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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

Page 23

by Erin Osborne

  “Thank you, babe,” she says, already taking a bite of her food. “Tommy, I love you for bringing me a shake.”

  We all laugh because she practically lunges at Tommy in her attempt to get her milkshake from him. Once she has it in hand, I grab her plate and we head to the dining room. After setting her food down in front of her, I head to the kitchen so I can make my own plate. The rest of the night we hang out, talk, laugh, and watch a movie Gwen falls asleep halfway through. This is how I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Good food, friends, family, and my wife in my arms.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  KILLER IS BACK to searching on a daily basis for Neil. He starts almost before the sun is up and comes back way past dinner. Rich and Tommy have been taking turns babysitting me. It’s still mainly Rich though since Tommy has been out helping the guys look for Neil. Tommy’s actually spent time in his presence and would be the best one to track his movements or see signs of him the guys would miss.

  We’ve been in our new home for almost a week now. Our time has been spent working, Killer searching for Neil, and me watching a lot of TV. And napping. Can’t forget the napping I can’t seem to get through the day without doing it. Stryker is on my ass when I’m at work more these days too. If I look tired or as if I’m not feeling good, he sends me home. There is no arguing with him either. He literally walks to the front door of the shop and calls out for Rich to take me home.

  Fox and Rich are with me today. We’re putting the finishing touches on the house today while Killer is gone. I want everything finished before he gets home today. All I’ve been doing is pointing where I want the pictures hung and the guys get them put up. Especially the one I convinced Killer to do of a maternity photo shoot. My big, badass biker didn’t bat an eye when I asked him to do this with me. We did it a few days ago and I just got the pictures back this morning.

  Above the fireplace sits a black and white picture of me standing in nothing but my rag with a short pair of booty shorts. My hair is curled and hanging down my back with a few pieces flying in the breeze. I’m looking down at my belly where my hands rest on top of Killer’s. He’s standing behind me wearing a pair of ripped jeans, his boots, the ever-present bandana around his head, and nothing under his cut. While I’m looking at my belly, Killer is staring at me. I’ve never loved a picture more than this one.

  Surrounding that picture are a few other ones from the shoot we did. Including the one where our backs are to the camera as we sit on Killer’s bike. The leather jackets Bailey sent for our daughter’s rest on the very edge of the seat so you can see the ‘Property of Killer’ proudly displayed. Each picture is a different pose but does nothing to take away from the one hanging in the middle. Filling the wall hang several other pictures. Some are of Kim and me while others are different ones I took from around the clubhouse.

  Every single one of our family members are proudly displayed around the first floor of our home. These men and women have been there for my husband and I when we needed them the most. They’ll continue to be here for us just as we’ll be there for them. Thinking of that, my thoughts turn to Stryker and Sally. I want to help them out with their situation so much; I just don’t know where to even begin. Sally is the one who needs to choose to be all in with Stryker. No one can help her make that decision. The only one who can is her and it will take her finally saying goodbye to her memories of Killian.

  That doesn’t mean she has to forget him or their time together. She has a child by the man and needs to keep his memories alive for her. Stryker won’t have a problem helping her keep those memories alive. Sally just doesn’t see it that way right now. I’m just not sure if Stryker will hold out that long. He’s getting frustrated. I can see it in his eyes every time he leaves her or she leaves him.

  “What’s next, momma?” Fox asks, walking up to me.

  “I think the only thing left is the nursery. I’ll go up and take a look,” I let him know as I get off the couch.

  Fox helps me up off the couch and walks up behind me. I guess he’s been told not to let me walk alone upstairs. Or downstairs. We walk into the nursery and see two totes still in the middle of the floor.

  “I guess this is all I have left to do,” I tell him, bending over to open the tote closest to me.

  It’s filled with blankets and a few clothes that need to be hung up in the closet. I begin pulling items out. Fox hangs the clothes up in the closet where I ask him to put them while Rich makes the beds up for the babies. When I get to the two outfits Bailey sent us, I set them to the side so I can pack them in the bags for the hospital. These are the outfits they’ll be coming home in. I also add some pajamas, onesies, diapers, and wipes to the pile on the changing table so it will be ready to pack up. The last thing I include are two different blankets. They’re pink blankets that say Harley Davidson on them. Little motorcycles fill the blankets too. They’re adorable.

  The last thing I do is pull out the pictures that will cover the walls in our nursery. One of them is a picture of all the club members with the ol’ ladies sitting in front of them. There are a few others of different club members in candid shots. I also have three shots of Killer and I. Two of those will be placed above each crib so they know we’re always watching over them. The last one will go just over the rocking chair. I’ve got the boppy pillow resting on the side of the rocking chair so it’s there when I need it to breastfeed. We have their swings set up in the living room so they have something down there. Two bassinets are in our room for when we first come home with the girls.

  “It looks good in here, momma,” Fox tells me once they’ve got the pictures on the walls and the totes are emptied.

  I grab the diaper bag we got and load the stuff for the hospital in it. If I can’t fit everything in there, I’ll just add it to mine. It’s not a big deal. I’ll also pack a bag for Killer because I know my husband won’t be leaving our sides once I deliver our daughters. I know it’s probably too early for most to pack the hospital bags, but I want everything to be ready and not have to worry about it at a later date when I really won’t feel like doing it.

  “What else are we gonna do today?” Rich asks me, walking in front of me down the stairs while Fox follows me.

  “I’m going to start making dinner for Killer. You guys are more than welcome to eat. Fox, why don’t you grab Kim and bring her over. She can relax on the couch while I make dinner?” I ask him, wanting my sister to come over for a while.

  “Okay. Do you need anythin’ besides a shake while I’m out?” he asks me.

  “No, I think we got everything I’ll need to make dinner,” I assure him as he walks to the door and heads out.

  Rich keeps me company in the kitchen while I pull the chicken I’ve been marinating all day out of the refrigerator and get ready to put it in the oven. I’m also making home fries, sauteed mushrooms, and steamed vegetables. Placing the pan of chicken in the oven, I have at least a half hour before I have to finish preparing the rest of our dinner. So, I walk in the living room and sit down on the couch before turning on the TV. I hand the remote off to Rich as my eyes slide closed.

  I wake with a jolt. Rich is no longer by me on the couch. Kim is sitting in the recliner with a smile on her face as she notices me wake up.

  “Morning sleepyhead,” she teases me.

  Turning my head as I flip her off, I see Rich and Fox in the kitchen. Killer is home and he’s finishing our dinner while I get up off the couch.

  “I’m sorry baby,” I tell him. “I wanted to do this for you tonight.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Sparrow,” he tells me, pulling me into his side. “I love what you did to the place while I was gone today. Those pictures are awesome.”

  Killer’s eyes land on the picture above the fireplace. At the same time, Stryker walks in the house. He takes in the pictures lining the walls now and the blankets I have over the couch. There are now little touches all over the house.

ce looks like a home now,” Stryker comments, placing a kiss on my cheek. “Love the pictures.”

  Killer and I finish making dinner while our guests sit at the bar in the kitchen and talk amongst themselves. My husband and I work together in the kitchen as if we’ve been doing this for years instead of only a few months really. Every chance he gets, I get a smack on the ass. I squeal out and glare at him every single time he does it. Killer simply looks at me while waiting to see what I’m going to do. He’ll have to wait until everyone leaves and then I’ll get him back for this.

  We’ve had people at our home every night since we moved in. I love having a place we can have our family and friends over. It will be better once I’m not so tired from the pregnancy and can actually hang out with them. Right now, the only thing I want to do is sleep and get as much rest as I can. I won’t today though because it’s not a good day for my sister and she still made the trip over here.

  Kim and I make our way to the living room. We sit on the couch and turn on one of those sappy chick flicks while Killer puts the finishing touches on our dinner. Once everything is ready, Killer and Fox bring us in our plates of food. We dig in while the guys make their way downstairs. Kim and I laugh our asses off because we knew they wouldn’t sit here and watch movies with us.

  “That was too easy,” Kim says between fits of laughter.

  “Yeah it was,” I agree with her.

  As soon as I’m done eating and drinking my shake, I set the plate and cup on the table in front of us. Grabbing one of the blankets off the back of the couch, I cover up and curl into the arm so my sister can stretch out if she needs to. I hate her being in pain and there not being anything we can do to help her.

  Once again sleep is my enemy and my eyes close and I pass out on the couch with a full belly. Kim isn’t far behind me as she covers up and passes out on the opposite end of the couch from me. I see her when Killer wakes me up to go to bed. Fox kisses my cheek and lets me know they’re staying here since she hasn’t been sleeping the best the last few days. He doesn’t want to wake her up so she’s up the rest of the night. Offering a quiet goodnight, I cuddle into Killer’s chest and let my eyes slide closed once more.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  EVERYONE IS AT the clubhouse today. We’re all just hanging out and spending time together. The women were here while we had church a little while ago and now we’re all in the common room. Gwen is sitting on my lap and I have my hand resting on her belly. Our baby girls are moving around today. I can feel them pushing against my hand where it rests. I can’t keep the smile off my face as they grow and show us every day how strong they are.

  Our little girls are going to be just as gorgeous as their mother and have the strength she possesses. I’ll still be there every step of the way to protect them and make sure no one hurts them. The guys and I will teach them everything they need to know about protecting themselves. Our women will teach them how to love, keep them innocent and sweet, and when to give their man the strength he needs but won’t ask for. I never believed that saying it takes a village to raise a child until the men and women of Phantom Bastards begin having them. We all have a hand in their care and upbringing. I wouldn’t change my life for anything as I sit here and look around at my family with the kids playing on the floor between us.

  Slim ordered pizza and we’re just waiting on it to arrive so we can eat. Of course, my wife will have her chocolate shake as we eat. We should just buy a damn milkshake maker so no one has to run out and get them all hours of the day. When I told Rich and Tommy that, they laughed and decided to do something about it. So, we now have a shake maker in the kitchen with plenty of ice cream stocked in the freezer. The fridge is also stocked with all the vegetables Gwen could eat.

  I get an alert on my phone as it vibrates in my pocket. Shifting my wife on my lap, I pull it from my pocket and see it’s an alert from the security system at our home. Fox has installed them in each house and hooked it up so we can see exactly what’s going on. Tapping the screen, I see someone has breached our back door and is walking through the house.

  “Sparrow, let me up,” I say as I help her off my lap.

  The rest of the men have their phones out as I stand and help Gwen sit back down in our spot on the couch. Walking toward church, I make the video full screen so I can figure out who’s in my home. Just before I get inside our meeting room, I stop dead in my tracks. Neil is in my house. Rage floods my veins as I watch him walk through our home and touch everything my wife loves and cherishes. Things that only her and I have any business touching or looking at.

  When he gets to the fireplace, I see the disgust on his face as he looks at our photos from the maternity shoot. Before he can do anything to the pride and joy of Gwen, I look at my brothers and we all take off. Pulling the gun from my holster, I race to my home with the guys at my side. When we’re close to the house, we all separate and surround it. I take the front door with Stryker.

  Opening the door, I silently walk in to find Neil still looking at the pictures of us. Disgust fills his face as he begins to reach up for the picture of Gwen and me.

  “I suggest you leave everythin’ in my home alone. It’s not yours to touch,” I growl out, leveling my gun on Neil.

  He slowly turns around, an evil smile on his face. His gaze slides from the top of my head covered in my ever-present black bandana down to my motorcycle boots. The sneer he gives me is nothing to laugh at as one escapes his nervous, fear filled face.

  “So, you’re the trash who has tainted my woman?” he growls out, venom filling his voice.

  “I haven’t tainted anyone. My wife is none of your concern though you’ve made it your mission to fill her with fear and torment her. Even while inside a prison,” I say walking even closer to him. “Now, you’re gonna die a slow, painful death while we all watch on and laugh our asses off at your bitch ass.”

  With all of my brothers now in the house, Neil looks around and sees he’s surrounded and there is no escape for him this time. He looks as if he’s about to piss himself. That won’t be happening in our home. This place is already being tainted with him simply being inside these walls.

  “What do you wanna do?” Slim asks me, standing behind Neil with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Take him to the basement,” I answer, never taking my gun off the fuckface in front of me. “Make sure you search him good for any weapons or anythin’ else.”

  Stryker and Playboy grab Neil on each side. He doesn’t bother trying to fight them off as they drag him from my home. I quickly walk through the house to make sure he didn’t ruin anything Gwen has done to make this place our home instead of somewhere to rest our heads once in a while. Once Rich and I make sure nothing is out of place, we lock everything back up and make our way to the clubhouse.

  “Rich, I want you to remain glued to Gwen’s side,” I order him, knowing he wouldn’t have it any other way. “Don’t worry, you’ll get to land a few shots on him before we kill him.”

  Rich may only be a Prospect, but he’s done everything in his power to help ensure Gwen has been safe and protected while I’m not with her. He’s more of a brother to her than anyone else. We go our separate ways once we’re back in the clubhouse. I head to the basement while he makes his way to the common room.

  When I get in the room where Neil is, I see they’ve already stripped him of his clothes, leaving him in nothing more than a pair of designer boxers. Yeah, that’s not gonna work for me.

  “I want his boxers off too. They kept Gwen naked a lot of times and he definitely deserves to be treated less than she was. My woman went through hell and he’s goin’ to experience that same treatment firsthand,” I state, walking up to him and removing my knife from the holder on my hip.

  Slicing through the silk material, I watch as they drift down to the floor covered in a plastic sheet. Neil still keeps the venomous look on his face. Yeah, he won’t be looking like that for very long.

/>   “So, you’ve been comin’ after my woman. Why?” I question him, running my blade down the center of his chest.

  “She’s mine. Was given to me by her father. I’ve already been in her body and there’s no way she’s not coming with me,” he states as if he’ll be walking out of here alive.

  “You think you’re gonna get out of here alive?” I growl out.

  “I know I am,” he states, his voice sounding very confident.

  “Why is that?” Stryker questions him.

  “Because I have more money than you’ll ever have and powerful connections who know exactly where I am right now,” he tells us as if we care.

  “No, you really don’t have more money than what we have. You don’t even have more money than what I have in my bank account right now. And all of our money isn’t blood money from sellin’ young girls and women. We don’t sell drugs to kids. Or put guns in the hands of the innocent. All to make a buck without carin’ about anythin’ else,” I tell him, knowing every detail about his sordid life.

  Neil’s eyes widen at the information I have on him. Fox has been digging into every single aspect of his life and we know it all. Including the accounts, he has overseas trying to hide money. Money that’s no longer filling those accounts. Fox worked his magic, and that money is now in an account for my wife. To compensate for all of the pain and suffering she’s been through because of him.

  “Fox, why don’t you show him all of the work you’ve been doin’,” I tell him, watching on as Fox grabs his laptop and pulls up the screen to show off his handiwork.

  I watch as Neil’s face contorts in anger. He’s seeing all of his money is gone from the accounts he’s been filling up for years. My wife now has several million dollars to her name, and she doesn’t even know it. She’ll be able to do whatever she wants to and never have to worry about anything ever again. Not that she’s getting away from me; I’ll never leave her side. Or any of our children.


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