, and piercing. I’ll never get enough time to look at him and discover every inch of his body.

  He finally gets rid of his jeans as I reach out to touch him. Killer stops me and I can feel his body shaking with holding himself back. I’m not sure if I want him to hold himself back or not. He wants me to be real with him and give him everything about me, that’s what I want from him too. It’s the only way things can work.

  “Don’t,” I mutter, moving my eyes up to meet his. “I want all of you. I’m not glass that’s going to break and shatter into a million pieces. Give me all of you, Killer.”

  “You call me Tristan when we’re alone. In here I’m not Killer to you,” he growls out once more.

  Killer moves me up the bed so I’m resting against the pillows. His body covers mine, making me even hotter than I already am. My nipples rub against his chest, getting impossibly harder. Where I’m soft and curvy, Killer is all hard angles and muscles.

  “We don’t have to do this,” he tells me as I look up at him with unsure eyes. “Gwen, I’ll wait as long as you need me to.”

  That right there is why I want this with Killer. He’s sweet, caring, and kind. He’d never take me against my will or do anything to make me uncomfortable. Every day I fall a little more in love with him. These moments, where he lets his sweet, soft side out, I fall in love even more. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a man and didn’t think I’d ever find. Or be good enough for.

  “Tristan, I want this. I want you,” I say, letting him see the honesty in my eyes.

  He leans down and kisses me. This kiss is so different from him pressing his lips against mine or gently sliding his tongue alongside my own. In this moment, it’s full of longing, passion, and everything we’re feeling for one another. Maybe not outside of this bed or room, but right now.

  We tangle our tongues together and fight for control of the kiss. I’ll never keep it for long because that’s not who Killer is. He’s the one who has to be in control and is only willing to relinquish that for a few seconds or minutes at a time. While we’re kissing I feel his cock at my entrance. With the way he’s kissing me, I can’t help but remain relaxed. He’s so big if I tense up, it will hurt me.

  Killer slides in a little bit, pulling back from our kiss to watch my reaction. He slides out and back in, giving me just a little bit more of him. This is repeated until he’s finally fully seated in me. Burying his head in the crook of my neck, I feel his breath hitting my skin. He’s still holding back. I don’t hurt and I’m more than ready for him to move.

  Shifting my body under Killer’s larger one, he takes the hint and lifts himself up on his elbows, keeping them on either side of my head. Sliding out of my body, there’s only a slight hesitation before he slams back in my body. Still, Killer keeps his eyes locked on mine while he gauges my response to giving me more of himself. I wrap my legs around his hips and let my arms drape over his shoulders as I hang on for the ride he’s about to take me on.

  Within a minute, Killer is done holding back. He’s pounding in and out of my body. I’m arching under his touch as he lowers his mouth and pulls a nipple into his mouth. My body is on a sensory overload at the different sensations flowing through me. Sweat covers both of us as my body begins to tighten around him. Killer reaches between our bodies and begins rubbing circles around my clit, making sure to press his thumb down against me. That’s all I need. My nails rake down his back as I tighten my legs wrapped around his hips.

  “Tristan!” I yell out, my body convulsing around him as I drift away with my release.

  Killer follows me soon after as he continues to slam in and out of me setting off aftershocks. As he slows his body down, just kind of sliding in and out of lazily, I place my hands on each side of his face to place a gentle kiss against his lips. Our breathing is ragged and shallow when Killer finally pulls free from my body after several minutes. He lands on the side of me, pulling me into his arms.

  Sex has never been like this for me. My body is completely sated as my eyelids begin to drift close. That’s when I realize something wet is leaking down onto my thighs. My head shoots up and I look down at Killer’s softening cock. There’s no condom on it. Fuck!

  “What’s wrong?” he questions me, his eyes searching my face.

  “We, um, didn’t use a condom. I’m not on birth control, Killer,” I state, panic filling my body.

  “Sparrow, you’re mine. You’ve always been mine. If somethin’ happens because of this, don’t worry. I’m not goin’ anywhere,” he says, never looking away from me. “One day I’m gonna put my rag on your back, a ring on your finger, and plant my babies in your belly. If that happens sooner rather than later, I don’t care. Unless it’s not somethin’ you want. I love you baby. I heard you tell me when I left to go to Butcher’s club, but I wasn’t gonna say it back to you over the phone for the first time. I’ve loved you for a long time but was too much of an asshole to get over myself.”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to be a mom. It’s not like I remember too much of my own since she disappeared when I was young. What if I’m no good?” I question him, letting my biggest fear out. “I do love you, Killer. It’s always been you.”

  “You’re gonna be an amazin’ mother. I wouldn’t just be reckless and get anyone pregnant. Gwen, you’re it for me. I may not have always shown it, but you’re the only one I want and we’re gonna happen. You just need to get on board with the plan,” he informs me, doing an ab curl to sit up in bed.

  Killer lifts me into his arms bridal style, carrying me into the bathroom. Without setting me down, he removes one arm after shifting my position, so I’m wrapped around his body. He turns on the water and lets it heat up before stepping in with me still in his arms. I slide down his body so we can wash up. Killer washed my hair and conditions it before moving to my body. Once he’s done, I return the favor and clean him. We don’t linger
in the water as he steps out and grabs towels for us. I’m dried off before we head back to bed.

  He grabs our now cold food and warms it up before coming back to me. We eat our food as a movie plays in the background. I’m pressed up against Killer and have never felt more content in my entire life. This is where I’m meant to be; where I want to remain for as long as Killer will have me. No matter what happens.

  As I finish eating my dinner, my lids slide closed once more. I’m falling asleep against Killer. While I’m drifting off, I feel Killer slide us down under the covers and pull me firmly against his chest. I’m wrapped in his arms. Sleep fully claims me and dreams of a life with the man next to me play on a loop.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I WAS AT the garage when I got the call about Gwen getting another note from whoever’s after her. Without a word to anyone, I rushed out, leaving my tools and everything else exactly where they were. Gwen is my number one priority and always will be. If she needs me, I’ll be there by her side.

  Running in the house when I got there, I saw Rich waiting outside on the porch. I didn’t bother stopping to talk to him or anything else in my attempt to get to my woman. When I got into our bedroom, I came to a dead stop. Gwen was standing there in front of me dressed in nothing more than a red and black nightie. Her hair is curled and flowing down against her back with some resting over her chest. There’s make-up on her face; something she doesn’t need. Red heels adorn her feet and I’m fucking lost.

  Being with Gwen, her willingly giving herself to me, is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. I want to experience it as much as she’ll let me. Gwen isn’t fake, her noises and the emotions flitting across her face are genuine and she gives me back as good as I give her. I know she’s not experienced, and the times she has been with the cocksucker weren’t good for her. I’ll do everything in my power to erase all of that from her mind.


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