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Killer's Obsession (Phantom Bastards MC Book 5)

Page 25

by Erin Osborne

  “No. I’ll take a little bit of everything please,” I tell him, not even really wanting to eat right now.

  Killer nods his head and walks over to where the food is set up. I watch on as he goes through the line and chooses a little bit of everything from the dishes the ol’ ladies made. Once that’s all piled up on the plate, he grabs a piece of chicken from the grill and a cheeseburger. Whichever one I don’t eat, he will. That’s what he’s done for the last few weeks because I never know what I want to eat. So, he kills two birds with one stone and grabs multiple things and then we share. Today, he’ll have a lot to eat because I’m not sure I’m going to be eating that much of what he put on my plate.

  Taking a small sip of my shake, I set it down next to my chair as Killer sits down in his and hands me over the plate. Looking down I see pasta salad, potato salad, a small garden salad, chicken, and a roll. Yeah, I won’t be eating much of this. My appetite has been diminishing all day long and I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because I’m getting to the end of my pregnancy. Or maybe I’m just not feeling good. Again, I won’t be letting Killer know this. He’ll figure out soon enough when I don’t touch a lot of what he got me.

  I take a small bite of the pasta salad, usually my favorite, and feel as if I’m going to be sick. Handing the plate over to Killer, I sit back in my lounge chair and try to calm my upset stomach.

  “Sparrow, what’s wrong?” my husband asks me. “You’ve barely touched your food and look like you’re gonna be sick.”

  “I don’t feel so good. Maybe I should just go home and head to bed,” I tell him honestly.

  Killer stands up along with Fox and Kim. Fox and my husband help me out of the chair and lead me to one of the SUVs parked out back. One of the Prospects left it here after dropping off the beer and things earlier today. Killer walks me over to it and helps me in the passenger seat. Looking back, I see Kim and Fox getting in the back of the SUV. Once I’m safely inside, Killer goes to the driver’s seat and hops in so he can get us to the house.

  I lay my head against the cool window and close my eyes. My back is not happy right now and it’s causing my stomach to get even more upset. If I can’t lay down soon, I’m afraid I’ll be sick all over the inside of the SUV. Thankfully, we don’t have to leave the compound to get home. It takes seconds for Killer to get me home. My sister and Fox follow us inside and get comfortable in the living room while Killer carries me upstairs. Every movement he makes has me getting closer to feeling like I’m going to lose what little I’ve eaten today.

  I’m laid down in bed and Killer pulls the covers over me before kissing the top of my head and leaving the room. My eyes instantly close and sleep claims me as it has been lately.

  I’m jolted awake with a sharp pain in my stomach. Sitting up in bed, I groan out in pain as this is more than the twinges I was feeling earlier. Killer isn’t in bed with me as I glance at the nightstand and see my phone sitting there. I try to keep the panic at bay while I grab my phone and try to call Killer. He doesn’t answer the phone when I try calling him. Even though I try calling him repeatedly.

  “Gwen, are you okay?” I hear Kim yell up to me as another pain hits and I double over on my side in bed.

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure if I’m in labor or not,” I call out once the pain subsides.

  “I’m calling Killer,” she responds.

  “Already tried. He’s not answering,” I inform her, getting out of bed.

  When I can finally climb out of bed, there’s a sudden gush of wetness from between my legs. This is not good. I have no idea where my husband is or anything. Kim is still here which is good so I’m not alone. I’m fumbling around in the room trying to get out of my wet leggings so I can put something dry on.

  “Gwen, no one’s answering their phones as far as the men go. What’s going on?” my sister calls out.

  I know there’s no way she’ll be able to make it up our stairs with her pain.

  “My water just broke. I’m pretty sure I’m in labor,” I respond to her, gripping the dresser as another contraction hits.

  “I’ll call Shy and let her know what’s going on. She can keep trying the guys while I get you to the hospital. Is your doctor’s number still on the side of the refrigerator?” she asks me.

  “Yeah,” I grunt out.

  Somehow I manage to get my pants changed and grab my phone before making my way to the stairs. I’m really not interested in falling headfirst down the stairs, so I sit down with the help of the railing and scoot down each step until I’m to the bottom and can pull myself up with the railing at the bottom. Kim is right by my side as we rush out of the house and make it to the SUV. Sam is already waiting for us because my sister will have a hard time helping me get up in the seat.

  Once I’m in, Kim hops in the back while Sam jumps in the driver’s seat. We’re off to the hospital while constantly trying to call Killer or any of the other guys. Their bikes are parked out front of the clubhouse when we pass by according to Sam as she begins swearing up a storm that none of them are answering their phones. I’ve even tried to call Rich since I know Tommy is more than likely not even in town any longer.

  When we finally pull up to the hospital, I’m ready to cut Killer’s dick off and I haven’t even started the whole pushing thing yet. If he doesn’t show up for the birth of our daughters, I’ll never forgive him. This is something he should be a part of and he can’t even answer his fucking phone. None of them can.

  “I’ll keep trying to get ahold of someone at the clubhouse,” Sam assures me as Kim follows me into one of the rooms in the maternity ward.

  “Thank you, Sam,” I pant out as another contraction hits me.

  I’m hooked up to the monitors for the babies after changing into a gown. Kim stays by my side and never leaves me alone. She’s the best sister in the world.

  “Killer will show up,” she tries to assure me.

  I have my doubts but push them aside as I settle back in the hospital bed and wait for my doctor to get here. It should be any time now.

  Chapter Thirty


  AFTER GWEN FELL asleep, Fox and I went back to the clubhouse. Today is the day we end Neil. He’s been tortured and beaten by everyone in the club, including Tommy. Rich is the only one who hasn’t gotten his hands on the fucker yet. That changes now. Gwen’s good friend will be able to take out his aggression on Neil before we finally end his pathetic life.

  The ol’ ladies were sent home and Tommy left. We told them we were having church and that’s why they couldn’t stay in the clubhouse. Kim is at my house with Gwen because I don’t like that she’s sick. I’ve got my phone in my pocket in case anything goes wrong though. Everyone should have their phones because we’re essentially on baby watch right now. I don’t want to miss the birth of my daughters.

  Neil is still hanging by his wrists. They’ve been bleeding as he fights against them in his attempts to get away from whoever is down here beating on him. On top of all the damage I’ve previously done, Stryker has made sure all of his fingers and toes are now missing. Every inch of his body is covered in cuts and bruises from the men beating on him. There’s really not much more we can do to him.

  Rich doesn’t care though. He grabs the bat from the wall where it’s been leaning since I shattered Neil’s knees. Our Prospect uses it to practice his swing against both of his arms, shoulders, his ribs, and his ankles. Neil passes out at some point while Rich is destroying him with the bat, so I pull him back in order to wake him up again. I grab the bucket of ice-cold water and toss it right in Neil’s face. He spits and sputters until finally looking through bruised eyes at me.

  “You think you’ve won. I broke that bitch and she’ll never be yours. She’ll remain mine whether I’m alive or not,” Neil manages to grunt out through his pain.

  “Fuck you,” I growl out, grabbing my knife.

  My plan is to cut out his tongue because I don’t want to listen to another word he has to say. R
ich beats me to it. He grabs a knife from the tray of tools we keep in here along with a pair of pliers. Using the pliers, he pulls his tongue out before sawing it off with a rusty blade. I never would’ve guessed he had it in him to be as crazy as us when it comes to assholes like Neil.

  Blood pours from Neil’s mouth and dribbles down his chest. I’m ready for this shit to be over with now. Rich however still needs to get some aggression out. He places cuts and slices throughout Neil’s body in between the other ones. When he feels he’s done, Rich takes a page out of my playbook and rubs lemon juice in the wounds he’s just created. I think we’re all proud of Rich right now as he’s proven how much he’s willing to do to protect our women and go through in order to ensure no one touches them.

  “Killer, we about done with this cocksucker?” Slim asks me as I take a long chug of the Jack I brought down with us.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I think he’s been made to feel as much as my wife did before we rescued her,” I respond.

  “Can I do one more thing?” Rich asks, eyeing the bat once more.

  I shrug my shoulders and watch on as he picks it up. Instead of aiming for another joint, Rich slams it against Neil’s head twice and his jaw once. We can all hear the bones shatter from the force of the hit. A smile breaks out on my face as Rich leans the bat against the wall once more and steps back against the wall next to me. Removing my gun from my holster, I aim it at Neil’s head.

  “Rot in hell, motherfucker!” I call out just before pulling the trigger.

  The shot echoes off the walls around us. Neil can’t slump to the floor since he’s still chained from the rafter in the ceiling. Looking at his body once more, I take a deep breath of relief and know my wife and kids will never have to worry again. I know I already told her that, but you never know what’s going to happen. Neil proved that by getting multiple people in our club.

  We did manage to get it out of him where Maria’s sister was being held. No one was there guarding her as Tommy went to the address and found her. She’s relatively okay. Neil’s focus was on getting to Gwen, so he didn’t do hardly anything at all to the young girl. She’ll have a scar on her head from where he slammed her head off the open door of the car he tossed her in and I’m sure she’ll need to have some therapy after being kidnapped and held. We assured Maria we’d cover all expenses both medical and for her mental health. She thanked us and left. Yesterday we got to meet her sister and parents since they wanted to thank us for saving their youngest daughter.

  It was one of the moments I’m proud to be a member of the Phantom Bastards. We got to see how the good we do affects people. Maria’s family lives close to the clubhouse so we’ll be able to check in on them often. I can’t wait to see their family grow even closer after this. Slim also told Maria she could come back to the clubhouse as an employee if she wants to. We always need help behind the bar and cleaning up around here. Maria accepted the position and will begin to work tomorrow.

  When we get up to the common room for a quick shot before I head to my room for a shower, Shy comes flying in the front door. She’s pissed as fuck as her eyes land on me and she races for me.

  “What the fuck is going on with you guys?” she yells out, pointing her finger in my chest.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Slim asks her, trying to pull her away from me.

  “Your wife is currently at the hospital because she woke up in labor. Her water has already broken and everything. We’ve all been trying to call all of you since Kim and Sam took her out of here,” Shy yells out, not caring that we’re all standing around her.

  I quickly pull my phone from my pocket and look at the screen. It’s filled with missed calls and messages. Instead of ringing, my phone is on vibrate and I never felt it while we were down dealing with Neil. What the fuck?

  Instead of getting a drink, I race to my room and take a quick shower. I can’t show up to the hospital covered in Neil’s blood. Not only will Gwen kill me, but they’ll also probably call in the cops and then I’ll be heading to prison for killing the piece of shit. Clearing my head from those thoughts, I strip my clothes off and get in the shower as soon as the water turns on.

  By the time I’m out of the shower and dressed, everyone is waiting in the common room for me. Stryker, Rich, and myself were the main ones to get covered in blood. The rest were only hit in the clothes or their cut which they’ve already cleaned or changed. I race past them all and head for my bike. Once I’m on, I start the engine and race toward the hospital. Shy and the rest of the women will be there soon. They just need to figure out who to get to watch the kids to join us.

  When I get to the hospital, I park my bike right in front of the doors. Someone will move it to a parking space for me as I race into the hospital and stop at the front desk.

  “I’m lookin’ for Gwen Long,” I practically shout out as Stryker and Rich race up to my side.

  The older woman at the computer seems to take forever typing in Gwen’s name. I’m about to yell at her when Playboy puts his hand on my shoulder to calm me down. Finally, after an eternity of waiting, the woman gives me Gwen’s room number on the maternity floor. I bypass the elevator and make my way to the stairs. Taking them two at a time, I don’t wait for anyone else as I have the urge and need to get to Gwen. She’s going to fucking hate me for not being here for her.

  When I get to the door on the correct floor, I almost trip over it in my rush to get to Gwen’s room. I can hear more than one woman screaming out her pain as I look at the numbers posted outside the doors of the rooms. I feel completely lost right now as Stryker finally puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me and turn me into the right room.

  “Gwen!” I yell out as I force my way through her closed door. “Sparrow, I’m here.”

  “Killer, I hate you so much right now,” she says as I take in her appearance.

  Gwen is pale and sweat covers her face and what little I can see of her body. Kim has a washcloth placed against Gwen’s forehead as she holds her hand.

  “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you,” I tell her, placing kisses all over her face.

  “I don’t hate you because you weren’t here. I know you wouldn’t ignore me when I call if it’s not about club business. You’re here now and that’s all that matters. I hate you because this hurts so fucking bad!” she yells out as pain rips through her body.

  “What do you need, Sparrow? What’s the doctor said so far?” I question her, knowing she probably won’t be able to answer me as I turn my eyes toward Kim.

  “She’s almost ready to push. If it doesn’t happen soon, they’re going to do a cesarean section because one of the babies is in distress,” Kim informs me as I look at the monitor next to me when an alarm begins to go off.

  Nurses and her doctor rush in the room and take a look at everything. Kim and I are pushed out of the way while they pay attention to my woman. Panic consumes me as I watch every move they make at Gwen’s side.

  “Gwen, we need to get you to the operating room. We can’t wait any longer,” her doctor informs us. “Killer, you can go in with her, but no one else can.”

  We nod as they prepare to move Gwen down to the operating room. I walk Kim out to the waiting room where Fox takes her from me as I follow the nurse and get dressed up in the scrubs I need to wear to be by my wife’s side. Once I’m ready, I’m led into the room where her doctor and the nurses are almost ready to deliver our babies. The nurse with me tells me to sit on the small stool next to Gwen’s head so I can hold her hand while our girls are cut out of her.

  “Killer, this is gonna go fast,” the doctor warns me. “The girls will be taken by the nurses immediately and check them out before you see them. We want to make sure there’s nothing wrong with the baby who’s having distress.”

  There’s nothing I can do except for nod my head. I look down at Gwen and see the fear in her eyes.

  “Killer, I’m scared,” she says, tears spilling over her lids.

  “I know you ar
e, Sparrow. I’ll stay with you and make sure Stryker stays with our girls,” I assure her, placing a kiss against her lips.

  “No. You stay with our girls,” she yells at me.

  “Gwen, you’re going to feel some pressure now,” her doctor tells her.

  It seems like seconds before I hear the first cry of our daughter. As I watch from my spot behind the curtain, two of the nurses take our daughter away to the opposite side of the room. In a few more seconds, there’s another cry we hear. This one is slightly softer and higher pitched than the first one. Tears fill my eyes as I realize we’re now parents. I’m a father.

  “I love you, Sparrow,” I tell her, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead as a smile fills her face and tears roll down my face.

  “I love you too, Killer,” she tells me. “Go with our babies.”

  Giving her one last kiss, I follow the nurses from the room with our daughters. I’m not sure where we’re heading as I leave the operating room and see Stryker leaning against the wall outside the room we were in. I let him know to stay with my wife and he nods his head. Quickly, I catch up to the nurses and they let me in the nursery with them. I watch on as they clean up our babies and perform a bunch of different tasks regarding them. Including putting small diapers on their bodies, hats on their heads, and wrap them up in blankets.

  My girls scream the entire time and my heart breaks for them. They’re so small and fear grips me. The nurses don’t seem to be being too gentle with them and I want to yell and scream at them, but I reign my shit in. By the time they’re done with my daughters and we can head back to Gwen’s room, my wife is passed out. I sit down in the chair and watch over my family as the rest of our family wait out in the waiting room until they can see the girls and Gwen.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I’M SO EXHAUSTED. I never knew giving birth would wipe me out as much as it has. Honestly, I feel as if I haven’t slept in years instead of taking a nap just before going into labor. As my eyes slowly slide open, panic overtakes me when I don’t immediately see the girls. Looking over in the chair by the window, I see Killer wearing a pair of gray sweats and nothing else. Even his feet are bare. I’ve never seen him look sexier than right in this moment. My ovaries are going to explode even though I just gave birth.


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