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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  “Killer!” I hear yelled as Kim and Fox make their way to me.

  I’m not sure what their hold-up was, but they’re here now. Kim rushes to my side the best she can and wraps her arms around me. Everything hits me in this moment as tears fill my eyes and slide unchecked down my face. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks of me. Kim’s still hugging me as Fox stands behind her with his hand on her back. He’s offering us comfort in the only way he can right now.

  “Have you heard anything yet?” Kim asks, lifting her tear stained face from my chest.

  “No. I’ve been tryin’ to find out anythin’. That’s why we now have buddies standin’ here with us,” I state, turning a glare on the two pansies who think they’ll be able to hold me back if I truly want to be back there with my girl.

  At about the same time, the doors open and a doctor comes out. He looks around the room. Once he realizes the entire waiting room is filled with the men and women of the club, his eyes bulge out of his head.

  “Um, I’m looking for the family of Gwen Andrews,” he says, his voice trembling slightly.

  “I’m her man and this is her sister,” I respond as we rush to stand in front of him.

  Every man and woman here with us stand at our backs as we wait for news on her.

  “Maybe we should talk in private about this,” the doctor states.

  “They’re all her family and it will be easier if you just tell us what’s going on now. I don’t want anything lost in translation because we have to tell them what you’ve said,” Kim states, holding her ground as Fox wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her into his side.

  “Okay. We found a few things out with Miss Andrews. The first is that we believe her food or drinks have been tampered with. There were trace amounts of curare in her system which caused her to appear unresponsive. It’s sometimes used as anesthesia for some types of surgeries. We’ve already given her an antidote for the medicine. We’re going to keep her for observation at least overnight,” the doctor informs us.

  I can feel the rage coming from every single man standing at my back. They’ll offer all the support we need right now, but they’re ready to bash skulls in to whoever did this. Gwen doesn’t deserve any of this shit happening to her.

  “The second thing we discovered is that Miss Andrews is pregnant. She’s almost a month and a half along right now. We’re not sure if this will cause her to lose the babies or not. It has been known to cause miscarriages. She needs to get in with a regular doctor immediately. For now, she’s resting in a room. Only two of you may go in and see her for a few minutes. Other than that, you’ll all have to leave here until tomorrow morning,” he states.

  I don’t hear a word after the doctor informed us Gwen’s pregnant. Vaguely I heard him say babies and not baby. I can’t focus on any of that right now. the only thing I’m worried about is Gwen.

  “I’m not leavin’. I’ll be here until my woman goes home. I don’t give a fuck what you’re policy is, she’s not safe here alone and won’t be left out of my sight,” I state, crossing my arms over my chest and daring this fucker to tell me I won’t be staying with my woman.

  “I’m stayin’ to,” Stryker states. “I’ll be in the hallway to make sure no one gets close to the room.”

  The doctor looks from us to the security guards. I really don’t want to have to beat the fuck out of them, but I will. Neither one of them will keep me from Gwen. They won’t keep Stryker out of here either. He’s made his mind up and won’t leave until she’s discharged.

  Seeing Doc standing behind this asshole, I push past him and make my way over.

  “Doc, where is she. I need to see her,” I plead, not giving one fuck.

  “Follow me. Doctor Adams, whoever is stayin’ here with her will be allowed. Don’t try to kick them out or you’ll be dealin’ with me. Got it?” he states before turning and leading Kim, Fox, and me to Gwen’s room.

  I don’t give a second thought to the assholes standing behind us as Doc leads us through the doors that have kept me separated from my woman for so long now.

  Walking through the door, I’m hit with feelings I never want to experience again. Gwen looks so small in the bed with an IV coming from her arm and other devices on her. I don’t stop until I’m by her bed. Leaning over, I place a kiss on her forehead and take her hand in mine. Kim is at my side while Fox stands on the opposite side of us.

  Gwen’s pale as fuck as my gaze rakes down her body. I can’t see much since she’s covered from head to toe in blankets. My gaze lands where her stomach is and I want to pull the blankets back so bad. I want to see her stomach and place a kiss there for our babies. Once again I find myself praying that nothing happens to however many babies are resting inside her body right now.

  “Killer, did you know?” Kim asks me, keeping her gaze locked on her sister.

  “No. Even though she’s been sick, that was the last thing on my mind,” I answer her honestly. “Has she said anythin’ to you?”

  “Not a word. I’m not sure if she even knew herself,” she responds, looking at Fox.

  “I didn’t know either. She wasn’t lookin’ anythin’ up or anythin’,” he confirms for us.

  “Killer, I’m goin’ to head home so I can grab some rest. Today has really taken a toll health wise on me. I won’t be able to last here much longer no matter how much I want to stay,” Kim starts. “If you need to leave for any reason, I’ll be right back here.”

  “You go get some sleep,” I tell her, placing a kiss against the top of her head. “I know you want to stay but you won’t be doin’ Gwen or yourself any favors if this keeps you down for the next few days. Why don’t you go to the clubhouse since that’s where we’ll be goin’ when she gets out?”

  “I think I will. I’ll make sure your room is ready for her to come home to us. If there’s any damn change, call me immediately. I’ll be here in the mornin’,” she responds, tears of frustration rolling down her face.

  Fox walks over after placing a kiss on Gwen’s cheek to gather his woman and take her home. I pull up a seat and remain vigil at my girl’s side. There is no way in hell I’ll be leaving her side for a second. Laying my head down on the bed next to her, I close my eyes and breath in what little is left of Gwen’s scent. That’s the only thing calming me down as my adrenaline crashes and sleep overtakes me.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I’VE BEEN OUT of the hospital for almost two weeks now. Killer has been hovering over me the entire time. Not only because someone attacked me like this, but because I’m pregnant with twins. They did an ultrasound in the hospital when my tests came back and discovered I’m having twins. Talk about a shock. Even though I was sick for several weeks, pregnancy never once entered my mind. Go ahead and call me naïve, I am.

  By the time I was discharged late the next day, Killer had me booked for an appointment with an obstetrician. I’m now on bedrest until they can be sure the shit put in my food won’t cause me to lose the babies. That has Killer even more on edge than normal. Every little pain, twitch, or movement, he’s on me in case something happens so we can get right to the hospital.

  Needless to say, I’m going out of my mind. A person can only take so much TV, magazines, books, and visits from the men and women of the club. I’ve been staring at the same four walls of our room at the clubhouse since coming back here. I need to get out of here and Killer is either going to let me go down and sit on the couch, which I’m allowed to do, or I won’t talk to him. Maybe I’ll have my sister come get me and take me to her house for a while. I definitely won’t do anything to put our children in jeopardy, but he has to understand where I’m coming from.

  “Killer, I need to go to the common room or something,” I plead with him. “I can’t keep sitting in here staring at the same four walls.”

  “Sparrow, you know that’s not the best idea. You’re supposed to be restin’,” he states, never once taking his eyes off me.

I’ll be resting, just in the common room. You hear Doctor Spears; I’m allowed to go to the common room and sit. I just can’t do a lot of standing, walking around, or anything to add stress to me,” I state, knowing he heard the same thing I did. “Killer, I love you, but this insanity has to stop. I just want to sit on the couch for a while and hang out with everyone.”

  Killer regards me for a few minutes before stalking to the bed. After pulling the blankets back, I’m lifted into my man’s arms. Wrapping my own arms around his neck, I lay my head on his shoulder and breath in his scent. Killer smells like the cologne he wears, sweat, smoke, oil, and leather. Everything I now relate to safety and love. He carries me down the stairs and directly to one of the new couches. Once I’m safely lying down on it, Killer has Rich grab a blanket from our room before sitting down at the end of my feet. He pulls them up on his lap and begins to massage them.

  Letting out a moan, I let my head drop back as I close my eyes. I hear Killer growl out in response. Yes, I know it gets to him when I moan out. However, this feels so good right now. Rich is back before Killer can say anything in response to me. He covers me up with the blanket and asks if I need anything else. Right now, I’m good. I don’t need any more water or juice and Killer just made me eat a little while ago.

  As Killer begins flipping through the channels on the TV, the main door opens, and I watch Stryker come walking up to us. After placing a kiss on the top of my head, he sits down in the chair closest to me. He’s been sticking close when he’s not at Phantom Ink or with Sally.

  “How are you feelin’ today, Gwen?” he questions me, accepting the beer from Torres, our newest Prospect.

  I don’t like Torres. He gives me the creeps. Whenever he’s around, he stares at everyone as if he’s trying to find our weakest link in the club. This means he spends a lot of time staring at the women. The few times I’ve been in the common room without anyone else, the hair on the back of my neck and arms has stood on end. I’d look around the common room, or whatever room I’m in, and Torres would be the only one there.

  He’s got black hair that’s slicked back and wears jeans and shirts that are way too baggy for him. It’s as if they’re three times the size he should be wearing. The rest of the men in the club always wear tighter clothing so he definitely sticks out. If one of us dared to get close enough to him, I’m sure we’d see his underwear hanging out like you used to see years ago by every member of the male species.

  I also won’t take any food or drinks from him. The first time he handed me bottled water, he opened it before letting me see anything. I don’t trust anyone on the best of days, after everything going on, I truly don’t trust anyone. Torres got pissed at me to the point I was afraid. All the memories of my father’s house filled me. Before he could react, Playboy and Fox were by my side. Needless to say, he’s pissed as fuck and hasn’t like me ever since that day.

  “I’ve been better. Thankfully, Killer was smart enough to let me out of our room,” I joke while keeping my eyes on my man.

  “What did you have to give up in order to make him give in to that one?” Stryker asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  “Yeah, like that’s gonna happen,” I mutter disgruntled under my breath.

  Still, Killer and Stryker both hear me as they bust up laughing. I may be sexually frustrated once more because Killer won’t touch me until we know for a fact we’re out of the woods. I’m not amused at all.

  I watch as Torres leaves the clubhouse. I’m not sure where he’s going, but I take the first deep breath I’ve been able to since coming down here. That’s the one aspect I didn’t take into consideration when I wanted to come down to the common room. No one knows I feel the way I do about him either. Looking between Stryker and Killer, I try to figure out whether or not I should say anything.

  “What’s wrong, Sparrow?” Killer questions me.

  “I don’t like Torres. I get a weird vibe from him every time he’s around. He makes me feel as if I’m being watched when there aren’t many people around and I just don’t like him. He makes me feel as if I’m back at my father’s house in a way,” I respond to him.

  “Is it just him or the rest of the Prospects too?” Stryker asks as I keep my gaze locked on Killer.

  Killer’s face has gone a deadly shade of red. I know when his face gets this red, someone is going to get hurt or things are going to be broken. This means he’s angry as hell and trying not to explode while I’m in front of him. Or any of the other ol’ ladies. All of the men in the club try to contain their rage when something is happening. Killer is having a hard time doing that today. Especially when Torres walks back in carrying a package.

  “Gwen, this is for you,” he states, ignoring the deadly looks he’s getting from both men sitting with me.

  “Where the fuck did you find this?” Killer asks, jumping up from the couch after setting my feet off his lap and back on the cushions.

  “It was at the gate,” Torres answers, still ignoring the hostility being directed at him.

  “How did you know about it?” Stryker demands from him.

  “I got a call from Robbie,” he answers, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Get the fuck outta here,” Killer orders him.

  Instead of running off, Torres remains rooted to his spot for several seconds. I don’t even look at him as he continues to stand there. When Killer finally makes a move toward him, Torres finally heads behind the bar. It’s as if he knows what’s in the box and wants to see my reaction. I’m not going to hide from him.

  “Stryker, take this out of here for me?” Killer asks him.

  “No, babe. I want to open it here,” I tell him, reaching out to hold his arm.

  “I don’t want you gettin’ upset, Sparrow,” Killer tells me, looking down at me with nothing but worry, concern, and love shining down at me.

  “I need to do this. I’ll let you know after everything happens,” I plead with him, knowing this may be a step in the right direction; one that we need to go in.

  Killer nods his head at me finally. Stryker slides the box closer to me as I turn on my side and watch on as my man slices through the tape to get it open for me. Stryker and Killer remain close to my side. Lifting the flaps of the box, I gasp out while covering my mouth.

  Resting in the box are all sorts of photos, tapes, another stuffed animal, dead flowers, and resting on top is another note. Killer lifts the note out of the box and opens it open. His hands are shaking from the rage flowing through him right now as he scans the paper.

  “We’re almost here. You won’t be safe for long,” he reads aloud.

  Stryker and Killer grab the closest things to them, chairs from the table behind us and fling them across the room. They make sure to turn away from me so nothing hits me. One of the chairs almost hits Torres in the head; he ducks at the very last second.

  “What the fuck, man?” Torres yells out. “You could’ve hit me.”

  “Better you than my pregnant woman,” Killer grinds out. “Don’t ever suggest we should take out our anger on a woman when neither one of us were directly aimin’ for your ass.”

  “Sometimes a bitch needs to be put in her place,” Torres deadpans as if it’s the most common thing in the world to see.

  “The fuck?” Stryker yells, marching over toward the Prospect. “You tellin’ us you lay hands on a woman to “put her in her place”.”

  By the time I turn my head, Stryker has Torres lifted off the floor and slammed against the wall at the end of the bar. Stryker is talking to Torres but we can’t hear what he’s saying from here. At least I can’t. Reaching up, I grab Killer’s hand before he can step away from the back of the couch.

  “Babe, I want to watch the tapes and see what’s on them,” I tell him.

  Killer stares at me for several minutes. His breath is ragged and uneven as he takes in the entire situation that’s happened in the last few minutes. I’m trying to block Torres and Stryker from my mind as I wait for my man to
give me an answer one way or another.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” he finally says, looking down at me.

  “I need to know, babe. If I don’t, I’ll be wandering what they contain. Killer, this is something I need to do in order to help get over this shit happening to me,” I plead with him while giving him the honest truth.

  For what seems like hours, Killer stares down into my face. Neither one of us looks away or breaks contact. His facial features finally soften to the man I love; the man only I get to see when we’re alone. Not many people see the soft side of the Killer. They only know him for the killer he’s become in his life. The man who’d do anything to help his club and anyone else he considers friends or family of the club. Killer lets very few people in close to his life for his own reasoning. I’m thankful I’m among the ones he lets in fully.

  “If I do this Gwen, let you watch these tapes, you’ll go back up to bed once you’re done. Today has already been too much on you and I’m not takin’ any chances. Not for our babies or you. Gwen, I’d die if anythin’ happens to you,” he finally states before turning to Stryker. “Get him the fuck outta here. We’ll deal with that piece of shit later on. For now, I’m gettin’ anyone already here to come in and watch this shit, so it’s not watched more than once.”

  I turn around and get comfortable on the couch as Killer walks around and sits next to me. He pulls his phone from his pocket and begins to type furiously away. While he’s getting everyone out here, I concentrate on clearing my mind. If I’m going to watch these videos, I need to lock my emotions down tight. I can break down later on when I’m in the room with Killer. Right now, this is the last thing I need, however it’s something I must do. It’s just one more way I’ve been violated while under my father, the monster’s, roof.

  It doesn’t take long for several members of the club to join us in the common room. Several house bunnies are in the room as well. Stryker takes his seat back by me while Killer stands up and looks around the room.


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