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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

Page 21

by Erin Osborne

  The four of us walk in the courthouse. Since I already talked to the judge who will be performing the ceremony, we don’t have to wait. I’ve already gotten the license and made sure we have everything we’ll need to make this marriage legitimate in the eyes of the law and citizens. We’re already as good as married in the eyes of the club and any other club we associate with. Today, we become official for everyone to see and know.

  Walking to Judge Ambrose’s chambers, we all stand in front of him with Fox on my side and Kim on her sister’s. He goes through the short ceremony before pronouncing us husband and wife. I place a chaste kiss against my wife’s lips because it’s been way too long since I’ve been with her. If I kiss her the way I want to right now, we won’t make it out of here and will both end up with a charge.

  Kim and Fox sign their names as witnesses while I keep Gwen in my arms. Her own are wrapped around my body as she sinks into me. I have no problem with keeping her in my arms for as long as she needs to be there. The rest of our lives will never be long enough to hold her, love her, or feel her love me. I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve her, but I’m not going to complain one bit. Gwen is the light to my dark, the air I need to breathe, the warmth to my cold, and the calm to my weathering storm. She’s the only one who will ever get all of me like I get all of her.

  Once all of the paperwork is signed and Judge Ambrose assures us he’ll get everything filed right away, we head out. I walk Gwen to Kim’s car and help her inside before heading to my bike. We’re going to have a small dinner at the local diner. Again, this is what Gwen wants for us today. Just the four of us along with Rich and Tommy at the diner. We’ll let everyone else know once we get back to the clubhouse. They can party and celebrate while I take my wife to our bed and worship her body.

  Fox and I lead Kim while Rich and Tommy follow behind them. My eyes are watching out for everything. If anyone is getting too close to any of us, someone coming up on our ass fast, or a car following us. I’m being as vigilant as I possibly can as we ride the short distance to the diner. We get there with no mishaps and park in the front of the diner. I make sure Gwen and Kim are as close as possible to the door so they can get in as soon as possible.

  We enter and get led to a table in the back where Gwen and I sit facing the front of the restaurant while Fox and Kim have their backs to the front. Rich and Tommy sit at a different table from us. They keep their heads moving as they check out everything while we wait for our waitress. She brings us our drinks, coffee for Fox and me with a tea for Kim and chocolate milkshake for Gwen. We may eat here a lot. Especially lately with us staying at the clubhouse. Gwen doesn’t like to be down in the kitchen for any longer than necessary if no one else is in there with her.

  Instead of her coming back to take our orders, we give them to her right then. Fox, Kim, and I are having steak, baked potatoes, and grilled vegetables. Gwen is having tomato soup with grilled cheese. She’s also ordered an extra grilled cheese to take back to the clubhouse with us. I’d laugh, like Kim and Fox, but I want to have sex tonight so there’s no way in hell I’m going to laugh at her ordering a second one for later.

  Gwen is starting to get cravings. Grilled cheese sandwiches are one of them. Ice cream, cheesecake, milkshakes, and bacon are other ones. I’m sure there will be more once she gets further along in her pregnancy. I don’t care what they are, and I’ll go out to get her whatever she needs. Or send the Prospects after it.

  Gwen leans into my side as we sit and wait for our food. We talk and laugh while others around us look at us every now and then. They’re used to seeing us in jeans, tee-shirts, and our cuts with our women dressed casually in maxi dresses or jeans and shirts. Not us dressed up for a special day. The people in town are wondering what’s happened today. Well, it’s none of their business what we’ve been up to. As long as it doesn’t affect them, they don’t get to know our business.

  My intention isn’t to use Gwen as bait. I would never do that with any of the women in our lives, especially my wife. The only thing I want to do is see if there’s anyone else working for the fuckface we’re after. If Neil has someone following us around, the four of us will spot him before they can get away and let Neil know what’s going on or where we are.

  We’ve been back at the clubhouse for a few hours now. Gwen wanted to stay in the common room for a while as the entire club celebrates our marriage. It was announced when we walked in by Fox by him yelling out to the entire club while I pulled Gwen close and kissed her soft lips.

  “These fuckers went and got married!” Fox yelled out to everyone.

  We were soon surrounded by our family members so they could congratulate us. A shot of Jameson was thrust in my hand followed by a beer while a bottled water was passed to Gwen. Even though she also ordered a milkshake to bring back with us and has been sipping on it ever since. Now, it’s time for me to take my wife upstairs and ravish her. So, I pick her up as she sits with the ol’ ladies and carry her from the room bridal style. Catcalls, clapping, and laughter follow us up the stairs.

  I shut the world out and lock the door so no one can disturb us. Laying Gwen on our bed, I stand in front of her between her legs. My hands reach out and I slide her flip flops off before sliding the dress up her legs. Once it’s up to her stomach, I pull her up against my hard body and finish removing it. She extends her arm over her head for me. Instead of tossing her dress on the floor as I normally would, I lay it over the chair in our room. While I’m there, I place my cut on top of it. The same with her rag. She took it off when she was sitting with the women and carried it upstairs with us.

  Gwen is standing before me in a white set of bra and panties. She looks like an angel with her hair flowing down her back and her eyes staring up at me full of love and need. Leaning down, I kiss her, she opens her mouth for me and I don’t waste any time in sliding my tongue in to tangle with hers. Gwen kisses me back, not holding anything in as she used to. While our mouths are fused together, my wife undoes my belt before taking care of the button and zipper on my jeans. I break the kiss so I can reach behind me and pull my shirt off. Within seconds each of us are naked and standing in front of one another.

  I help Gwen lay back against the pillows before settling in between her legs. There is no way I’m not going to take my time tonight. Moving my head closer to her already wet pussy, I slide my tongue through her folds never once taking my eyes off her. Sucking her clit into my mouth, I use my fingers as I sink two in her body. Curling them, I hit the spot that drives her insane. She arches her back off the bed and tangles her fingers in my hair. It doesn’t take her long to fall apart in my arms.

  Before she can come down fully, I slide my hard cock into her body. Taking a minute to savor the feeling of her wrapped around me, I don’t move. Gwen pulls my head down to hers and kisses me while wrapping her arms around my back. Her hips meet mine with every thrust when I finally begin to slide in and out of her. Our eyes remain locked on one another the entire time. I watch on as her eyes darken with passion. Her nails dig into my shoulders when her back arches and her body begins to tighten around me.

  “So. Close. Tristan,” she grits out as her eyes drift closed.

  “I want your eyes, Sparrow,” I growl as I feel the telltale sign I’m getting close.

  I fight every urge in me to speed up my movements as I slowly slide in and out of her body. I’m not going to quicken my pace simply because I’m close to reaching my release. No, tonight is all about showing Gwen how much I love her and can be the man she needs me to be. I can give her loving and gentle when she needs it.

  “Tristan!” she screams out as her nails rake down my back.

  That’s all I need to be thrown over the edge with her. My release rushes from me and into Gwen as I continue moving so I can prolong her orgasm. We’re laying wrapped around one another while our hearts and breathing return to normal. I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom so I can clean myself up before wetting a washcloth to clean
her. Gwen’s almost asleep when I make my way back into the bedroom.

  “I love you, my husband,” Gwen says, her voice filled with sleep as I toss the cloth back toward the bathroom.

  “I love you too, my wife.”

  I slide into bed with Gwen and wrap my arms around her, my hands resting on her belly. She’s already asleep as I close my eyes and thank whoever I can for bringing her into my life. The only dark spot in our lives is Neil and he’ll be taken care of as soon as we can find his bitch ass. That’s the last thought I have as sleep claims me.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  THE LAST FEW weeks have flown by. Kim and I spend time with Tommy on a daily basis. It doesn’t hurt that Killer and I are still living at the clubhouse so I’m always around. It’s easier to be in the common room knowing Tommy is here now. Killer is still off looking for Neil with no luck. So, to keep myself entertained when I’m not doing schoolwork I keep Tommy company as he works around the clubhouse.

  Tommy doesn’t complain or bitch about the horrible jobs he has around the clubhouse. They’ve got him stocking the alcohol behind the bar, cleaning up, running to the store, and a list of other jobs. Whenever I can, I keep him company and we talk about things we’ve been up to since the last time we saw one another. I can honestly say I owe this man my life. He saved me on a regular basis and won’t let me apologize, give him thanks, or anything else. It’s just who he is.

  I’ve been to the doctor and I found out what we’re having. I’m the only one who knows at this point. So, I’ve planned a gender reveal party. It’s for the entire club since we need something to boost our spirits. Everyone is frustrated because Neil is still out there and no one’s any closer to finding him.

  Rich and Tommy have been helping me get things ready. Maria is still here, and I begged Slim to let her out for a little while as long as she stays by my side since the men who are stuck babysitting me are usually right there. The guys agreed she could if she wanted to. Inside they’re all a bunch of softies when it comes to the women in the club. Well, not the house bunnies. Plus, they understand why Maria did what she did. I’m no longer mad or upset with her. I’d have done the same thing as her to get my baby sister back.

  The common room of the clubhouse has been transformed today. We’ve cleaned it from top to bottom and then decorated it with pink and blue everything. There are streamers, balloons, the paper plates, cups, and silverware. I even have chocolate wrapped in blue and pink wrappers around the room. Killer got me a rocking chair for our room. Tommy was nice enough to move it to the common room with me because I love sitting in it and holding my belly.

  I definitely have a belly now. It seems as if I went from a flat stomach to this huge belly protruding from the front of my body. I’m not going to complain one bit about it. My stomach showcases our babies resting safely in my body until they’re ready to be born.

  “Gwen, I’m gonna head back to my room now,” Maria tells me as she looks at the time.

  The other ol’ ladies should be here soon. They don’t feel the same about Maria as I do and don’t understand the compassion I feel toward her. None of them were in the situation I was caused by Neil and my father, so I don’t expect them to.

  “Are you sure? You don’t have to,” I inform her.

  “Yeah. Today is a day for your family. The guys will be back soon and the ol’ ladies will be here to help with what’s left. Thank you for asking me to help you,” Maria says, walking back to her room as Rich follows her.

  Maria still has to be locked in the room, so everyone knows she doesn’t do anything to contact Neil. Slim showed his trust in her today by letting her out of the room to help me. I sit down in the rocking chair and begin rocking while placing my hands on my stomach. A smile covers my face as I look at the room around me. Tommy is sitting at the bar with a beer in his hand and a sandwich in front of him. Rich is hooking his phone up to the stereo system so we can listen to music.

  Just as the opening beats of Just the Way by Parmalee and Blanco Brown plays as the ol’ ladies’ race through the front door of the clubhouse. They’ve got bags on each arm as they head straight to the kitchen. Getting up from the chair, I follow them so we can prepare the food. Tommy trails behind me to make sure there’s nothing else left out in the SUV and to take care of his plate.

  “Tommy, the cake is left in the back of the SUV. Can you grab it?” Shy asks him, pulling out several different kinds of vegetables from one of the bags.

  I may have been craving vegetables and salads on top of grilled cheese and chocolate shakes. Whenever anyone says anything, I joke that each baby has a preference and they let me know what to eat. I’m honestly surprised with the amount of milkshakes I’m not heavier than I currently am. All of my weight is in my belly and my ass. Killer doesn’t complain though so I’m not going to think about it.

  “How are you feeling today?” Kim asks me, placing a kiss on my cheek while rubbing my belly.

  “Okay. I’m just tired. I seem to get tired more than normal these days,” I inform her honestly.

  “You’re cooking two babies in there,” Sam says, walking up next to me and resting her hand on my belly. “Let’s get this food ready so you can get off your feet. I don’t want to deal with an angry Killer today.”

  We all laugh, but the reality is she’s not wrong. Killer gets mad when I try to do much of anything. If he thinks I’m overdoing it, whoever I’m with gets his anger directed at them for not making me rest or sit down. While I’m with him, he barely lets me do a damn thing for myself. He’s overbearing and taking this whole protection thing to new levels I don’t ever want to see from him again. I’ve even blown up at him a time or two.

  Stryker is just as bad as Killer. If my man isn’t around and he is, Stryker takes on the protective friend and brother role to an all time high. Before the end of my pregnancy, I may end up smothering both of them. However, they just want to make sure I’m okay and the babies are doing good too.

  The main thing I like is the sex. That’s the one main thing he gives into me on. Especially when he knows I’m mad at him. Killer is gentle with me when we have sex and holds himself back, but he never turns me down. Unless he’s late for work or has church. There may have been a time or two he was supposed to head out with the guys to look for Neil and was late to meet them. I fully blame him.

  We’ve got all the food prepared and spread out over three different tables. I have bottled water in my hand as I make my way to the rocking chair once more. The guys should be here in a few minutes. We’re using Killer and Stryker’s bikes for part of the gender reveal today so they’re around here somewhere. Tommy helped me get them ready much to the chagrin of my man and one of my best friends. No one touches their bikes but them. Their friendship with Tommy is the only reason he was allowed to fix whatever he had to so when they rev their engines blue or pink smoke will filter out of their pipes.

  I’m sitting talking to my sister when the guys begin to filter through the door. Killer makes a beeline for me while the rest of them sidle up to the bar and grab beer or shots so we can head outside. My husband has a shit eating grin on his face which tells me he’s up to something. I’m just not sure what it is.

  “Hey, babe,” I say, leaning up for his kiss. “Where have you been?”

  “Out and about. Had to take care of somethin’ with Stryker this mornin’,” he informs me evasively.

  “Well, are you ready to find out what our babies are?” I question him, trying to suppress the smile wanting to break out on my face.

  “Absolutely, Sparrow.”

  Killer helps me up from the rocking chair and leads me outside. Stryker is already sitting on his bike which is now parked next to Killer’s front and center of the parking lot. I walk with my husband to his bike and move to the front of them so I can take pictures and see the looks on everyone’s faces. Some of the members and ol’ ladies may have bets going on as to what we’re having. I know exactly which on
es are going to lose and have been laughing about it for days.

  “On the count of three,” I yell out over the murmured excitement.

  The two men turn on their bikes, but don’t rev their engines as they normally do. Holding one hand in the air, I count down with my fingers from three to one. At the same time, Killer and Stryker rev their engines blowing pink smoke out into the air behind them. Killer’s face is turned to the back as he watches to see what we’re having. Stryker is half facing me while half facing the rear of his bike.

  Cheering explodes around us. I see a round of money being exchanged between members and ol’ ladies. In the end, all of that money makes its way to Stryker though. I’ve been taking pictures on my phone the entire time. I do that a lot lately. Trying to capture every moment I can leading up to our babies’ arrival.

  Killer walks up to me and wraps his arms around me. He lifts me off the ground and presses his lips to mine. Catcalls and clapping fill the air around us. Once I’m back on my feet, we all make our way inside. For the second gender reveal, it’s just releasing balloons from a box and confetti from a balloon hanging just to the side of the box. Killer and my sister will be doing this one. There is no way in hell I can’t include my sister in this somehow. She’s my rock when I can’t go to anyone else. Including Killer.

  This time, Killer stands at the balloon since it’s higher and easier for him to reach while Kim takes her spot by the box filled with colored balloons. I stand in front of the group, trying to contain my laughter at what’s about to happen. Everyone is standing behind me after Tommy hands Killer his knife to pop the balloon. I really hope my sister and Killer don’t kill me for what’s about to happen.

  We all yell out the countdown this time since the bikes aren’t involved and everyone can hear what’s going on. When we get to one, Killer pops the balloon while my sister pulls the string holding the box of balloons closed. Pink and blue balloons and confetti fill the air. I hear groans from the men while the ol’ ladies laugh at my sense of humor. Rich brings me over the poppers I also bought so I can hand them to my husband and sister.


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