Son of a Succubus Series Collection

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Son of a Succubus Series Collection Page 61

by Dorie, Sarina


  The Impossible Incubus Strikes Again

  Dinner had started by the time Abigail caught up with Lucifer and showed him to his seat. Lucifer nibbled on foods from the feast, but he didn’t enjoy it. His seat was beside Abigail, but she didn’t speak with him or even look at him. Occasionally he overheard snippets of conversation about Vega and her famous ruby.

  “Queen Vega defeated the former Raven Queen with that ruby,” one guest said loudly at another table.

  Other guests spoke too loudly for him to hear the rest of the conversation.

  A woman at another table said, “It’s where she gets all her wisdom to rule. Without it she’d just be an ordinary Witchkin.”

  “Ha! Vega Bloodmire has never been an ordinary Witchkin,” a man replied. “She has a forbidden affinity. Didn’t you know?”

  Lucifer had to agree that Vega had never been ordinary. He almost felt guilty about his plot to steal it and rob her of this symbol of authority, but Baba wouldn’t have asked for him to serve as her thief if she didn’t need it.

  He studied Vega at the table across the room where she ate with other guests. From where she sat at the head of the table, he could only see the end of the scepter with the unicorn horn poking out from the edge of the table where she had laid it across her lap.

  Abigail spoke with guests at the table, but Lucifer didn’t listen. He attempted to ignore the sensations of those around the table pressing in on him: the gnawing pangs of hunger in some; Abigail’s anger boiling in her veins, making her muscles tight with tension; and the ailments of others, all minor, but adding up to weigh down every part of Lucifer’s body. An old man across from him was seated next to a younger woman who Lucifer suspected wasn’t his wife. But the man’s hand on her thigh excited the both of them enough to prickle at Lucifer’s awareness. He might have used that arousal to fuel his affinity, but he hadn’t yet learned how to separate all the conflicting sensations. It was easier to cut them all off.

  Lucifer didn’t know how long Vega would be surrounded by people. There was only one way Lucifer would get close enough to steal the scepter. He would have to go over there.

  In front of all these people. They would all witness his crime.

  Baba had taught him the spell for transportation. All he had to do was open the hole and shove the scepter through, but that meant he’d probably be tried for treason immediately afterward. Then again, if Baba had the ruby, she could heal herself, restore her youth, and rescue him from a beheading. He was her favorite apprentice after all.

  Assuming time didn’t act up and slow her arrival to save him.

  And of course, if Lucifer was rotting in a dungeon, he wouldn’t be able to help Abigail with her soul problem.

  There were so many problems with this plan already. He didn’t want to think about it too deeply.

  Halfway through the second course, Lucifer stood and excused himself, his eyes on Vega. That was the first part of his plan. He had to get close enough to actually be near that blasted Ruby of Divine Executions.

  Abigail rose. “Where are you going?”

  “To pay my respects to Queen Vega,” Lucifer said.

  “I’ll go with you.” She threw down her napkin.

  He pushed in his chair. “No. You can stay here. You’ll be in the way.”

  Other guests that he didn’t know, and didn’t care to know, pretended not to listen.

  “Because you’re going to talk about me?” she asked.

  “Not at all. I’m going to . . . ask her to dance.” That wasn’t a bad excuse. He could apologize for his outburst earlier and see if Vega would be willing to dance with him. It could be an apology for his gruffness.

  “You’re going to go ask her right now? While she’s eating?” Abigail placed her hands on her hips.

  “She can always say no.” Most likely she would. He could beg her to dance with him after dinner was over.

  Lucifer made his way over, hoping Abigail had taken a seat. It was one thing for her to be in trouble about sneaking off with her special friend. It was another to accidentally embroil her in a plot to steal from a queen.

  Vega’s deep throaty laugh echoed from the table where she dined with other well-dressed guests. He recognized his sister, Odette. She bowed her head in acknowledgment, though she didn’t cease speaking to the noble beside her. Vega ignored Lucifer. Clarissa and Felix, seated several seats down, spoke with the guests near them.

  Lucifer waited. He tried not to stare at the scepter.

  “Lucy, is there something I can do for you?” Clarissa asked. Her gaze flickered behind him.

  He glanced over his shoulder. Abigail was out of her seat, but she was staying far back at least.

  “I wanted a word with Queen Vega,” he said.

  “Oh?” Her pink brows shot up in surprise.

  He cleared his throat. “To apologize.”

  “You don’t need to do that.” Clarissa leaned forward. “Really.”

  Felix inclined his head. “You wouldn’t want it to go to her head.”

  “What’s that, darlings?” Vega raised her voice. “Did I hear someone say they wanted to apologize about something? Probably because I was right, and one of you were horribly, dreadfully wrong?”

  Felix frowned. “This is exactly what I was talking about.”

  Lucifer bowed. “Queen Vega, I wanted to apologize for my earlier gruffness.”

  “Oh, is that all? You don’t have to apologize for speaking your mind.” Her eyes scanned the crowd. “At least I know there’s one honest man in the room who isn’t a complete kiss-up.”

  “I’m not a kiss-up!” Elric said. “And I always speak my mind.”

  Vega took him by the chin and squished his face. “Of course you do, darling. Fortunately, I like it when you kiss up to me.” She released his face and turned back to Lucifer. “I believe you were about to shower me with compliments to try to undo your earlier snarky attitude.”

  He wasn’t sure compliments were what the circumstance called for, especially not if she truly wanted to speak with people who weren’t false all the time. He couldn’t tell what would persuade Vega more: groveling or sincerity. Already Lucifer felt like he was losing in this game of social etiquette with royalty.

  Lucifer inclined his head. “I came to ask you for a dance. After dinner. To make up for my lack of social etiquette earlier.”

  “Or to speak with me privately while rubbing up against me on the dance floor while everyone watches?” Her smile turned mischievous.

  She leaned back in her chair, lounging with feline grace. That, he could work with. He’d liked Vega as a cat better than as a human, and not just because she had seduced him in a feline form once. Her fake signals were easier to read as a cat. As a human, he couldn’t figure her out. Perhaps that was true of most people.

  He adopted an aloof air himself, like a cat who didn’t care. “If you’re willing to lower yourself to dance with an incubus. Scandalous for a queen, I know.” He allowed his gaze to flicker to her and then away as if he might set his sights on another woman instead. “Not that you would be one to start a scandal.”

  “Exactly. No scandalous behavior here.” King Elric adjusted his crystal crown.

  “Usually the first official dance is saved for the king and queen, but seeing our little Abby broke tradition tonight already. . . .” Vega smirked at Clarissa. “What’s the harm in breaking one more rule?”

  Vega stood. She was nearly as tall as him. She stretched an arm across the table, between guests. They scooted away as he stepped in and took it. Lucifer suspected he was supposed to kiss her fingers as part of this show, so he did.

  “But you aren’t going to dance now, are you?” Elric asked, flummoxed. “We haven’t started the third course. This is a poor example to the younger generation. We were supposed to show them how a proper ball is done. Do you know how hard I worked to ensure students learned manners for t
his party?”

  The servants behind the table drew back her chair so that she could exit the tight space.

  “Exceptions can always be made for queens. Especially a powerful queen.” Lucifer flashed a mischievous smile and winked at her.

  He was starting to get the hang of royal subterfuge and banter. He circled around the table, drawing closer to her. As he did so, he readied the portal magic he’d been practicing for the last week.

  He planned his next words carefully. “Better an experienced queen who shows her court she can handle dancing with an incubus. Better than if he were to start off the evening by dancing with an innocent maiden too young to understand how Red affinity magic works, despite her educational lessons on all the reasons to stay away from incubi.” He glared at Clarissa.

  She crossed her arms. Felix grimaced.

  “I did not tell Abby you were an incubus.” She turned to Felix. “I did not teach her that word. Did you teach her that word?”

  She said it like “incubus” and “incubi” were bad words.

  Felix shrugged. “Perhaps it was Gertrude Periwinkle.” He looked guilty, but then Felix always looked guilty.

  This minor distraction was just the diversion he needed. Vega still held her scepter, but her gaze was locked on Clarissa. Amusement shone in her eyes. Lucifer reached for the ruby, but Elric was quicker. The Fae king’s lips pressed into a knowing line as he took his wife’s scepter. He shook his head at Lucifer.

  Lucifer’s heart lurched against his ribs. He froze, waiting for Elric to call him out on what he’d almost done, but Elric flashed Vega a smile and acted as though nothing were amiss.

  Following his lead, Lucifer pretended he was reaching for Vega’s hand. She took his arm and allowed him to escort her to the dance floor. Time for plan B: he would find another opportunity to steal the scepter when Elric wasn’t around.

  Only now that Lucifer had failed in the task he’d set out to do and every set of eyes were on him, Lucifer realized what a horrible situation he’d landed himself in. Successfully snatching a priceless treasure and being thrown in a dungeon was far less horrific sounding than publicly dancing with the most dangerous witch queen in all the land.

  Especially because Lucifer couldn’t dance. He swallowed.

  “I heard from Elric you had your first dance lesson this afternoon.” She placed a hand on his shoulder, the other on his palm. Her smile grew more amused as she repositioned his hand on her back.

  “I learn quickly.” He smiled hopefully.

  She snapped her fingers at the band. “I can’t be seen dancing with a terrible lead. It will make me look bad. I hope you understand. And if you don’t, too bad. You’re the one who wanted the pleasure of dancing with me.”

  “You hope I’ll understand what?” Lucifer asked. He wondered whether she was going to lead. He hoped she would, but he didn’t know if he would do any better as a follower.

  The classical music cut out and was replaced by a haunting melody. It reminded him of his childhood, listening to his mother’s music box, only this didn’t lull him to sleep. The tune filled him with the inspiration to move.

  His feet shifted of their own accord. He swept Vega across the floor, his muscles moving without conscious effort. Magic tingled over him in a rush. This had to be some kind of muse magic. It felt glorious. Perhaps Elric had been correct in his suggestion that Lucifer was a dancer.

  He twirled Vega in time to the melody, his feet tapping the beat in the correct places. His eyes went wide with wonder. “I’m dancing! And I’m good?”

  “Of course you’re good.” She leaned in closer, “This isn’t you. It’s Elric helping you look like less of a fool. I’m really dancing with my husband right now. You’re just his puppet.”

  “I don’t feel like a puppet.” He felt free and alive, like the music was a living being inside him. His affinity loved dancing. He thrummed with power. Was there such a thing as an incubus of music?

  “You are a marionette. You’re just too inexperienced to know it.” Vega’s smile grew.

  Lucifer didn’t mind being possessed by a muse. He was glad to be saved from looking unrefined in front of all these people. His gaze flickered to Elric holding the scepter. Clarissa had left her seat. She gestured to Lucifer as she spoke with Elric, looking none too pleased.

  Vega rolled her eyes. “She’s pleading with Elric to stop making you look like you’re a better dancer than you are. And I suppose your brother thinks he’s trying to help you by breaking the spell.”

  Felix’s mouth moved, but he wasn’t speaking to anyone. If he was attempting a spell, he was doing a shoddy job. Lucifer felt like his feet knew every step as he twirled them across the floor.

  Vega touched a finger to Lucifer’s jaw. “Look at me. Only me. I’m the queen.”

  He grinned. “You’re the boss.”

  “You’re learning.” She glided gracefully around him. “Now, the real reason you wanted to dance with me. . . . Don’t bother pretending you want to get together with me to have wild animal sex later. You only do that as a cat.”

  His voice faltered, though his feet didn’t at least. “I-I might want to become a cat later to seduce you.”

  “Come now, Lucifer Thatch. Your true charm lies in your brutally direct honesty and rugged manners.” She leaned in closer, her breath a rush against his ear. She was close enough people might think she was whispering sweet nothings to him. Probably that was her intention. “You wanted to dance with me to discuss Baba, didn’t you?”

  “Um, yes. Discuss would be a start.” Perhaps that was better than theft.

  “I’m not going to make you beg, if that’s the word you thought might be more accurate.” She drew back enough he could see her smirk.

  He nodded. “Okay. So you know why she sent me. She isn’t well.” Surely she cared about her grandmother. He tried to appeal to her sympathy. “I need to borrow your ruby for her. To heal her.”

  Her voice remained low. “Baba has already asked me to bring her the Ruby of Divine Wisdom. I can’t.” She frowned. “I would if I could. What I have won’t help her.”

  “But she thinks it will.” Baba was wise. She knew more than Vega. If she said it would help, it would.

  “I know she thinks that,” Vega said. “I tried to tell her, but I wasn’t . . . completely forthcoming about the ruby with my subjects. With Baba.” Her eyes were mournful, though her false smile stayed in place. “She thinks it can be used for something it can’t.”

  “You used it to resurrect the dead after your battle with the former Raven Queen,” Lucifer said. “You were able to transform Abby from a tree back to a human.”

  “Hush. No one else needs to hear about this.” She touched a finger to his lips, the gesture almost seductive. “Do you remember how you used the second drop from the bottle on Abigail to try to wake her?” She swallowed.

  He nodded. “It didn’t work.”

  “That’s because it wasn’t for bringing someone’s soul back into a body. I was saving that last drop for my grandmother.” The smile on her face vanished.

  “Oh.” He’d used it, and it hadn’t even worked. “Can’t you just make more? Isn’t that what the ruby is for? To help you with spells and increase your power?”

  The music swelled louder, coming to a dramatic crescendo. Vega flung an arm out flamboyantly as she twirled away and back. “Yes and no. This is neither the time nor the place to discuss my secret weapon.”

  The crowd of spectators clapped. Lucifer was suddenly aware the song had ended. His knees turned to jelly, and his feet were his own once again.

  Vega raised her hands into the air in a gesture of drama. “Now be a good gentleman and escort me back to my seat. We can talk about this tomorrow after the party.”

  People at the table stood and cheered louder.

  “I have to be home before dawn.” Lucifer tried to shout over the guests’ enthusiasm.

  As quietly
as Vega spoke, her voice carried right into his ear. “It’s not my problem you have a curfew. Take that up with your witch mentor.”

  Lucifer escorted Vega back to the table. Elric stood behind Vega’s chair, sweeping a hand at the cushioned seat. He kissed her cheek. Vega’s catlike smile flickered to true joy. Lucifer felt it warming her, the sensation in her chest radiating with more love than he would have given her credit for.

  Elric held the scepter, slowly lowering it onto his wife’s lap. Her attention was fixed on Elric’s face. His eyes were on hers.

  This was his moment. If Lucifer seized this opportunity, he might be able to get the ruby for Baba, but he wouldn’t succeed in his mission for Abigail. Yet, this might be the only potential chance he would have to aid Baba in her failing health.

  Lucifer stepped in closer. He wove the magic to construct the portal as he stepped in on Vega’s other side.

  A man dressed in silver livery dove between Lucifer and Vega. He elbowed Lucifer and snatched the scepter out of Elric’s hands. He drove the unicorn horn into Lucifer’s thigh. It shouldn’t have surprised Lucifer they would have ninjas dressed as servants on staff, watching for treachery such as his.


  The Ruby of Divine Nuisances

  Lucifer had known he was unlikely to succeed in stealing the ruby, but he had promised Baba he would try. It was for a good cause.

  He should have suspected that even if Vega and Elric were preoccupied, it didn’t mean their servants would be inattentive.

  Lucifer dodged aside in time to avoid most of the impact from the scepter as the butler jabbed him in the thigh. The end tapering into the unicorn horn caught on his pants and gouged into his skin. His senses were overwhelmed by his own pain butting up against the sensations of every other person in the ballroom. The wind was momentarily knocked out of him.

  The flare of pain immediately subsided as the wound healed. He stared in wonder. There was one advantage to unicorn horns, and that was a quick recovery. Even with the pain gone, Lucifer found himself reeling. His affinity raged inside him, overwhelmed. He struggled to breathe, the room spinning. He was so lost for a moment, he didn’t fully understand what was happening.


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